Mr. Robot unknowns

rick and morty is an animated series on adultswim that follows a drunken grandpa obsessed with science, and his always anxious grandson. the show, created by justin roiland and danharmon, is an intense parody of the back to the future franchise. except in this case doc carries around a flaskof hard space liquor. from a distant look this show is nothing morethan space travel and vulgar humor, but fans of the show have taken a much deeper lookinto the meaning behind certain key elements and details of the show such as; developmentof the characters, the past they share, and the realities that no one has even considered.

here are the top 15 rick and morty theories! be prepared for spoilers through season 2,and speculations on the upcoming season 3. number 15. simulationin the fourth episode of season one, rick is trapped in a virtual simulation createdby aliens seeking his formula for concentrated dark matter. while in the beginning of the episode we areled to believe that morty is actually in the simulation with rick, we later discover thathe is a fabrication. the jerry in the simulation, however, is actuallythere by accident.

he is kept busy living a mediocre simulatedlife for most of the episode but at the end he discovers where he is as rick tries toescape. before this, though, the trio escapes severallevels of the simulation only to discover they’re still in a simulation. in fact, there are so many intricate layersto this simulation that a great meme actually came out of this episode. there’s a pretty haunting theory floatingaround, however, that rick and jerry are still inside a simulation after the end of the episode. the reason this theory became popular is becausewhen rick and jerry finally do escape the

simulation we see a matrix-like room. this room almost appears as a hive and ineach small cell there seems to be creatures of varying appearances, hooked into the roomby tubes and wires. we get a zoomed in shot of a particular creaturewhich appears in a later episode where jerry visits pluto and tries to convince everyoneit is indeed a planet. the reason this theory is so popular is becauseviewers have questioned why the creators would zoom into the particular character, more thanlikely knowing it would show up later unless there was some reason to it. a good explanation for this would be thatcommon creatures and aliens are featured more

than once through the entirety of the showto give a touch of realism to the storyline. if viewers see aliens of the same type thrownin throughout the show they feel more like thought out characters rather than somethingmade-up on the spot. if season 3 began with “you were insidea simulation, inside a simulation, inside another simulation” this would mean thatthere was no wedding crash or death of bird person, rick wasn’t in fact in jail, andearth didn’t turn into a huge tourist spot for aliens around the galaxy. as fans of the show with emotional favoritismtoward characters, this would probably be a huge relief.

number 14. mr. poopy buttholethe best part of this theory is how many times i would get to say mr. poopy butthole, butfor now let’s use mpb for short. mpb is a character in the rick and morty seriesfrom episode 4 of season 2 titled total rickall. the episode takes a play on the 1990 filmtotal recall, in which a construction worker pays a company to implant false memories inhis brain – only to realize that his entire life has been a false memory. in the rick and morty spin, an alien parasitemakes its’ way into the smith home and begins to multiply.

the family is left not knowing what zany wackycharacters are real and which are parasites. once the number of characters grows, and rickis in danger, morty realizes that the parasites are only able to implant positive memoriesinto the human’s brains. any negative memories had to come from truemembers of the family. the family goes on a shooting spree, destroyingthe parasites into a mess of pink gore. one of the strange characters featured inthis episode is mpb, beth stands in front of him with a gun and comes to the suddenrealization that all of their memories together are good ones, so he must be a parasite. but as beth delivers a deadly shot mpb bleedsreal, dark red blood and begins to scream

in agony. mpb was a real member of the family, and ifyou go back and watch the intro to this episode he’s in every shot as if he’s been thereall along. the next scene shows mpb recovering in thehospital and the family demeaning beth for shooting him. this topic is more of a debate than a theorybut of course there’s theories within debates. most people claim that mpb was real all alongand we had just never seen him before, others claim that he was fake and this was just atwist end thrown in by creators. but the most popular theory is that we arefollowing a different universe.

