Another One Bites the Dust! Trump is CHEERING After What Elizabeth Warren Just Said

[suspenseful orchestral music] ♪ ♪ - this is behind you, your past. this is your hopes. this is your fears. and this is in front of you, your immediate future. [children clamoring]

[horn honking] - [groans] - baby?- excuse me? oh, oh, no. no, god, no. no, i'm sorry. my--my feet are just sore,that's all. no, no, no. no, i'm not having a baby.

i mean, i am having a baby, but just not right now. but soon. to tell you the truth, i'm gonna miss it. i mean, the pregnancy, that is. i mean, it's justso darn convenient. once the baby's born, it's gonna beso much harder to keep--

keep track of him. right now, it's so ideal. he's easy to carry,no dirty diapers. i'll have to worry about himrunning out into the traffic. i mean, you knowwhat i'm saying. and another thing, between you and me, my husbandfinds me sexy pregnant. so why not just stay pregnant? you know, i mean,why not, right?

- [speaking foreign language] - i beg your pardon? - no english. - oh, sorry. [phone ringing] hello? - hey, sweetie. - hi, honey. - how's the glowingmother-to-be?

- glowing. [children shouting] [all cheer] - i told your fortune. - come on, please!- one at a time. one at a time. - please, milo. - excuse me, is-- excuse me.

is there a milo here? - uh, sorry, he's busy. okay, curtis. let's see. you want to knowabout your mother. hmm, yeah,i see her all right, and she's, um, uh, kind of a big woman. but she's also warm and caring

and a fabulous cook. she's gonna love you, curtis, all of you, and trust me, there's gonna bea lot of you to love. - mm-hmm. - okay, next. - milo, mr. gordonrequests your presence now. - oh, don't whine, ralphie.

i'm comin'. - you are in charge. - yes, yes, mr. ralph, but what if they don'twant to come with? - you didn't listen to anythingi just said, did you? - [reverberating]how you doin'? how's it goin'? coffee? nice and warm, huh?

now we got a big surprisefor you, my friend. you're gonna go on a little trippretty soon. listen, you don't haveto be scared, 'cause i'll be right herewhen you arrive. [sentimental music] [grunts] wait. oh! wait!

hey! - come on, ralphie,old pal, old buddy. spill the beans. what's this all about? - do i detect a hintof nervousness in the ever-so-confident milo? hmm? [siren wailing in distance] [knocking on door]

- come in. - hey, mr. gordon. uh, okay. what'll it be? three-card monte? blackjack? two-handed bridge?it's your call. - close the doorand sit down, milo. here at thelife training center,

we take our first few steps on the journeyto self-discovery. you have made some imaginativeand unique choices. i will continue to followyour progress with great curiosity, but for now, we have all decidedthat you are... [reverberating thud] ready to go.

[door squeaking] [air hissing] - kevin. - hey, boss. - hey. what? - you call the doctor? - i just--i just called the, um-- - you call the office?- call the office.

- max, what are you doing? - i'm documenting the event. - i'm sorry,but i really don't think i'm in charge here. - never mind. okay. lucky--what is he doing? we're not taking that. uh, you, uh...

- you, uh, on the count of two. one, two. - perfecto. [squealing and clanking] please--- just take it easy, just-- you okay? - starting to hate--is it too soon to hate you? ooh! ah!- that's it.

here we go. - bye, milo.- bye, milo! - have a good time.- congratulations, milo. - good luck, milo.- congratulations, milo. - have a good time.- pull up your pants, milo. - see you, milo.- we'll miss you. - bye. - no, no, dad! no, i don't want to go!

i don't want to go! no! no! [dreamy music] - milo. come here. - uh, do you thinkthere could be some kind of a mistake? - mistake?no. are you okay, milo?

[bell dings] [whirring sound] [device beeping] - no, i don't--no, honey. maybe this-- i think, uh--maybe some kind of a mistake. - no, baby, no mistake, okay? we worked extremely hardon this, remember? you're just gettinga little scared, that's all.

- i'm not scared.- all right, you're not scared. scared's the wrong word.- hey! hidey-ho, everybody. how are we doing? hey, fine.fine. um, forgive my gum. i just quit smoking this week, and, uh, it's been 5 days, 3 hours, and 27 minutes.

- good job.- well, thank you. so i understandthat we're experiencing a few contractions. - [moans] - i'll take that as a yes. okay, uh, how long,and how far apart? - two hours tops. they're comin'every couple of minutes now. - ooh,impatient little rascal, huh?

okay, okay, let me get in thereand take a little look. thank you. okay, now i need you to relax and breathe. [exaggerates breathing] [breathing] [bell dings twice] - uh, hiya, listen, do you want to trade seats?

- but then i'll goto the wrong parents. - well, what's the difference? you know, they're all the same, tall, and they smell funny. - come on. you don't haveto be afraid, milo. - don't's gonna be fun. - yeah, milo. i'm gonna play the clarinet.

