top 7 Health Benefits of Starfruit

hey guys, dr. axe from here. todayi'm going to share with you some information about a powerful, nutritional herb and compoundthat is proven to be more effective at reducing pain than painkillers. it's been proven tobe more effective at improving digestion then the top over-the-counter digestive medications,and it's also been proven to reduce your symptoms of nausea. that incredible herb, with someof its incredible compounds, is ginger. ginger root has been used for thousands ofyears for its health benefits. as i mentioned earlier, one of the number one benefits ofconsuming ginger is that it reduces inflammation. a recent medical study published out of denmark,published in the journal of arthritis, found that if you consumed just a small amount ofginger it is more affective at reducing your
pain symptoms and inflammation than painkillersgiven by general practitioners today. so again, if you're trying to reduce pain and inflammation,ginger is more effective than many medications according to the journal of arthritis. the other thing that ginger is very powerfulwith is improving your digestive function if you have any sort of intestinal inflammation.what could be some warning signs that you have gi inflammation? well, things like psoriasis,eczema, acne, any sort of skin blemish is a warning sign that you probably have inflammationin your digestive track. and so again, ginger has been proven to be very, very effectiveat reducing inflammation, but also supporting your digestive health.
another incredible thing about ginger is thatit supports your digestion because it has prebiotics. it has a specific type of fiberin it that causes good bacteria to grow in that area.last but not least about ginger, it is very, very effective at reducing symptoms of if you're ever going to be flying in an airplane, or let's say going on a boat allday and you get seasick, taking ginger is one of the best things you can possibly do.what you could do is get ginger essential oil. you can rub that behind your ear. one of the things that i've done for patientsover the years that have had arthritis and diabetes and other symptoms of inflammationis that i've had them make ginger tea. i've
had them boil green tree along with slicingup ginger root, boiling ginger root for 30 minutes, it releases those anti-inflammatorycompounds, and just drinking ginger green tea throughout the entire week. also i'll break off a piece of ginger andi'll throw it in a smoothie. actually, it goes great with blueberries. it adds somereally good flavor. also goes great with peaches. the other thing i'll do with ginger root isi will grate it and i'll put it in different dishes. whenever i'm cooking an asian dishi'll put it in there. actually, a lot of dessert recipes, even things like pumpkin pie, wheni make my raw pumpkin pie i'll add a little bit of ginger root in there as well. last,but not least, when i'm juicing at home, using
my veggie juicer, i juice ginger, or if i'mout getting a juice as well. ginger juice, remember all the benefits ofginger. number one, it is powerful at reducing inflammation. number two, it can reduce symptomsof nausea. number three, it supports digestion because it reduces inflammation but also ithas prebiotics, a specific type of fiber that causes probiotics to grow. so listen, getmore of this super herb ginger in your diet. medical science proves it. history provesit. get more ginger in your diet. if you want to learn some more about healingherbs you can visit that's my website, d-r-a-x-e dot com. also, check out some moreof our videos. we're always putting more videos on things like turmeric, on milk thistle,on cinnamon. i think you're going to love
this. if you want to get our updates, justsign up. click subscribe to the newsletter here. if you want to share these incrediblebenefits of ginger, feel free to click the share button. this has been dr. axe. i'll see you next video.
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