Encounter with Giant Whales ...

00:00comm: emerging from the depth at a frightening speed a huge whale comes within feet of swallowingthis camera man. 00:11comm: tour operator rainer schimpf had been documenting the sardine run off the coastof port elizabeth, south africa. 00:20comm: sharks, dolphins and birds all gathered to feed in the area as the tiny fish migrateup the countries east coast. 00:31comm: without warning a brydes whale emerged beneath rainer, it's mouth gaping wide open. 00:40comm: luckily the giant mammal swerved at

the last moment to avoid swallowing him buthe was still sent reeling as it breached. 00:50comm: as the whale resumed its feast, rainer made a hasty retreat but not before an inquisitiveshark gave him one last freight.

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