Robot forma cajas y encaja envases en almacén

on guys welcome back to today is a totally different video that any othervideo that i have done before not for long not a scam so today i'm doing a q&a do. answer yourquestion to me some question summer just commentyou guys leave and i did when i trust them go fill it with bollywood first questionis from daniel he said love law just can't get over how much he paid

that chris are only like be be pound here and what he is referring to is my last my greatest british case past i had potato chips 18 onion potato chips he and i believe paida dollar twenty nine her dollar falling on a character in bedstill back i link here you guys can go back andwatch that video but om media the shipping and no back toreason and i'm so glad daniel thank you so much because i'm soglad somebody finally commented on the

price is right but because but is the reason i put them on their isso that you don't get in you know give mefeedback that is what i can get them for here so far i haven't out how to purchase a lot of the online hikehave been really lucky and able to find stuff locally so i'm havingthe cost is high because shipping importing and marker are now but that is the whole reason iput the primal on their

for you guys can see what i'm paying fortheir here in taxes in the united states and youcan tell me your country how much you're paying for them to thank you danielle same question makeup missy 101 how do you get mac so cheap i clicked on the link in yourdescription and the snacks for a lot more expensive okay this can go back to dan yourquestion

n so went to alotta you guys have moreinformation on the product at least house somewhere to go purchase at it you can'tbuy it locally: but the president on by the poor again are just local stores that i primedemand i'm spitting so yes hands on getting worse than theprices are different i don't purchase my items on amazon bathwhy i could buy a cheaper i got me

i didn't do it to you have somebody downthe fly why in somehow jon hamm is on you canjust buy one you that i don't have it well so ithink that also why they're more expensive alright next question isn't whether question you're not following me ontwitter i will put my bear i will put my handle right here billion underscore canario alright nextquestion

mandy question it hi can you please letme know if you free even your prep me off after i am a bitconfused or just plays in reason i think he's trying to ask if if i freeze game meals tonight prop so a few months back i on how hot iuploaded a video for on no props and hyper my meals forthe entire week you're trying to lose weight like i amso i'm pretty sure video together for you guys and i get to this is herquestion was regarding that video and

it i'm crap me all sort by entire day in my friend premium or am i justputting them at bridge and i am just putting them in the fridgeeverything i cook is okay to eat over you now five days so i yeah i'll freeze anything i just putit in the fridge i microwave it whenever i made here supthat year after hatching i hope i helped i hope you're not compute okay nextquestion karma wallace question it and i get this question a lot and thisis the reason i'm putting it on here

are you maxine nah i'm not mexican i am part to regain all of my videos in the description i include justquestions that are prequel yeah and in bear what it does isthis question and i get a lot i love mexico i love my fans i am notmexican myself i'm her again and oh yeah ok an xy and kayla seth what would you say if the absolutebest lack can be you have tried during be case past hard question haha yeah okaylove it is very hard question but it's a

great question because it made me think so i think i still am. hoped on the little can be used from germany that hoppy lp i can't remember what thename of but remember they have the entire right now are on jacked so i holidayremember that have the entire along that when we care a little bowl cup day you guys go back is the germany ktask i won

germany i can remember what it was i'mpretty sure right here beyond that i think so hard still willyou know what there are now with my pup break on are not going to rate your i have twoitems i think that still to this day i dream about those things the first oneis gonna be they can determine germany i just said in the second one is goingto be you recently added the british taste past number to you it was put up last weeksay yes to go back to watch that but

i'll be walnut whips lord for reals gold price for that shit it is good chi sup those are the two things that iwould say just i've taken a lot of stuff going on a lot of that you might have been seenyet so but if i had to stop right at this second day not that bothered methat you that still i don't think about them amazing levitt

next question it's just me where did youfind everything have read sup back to daniels question at hand thelast question i got on i can't main locally so in the state actors i've just beenreally really lucky and i have been able to locate pretty mucheverything not pretty much i have been able tolocate everything here locally so world market i'll fiesta grocery store is another one

one with the hong kong market one was agerman market so there's a lot on local place ikea on which data controversy right there yougo gotta watch read the comment on the swedish yeah on the swedish paste outside it allon our the conversations in the comment okay so anyway so i'd get them locallyemail again in the description i usually havea link to amazon nk you guys want personsnumber moms on

but i do you buy everything any guyshave a world market i know that they have world market allover the place so find your world market they have a lotof this stuff there world market is not paying me there there's not a sparkling dayaround with it obama care bank okay next question gloria i'mitalian am pretty sure that coffee so it it not italian never heard or case battery case i think she metarcade for that okay

sup here's another controversy you guys i paying did is the biggest topic are the ones i just get so met somany comments that i cannot reply to everybody is they just cant he had in like toomany too many i get an ikea after everybody so don't think i'm ignoringyou i a key answer everybody's comments butlori i pulled your comment be hot a lot of people have said it betterhe did not and italian contact but the bottle thati had

said imported from italy and there'sbeen a lot of people also in the time in taste this common that is it in the third part literally so are now for their the big debate author you guys wanna go watch spectatorgo watching garrido's comment get that is so interesting to feedpeople going back in for about did coffee so now i did notrealize it was very friday's scandalous bang iraq to batna i'm just going by what the packagingthat outfit

cash for other i'm looking down friday are thinking one ish who shetalking to you ii my laptop on my lap her on my desk in grammy sao com i havea question for here okay grace's comment it's not really aquestion just the comment everybody and theirmomma had let me of commack so i thought i would write it she saystry i think it fit per hour talk is quedo and they did that her all back and i sware hands-down badelain

the most commented being in all of myvideos compliant everybody want me to try to pocket waco chips and i will try them the reason i'maddressing it in the video i'm letting you right now that on myneck mexican pace past i will include those chips for you guys can see what happened tothem i'm tired because a robotic are everybody what meditation sewer thank you guys only not i'm my video cricket hongtao sorry so

maybe i'll do another cute in a lateryou guys leaving your questions in the commentollie my twitter handle here instagram facebook using it question to me anyway hit like our guidethank you so much don't forget stand-up hit the crowd i have a new day that coming by

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