- i want to turn sweet 16. - i want to get intohotel management. - [groaning] [breathing deeply] ah! - go, milo. come on, milo. you got to go, milo. [children chattering]

- [paced breathing] [paced breathing] [breathing quickens] [screaming] - milo, what are you doing? [excited chattering] - milo! milo! - dr. priceto human resources, please.

dr. priceto human resources, please. - hmm.- what? - that's odd. - what's odd?what? - what is it? - looks like a false alarm. - what does that mean,false alarm? - yeah, what does that mean,false alarm? - i mean, i don't thinkyou're going to be

having this baby today. and braxton-hicks strikes again. - who?- what? - it's nothingto be concerned about. uh, braxton-hicks,it basically means real pain, false labor. - no, no. no, no, doctor,this was real pain, real labor.

i mean,i felt something coming... and then it just-- just nothing. it stopped. - all right, okay. okay, um, tell you what. it's a little unusual for someone who as progressedin labor as you

to suddenly stop. sure it's fine. if you want,we'll keep you here overnight, keep an eye on you, okay? - thanks.- okay, all right. everything's okay. i'll check back on you later. - no, no, no,the big door is closing, and it will continue to close

until we takethat little troublemaker by the scruff of the neckand propel him through! - no, mr. ralph,the child has to go on his own volition. [indistinct arguing] - maybe we can sendthe next child in his place. - we cannot do that. that is notthe next child's hand. that is not their life.

milo has to go. - see, look, look,this is why i'm telling you we need to take controlof the situation. milo has been a problem. [all speaking at once] - yes, mr. owen? mr. owen. do you have something to say? - i remember back in 1055,

there was a similar case. new soul wouldn't go. he was afraid of his destiny. the deep fear of life that stemmedfrom the troubled heart of his mother. - what happened? - the idea was this: send the boy down

to take a little look-see. - a look-see? - we sent him with a guardian, one of the old soulswho had been there, knew the ropes. - yes. yes, sir. you do? who?

elmore h. dahl. - [sighs] - [groans]- where are you goin'? - i need some chocolate.- you don't eat chocolate. - i do now.- look, hon, hon. i'll get it.i'll get it. you need to rest, okay? you're having a baby,for god's sake. - oh, but i'm not.

i mean, i am.- you will. sit.- i hate dr. baumgartner. - yes, he's--he's questionable. - [sighs]- what's that, a contraction? - no, they've stopped, kevin. don't you thinkthat's a little strange? - honey, the baby's fine. - no, i mean that maybethere's something not right with this whole thing,

like, maybe this was a sign. - you soundlike your mother now. - maybe it was allsome big mistake. - how can you say that? - because my familywasn't your family. - so? - so--so my fatherwasn't around, and my mother-- - so.

so... well, maybe-- [whispering]what if-- what if i'm not a good mother? - how do you make that leap? honey, trust me,you're gonna be a great-- a great mother. you of all people, okay? i'll get you some chocolate.what do you want?

raw, chunk-like? - i don't know. 3 musketeers, clark bar, snickers. - snickers. - what's going on? [indistinct conversation] - uh, mr. ralph? - yes, mr. percival?

- this soul, is he coming from... down? - no, no, no, no, no,of course not. mr. percival,if you had stayed awake during your studies,you would have learned that it had been decidedseveral millennia ago that there needed to bea place for souls who, uh, didn't deserveto go down below

but who hadn't earneda place above. somewhere in between. [clears throat] - mr. ralph?- yes, mr. percival? - uh, what type of soulends up in between? - well, you see-- [elevator dings] - [laughs]keep smiling. hey!how you doing?

elmore h. dahl at your service. howdy. - we're all very appreciative of your willingness to volunteer for this important journey,elmore. questions?- seems pretty simple. kid's afraid to be born. abracadabra, we're in manhattan.

i show him a good time.boom, zip. deliver the goods, eh? - well, yes. precisely. i presume there's nothing leftto say. time is of the essence. at the ratethe big door is closing, we'll only have a dayto complete this mission. in fact,we'll only have until--

- midnight, eastern standard time. - unless there areany further questions... - one thing. uh, i can see how the kidwill be helped by being born, and you all lookas if you'd sleep easier, but, uh, besides the honorof serving, which i truly treasure, what do i get out of this?

- what are you driving at? what do you want? - life. and don't get me wrong,where i'm at ain't so bad. it's fine down there. i got a nice place;it's a little small, but comfortable. you know, it's safe. it's quiet,

but it's boring. that's what it's boring. let's face it.there's no action. there's no nothing! anyway, no, uh, you know,no complaints. you reap what you sow,and all that. here's the thing. i, uh, give the kid a good time, show him the sights, huh?

[chuckles] then i send him back. me, i stay there. this old ticker keeps going. me, flesh and blood. elmore h. dahl,the sequel. [laughs] i still had some mileagein this heap. i wasn't even collectingsocial security

when i bit the dust. i had a good 20 yearsif i kept away from fried food, so, uh, what do you say? - this is absolutely ridiculous. the man is dead. you can't just gogallivanting around. - i'll be cool. - i'm sorry, elmore.

it's simply out of the question. we'll have to deny that request. - well, then, yeah. hmm. i, uh... i guess we--we havea little problem here. - elmore, are you implying that youwill not accept the mission if we do not accedeto your proposition?

- i wouldn't put it that way, but, uh... - this is blackmail. don't you see?it's unconscionable. we have no other choicebut to get another soul. - i think it's high time youtook some of the responsibility. - no, no. no, no. we have you see what this man-- [knocks loudly]

[arguing stops] - even if we did agreeto this arrangement, i'm afraid no one here has the authority to grant youthat kind of request. - i'm sure you can find someonewho has the authority. - yes, sir. yes, he's here. well, we're havinga little difficulty-- yes.

i will. all right, elmore, accompany milo on this venture, be back no later than midnight, and we'll grant youyour request. - yeah. - if-- if you convince the boyto say five little words. "i...

