Best Makeup For Sensitive Skin Rosacea Treatment - Skin Care Tips

hey guys welcome back! today's a highly requestedvideo. i'm going to show you how to press loose mineral foundation. specifically i'mgoing to show how to press the lucy minerals original foundation. this is a very moisturizingmineral powder foundation. i know that sounds crazy but it really is a moisturizing mineralmakeup. it almost feels to me like i'm applying a liquid foundation. it does not dry out mydry skin. so i'm kind of in love with it. this video is not sponsored in any way, shapeor form. i have spent a ton of money at lucy minerals. i originally found out about lucyminerals from the reddit subforum indie makeup and more. and they had posted about lucy mineralshaving a sale. so i bought some of their product during the sale, figuring well, if i hateit, you know, at least i didn't buy it full

price. i ended up loving it however when ifirst went to apply it, it was so heavy / full coverage, when i did it right out of the jari was like, well i need to find another way to apply this foundation because the coverageis great, it feels great on the skin it's just too much coverage for me. so someonesuggested pressing it. i started looking into how to do that. the first time that i pressedit, by dumb luck, it turned out just fine. i originally pressed it into this it cosmeticscontainer, which i don't know if you can see it but it's really pretty, it's like a whitewith iridescent pink shift. you can see how much i have used (hey ma, i hit pan!). soyeah, that turned out ok by dumb luck. it did darken it up a little bit because i thinki used too much preservative and pressing

medium. but i decided at that point that iwas going to find the perfect way to press it. so i've actually bought a total of 7 jarsof foundation in my quest to find the perfect way to press this stuff. most of the restof the pressings that i've done have been failures. you can see this one totally cracked,was hard, too dark, and was unusable. this one is horribly dark. this one, also not i had all of those failures. however, after failure after failure, i kept researching.i finally decided that i should try doing it with fractioned coconut oil. and that wasthe winner! so i mentioned that the lucy minerals original foundation is sort of like applyinga liquid foundation in powder form. it's almost creamy. i think that's because of the ingredientsthat they use. they use a lot of ingredients

that i have never seen used in a mineral foundationbefore. it also has a lot of anti-inflammatory properties, making it great for rosacea andredness and sensitivity, which i have all of that goin' on. i'm going to go ahead andtell you what tools i used. i'm also going to list all of the products that i used inthe description box below. so please be sure to check that description box. you can alsobuy compacts but you need to buy the tins. i bought a bunch of compacts and didn't buytins because i didn't realize they were sold separately. i also repurposed some of my othercompacts that i had. before i began i sanitized all of my tools with 70% alcohol. and theimportant thing is that you let those tools completely dry before you do anything for the last foundation that i pressed

with the coconut oil i repurposed this laurageller foundation compact to put it in. it turned out pretty well! i've already madea dent in it. i used 2 teaspoons of foundation to 2 teaspoons of a bunch of other stuff.i'm going to list out that stuff and again it's going to be down in the description boxas well. so my mixture that i made right here was about 50% foundation and 50% glowy andmake it press better, which i really like. however, if you want more coverage do about75% to 80%, maybe even 90% of the foundation and the rest glowy stuff. and while you don'thave to use any of the hilite powders, i do recommend that you use the nylon 12 and satinpearl. just so that it will press better. i'm of course going to show you how i didall of this so you can see step by step the

exact way to go through it and what it shouldlook like. i mixed all of my powders together in one bowl. in the other bowl i mixed togetherthe fractioned coconut oil with a few drops of the cap-5 preservative. next i did themost important thing, the thing that took the longest, i added the liquid mixture literallydrop by drop to the bowl of powder, stirring with the mini spatula and the tooth pick.for my foundation it took 130 drops of liquid. it may take more or less depending on whatyour powder combination is. but do it drop by drop. and it's very important. you'll seewhy. so i added this drop by drop and mixed it up. when it balled up i would use the toothpickto get it off of the spatula and mix it up some more. you can see here, it's clumpingtogether on itself. part of it starts to look

like when you make cookie dough and part ofit's starting to look a little bit like clumpy wet sand. it's sticking to itself. it formslike these little balls. it's worth it to take the time to go slow and not use too muchliquid. ok you see how it looks right here? this is when i knew it was the right textureto put into my compact. i used the spatula to spread it out in the compact. my camerakept shutting off during this process, which was really frustrating. the texture here ismuch drier than in my original pressing or my fail presses, which were all much, muchwetter. i used a pressing ribbon and a large round pressing tile to press it down. i pressedpretty much as firmly as i could. the way i knew that this mixture was perfect and nottoo wet is that it didn't really stick to

the pressing ribbon. you did see a littlebit of moisture on the ribbon but you did not see the foundation sticking at all. itreally pressed down nicely into the compact. this dried down pretty fast for me, less than24 hours. i felt like it probably would have been safe to use at that point but i waiteda total of 48 hours before i tried it out. when you do a more dry press like this, theproduct is obviously ready to use faster. also, it didn't darken or change color likemy previous ones. so i'm really happy with how this turned out. i know how i'm goingto tweak it next time because instead of doing 50% foundation 50% glowy stuff, i'm goingto do 75% foundation and 25% glowy stuff. i am currently wearing it right now. and also,just for fun, i ended up pressing a sort of

even more glowy highlighter. this is probably60% glow 40% foundation. because i wanted to see if that would work. and it did. butthis is definitely for a more sheer day. if you have dry skin i think that you shoulddefinitely check out the lucy minerals original formula because it's basically made for normalto dry skin that's sensitive. they also have a formula for oily skin so that if you haveoily skin you can still get an anti-aging foundation or one without any of those ingredients.anyway i hope that you found this tutorial helpful. please be sure to let me know whatyou think in the comments below. if you like this video give it a thumbs up and share.and if you haven't already be sure you subscribe to my channel. i make new videos weekly. thanksso much for watching. i appreciate your time!

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