If You Eat Watermelon in Summer Then What will happens - Health Benefits of Watermelon

health benefits of watermelontamil health tips watermelon is a boon given by god to tackle with summer and reduce our body heat many of us long for summer to eat watermelons. during summer everywhere you can see vendors selling watermelon and pieces of watermelon in bowls kept in a glass box even though this fruit is cheap it gives us number of benefits we are going to see what are the numerous benefits we get from this watermelon it prevents dehydration when we take watermelon as it contains 90% of water content. it is rich in potassium an antioxidant named lycopene is rich in watermelon so it reduces problems caused by free radicals

it keeps our heart young and reduces the chances of getting heart and regulates the heart beat people with high blood pressure can control it by eating watermelon vitamin b6 is present in watermelon a chemical secretion in brain is responsible for the mood and behaviour of a man watermelon helps for the better secretion of this chemical some people may experience stress related problems. their stress will be decreased if they eat wtermelon the lycopene present in watermelon protects our bones and protects us from osteoporosis

eating watermelon helps to improve the functioning of kidney and flushes our ammonia from kidney some people have kidney stone problem. if they grind the dried seeds of water melon, mix it with hot water and drink it once it is cooled by doing this you can prevent kidney stone problem vitamin c is present in watermelon and it increases immunity power it has the property to heal the wounds fast. to prevent cancer eat watermelon as lycopene is present, it can prevent the attack of cancer in breast, lungs,uterus, large intestine. anti-oxidant, beta carotene, vitamin c, lutein, are rich in this fruit

so it prevents night blindness and glaucoma and keeps our eyes healthy watermelon is rich in water and fibre so helps to get rid of constipation but if you exceeds the limit it can cause diarrhoea. watermelon is rich in water content and contains low calorie so it helps in weight loss and it is good for our hair and skin beta carotene present in it changes into vitamin a and good for hair and skin as it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties we can apply the seeds on our skin and prevent pimple problem asthma is caused by vitamin c deficiency. as watermelon is rich in vitamin c the chances of getting asthma will reduce

if you have heartburn eat 4-5 pieces of watermelon and get rid of it.

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