"want... "to... "be... born." - deal. - so you don't need meright now? - no, there's no needto rush out. i'm fine. kevin's been wonderful.

he's barely left my side. - oh, yeah,kevin's one of a kind, not like that good-for-nothingfather of yours. rest his soul. did you knowthat he was at the track on the day that you were born? are you there, honey? - uh, yeah, i'm here. - liz.

what's up? - i thought i saw him today. - who?your father? that must've been spooky. - oh, yeah. remember that ratty fedorahe had? - oh, god, yes. - well, i saw some guyon the street wearing one. same color, exact everything.

well, you know, from behind. - now be careful, sweetie. don't bring all thatback into your life, not now. - i know. it's-- it was just a weird thing. it's no big deal. milo, i'd like youto meet someone. this is elmore dahl.

- hey, milo, how you doin',big guy? give me five. - milo, elmore has been chosen to take youon a little excursion. - i told you.i'm not going. - ah, let me discuss thiswith the boy. - excuse me, uh... give me a minute with the kid. - it's not gonna work;mark my words.

can i? you play five card draw? - pfft!- one hand. winner takes all. - all of what? - you win, i take these clownsoff your back. i win, we take a trip to the greatest cityin the world. afraid?

- [whistling] - ground floor. watch your step, please. counseling, transitions, welcoming committee lounge. - how may i help you? - we're going out. - out.

[whooshing] - please, take a seat. we'll be with you in a moment. - you do not go out that door. you come in that door. - i know,but i'm what you'd call a special case. i'd check with one ofthe head honchos upstairs if i was you.

well, we wouldn't wantto get you in trouble. [humming] - orientation for new arrivalswill begin in five minutes in the lobby. [ladies giggling] - ah. - mr. dahl. i do hope you understand this is a one-time proposition.

you're not going to be ableto come and go as you please. back and forth, in and out, willy-nilly. - don't worry, pal. if this goes well,you won't be seeing this mug for at least another 20 years. too-da-loo, all. come, milo. [swinging jazz music]

- [laughs] oh, yeah! i'm home. i'm home! [laughing] they thought if they dealt mea bad hand, i'd fold, but that's not elmore dahl! i had no cards, and i still wonthe whole damn pot! you should've seen me, kid.

it was the bluff of the century. [horn blaring] [drum set playing] [grunting] [groans] - [sped up]what's wrong? [normal speed]are you feeling the weight? that's called gravity. you're flesh and blood now.

don't worry,you'll get used to it. in a couple hours,you'll be begging to be born. come on. i'm alive! i'm alive. [television playing] - and our top story, are you having a problemwith your pregnancy? has the baby not arrived?

well, you're not the only one. joel moran has the worddown at county general. joel. - in a bizarre coincidencethat left hospitals all across the tri-state areastrangely quiet, not one baby has been bornsince yesterday afternoon. - kevin! - i'll get the doctor? - no, look.

- has anything like thishappened before? - no, this hasnever happened before, not even close. this is a remarkable phenomenonwe're witnessing-- - whoa.- did you hear that? no babies were born yesterday. kevin, what's going on?what's happening? - sweetie, i don't know, just-- some kind of

bizarre coincidence? - do you believe that? - honey. what else could it be? - yeah, right,what else could it be? - what else could it be?- what else? oh, yeah. - let me tell you your first lessonabout life, kid.

if you want to feel good, you got to look good. boy. am i lookin' good. hey, come out here. what's the matter? hey. hey, hey, look at the kid. ha-ha!very hip.

very now, very--oo-la-la. la-la-la! you know why theyprobably chose me? because i love life. i love everything about it. i love the crowds. i love the smells. i love--and i love you. i love you.i love you!

all right, a couple of bitesof the big apple. before you know it,you'll be sailing down the old birth canal. so what do youwant to do first, eh? what's--what's wrong? you feelin' hungry? hungry. you're alive now, kiddo, eh? you've gotthe whole five senses,

the whole package. get ready, milo,you're going to experience one of the great pleasuresof life. allow me to introduce you to the pastrami sandwich. oh, boy.oh, boy. go. go. dig in.dig in. mmm-mmm.

mmm.mmm-mmm. there's nothinglike being hungry and eating your favorite food. go'll love it. there's no way anyonecan teach you about the pleasure of eating. you got to do it yourself. take a bite. yeah, the kid's a natural.

he's going for the sneak attack. what technique. what do you say, kid? huh?you love it, right? i forgot you probably havesomething like a baby's constitution. this should be okay. now, try this. come on, take it.

you can trust me on this. you'll love it. mmm, yum, mmm. just give it a little lick.come on! it's delicious.come on! mmm, it's real good. yeah.good, eh? and they got another 30 flavors. you can have 'em for breakfast,lunch, and dinner.

that's it.that's the ticket. hey, he likes it.yeah! - raging out of controlthis morning, causing residentsto flee for their lives, leaving all oftheir possessions-- - 6.9 earthquake rivals the northridge, california,earthquake in intensity. - flash flooding in the bays and left several people strandedin their cars, waiting for--

- hurricane jennifer struckthe florida coast late this afternoon. - uh, liz, sorry. - sounds busy there. - yeah.- yeah. - so i'm hanging out, bored, waiting for the doctorto give the okay. should be out of herein a couple hours. i'm gonna swing byon my way home.

i need to print out another copyof the rothman file. - you don't have to come in. - well, what do you mean? - well, you're in no condition. - i'm fine. i'm telling you,nothing happened. - listen, i gave the jobto cheffer. - well, when did youdecide this? - a couple of hours ago.

