“UK’s Bermuda Triangle” and 3 more true paranormal stories! #WeirdDarkness

welcome weirdos – this is “weird darkness”and my haunted life toosday. here you will find ghost stories, unsolved mysteries, andother stories of the strange and bizarre. i’m always looking for new stories. terrifyingtrue experiences, original dark tales of fiction, unsolved mysteries, paranormal stories, alienencounters, even creepypastas you’d like to hear narrated. share them all at weirddarkness.com! in this episode… a man buys a mint-condition cadillac for only$500… but soon discovers even that was too much to pay. (the haunted car) why are people seeing ghost planes in derbyshire,england? (dark peak)

a turkish man is said to haunt tã½nskã½ dvå¯r,prague. the story behind his haunting is a sad one. (the turkish ghost of prague) the strange story of how the devil’s biblewas created. (the devil’s bible) now.. sit back, turn down the lights, andcome with me into the weird darkness! the turkish ghost of prague…living in the czech republic, it is not difficult to collect ghost stories from the countryand i can tell you, it is a country full of tales, myths, and legends. there are manyghosts stories about prague of course. whether these are true, half truths for the touristor even just myth, they can be very entertaining. here is an example.a turkish man is said to haunt tã½nskã½ dvå¯r,

prague. the story behind his haunting is asfollows. he became engaged to a pretty young czechwoman and then returned to his homeland to ask his parents‘ permission to marry her.as the turk was gone for a quite a long time, his fiancã©e, hearing nothing of him, beganto believe that he had died, or that he had simply forgotten about her. when the turkfinally returned to prague, he found that the young woman had just been married andwas celebrating with her family. she disappeared that night and her decapitated body was foundlater. the ghost of the turk now offers passersbya glimpse into the box that he holds haunting the courtyard. visitors should be warned thatthe box contains the young womanâ´s freshly

severed head. the devil’s bible…a few years ago, i had the opportunity to see this strange document first hand, as itwas on display outside of brno. in fact, what i saw was a copy of the original. nonetheless,the effect was chilling. the devil’s bible or codex gigas is 36-inches tall by 20-incheswide and about 9-inches thick. it contains a set of christian texts including the bible.it is bound in leather with metal trim and weighs over 165 pounds. it is known for theamazing color illustration in its pages of the devil and that is how it gained its name.historians believe the text was created in the benedictine monastery of podlaå¾ice inthe czech republic in the early 13th century.

now, as if the scale of the bible wasn’tenough, the bible’s creation legend is even more bizarre. a monk in the middle ages, who,after breaking his monastic vows, was sentenced to the horribly cruel death of being walledup alive, is said to have written it. desperate to avoid his fate, the monk promised to write– in just a single night – a book that both glorified his church and also containedall human knowledge. his plan was accepted but by midnight, he was nowhere near completingthe book. he decided he needed help but instead of praying to god, he prayed to lucifer offeringhis soul in return for the finished book. the devil responded to the monk’s prayeraccepting the offer. within seconds, the huge book was completed while the monk added theportrait of his mentor and savior in gratitude.

although, some say lucifer himself paintedthe picture. experts agree that one person wrote the entirebook and estimate it would take more than 5-years to complete – at least without supernaturalhelp anyway. dark peak…there have regularly been reports of ghost planes in derbyshire, england.the reports are concentrated to an area in the peak district of northern derbyshire;this area has been dubbed the uk’s bermuda triangle.why is the peak district so strange? are magnetic anomalies detected in the local rocks responsible?peak district of derbyshire is a ghost-like graveyard covered with many wartime planessuch as the wellington bomber, b-29 bomber,

dakota and lancaster.except for the remains of wrecks of planes, many witnesses also claimed to sight aircraftflying towards them, before it disappeared completely. people have identified the planeas aâ douglas dakotaâ â€“ once flown by the raf.based on documents dated to the 1990s, a dakota did crash in the area some 70 years ago.local military and airport officials said there wereâ no air shows or historical planeflyoversâ in the area. there are very few of these planes left and even fewer are operational,so their flights would be well-known. the old dakota and hercules aircraft do occasionallyfly down the valley through darley dale towards matlock, but they can be heard and their soundis quite distinctive.

