The Plant That Cures Cancer

or or or intriguing in search startedappearing in the early nineties when researchers came to me receptors in thebrain and the body dine with the commanding a links receptors can be described as locks onthe surface of a self and when the correct keen times with the correctmodel receptor it opens the door and delivers messages sometimes the message is that the body'shealing pain other times the message may be thatthere is an invader and the immune system must attack

scientists located two receptors canaveral receptors one called the cdone receptor mainly in the brain and the other is thecv two receptor which is mainly in cells of the immune system cd one receptors are extremely abundantin the brain but they're also found all over the bodyin the major organs the heart deliver kidneys and pain creates has the cd tworeceptor can act like a target for the cabin waves once they dined at thereceptor they can tell the cancer cells to die

so basically telling the cells basically to commit suicide and that'swhat they do hand home we demonstrated that that would bethe mechanism managed to find out my stand kill the cancer and therefore it can beused effectively has an anti cassidy doctor nagar kadhi in his researcherswere able to eradicate almost one hundred percent of the cancer in testtubes but they were skeptical a_b_c_ similarresults when they moved on to tumors in mice to a surprise we found that almostuh... pretty far to thirty percent of

the mines completely rejected that you are anumber of countries we care and fair in addition we found that these remaining mice top also there wasone significant reduction hindi won him on the size of the tomb of says well thelab results have been so promising the doctrine agar cody's beginning clinicaltrials with leukemia patients

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