- i can't believe it. i mean, i'm gone not even a day. my body's not even cold, and the vulturesare already picking at my bones. and you're letting them do it. - just calm down, liz. - calm down!- what was i supposed to do? - screw you, darlene!- liz. - oh, no, so this was your planall along, right?

well, i'm gladthat i found out today instead of four months from now. i can't believe you.- liz! - you know, they got a wordfor people like you. - don't say it. - two-faced, backstabbing,double-crossing, dishonest, reneging,lie-about-your-age bitch! - fine! [upbeat funk music]

- ah, nature, the real deal. look around. you got ducks, squirrels, trees, people, roller disco. natural stuff. - ♪ livin' it up, livin' it up ♪ ♪ oh yeah ♪ - it's gonna be your very ownprivate playground. see that funny little, bald guyin the stroller?

this time next week,that could be you, kickin' back while the old ladypushes you around, caters to your every need. few years later, you've takenyour dog for a run, breathing in that good, cleannew york air. so let's recap. you gotyour personal playground. you got your cotton candy,your ice cream, candy apple, popcorn.

all the things you needto be a happy, regular, normal kid, right? what's wrong? what? what? - elmore. - i can't believethis is normal. - yeah, it's normal, normal, regularbodily function. don't worry about it.

- it doesn't seem worth eating if you got to go through thisevery time. - hello?- gina? - yes?- hey, hey! baby, it's elmore, elmore dahl. i'm back in town.- oh, are you? - oh, elmore, i'm married now. - oh, uh, when did you do that? - a while back.

- yeah, it has been a--has been a few years. - yeah, i have five kids now. - how many kids?- five. -'re breakin' up. - uh, elmore?- call. - elmore.- back. [both stammering] - five kids. - ah!

it's coming outthe other end now! - don't worry. i tell you,it's normal. okay, movin' on. hello. - elmore? - tina? - it's ms. madeline. - ah, hiya, doll.

whoa, boy, great connection. uh, how's it hanging up there? - oh, never mind that. what are you doing down there? you're supposed to besupervising the boy, not looking upretired strippers. - gina's not a stripper. it was an off-off-broadway show,very artistic. - if i could offera suggestion.

- what? - don't forget to bring miloto places that inspire the soul. - the soul, elmore. you know, lifeis not just a collection of carnal pleasures. - elmore!- oh, yeah? - feels like it's what? - oh, there's a--the roll of paper

to the side, maybe, there. - yeah, well, you know,you get a few sheets of that, and, uh, you know. - no, i don't know. i've never been born, remember? you're gonna have to show me. - the kid will be right back. - elmore! elmore!

- [clears throat] uh, hidey-ho, folks. uh, got some good news. i'm gonna be sending you homeon one condition. no skydiving. - [chuckles] - this place is packedwith culture. all the artyou'd ever want to see. you've got the modern've got the old art.

classy things. i think you're morethe sensitive, artistic type. no problem. i'm one hell ofa sensitive guy myself. many a time, i've walkedby this place and thought, "i should really go in someday." this one reminds me of, uh... what was her name? uh, so go stroll around,

breathe in the culture. i'll be right back. [serene orchestral music] - now, if i could haveyour attention, this is oneof the most important depictions of the fateof humanity. this was his viewof his life and his time, what the artist sawand what he felt. this was his view of reality

and, to many in our own era--i'm afraid-- their reality too. now let's take a lookat the next painting. over here, we seea similar theme from a different era. [dissonant music] [swords clanging] [men laughing sinisterly] - is this joyce hart?

the, uh, the dancer?- yes. - rockettes?- yes. - long legs.- yes. - hey, hey, kid! kid, where are you going? - nothing. - you want to goto the bathroom again? - no! i don't like it here.

i want to go back. - back?what are you talkin' about? we still gotthe rest of the day. hey, hey, hey, listen,listen, wait a minute. wait a minute.wait a minute. this was a bad place to come. i got some bad advice. you know, this isfor older people, stuffy people. hey, come on.

hey, why the sad face? we're on a holiday here. you can't wear a sad faceon a holiday. let me show you something. watch this. this is tricky. now, watch. i'm gonna try and pull the top

of my thumb offwith this finger. okay? now just watch. see that. [growling] [yelps] [groaning] i can't get it back on. blow--blow on my hand.come on.

help me out here. thanks. i think i'm all right. right there. it's back. there's a smile, see? now, what do you want to do next? there must be somethingyou want to do.

something, you know,you read about at the center, uh, somethingyou always wanted to see. - snow. - huh? - i want to see snow. - well, it's a little earlyin the season for snow. uh... eh, you don't want to see snow. trust me. it's wet.

it's's a big mess. [grumbles] hey, right, i got somethingbetter than snow. i'm gonna take you to a place i know you'll go for. kids love it. - oh, no. [squeaking and pattering] - oh, my god.