one of the witnesses, recalling a sightingof rowley ghost plane spotted over derbyshire, said:“my son and i were driving along the a6 towards rowsley from darley dale.â â€œâ€¦â€œsuddenly in front of us was an aircraft flying very low towards us. so low we thoughtit would crash into us but then it banked sideways and disappeared. we could not identifythe aircraft other than it was old because it happened so quickly and left us quite shocked.”apparently, the crashes of military aircraft have continued over the years on the darkpeak, generally due to dramatic weather conditions, as experts say.peak district is an isolated area of the high moorlands.many wrecks – untouched and often witnessed

by hikers present in these remote places ofderbyshire, seem to confirm the sightings of a low flying, propeller-driven plane, whichsuddenly appears to be in difficulty before finally crashing into the moors.there have been at least fifty plane crashes in the area of the ‘dark peak’ and morethan 300 people have lost their lives in these crashes. many of the crashes remain unexplained;unfortunately an investigation into magnetic anomalies detected in the area did not helpto shed light on the mystery of the dark peak. naturally occurring magnetic rocks in thedark peak obviously can cause local ‘deflections’ of compass direction but no more than in anyother similar area. air crashes cannot be related to these anomalies.on march 24, 1997, yet another sighting of

a propeller driven plane being witnessed flyinglow above moors. the aircraft had difficulties to fly and suddenly disappeared, seeminglycrashing on moors above sheffield. a rescue operation involving 100 volunteersand police was launched but failed to find any trace of a plane or crash. the marlar sheet...have you signed up for “the marlar sheet”? it’s the official newsletter of marlar house.subscribers to the marlar sheet are automatically entered in prize drawings, contests, and promotions.this month one of my marlar sheet subscribers will win a weird darkness t-shirt and coffeemug. sign up for the marlar sheet free today at weirddarkness.com.

audiobooks,,,if you enjoy the stories you hear on weird darkness, you’ll love the audiobooks i’venarrated. true ghost stories and hauntings, original horror fiction, real monsters, andfictional adventure fantasy. from short stories to full-length novels, i’m sure you’lllove what you hear. find the full list of audiobooks and hear free samples of each one,on the audiobooks page at weirddarkness.com. the haunted car…“this is a story of the very strange goings-on with my 1992 cadillac deville.a few months ago, i’d finally saved enough money to buy myself a car after going twoyears without one. it wasn’t a lot of money, so i started my search on craigslist. i wouldsearch craigslist a few times a day trying

to find something in my price range. afterabout a week and a half, i came across a 1992 cadillac deville that looked as if it justcame off the production line. and the price on it blew my mind: $500 dollars or best offer.now, me being a cadillac lover, i wanted to call this person and say ‘here’s $500cash. i don’t care what’s wrong with it. it’s beautiful,’ but my gut was tellingme it had to be a scam. so, i called the number listed and asked the man a few questions aboutthe car. he told me the car was so cheap because it was an old funeral procession car (thecar that leads the hearse in a funeral procession) and the funeral home had bought new cars forthe duty and had no more use for it. intrigued by that, i set up a viewing and test drivefor the next morning.