infinite realities mean that the creatorscould easily slip us into a different universe than usual and we wouldn’t even know it. it also means that two universes could beexactly alike aside from very small details. therefore, mpb could have existed all alongin this universe and we were only unaware because we had never visited this universebefore. in fact, there could be all kinds of differencesin this universe that we don’t notice. this would also explain mpb being thrown intothe intro without explanation. a common plot hole brought along with thistheory is that rick brought the parasite in on crystal rocks he gathered from episode2 of season 2, which we assume to be the usual

rick universe we follow. again, this could still have happened in theuniverse with mpb, as two universes can be exactly the same aside from small details. in fact, there’s probably a universe wherethe total rickall episode still happened but mpb wasn’t involved. furthermore, a later theory actually bringsthat plot hole into play and makes the existence of mpb more possible than ever. of course this isn’t the only fan theoryand it’s not necessarily the truth, but it seems to be the most popular explanation.

what makes this theory creepy is the wholeidea of just how identical realities can be. you could slip into a new universe, realityor timeline and not even notice. you could go about your whole life withouteven realizing you had switched. this concept has actually been explored plentyin real life with interdimensional creatures and of course the notorious bernstein bearstheory. number 13. many morty’swhile this theory is connected to another more intricate theory, we will leave it asits’ own for now. in the season one-episode close rick-countersof the rick kind, we learn that there are

infinite numbers of ricks and morty’s, frominfinite universes. most ricks are not above the idea of stealingmorty’s from other timelines for their own use, and there are even a couple of ricksthat don’t have morty’s either from them being stolen or from the rick in that timelinenever having kids. in this episode rick also explains that heis the rickiest rick and he hangs with the mortiest morty. so we assume that this rick and this mortybelong together, and have been working on the same timeline since the beginning. however, in relation to the evil morty theorywhich we will get to later, it’s possible

that rick either came to this universe fromanother one and this is not his original morty, or that he possibly even stole this mortyand brought him to the current universe we are viewing. the reason for this theory is that rick seemsto often have memories of morty as a baby, and there’s even a photo of rick holdingmorty in birdpersons home. as we know, according to this universe’stimeline it couldn’t be possible because rick didn’t come back into beth’s lifeuntil a long 20-year absence. considering morty is only about 14 or 15,this couldn’t be possible. other explanations include that rick was visitingwithout beth’s knowledge, but the idea of

a different morty is much more widely acceptedin the fandom. something different from the evil morty theoryis that rick didn’t have anything to do with this switch up, and that morty was actuallythe one to slip into the place of the original c-127 morty. he could be working with the galactic federation,he could be a morty working for evil morty to collect evidence, or really any numberof things. since this show is heavily based on the bleakunpredictable concept of reality anything could have happened along the way. morty could even be a droid or fabrication.

this theory adds a dark layer to the showsfeel of existentialism, that we don’t really know who we are surrounded by. even those that we consider family could betotal strangers slipping in from another dimension. if there’s one thing this series is sureto do it’s cause a total existential crisis within its’ viewers. number 12. rick’s flaskmost viewers take rick’s flask at face value and assume it’s an alcoholic drink of somekind. it would explain rick being hammered halfthe time, his constant burping and his slurring.

this theory suggests that the concoction issomething much stronger, and much different. in the very first episode of season 1, afterrick forces morty to lodge mega tree seeds up his butt, he also tells him that the seedswill make him extremely smart, and that he will shortly lose control of his motor skills. according to this theory, rick is in factdrinking a liquefied version of the tree seeds. to avoid losing control of his body, he drinksit constantly and could have possibly built up a tolerance which prevents this horribleside effect from happening. or considering the genius that rick is hecould have also invented an anecdote. this theory can be proven because rick isseemingly some sort of genius and when stealing