- how could this happen? no baby, no job, and everything we own ruined. - everything we ownis not ruined. look. for example, here'sa perfectly dry pair of infant socks. - listen, i gota brilliant idea. i got to go feed peter's cat

that horrible,screaming, crawling, wretched-- why don't we get out of here,go over there, fire up that huge entertainmentcenter thing of his, and order someinternational food, and sit there,and forget about this, huh? - i want to finish this. - sweetie, look at me.forget it. come on.i got a surprise for you. got a surprise.come on, come sit down.

i was gonna waituntil after you-know-what, but this seemslike an appropriate time. sit. sit, sit--settle. settle. good. - okay. remember that house we looked atin peaks hill, the one by the river with the-- - the one for sale.

- not for very much longer. - why not? - because i made an offeron it last week. and if the credit godssmile upon us, soon, we'll be standingon our front hearth saying, "home, sweet home." say it with me. home, sweet home.look. here we are.

here's elizabeth and kevin. what a beautiful house. bring the baby. oh, it's's beautiful. - you scare me, kevin. - [chuckling]yes. - it all justseems so easy for you like it's some kind of dreamor something. thing's aren't really real here.

- oh, what does that mean,"real"? - well, like, we're aboutto become parents, kevin. are you ready for that? - i was born ready. - well, today, you buy a house. - i didn't buy a house, sweetie. i just made an offeron it, okay? we have seven daysto take it back. it's a surprise.

- fine, fine. so today,you want to buy a house, and tomorrow, what? i mean,are you even gonna be around? i'm not your father, elizabeth. - i never said that you were. - yes, you do all the time. i am sorry he walked out on you. but that doesn't make mea bad father,

and it doesn't makeour future doomed. honey, you've gotto loosen up a little. that's not us. why do you have to live there? why can't you enjoy life,enjoy what this is? what are you so afraid of? - pollution, poverty,war, famine, pestilence, you name it. face it, kevin,the world is totally screwed up.

- do you have to beso afraid all the time? - don't patronize me. - then don't be so ridiculous,honey. yes, okay, it's nota perfect world. we know that. it's--it depends onhow you look at it. to me, it seems pretty great. - well, you're blind. - well, it's betterthan being paranoid

and completely neurotic. - at least i act my age. - how old is that,dead and buried? [clanging and crashing] - hello. - yolanda. - no, there's no yolanda here. - oh, okay. - i think you havethe wrong number.

- i'm gonna take a ride, feed the cat, whatever. - beautiful, isn't she? - she sure is big. - i knew you'd like it. all kids like big things. it must be some kind of rule. - what's she holding?

- well, it's a torchto light the way in for the shipsgoing into the harbor. read that. - "give me your tired, "your poor. your huddled massesyearning to breathe free." - nice, huh? i've been here a dozen times. even so, still makes meslightly misty

when i--when i read those words. i bet they, uh, didn't teach youall the ideas the human racehas come up with over the years. grand ideas like, uh, freedom and, uh, what's that--the bill of rights. the human raceis a very fine race. be proud to be a part of it. - who are the poor people? - the poor people, who are they?

- well, the poor people are-- you see, this here'sfor people from overseas, but you're gonna be born here. you got it made. this is for foreignerswho come for work, but anybody try to get your job, uncle sam will give himthe old heave-ho. yeah, that's how it's done. yeah?

kind of uplifting, ain't it? hey, where are you going? - up. - up? up? [wistful guitar music] - oh, no,i'll take it. - [chuckling]okay. - okay, cheese. okay.

- i liked it. - uh, yeah, sure you like that. what's not to like? climbing 735 steps. what is itwith kids and climbing? my kid was the same. up and down, up and down. there's a tree.up the tree. there's a statue.up the statue.

- you had a kid? - yeah, wife, kid,the whole deal. - do you miss 'em? - sure. - where's your kid now? - oh, i don't know.around, i guess. i mean, uh, i've beenout of commission for a while. out of touch,you know what i mean? - how'd you die?

- [laughing] why are you askingall these questions, huh? keep it light. we're supposedto be having fun here. - did it hurt? - no, it doesn't hurt. one day, you're alive;the next day, you're dead. that's what happens. if you're careful,it won't happen to you

for a long, long time. just don't be like me and put money you don't haveon a long shot. you might find yourselfbeing part of a bridge. hey, it's gettin' late. so what do you say, huh? you like the like the ice cream. the candy, the statue. life's a blast, eh?

besides, if youdon't get back soon, they're gonna be puttin' ralphieon prozac. so what do you think, huh? huh? you want to be born, right? go on, say it. i want to be born. - i'm not sure. - something's wrong.

i can tell by your voice. - nope, everything's fine, mom. i'm just dandy. - well, it doesn't soundthat way to me. let me speak to kevin. - no, he went outfor a little while. - well, what did the doctor say? - nothing.he said, "go home." - really?oh, well, that's good.

that's great.- hey, mom. - yeah? - remember when we used to goto atlantic city? - [scoffs]yeah. - what was the nameof that hotel, the lucky one? - the tropicana. - yeah, right, the tropicana. - your father's ideaof a family vacation. me in the spa, you on his kneeat the blackjack table.

yeah. it's so funny. you know, i hate gambling. i just--i stink at it. you'd think for being around itso long i'd have a knackfor winning, but... now i can't even win a prizein a cracker jack box. - well, neither could he.

