Korean researchers discover lactic acid bacteria from kimchi could help treat atopic dermatitis
a local research team has discovered kimchicould help treat atopic dermatitis. the key lay in the lactic acid bacteria foundin the traditional fermented vegetable dish. for details we turn to kim hyesungatopic dermatitis, a chronic inflammatory skin disease, can cause intense itching andsleep loss, significantly lowering a person's quality of life. according to the journal scientific reports,around one in ten children between the ages of one and seven... suffered from the diseasein 2016, which is caused by a combination of genetics, immune system dysfunction andenvironmental factors. steroid creams and antihistamines can relievethe symptoms, but there is no cure.
however, a new treatment option may be onthe horizon. "a team of korean researchers has found thatthe lactic acid bacteria in kimchi, the country's traditional fermented side dish, could helptreat atopic dermatitis." kimchi -- a probiotic made with cabbage, redpepper, garlic and ginger -- is known to boost the immune system and promote digestion,but this is the first time that researchers have found evidence for the mechanism throughwhich kimchi could be used to help treat atopic dermatitis. in their study, the research team from theworld institute of kimchi fed a group of mice infected with atopic dermatitis a course ofkimchi with the lactic acid bacteria weissella
cibaria wikim28. after 45 days, they found the bacteria hadhelped reduce swelling and inflammation by forty percent. "we've been doing this research since 2014,testing various kinds of lactic acid bacteria in kimchi,... and found that wikim 28 helpsactivate the regulatory t cells that boost the immune system while suppressing allergicresponses. this could open the door to an atopic dermatitiscure that would have no side effects even if taken for a long period of time." the research team says the bacteria is effectiveeven when dead, meaning it can not only be
made into pills, but also cookies or ice creamsfor children. the finding was published earlier this yearin scientific reports, which is affiliated with the journal nature. kim hyesung, arirang news.
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