the seeds he explains that they’re veryimportant to his work. it would make sense for this genius creatingseed liquid would be pretty important to a mad scientist. when morty begins to lose control of his motorfunctions he drools a light green liquid from his mouth, just like rick throughout mostof the series. furthermore, while rick does always seem tobe under the influence, he only seems truly wasted when he’s drinking from the largegreen bottles with x’s on them, which parody malt liquor. even in the episode ricksy buisness, rickis drinking from a red solo cup and not his

usual flask. it would be assumed that if he has a constantsupply of liquor in his flask he would just drink from there, and again he seems moredrunk from whatever is in the cup than what’s in his usual flask. doing this would also help rick to stay onestep ahead of all the other ricks, thus making him the rickest rick. number 11. unity is beth’s’ motherin the episode autoerotic assimilation, we meet unity who is a collective hive mind andthe former lover of rick.

it’s clear throughout the episode that theyhad a whirlwind romance that probably ended either very badly or very abruptly. unity’s abilities mean that she can controlthe minds of literally millions of people. she uses this power to build utopian societies,or to get wasted and have orgies with rick. since unity can take over the mind of anyone. any race gender or species, there’s a theorythat unity took over the mind of the human that became beth’s’ mother. according to this, she either chose a humanso she could have a fully human baby with rick, or it was a complete accident and rickwound up stuck with beth’s’ birth mother

out of sheer guilt. as was proven in this episode, unity willdo anything in her power to please rick and keep him happy. aside from the fact that she probably loveshim, its’ unclear why she goes to such great lengths for him. it can be assumed that she has always donethis, which would explain her overtaking a human to provide rick with a family. rick explains that morty is like a human shieldso maybe he wanted a human baby to shield him, but the whole situation didn’t workout.

if this is true it would mean that unity didn’tmaintain a relationship with beth because she didn’t see her as a daughter, but asmore of a tool in ricks bigger plot. its’ possible that rick changed his mindthough, as he seems more caring than first glance would allow. in this case unity could become upset or jealousand left the human mother, the baby and rick as a family of their own. if it was an accident that would also explainwhy unity had no interest in being in beth’s’ life, since it wasn’t her body and she likelywasn’t present for the pregnancy she might not feel a motherly connection to beth.

this also makes the entire idea pretty sickas that would mean this human female just woke up next to rick one day realizing shewas pregnant. a sub theory of this is that unity was livingin the mind of beth’s mother just to try and live a perfect life with rick. when things went wrong, however, she releasedbeth’s mom and either caused her to die or literally killed her. rick almost commits suicide after a falloutwith unity, but seems to flow through the series pretty easily rarely even mentioningthe death of beth’s mother. this also lends to the theory in certain ways.

this theory does add up in specific areas,and we can only hope for future insight on beth’s mother so that we can add more piecestogether or completely abandon this theory. either way, if this were to be true, it’spretty creepy. even for an extraterrestrial hive mind, murderis pretty dark. number 10. rick committed suicidethis theory is inspired by reddit user dj-jazzy-dwarf. since rick can freely move through differentparallel universes, and since there are so many theories and speculations that this rickisn’t the rick originally belonging to this reality - there’s a theory that the originalrick committed suicide.

as we know, in this timeline rick left beths’life for several years, we also know that in the episode autoerotic assimilation, rickattempted suicide but failed. in the episode rick potion number 9 afterrick ruins the world that they’re living in, and they jump to one where that rick andmorty die, he doesn’t seem affected by his own dead body. he explains that he knows exactly what todo in the situation and says that you only get a few of these. this means that rick has had experience withhis own dead body before, so there’d be no surprise if rick committed suicide in oneof those realities and the rick we currently

follow just jumped in to take his place. there’s a similar theory to this that rickgot his family accidentally killed in another timeline. this would explain his alcoholism and depression,despite other ricks, such as those on the council, that seem to not suffer from thesesame problems. in fact, following this series we’ve yetto come across another rick with alcoholism. most of the ricks seen are either on the council,working as guards, salesmen or just seem generally more cleaned up than the rick we know andlove. the latter of these theories could explainthe photos of rick with morty as an infant,