- atlantic city. [door opens] hey, mom, um, i'm gonna call you backlater, okay? - okay, take care. - all right, i love you.bye. oh, hey, max. [crashing and clanging] - you scared the crap out of me.

i didn't know you were here,liz, i'm sorry. why aren't you at the hospital? - false alarm. - oh, look at this. what's with all the water? - a pipe broke. - where's kevin? - ah, yeah, i was justbringin' in some supplies. - hey, max.

blackjack. the dealer has to hit on 16and stay on 17, or the other way around? - uh... you had it right the first time. all right. i'm out of here. - max. - you busy?

- uh, busy doing nothing. - if this is doesn't makeyou say, "i want to be born," my name's not elmore h. dahl. this is gonna make yousay those words fast-- - another big building? that's the big surprise?- no, no, 'course not. supposed to be a toy store here. where the hell is it? toy stores can't just get upand walk away.

toy stores, toy stores,toy stores, toy stores. toy stores, toy stores. - we have a new problem. it looks likeif the great door closes, it might close for good. elmore, do you understandwhat i am saying? no more births, only deaths. this would mean the endof the human race. - wow.

- yes, wow, indeed. so i think it would be wiseto inform milo-- oh, my god.elmore! is that you? - anna? anna nosbusch? - i can't believe it! aren't you supposed to be dead? - eh.- hey, get over here!

i just got a divorce. we're celebrating. - yeah, busy right now,maybe i'll catch you later. - you get over hereright this second, or i'll dragthat sexy ass of yours right across the street. come on! - jeez, uh, got to go now. - damn.- [chuckling]

- busted. look at that. you haven't won a hand ever. you said, "i never won a hand." - i'm--i'm sorry. - 19. you haven't won a-- - whoo! aw.

that's not right. hit me. all right, 17. - say, you're some kindof hustler, young lady. - oh, just--just gettin'the cards. - yeah, i should say so. never seen no streaklike that before. if i was you, i'd take that good luck,

and i'd headstraight down to atlantic city, and i'd put a hurtin' onone of those casinos, for sure. - yeah, right. cut the cards. [women whooping] that's what happened to me. [laughter] oh.oh, hello.

- is elmore in there? - um, i'll seeif he's available. one second. there's a boyhere for you, elmore! - boy?- he's very short. - what boy--who? here, wait a minute. - oh. - hey, milo,how you doing, buddy?

- i thought you were lookingfor a toy store. uh, yeah, back-- it'd be closed now anyway, even if we did find it. sorry about that. anna nosbusch, old friend of the family. so, uh, what do you want to see? where do you want to go?plenty of places.

uh, you've had the ice cream,uh, central park. uh, what about some music? do you like jazz? [imitating saxophone] what am i thinking? [laughing heartily] what a dope i am! come here! anna! anna!

we're goin' for a drive. start your engines. get in there. yeah! - hey, it's me.look, don't say anything. before you say anything,i just want to apologize for what i said, okay? you're not dead and buried, and i'm glad of it.

- so am i. - who--who is this? - max, put--would you put liz on, please? - uh, she just stepped out. - she stepped out?where'd she go? - now, don't yell at me, kevin. it--it wasn't exactly my fault. i just told herthat she was lucky, that's all. - max, where did she go?

max! [lively big band music] - what do you want to bewhen you grow up? - you have a date?- taller. - stop it. you're killin' me. - a little bubbly. bubbly. [women chattering] - you got an elmore dahlback there?

- you bet your ass! - [laughing]- phone. it's behind you. [chattering] - just where the hell-- where the heck are you going? - hey, ralphie,where am i going? oh, ha-ha! i'm headin'down the backstretch, baby.

- are you out of your mind? will you turnthe vehicle around, and get back tothe business at hand? - cool it, ralph-o. listen. the regular tourist sitesain't workin', right? the kid likes to gamble, right? well, i'm taking himto the gambling capital of the entire east coast.

don't ruffle your feathers, pal. - [sighs]all right. it's just we're running outof options here. elmore. - uh, eh, sorry. - [screaming] - i lost the phone there. - he's drunk. [swinging big band music]

- ooh, you are such an angel. - you sweetie. come on, kiddo. [slot machines beeping] this is it. milo, feast your eyes. this is the promised land. eternal happiness24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 a year.

you need a drink;they bring it to you. you take a rest,there's keno on your tv in your bedroom. and look, the casino buffet, $6.95, all you can eat. slots. roulette. poker. this is heaven.

just say the words,and we'll go take these suckers. - i--- i-- - want to--- want to-- - be--- be-- - born.- excuse me, sir. children are not allowedon the casino floor. i'm sorry.- oh, it's all right. i'm just gonna set him on my lap while i play a little 21.

- i'm sorry. - hey, pal, come on. i used to, uh... i used to come hereall the time. uh, does morrie still work here? - sir, if you would liketo speak to management, i could direct youto the second floor. - thank you. - you can take the kidto the lounge.

- okay, we'll buy the limo. - all right.we'll see you later. - stay with hima couple of minutes. this won't take long.- [groaning] - don't worry,this guy must be new. he doesn't know the pulli have around here. stay there.i'll be right back. - so you're a friendof the family? - elmore, you know his family?

- elmore's family? that's right. he was married. had a little--what was it? a girl. oh, yeah,that's right. he had a family. he told me that. split on them a long time ago.

