quick, get inside! hurry! do you thinkthey saw us?shh! [ knock on door ] [ whimpering ] [ warbling ] [ all scream ] whoa, whoa, whoa.sorry. we didn't knowanyone was in here.please don't kill us.
i'm afraidwe'll have to kill you. with kindness. [ all speaking at once ] yes, we are brocyclianhelper bots. we are programmedto assist others in need. i am r-656. this is r-657, 8, and 9. yeah, we can't waitto help you. we saw you on our radarand thought you might need help.
benson: huddle! i don't know about these guys.we shouldn't trust them. guys,we're drifting in space. they could beour only chance. how do we know if they'reactually going to help us? we could just ask them. well, who's gonna ask? ugh, fine. bro-bots, can you help usget back to earth?
STRIP deep house show ~70~
the issue of so-called digitalstrip searches is coming up quite a bit when it comes to airtravel, especially now that we have situations wh…Read More...
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