as he could have these memories from the timelinehe destroyed. we can only hope that more clues will comeabout in the next season to tip us off about ricks relationships with morty in his infancy. number 9. rick left beth so she would have summerthis theory is a little odd, but it does add up. we see morty in a multitude of universe’s,yet we don’t see the same for summer. we hardly hear much of summers existence andin the episode intergalactic cable when she wears the special goggles that look into otherrealities, she doesn’t exist in many of

them. she surfs through stations on the gogglesand continuously reaches an error where no data is found. according to this theory, rick left beths’life so she would rebel and have unprotected sex with jerry. this could explain that in several realitiesrick didn’t leave, or beth decided not to rebel. or as the episode displays she does get anabortion. its’ kind of uncertain as to why rick wouldwant this, but it can be assumed that he was

hoping for a grandson that he could teachand travel with, like he does with morty, in the hopes of this grandson following inhis footsteps. along with this theory is that rick didn’tcome back into beths’ life for so long because he didn’t want a granddaughter, and whenmorty was born he knew he couldn’t be around until he was old enough to join in adventures. this seems pretty selfish even for the self-evolvedrick sanchez, it’s clear that he does care for those around him even if he likes to actlike he doesn’t. but the theory does add up when we considersummers existence and ricks’ stronger bond with morty.

number 8. rick is mortythis theory has several different variations of itself floating around the web, but theoverall idea is that the rick we seem to follow is actually morty. the theory explains that since the rick ofthis timeline never came back into beths’ life, possibly committing suicide, being imprisioned,or just disappearing in the mess of space travel – a morty from the future came inand took his place. in the pilot episode of the series, rick doeshave the ability to time travel, even though it isn’t a key concept in the show.

the creators have admitted that time travelis too complicated and over done so they avoid it as a major plot point. but this short scene from the episode doesprove that it’s possible and rick is capable. we never see or hear any other ricks speakingof time travel, and it’s something he generally avoids. this could lend to the idea that rick is actuallya morty from the future who has come back for whatever reason to try and get close tothis morty. some reasons could be that he wants to changesome tragic event, he wants to give morty someone to be there for him instead of beingalone, or maybe he’s just running from something

in his own time period. when this rick returns from the future toget a broken leg serum, he does seem pretty frazzled and upset. he explains that women were all over him,but it could just be a lie to brush off the fact that he had clearly been affected. a huge hole in this theory is that this rickwho is allegedly actually morty – resembles the ricks from the council too closely tobe morty. keep in mind though that morty is ricks grandsonand its’ not unlikely they would look alike. it’s also possible this morty invented somethingto change his appearance to match rick.

if this were to be true it would add a wholenew layer of complexity to the series. number 7. rick and morty share a universe with gravityfalls the disney xd series gravity falls, followstwo children who get thrown into the wild life of their great uncle. they work at a tourist shop in the woods andcome across paranormal creatures that are sometimes funny and sometimes downright scary. in the episode close rick counters of therick kind, when rick opens several portals to run through in an attempt to mislead therick-guards, a coffee cup with a question

mark on it, a notepad and a pen fly throughone of the portals. during an episode of gravity falls, the characterknown as grunkle stan is opening up a portal he invented and some of his belongings aresucked in. those items happened to be the exact samethings that came through the portal in rick and morty. it has been admitted that the creator of gravityfalls, and the co-creator of rick and morty, justin roiland – are great friends and havediscussed throwing easter eggs into each others’ shows. so it seems like just a fun thing that thecreators did to acknowledge one another.

there has been speculation, though, amongstfans that there is more to it than that. according to the strange happenings in bothof these shows, and the assumed ability to travel among realities of any kind, it’svery possible that the shows actually occur in either the same universe or a very similarone. this also led to a theory that in season 3there will be some kind of crossover, or a more obvious crossover of some sort. for viewers that are avid fans of both showsthis will be a great episode. number 6. the secret of the ticketfull credit for this theory goes to youtuber