- split? - yeah, you know, left, junked, quit, deserted. scrapped. no. elmore dahl is notyour family man. i put that thoughtout of my head a long time ago, first day i met him. you're okay here, right?

i just want to go throwsome coins in the slots. [coins clanking] [slot machine beeping] [alarm blaring] - hey, anna. anna! - look! - hey, congratulations. where's the kid, huh?- [squealing]

- anna, where's the kid? - oh, um, i left himon that thing over there. oh, baby, oh. - are you in, miss?- oh. - it's yours. - we'll get tickets.- milo! - oh, here he is.- okay, we'll see you later. - honey, honey,we got the tickets. we got a couple hours,so why don't we just, you know--

- i got to findthat pain-in-the-ass kid. we'll get a room, huh? and i'll-- - [moaning] well?huh? - [chuckling] don't answer that. - aren't you thinking about it? - yeah, oh.

[multiple phones ringing] just a second. don't worry, he must bearound here some place. - who are you talking to?- i'll find him. - you have exactly 73 minutes. - try outside on the boardwalk. come on. come on. stop, stop, stop, stop! hey, what are you doingout here, buddy?

no goin' offwithout tellin' somebody. boy, are you gonna driveyour parents nuts. i found's okay. we got to hustleif you want to play a few hands. i mean, look at the time. we've got to send youon your way. - you know,i don't really want to play. - you don't want to play? - nah, i'm actuallyready to go now.

good.come on. - but, uh,i'm not coming back. i really don't want to be born,so... - what about, uh,the statue of liberty? the ice cream? i thought, uh, you liked that. look, milo, if you don'tget back there before 12:00, the big door's gonna close. what about the other kids,did you think about them?

they won't get bornif you don't go. - be doing them a favor. - don't you think they'rethe ones to make that decision? - it's tough. - hey, no, no. you got to go. this isn't justsome little kid game. this is the future of humanitywe're talking about. this is important.

- what do you careabout what's important? you don't care about humanity. you don't even careabout your own family. - hey, what's thatsupposed to mean? - you split on them. - split on them, where are yougettin' these words? hey, things can geta little complicated. you don't know what life'sreally like, kid. - good, that's the wayi want to keep it.

now, go ahead. i don't want to be born, so you can just take me back. - boy, have i been wastin'my time. you want to go back? you can findyour own damn way back. i've got an hour left to live,and i'm gonna use it. too-da-loo, kiddo. okay, driver,

back to the hotel. - baby, we're gettin' a room. - ah!- on the double, on the double. move it! move it! - miss. - are you all right, miss? - hit me. - are you playing, miss? - miss, are you playing?

- slow down, elmore. sweetie, we've got all night. - [grumbles] - ooh, oh. [gasps] i at least have to takea quick bath. all right, but don't, uh,you know, make it a production. ♪ just one more time ♪

pillows off. ♪ nighst of love ♪ [dial tone] - hotel operator. - operator, could youhold all calls? - yes, sir.- thanks. - can't get me, dad! - can't get me! - got you!

- i'm gonna get you! [woman crying] - [sobbing] - are you crying? why? - because i feel miserable. - are you lost? - no. i am.

[sniffles] - you ever seen this? - supposed to make youfeel better. - thanks. - no problem. do you like ice cream? - anna. almost ready. [sighs]

- our reporter, mary jo scott,has all the details. mary jo? - the baffling phenomenahas now been reported in over 100 countries. scientists have no explanation-- [no audio] you can stop's over. - what did you say? - you heard me.the kid won't go for it.

i've tried's over. and i've gota little unfinished business i got to take care of here. when it's done,we'll be right back up. - see?see, i told all of you. this was a big mistake. well, listen here, friend. don't think you can sneak awayfrom this one-- - shh.

elmore, you've still got21 minutes. the child, mankind,maybe you could-- - are you not listenin' to me? it's over. all right,what do you want me to say? i screwed up, okay? i'm a bum, all right? and why do you send meof all people? who's stupid ideawas that anyhow?

- his. - his, who his? - his? - his, and he doesn't makestupid mistakes, elmore. he must've had a reason. - what reason? what do i know about children? i couldn't even dealwith my own kid.

- maybe that's whyyou were chosen. maybe you've been given a chance to make amends, a second chance. - mr. percival is right, elmore. don't quit on this child. you've still got a few minutes. - baby. i'm ready.

this bath is hot. so am i. - shit. - mmm. - mmm, that was the best. something to really live for,huh? say, you know, it's awfully latefor you to be out on your own. where are your parents? - i don't have any.

- oh, i'm sorry. - it's no big deal. - well, you must have someone. someone must betaking care of you. - yeah, there's this guy, but all of the sudden, he just kind of split. - ooh.

- my baby just kicked. big one. - can i-- - yeah, sure. here. he just moved. i felt it. um, want me to tell youyour fortune? i got a knack for cards.

- yeah, thanks. - this is behind you, your past. these two are your foundation. this is in front of you, ready? - hmm, that's nice. - hearts and spades. it's all hearts and spades. - you have a lot of lovein your life,

but you also have a lot of fear. - looks to melike you already have everything you ever dreamed of. - well, then why am i so afraid? - did somebody walk out on youwhen you were young? - what's this guy like? - well. he's a real class "a" jerk,but... - yeah, i know the type.

so i guess we're bothin the same boat, huh? what's this one? - [whispering]it's you. it's you. - are you okay? - what time is it? - it's almost 12:00. i've done a horrible thing. i've ruined everything.

- you don't have to get upset. it can't be that bad. - yes, it is.yes, it is. it's all screwed up. - is that you? are you milo? so there you go,your guy's back. he didn't leave. go ahead.

