Theo Tsar Bomber vs Minecraft Robot mod

[steps] we are everywhere. unlimited power! [electricity crackles] we are the illuminati. [loud robotic hum] previously in rival rebels... your mission is to protect the labs collectfield data, and stop this group from gaining access to the nuclear technology.

let me scan it and send the data. confirmed this wasn't here yesterday. illuminati confirmed [gulp] illuminati? commander these are stronger, and they arejamming our signals! target is too close i repeat, target is too close commander, do you copy?

commander! rival rebels commander are you okay? yeah just a little dizzy. status? they breached the perimeter. protect the lab! yes commander! [lots of explosions]

defend the objective! they are in the base! thanks for the intel, captain obvious! they are wrecking the entire base! you don't say. they've entered the lab! those rascals stole our nuclear technology those noobs have our tech!

crossfire! [more explosions] there goes the lab's magazine! there goes the lab's ammo depot! there goes the weapons cache. the lab has been demolished. get them! commander they blew up the lab's ignitors. they are about to melt down!

cross fire! stop that monster. its over bro. yeah take that illuminati! yeah! oh yeah! gg no re! theres an illuminati pilot in the wreckage. get him!

capture him! capture the pilot. stop right there you noob! secure him! i caught him. i have him. i'm innocent, and very rich! let me take care of him. nuke him!

murder! murder! murder! murder! no please don't kill me i'm very rich. tell me the coordinates. okay okay i will. where is your base. 1318926965 131-892-69-65, copy. i have uploaded the coordinates to the navcomputer. send a scout team!

corsair you are go! scout mission. take him to the brig. get that noob! believe me, i'm very rich! corsair team get moving! affirmative. we are on our way. corsair team out.

target is in range. target in sight! awaiting instructions. secure the place. i'm very wealthy. i've got a flat in london, and a chateau inparis. shut up and keep walking. i am the one percent. dude, why are you guys so obsessed with triangles?

three sided polygons are my favorite. it's probably not a good idea to bring thisyahoo into our base. commander, he lied, this a phony. corsair one, please repeat. the pyramid is a fake. the pyramid is just a facade. a phony. go on foot and scan the site. he lied.

they are masters of deception. secure the perimeter. transmitting the data to head quarters. be careful. it could be rigged. it's not their actual base. what. are you kidding me? oops! oops. oops. oops! oops? the place is rigged.

whoopsie! don't move, its a trap. uh-oh. commander, we have a problem. there's a nuke thingy. please repeat? over. yeah. a bouncing nuke. it looks unstable.if we move we die. nyahaha! ahaha-haaa someone is laughing at us!

aha-haha-haaaa ahaha-haaaa! next time in rival rebels... assault team, ready. assault team, go! geronimo! [screams as they fall] is this secure? stop copying me!

stop copying me. when are we gonna drop this thing? dude, what about the hollow earth stuff? dude what about the hollow earth stuff. drop it now. i repeat, drop it now. bon voyage. affirmative, bombs away. payback. to be continued...

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