“the save point guild”, who has a videoexplaining everything in much deeper detail. in the episode the morty night run, rick andmorty drop off jerry at a jerry day care before heading to sell guns to krombopulous michael,an assassin who does business with rick. they then stop for a while at a blipz andchitz arcade before the true heat of their adventure begins. the rest the episode is filled with severalevents but the most important are when morty causes not only k. michael to die, but alsoseveral others as they run away with a cloud-like creature that morty has released from imprisonment. rick and morty end their journey and returnto pick up jerry from the day care, but are

approached by another group who ask “doyou have 5126?” morty doesn’t have his ticket and the ricksjust casually trade jerrys. going back to the beginning of this episodewhen jerry is dropped off, a close up of the ticket shows that the c-137 rick and morty,the ones we usually follow, did in fact receive ticket 5126. this means that the rick and morty that approachedthe others at the end of the episode were actually the c-137 versions. technically this means that the audience doesn’tknow what our usual rick and morty did all day.

this also means that it’s possible thatk. michael is still alive in our c-137 universe. this theory goes on to explain how the followingepisodes do not occur in our usual c-137 universe, and helps to explain how mr. poopy buttholehas existed the entire time in the universe which that episode happens. in fact, this theory alone helps to explainthe entire concept of the show’s creators and writers switching up universes on its’viewers with no warning. roiland has explained that he wants to keepthe show as easy to follow as possible, but that he also wants a secret plot that onlyvery observant fans can follow. number 5.

rick escaping prisonthe finale of season 2 left us broken hearted as rick sacrificed himself for his familyand was thrown into galactic prison. this isn’t so much of a theory as it isjust several very clever speculations as to how rick will escape or be released from prison. the first theory is that k. michael will actuallybreak him out. as we learned from the secret of the ticketthat the c-137 k. michael could still be alive and be convinced by morty, or even by hisown need of illegal weaponry to break rick out of jail. this theory is not only unlikely, but wouldbe highly entertaining to watch considering

k. michael is a rebel gromflomites the sameexact bureaucratic aliens that are responsible for putting rick behind bars. another theory is that everyone’s belovedmr. meeseeks will save rick. mr. meeseeks are a set of characters fromthe episode meeseeks and destroy. rick introduces the family to a special boxthat will produce a cartoonish blue man to solve your problems. throughout the episode, as mr. meeseeks realizeshe can’t help jerry with golf he summons more and more meeseeks to accomplish the task. after a wild rollercoaster of miserable meeseeks,gun point threats and a near crying jerry

– they accomplish their goal and vanish. this theory suggests that morty or the familywill use the meeseeks box to create an army to break rick out. considering how violent and determined themeeseeks are, this is not only an effective solution, its’ also a very intriguing episodefor fans. there’s also a very ill supported theorythat morty will access ricks “time travel stuff” box and go back in time to preventthe arrest all together. with the release of recent clips by creatorsat comic panels, other theories include rick turning into a roach to escape, or morty posingas a judge to get him out.

it’s very unlikely the creators would choosestoryboard clips from the very first episode of the season to release. no matter what happens these speculationshave kept fans on the edge of their seat as they await season 3. number 4. who’s the rat? we know that rick turned himself over to thegalactic federation, and we know that tammy was the spy placed in summer and morty’s’high school to finally bring rick to justice. the real question is, who tipped off the galacticfederation to not only which rick was committing

these crimes, but also his exact whereabouts? there are theories that the gf had been watchingrick for years waiting to make their move. but there are several much more interestingand much more complex explanations that have been theorized by fans. the first theory is that in the pilot episodewhen morty passed through the space port with mega seeds up his butt and caused a huge commotion,the gf looked into the situation and was able to determine it was rick. after realizing he had his grandson mortyalong for the ride they planted tammy in their school and she began close to summer aftershe brought a mr. meeseeks to school with

her. as it can be assumed that only someone withties to a scientific genius would have access to something like this. another theory is that a family member hadbeen feeding information to the gf for years in spite of rick or as a ploy to get rid ofhim. of course the common assumption is jerry,but more morbid and pessimistic viewers have assumed its’ beth. she possibly has a lot of pent up anger andresentment toward her father, and she always wants to do her best to keep him around despitethis.