[solemn music] - i ran outon you before. i was wrong.i'll take you back now. but one thing.- elmore, i know. - shut up for a secondand listen. here's what i want to say: you've got to givethis life thing a shot. this has nothing to dowith what's in it for me. it's your lifei'm talkin' about.

there were some thingswe didn't even get 'round to. first of all,you're gonna fall in love. - i know, elmore. - life's not all a bed of roses,responsibilities, and headaches,but if you hang in there, maybe you'll even haveyour own kid. - i know, elmore! - right, you might haveyour own kid or two. - elmore!- what? what? what?

- i know. - i said i want to be born. - you said it. i want to be born, right?- yes. - that's what you said? he wants to be born. he wants to be born! i did it! i did it! i did it!i did it! i did it! i did it!i did it. i did it.

- yes, yes.- five words. he said the five words.- okay. - hey, say what? - you see the door? - yeah, yeah, i see it. - okay, where's milo?- no, no, he's right here. - where did he go? - he just walked into this shop. - uh, he's not lost again,is he?

- he's--he's rightin front of me. he's talkin' to some-- elmore? elmore, hello? - dear god. everything's gonna be okay. my friend came back, and i have a feelingyours will too. - well, i don't thinkthat's possible,

but thank you for the thought. - you never know. too-da-loo. - so she's your... which means i'm your... you better hurry. - elizabeth! liz! elizabeth!

elizabeth. - whoa, whoa, wait!w-w-wait. okay, hold it. hold it. hold it. - ooh!- what's the matter, baby? - what's the matter?- the baby dropped. - excuse me. excuse me! can you callan ambulance, please? [thudding] [suspenseful music]

get up, milo. - i can't. - could somebody give mea hand out here? - i'm afraid no one here is a special case like you,mr. dahl. we can't go out that door. - come on, kid. you got to get up, milo. i've been scammed.

he knew this was gonna happen,didn't he? shit! kevin. - it's okay. what?- him. - what?what's the matter? what, babe? - oh!- okay, hold on. hold on. hold on.

[siren wailing] [elevator bell dings] - come on, hurry. hurry. - breathe.come on, breathe. - all right.- right this way. hurry, hurry. - elmore, here we go. run faster! faster, elmore.

there's not much time. [rousing orchestral music] yeah, that's it. [liz panting and whimpering] - push, push, push.push! push! push! [liz screaming] - good, good, breathe.- [panting] - breathe, breathe.- i saw dad. i saw dad!

- come on.- i saw my dad! - you can do it. go on. go on, kid. - you can do it.go on! - [breathing heavily] [screaming]- push! push! [sentimental orchestral music] [baby crying]- [screaming]

[baby wailing] - good work.- is he okay? [baby shrieking] [soft piano music] - good work, elmore. - no big deal. [child giggles] i don't supposei'll be getting another get-out-of-jail cardsoon, huh?

- i'm afraid that-- - right, a deal's a deal. the scammer got scammed. i got to hand it to you. - i can't take the credit. - it was a setup all the way,wasn't it? - he does thingsin mysterious ways. - so they say. anyway, no complaints.

i got a nice day out of it. i guess this is good-bye. one last thing. i wanted a gift for the kid, kind of a birthday present. thought maybe youcould pull some strings. talk to the big guy for me. - all right, but now you can talk to himyourself.

going up. [upbeat jazz music] - the unexplained baby drought turned into a flash floodof newborns today as hospitals all over the world struggled to copewith the uncanny phenomenon. - here on the east coast, the spicket officially turned onaround 12:00 midnight. with literally hundreds of women

delivering within secondsof labor. scientists arethoroughly baffled by the phenomenon,postulating everything from-- - now, he has all of his fingersand toes, right? - he's perfect, mom. he's the most perfect thingi've ever seen. - well, give him a big kissfrom grandma. - well, you'll seewhen you get here. - oh, i bet he's the cutestlittle thing in the world.

oh, and i havethe most amazing dream to tell you about. - can't wait to see you. - all right, have a safe trip. - bye, honey, buh-bye.- i love you. bye. [baby cooing] - she still crying? yes.- yeah?

you happy? - very. - ah, boo-boo-boo. that's weird. it never snows this earlyin the season. wow. - ♪ baby ♪ ♪ now that i've found you,i won't let you go ♪ ♪ i build my world around you ♪

♪ i need you so ♪ ♪ baby even though ♪ ♪ you don't need me now ♪ ♪ baby ♪ ♪ now that i've found you ♪ ♪ i won't let you go ♪ ♪ you don't need me ♪ ♪ you don't need me, no, no ♪ ♪ hmm hmm ♪

♪ baby, baby ♪ ♪ when first we met ♪ ♪ i knew in this heart of mine ♪ ♪ that you were someonei couldn't forget ♪ ♪ i said rightand abide my time ♪ ♪ i spent my lifelooking for that somebody ♪ ♪ to make me feel like you ♪ ♪ now you tell methat you want to leave me ♪ ♪ but darling,i just can't let you ♪

♪ ooh-ooh ♪ ♪ i said right ♪ ♪ and abide my time ♪ ♪ spent my life lookingfor that somebody ♪ ♪ to make me feel like new ♪ ♪ but now you tell methat you want to leave me ♪ ♪ but darlingi just can't let you ♪ - ♪ now that i found you ♪ - ♪ i build my worldaround you ♪

♪ no, no ♪ ♪ hmm, hmm ♪

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