The Sicks - Episode 2 (White Privilege)

o.m.g. she is so weird! [izabel] thank you, ma'am. have a great day.[nancy jane] this is nancy jane, may i help you? so order from... hi, thank you for calling harker and helsing. how may i help you? how may i help you? i- i'm sorry, ma'am. you were saying? her lipstick was bleeding out of her lip line! jesus christ!
doesn't she know that no one has the right to wear red lipstick if they can't put it on point? i mean, ugh! ew-ness! that is, unless you're a clown. well, obviously listen to this. the other day, my new zara jacket had a loose thread. [phyllis] zara?[pol] zara men’s. dropped it. yeah, i did.
what?! ha? where'd her hand come from, dude? it just came out of nowhere. she’s got some lightning quick reflexes! were those the brown scissors? the big one? yeah. those are mine, prick! do you know how long i've been looking for them? well, you never asked. i’ve a story, too. yesterday, i brought snacks.
[izabel] thank you very much, ma'am. have a good day.[phyllis] izabel, you want some garlic goodies? (hiss) uh, sorry. it's just, uh… weird! phyllis, that isn't weird. a lot of people don’t like garlic goodies. especially if they came off the floor. but anyway, the point is there really is something weird about that girl. i don't know but something’s not right. (sigh) okay.
note to self: be more careful. hi, guys! [all] hi, izabel! so, i heard the system's down. yup. i.t. is still fixing it. so, we're being paid to chill for now. ah, okay. hey, guys. didn’t know you were here. uhm, pol. come with me. huh?
come. there's something i have to tell you. huh? come on. oh, sorry. ah! of course, my man! anywhere for you, even to the gates of hell. [pol] i will follow you.[tony] well, come on then. come with me to hell. let's go. there! found it! "stuck in eternity." "my dream is to see the world's most beautiful sunset." star emoji, star emoji smiling moon emoji, star emoji, skull emoji, teardrop emoji.
[both] deep. what's up with this, man? she only posts art photos! what the? no pics of her on the beach, didn't she just come from cebu? it's full of beaches there. yeah. but also, no photos with a guy... that means... [both] no boyfriend. let me see. maybe she has a girlfriend. looks like someone’s into you. stealing glances from each other, really?
ah. not a chance. i know his type. classic heartbreaker. good to know that you’re not that dumb. but you should still watch out, okay? he's a smooth talker. he always finds a way to get into a girl’s pants. uh... hi, girls. speaking of. mind if we join you? sure.
hi, izabel. i just followed you on instagram. you have nice artsy photos. they just aren't as gorgeous as you. really, sir? so… you've been stalking me… sir? she got you there… sir! izabel, you should give me a shot instead. quit butting in! izabel, what sort of guys are you into? um... the sort of guy who doesn't stalk me, sir.
[nancy jane] aw, don't feel bad. nice![pol] okay, this just got awkward. i’m kinda hot, didn’t you notice? you know what, let's just play a game so that we don't get bored. game? are you in second-grade? second grade your face! uh... guess the word! guess the word. [phyllis] guess the word.[pol] guess the word. i want to play. [pol] you game, too?[tony] game. come on, let's be teammates!
[phyllis] let’s be teammates please![nancy jane] can we not? if you don’t want to join, then make yourself useful and be the timekeeper. let's draw at random? [izabel] sure.[nancy jane] okay. game? a person? [izabel] a person, yeah![pol] light-skinned? [izabel] no,no, no![pol] dark? [izabel] yes![pol] binay!
[izabel] yes![pol] oh, yeah! [phyllis] is it a person?[tony] yes! uh, person? beast? animal? [phyllis] no?[tony] uhh, no. uh, alamid? yeah! [izabel] yes!um, is it a person?[pol] yeah! [izabel] um, does he have a six-pack?[pol] yeah! [izabel] um, has a mole?[pol] yes!
[izabel] derek ramsey![pol] yes! come on, this is too difficult! you need to get this. [pol] this is unfair. you're playing dirty.[izabel] no, come on! we can do this. okay, okay guys, this is for the win. game? 1, 2, 3, go! [izabel] uh, fictional character?[pol] maybe. [izabel] uh, an.. actual person?[pol] maybe! what is this, a white lady in balete drive?
right! boom! boom! boom! perfect combination! oh, my god. shut up. your hands are freezing. uh… yeah, that made me nervous. she's really good. those weren't helpful clues! [tony] yeah, how did you guys even--[pol] that’s just how it is. we make a perfect team, right? you and me against the world! we get it.
uh... fine. i was just kidding. ok guys, let's go. the system's back already. are you jealous, bro? (whisper) izabel! why are you here? who are you talking to? ah! no one! no one! come on! yeah. let's go.
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