could it be that she wants him around so shecan keep feeding information to the gf? she does seem to defend her father’s strangescientific set-ups such as the underground lab that he built. while it seems that she is only defendingher father because she is afraid of him leaving it could just be an act. a sub-theory to this is that beth was actuallyreplaced by a clone-like spy shortly after rick returned to her life. that also seems a little on the crazy side,but in a show with as many possibilities as this, it seems entirely logical.

on the same note there’s a theory that thismorty is a droid or fabrication kept in place to not only catch rick but to record his crimesso there’d be no chance of him being released. another wild theory that has become popularis that beths’ mother is actually the one behind ricks arrest. although the plot suggests that her motheris dead, she could have very well faked her death and dedicated the rest of her life tofinding rick and imprisoning him for his crimes. she would likely have some access to informationon beth, such as where she lives or works. this could easily lead her to informationon rick. while is does seem petty and far-fetched,it would be an amazing twist to this mystery.

number 3. morty is special needswhile this theory just sounds like an insult at first, there’s actually a lot more toit and there’s even some evidence to back it. rick has explained that the only reason rick’shang out with mortys all the time is because their brain waves work as a shield over ricks’waves. while we can speculate that its’ not theonly reason for ricks hanging around mortys, it is support in the episode close rick countersof the rick kind, when the alleged evil rick is working in a huge dome of tortured mortys’in order to shield what’s going on inside.

all of this being said, since rick is so smartit would only make sense that morty needs to be on the opposite side of the spectrumto work as a shield. in season 1 episode 1, when beth and jerryare scolding rick for keeping morty out of school they mention that he has some sortof disability and he “isn’t as fast as the other kids”. a fan theory in relation to this suggeststhat morty is actually mentally disabled and most of the adventures and mishaps that happenedwith rick are just delusions, daydreams, or misconceptions in mortys’ mind. in fact, according to this theory – rickmaybe be a drug dealer, a con artist, or even

just your regular old nutty grandpa. but because of mortys’ disability he seesthings around him happening much differently. several people have applied this theory toseveral episodes, and how there are more realistic events that could be happening. for example, the council of ricks could actuallyjust be morty going to court with rick and seeing everyone as rick and morty becausehe is unaware of this new surrounding and it makes him feel more safe to envision everyoneas himself and his grandpa. even if morty doesn’t have a more seriousmental disability like autism, or downs syndrome – it’s very clear that he has anxietyand he could possibly have a mental illness

on that end of the spectrum with possibleschizophrenic traits. this would also explain morty seeing thingsas more out of this world. number 2. rick is awarein the series rick is known as some sort of evil genius. he’s hyper aware of his own existence, hecan invent pretty much anything on the spot, and he’s deeply educated in many differentsciences from biology to the studies and creation of concentrated dark matter. there’s more to rick than his evil geniusthough, as the series has continued rick has

grown as a character and as an audience we’vegotten a deep look into his feelings and aspirations. of course as viewers we know that rick isa fictional creation, stirred up in the minds of his creators, but does rick know that? one fan theory that developed from unknownregions suggests that rick is aware he’s a fictional character living in a fictionaluniverse. rick makes comments throughout the show thatseem to be directed toward the audience, he breaks the fourth wall constantly. something to keep in mind, though, is thatno other character does. at the end of season one as rick dances withhis grandkids summer and morty, he yells “roll