the next morning rolled around and i met thelittle old man who i had talked to the day before. the car was as beautiful as the pictureon craigslist, and it ran beautifully. i told the little old man i’d take it and we completedthe paperwork. i was still in disbelief that i had got such a good car for so cheap.a few weeks passed, and the car was still running great but i started to notice oddthings. for example, every morning when i got in my car it smelled like a fresh-smokedcigarette. being a smoker myself, i kinda shrugged it off, but then weirder things startedhappening. one night, i was looking out my living roomwindow and noticed that the dome light in my car was on. not wanting my battery to die,i went out and shut it off thinking i had

left it on by mistake. i got back to my apartment,and when i passed my living room window, i noticed the dome light was on again. so, iwent back down to turn it off. after doing so, i stood next to my car for a few minutesto make sure the light was really off. when i got back to my apartment, i looked out mywindow for a third time only to find the dome light on yet again!irritated, i went downstairs a third time and turned off the light. i waited 15 minutes,and the light stayed off. before i got back upstairs, i yelled ‘are you finally donefor the night? it’s getting old,’ and directly behind me i heard a giggle. i spunaround to see who was laughing at me, knowing how crazy i probably looked screaming at anempty car. i started thinking someone was

screwing with me, but no one was around. alittle creeped out, i went inside and looked out my window to see if the light was backon. it wasn’t, so i went to bed. odd things like this kept happening. one morning,i went down to my car only to find the stuff from my glove compartment all over my carand the car smelling like a fresh-smoked cigarette. it freaked me out. i went over all possibilitiesand ruled out a break-in so i decided to pretend it didn’t happen.odd things kept happening over the next few weeks. one day i was driving in silence whenthe radio started blasting a station i don’t really listen to. it scared the crap out ofme, so i turned the radio off, but it quickly come back on. i freaked out and pulled overinto a kmart parking lot. i turned the radio

and the car off and wandered around kmartfor an hour or so. when i returned, my car again smelled like a fresh-smoked cigarette.a few weeks passed and nothing happened, so i figured maybe the weird things were over.nope. one night i was sitting in my apartment with a friend when she asked who was sittingin my car. i jumped up and ran to the window, and sure enough, there was a figure in thedriver’s seat. i grabbed a baseball bat and ran downstairs with my friend in tow.when we got outside, there was no one in the car. i checked, but the doors were still locked.my friend and i checked the parking lot, trying to find an explanation, but we came up withnothing. fed up with all this, i called the funeralhome the next day and spoke to the man who

sold me the car. i asked him if anything horriblehad happened with that particular car. he was a little taken back by the question, soi told him the strange things that had been happening. the man then said that the carwas usually driven by the funeral home’s best and most senior employee who had recentlypassed away. he proceeded to tell me how well this woman had taken care of the car, almostas if it were her own. i then asked if this woman had been a smoker. he said yes. i knewright then and there that she was behind the mysterious events.since then, strange little things have happened with the car like the hazards coming on whenthe car was unmanned, the smell of cigarette smoke, things being scattered throughout thevehicle, the radio coming on, the locks freaking

out, and me feeling soft touches, that kindof thing. so all in all, i think this lady is just not ready to accept the fact thatshe’s passed on and that i own the car now.” *****if you like this video, please give it a thumbs up. if you’re new to my channel, pleaseclick that subscribe button – and click the bell icon next to the subscribe buttonso you’ll be notified when i post new videos! if you’re already an official weirdo, pleaseleave a comment and let me know! if you have a story you would like narrated,you can send it to me weirddarkness.com. i’m looking for both true and original paranormalstories, original tales of fiction that are dark and strange, articles on true eventsor unsolved mysteries and monsters, even creepypastas

you’d like to hear – either your own orwritten by someone else. share them all with me at weirddarkness.com. featured in this episode from myhauntedlifetoo.com… “the turkish ghost of prague” and “thedevil’s bible” written by g. michael vasey also featured in this episode… “the haunted car”posted at ghostsnghouls.com “dark peak - uk's bermuda triangle and themystery of ghost airplanes” written by a. sutherland for messagetoeagle.com

find links to this episode’s stories inthe show’s description. copyright marlar house productions, 2017. rebroadcast or duplication without expresswritten permission is strictly prohibited. music provided by shadow’s symphony. i’m your creator/host, darren marlar. thanksfor joining me… in the weird darkness.

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