the credits, that’s the end of season 1!”morty and summer go on dancing but they don’t talk toward the camera and they don’t mentionanything about season 1 ending. they don’t even seem to be aware of thecamera’s presence. this wasn’t the first or last time thatrick broke the fourth wall, and pretty much every time he is the only one to have doneit. something that has helped to fuel this fantheory is than dan harmon and justin roiland have admitted they planned to have a seasonlong mystery or secret. while most fans would assume this on-goingpuzzle would be in relation to evil morty, those that pay attention to detail know thatroiland and harmon wouldn’t go with something

so simple and in your face. while there are huge mysteries in the showthat can be easily followed, having something more in the background that most viewers wouldn’teven think about is much more their style. viewers of the show wouldn’t even questionrick breaking the fourth wall, it’s just a funny and simple style of comedy that bringsthe audience closer to a character. but the idea of infinite realities and universesin the show make rick’s awareness of his character all the more possible. other small details that lend to this theoryare ricks catchphrase and the web of what looks like conspiracy evidence in his room.

his catchphrase introduced in season one “wubalubadubdub”apparently means “i am in great pain, please help me” in birdpersons’ language. this catchphrase was originally thought tobe a parody of the common catchphrase trend within sitcoms. even finding out the true meaning of the words,we could still assume it was just a play on catchphrases and a use by creators to exposericks’ depression. many fans have theorized that using this faceas a popular television trend is a way of rick speaking to the audience, almost cryingout to the viewers for help. as for ricks’ room, a collage of imagesand paperwork can be seen on his wall, and

in that collage a photo of what looks likedan harmon can be seen. could this web of investigation be rick tryingto figure out his existence and put a stop to the creators controlling his life? a sub-theory that goes along with this isthe in the final episodes of the series this will be revealed through a monologue fromrick directly to the audience. who is ready for that heart-wrenching episode? philosophers throughout history have publishedcommentary on the idea that it’s part of the human experience to question our own existence,so it’s no news that many of us have questioned if we ourselves are even real.

that’s what makes this theory so unsettling. imagine being fully aware that you’re justa fictional creation for people to watch and enjoy. imagine knowing that someday your series willend and you will cease to exist. number 1. the evil morty master theorythis theory brings several other theories previously mentioned together, and adds aneven greater layer. it’s pretty hard to pinpoint exactly wherethis theory started as there are so many variations of it traveling the internet, and it seemsto be a pretty widely believed idea.

but it seems to have gotten the most attentionfrom reddit user rickest rick. from this thread which will be linked below,and other sources the master theory seems to be one of the most complex. let’s start with the secret plot that wasmentioned in number 2. while many believe that the evil morty theoryisn’t the secret plot that the creators originally planned it is believed that itis now. having something that actually occurs throughoutthe series, that can be followed is a much easier concept than the rick is aware theory. there has been an episode where eye patchmorty, or evil morty has been featured.

through this the fan base gathered other cluesand hints as to where this evil morty came from. having this plotline featured up and frontin the show also means that it’s something that is likely to return and be built on. while this doesn’t mean that the rick isaware theory (or any other theory for that matter) isn’t true. it’s just the simple fact that this onewould be easier to build upon so the fan base as accepted it more. we have learned not only through other theories,but several obvious key features of the show

that there are infinite universes in whichseveral variations of rick and morty exist. some ricks, such as doofus rick from season1 episode 10, don’t have a morty. from this concept we can assume that thereare mortys’ out there without ricks as well, and from the rick council we can also seethat there are not only different appearing versions of rick and morty but also differentspecies of them as well. just keep this in mind. also from season 1 episode 10, we can seethat while there seems to be an infinite amount of realities, there’s a limited access tothem. while rick constantly pressures on the ideathat realities are infinite, he also uses

phrases such as “a few dozen versions ofme” “a couple thousand of me” or in the episode rick potion number 9 he says “weonly get 3 or 4 more of these tops” while referring to replacing themselves in an alternateuniverse. this idea has likely been brought to us becausericks only keep tabs on universes, realities, ricks and mortys that may be of use to them. rick seems to have special tools and deviceswhich help him filter through the infinity of existence and access only the things, places,and people that would be of use to him. this explains why in s1e10 the evil rick sayshe is only a few steps above our regular rick, or c-137 rick aka the rickest rick, on thescale of evilness.

there should be an infinite about of ricks’between them but they’re not presented on this scale for whatever reason. another thing to just keep in mind. in episode 10, close rick counters of therick kind we find out that someone is murdering ricks across several realities. about 27 ricks have been murdered and literalof morty’s have been kidnapped and used as a shield from the council of ricks. when our rick and our morty, who we will referto as pilot morty, find the evil rick allegedly responsible for the murders our rick is strappedto a table where he is going to get killed.

evil rick reads through his memories and seesrick interacting with morty as an infant, teaching him things, and also performing horribleexperiments on him. tears fill ricks eyes and evil rick patronizeshim for having feelings over a morty. it is important to note that evil rick statesmost ricks don’t care for morty’s although our rick clearly seems to have an emotionalbond with his grandson. despite that being against the norm, and despitemost of the show expressing the opposite. another important thing to note is that thisepisode started with beth explaining that “tomorrow is your one-year anniversary backin our lives!” as has been explained several times throughoutthe series, rick was absent from beth’s

life for about 20 years, and the creatorsobviously thought this episode was an important one to remind us of that. so where did these baby memories of mortycome from then? if rick was absent for 20 years and mortyis only about 14 then he shouldn’t have these memories at all. as the episode goes on, we find out that thisevil rick is actually some form of android being controlled by eye-patch morty or evilmorty, who we originally thought to be just another morty being influenced by this evilrick. it was the exact opposite, however.

evil morty pulls the remote control out ofhis eye and stomps on it as the episode ends. the basic gist of the theory after all ofthis explaining is that our rick and our morty do not belong together. in fact, evil morty is likely our ricks originalmorty. it’s likely that our rick was there sincethe birth of the original morty and either tortured him too much, realized he was becomingtoo smart, or destroyed his universe and took the place of an either dead or absent rickin the pilot universe. this would explain why evil morty hates allof rick kind, why he wants to frame our rick for the crimes of murdering and kidnapping,and why his last words through the evil rick

android is “do it! do your worst!” he was likely encouraging these morty’sby allowing them to kill what they assumed to be a rick. it’s likely he wants all of these morty’sto have the same hatred that he does and maybe even go down the same path. he could also have done all of this to geta sweep of our ricks memories to better understand the relationships that ricks and mortys have,to let go of this hatred. but for the sake of drama it’s likely thefirst option.

this theory also explains ricks rant at theend of the pilot episode “rick and morty a hundred years!” rick is relieved to have found what he seesas the perfect morty. not smart enough to rebel or question hisauthority, but brave enough to go out on these adventures and actually lend a hand once ina while. we see this might not be the case when mortybegins ranting that he is a person and rick can’t just treat him like property, so thisopens the idea that all morty’s have the ability to rebel or become smarter. and that leads back to the idea that evilmorty wanted the uprising of the morty’s’

to happen. also everything is wrapped up when rick tellsmorty “a cocky morty can lead to some big problems, it can be trouble for everybody.” and when morty inquires rick just says “i’llexplain when you’re older”. while this theory is long, complicated andpretty much taken as the truth we still have a whole new season coming our way which willpossibly lay out more answers to our drilling questions of our favorite, drunk, screwedup portal traveling duo. this show has not only changed the game asfar as vulgar and hilarious cartoons go, it has really opened the eyes and minds of allof its viewers.

go ahead and drop your own theories and ideasin the comments below and remember, nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere and everybody’s going to die.

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