1 chicken eggs 4 ways to remove the armpit hair clean no longer a stem without light white armpit

happy to be together on "happy together"! - hello, everyone. / - hello and welcome. today's guests are friends who can communicate just with a glance. - they're all... what, us? / - yes. i didn't see your hand. it's too bad since i wanted to say we're buddies, too. please welcome the best buddies. the comedy duo sung dongil and kwon sangwoo

and the straightforward park eunyeong and lady jane. it's been so long. why... dongil, welcome. hello lj, welcome. lj is in the house. you know, these four... sangwoo, when were you last on a talk show? - isn't this your first time here? / - it is. - he's so handsome. / - don't be silly. - that's won bin. / - won bin said that?

"come to the rooftop." "come to the rooftop." "come to the rooftop." sorry about that. i heard that misun and shinyoung... are leaving the show. can someone take our photos? we barely started filming. we're still reeling from shock. i wanted to come on before then. - before we left? / - before we left? thank you.

he called to ask if i'm staying on. i couldn't answer. why is he staying? everyone got here early, but saeho came much later. - no, i... / - he's staying on, so he's relaxed. - i was coming to say hi. / - be humble and be quiet. - sorry. / - be humble. bow your head. were you always this funny, sangwoo? i saw jaeseok last week. - why? / - i was on his other show where they run.

- i prefer to chat while sitting still. / - do you? (i'm perfect for talk shows) he told me then that sitting still isn't his thing. you said you'd rather run so now why is it chatting? are you an opportunist? sitting down is comfortable and stable. - i came on "come and play". / - it was so long ago. i haven't been on a talk show in a while. his last kbs talk show was "evening with a reason".

- yes. / - in the early 2000s, - i hosted it with two other comedians. / - when? the show got canceled after eight episodes. sangwoo came on to promote the movie "volcano high". ("evening with a reason", 2001) in our club today are the stars of "volcano high". we have jang hyuk, heo junho, kim sooro and kwon sangwoo. i haven't seen you on a talk show since.

although he's usually funny, i was concerned that he worried about his image so i asked what he'd do. "if i talk, i'll be funny. it's all or nothing." he said he wants to be funny. - his sense of humor has improved. / - it has. wuv weturns. come to de theater. this is... - you're awesome. / - that was it.

it's your first variety show in seven years and korean movie in four years. four years... why have you been away? - it wasn't deliberate. / - okay. he went to earn some foreign currency. sangwoo said this during the pre-tape interview. he was very busy in japan and china for a few years but not in korea, so people ask how he is doing.

some people even say, "what do you live off of?" (my fans' love) - if they can't see you, they wonder. / - that's right. if someone my age isn't around, they think we're dead. you do look like someone who came back from the dead. - is your liver all right? / - should i say this? you have huge eye bags. - i was up late filming last night. / - here. (a heat pack of love)

you found another use for the coffee. it's warm. we all know that dongil is amazingly talented in comedy and variety shows. if he quit acting to become an entertainer... - we're dead. / - myungsoo loses his standing. - he disrespected you. / - he's funny. am i the first target? - you look worried. / - are your hands cramped?

sangwoo never beats around the bush. he's outspoken. he's straightforward. you're rude considering we just met. - targeting me... / - you never met? - i haven't... / - i start my day with his radio show. he watches a lot of variety shows. - what time does your show start? / - it's 11 a.m. - you wake up late. / - that's when i leave the gym. thank you.

- you're a great dj. / - didn't you listen to my show? i listen to everything. - do you listen all day? / - i skip channels. - do you listen all day? / - do you monitor the shows? (a monitor of radio shows?) i do a lot of driving. don't you have a manager? i drive myself around when i'm not working. that's what you should do.

that helps save a lot of expenses. (saving up) let's meet the two young ladies now. it's lady jane and park eunyeong. welcome. lady jane was known as the goddess of hongdae, but she bombed her shrine to join the mere mortals. now she's known as the female kim gura. - girl gura. / - i'm doing my best.

i had no idea that you two were good friends. - we're close. / - i was shocked. when i was asked to come on as lady jane's buddy... - she said she didn't want to be on the show. / - why? - your show ruined her life. / - she did great. how come? - the first time i was on... / - the coin up your nose? people still talk about that. - what coin? / - 500 won...

- no, it was 50 won. / - 50 won... - ready? / - ready. it won't go in. it fits. (you did it, not us) that's a 50-won coin. wasn't that a 50-won coin? give a 100-won coin a try today. then i'll never get married.

men wouldn't like a woman who can do that. - we would. / - we would. that wasn't my problem, then. sorry. you're a catch. i read a recent article about her and kim jongkook. he suggested you marry him - if you're single after a while. / - did he really? - he was just kidding. / - you must be close. we hosted a show together for years.

while eating during a break he said, "marry me if you can't find anyone good enough." it was a joke. for him to crack such a joke... - affection... / - there's affection and interest. - he said it for a reason. / - is that so? jongkook wouldn't say it unless he meant it. really? but ever since then, he hasn't texted or called me.

it's because he doesn't know how you feel about him. - he baited you. / - we saw him on your other show. he said he didn't want to get married. (meaningless words) she brought that up. doesn't that mean she likes him? - me? / - you're right. he jokingly said a woman with no ambition makes a good wife and that i have no ambition.

he said, "you're perfect in that aspect." do you think you lack ambition? - what do you think? / - she has none. none? wow. she puts stability and comfort first and prefers to keep things as they are. then you'll stay at kbs and never become a freelancer. me? never, i'll stay. i love kbs. freelancing isn't for everyone.

- be nice. / - you need to have talent. she's furious deep down inside, but she went... (pat pat) not only eunyeong but lady jane is also at the center of a very big scandal. - with him? / - hong jinho. - she's using him. / - is she? - i believe they dated then broke up. / - did they? you'll start another rumor. you're wrong.

- that's what i heard, too. / - you're wrong. we can never meet up out in the open. - we might get photographed. / - then you meet inside? i heard many people saw you and jinho celebrate your 100th day together. we... i swear that we never dated. my mother and father want me to... - date? / - no, to stop dating. - why? / - they're sick of the rumors and scandals.

- they hear all those stories. / - it's stressful. - i guess they didn't like it. / - it was a bit... i said, "mom, i should find a boyfriend to marry." "if you want to, go on a date in a cave." date secretly? go to a place where no one will take photos of us. it must be so... dongil and sangwoo starred in a movie together. i was told that this one is a comedy.

that's why you're here. why else would i spare time for you? if i'm on this show, it means i'm promoting a movie. i was last in this building to be on "vitamin". - really? / - they moved to another block ages ago. - was he never on? / - never. back when we filmed on the set of the public bathhouse. i much prefer this bar to a public bathhouse. - you like it here? / - a bar.

i'm sorry, but this isn't a bar. - it's a diner. / - it's a cafeteria. it's a bar if you sell alcohol. (you're being mean) why wouldn't you sell alcohol in a place like this? sangwoo, don't you think it'd make a perfect bar? he might come by when he's really drunk. he'll say he knows this great place. a place his friend runs.

i'm sorry, but that's not a real kitchen. it's empty. i'll bring my own drinks, then. dongil, is it true that you appear in this movie without dyeing your gray hair? - goodness. / - is that your natural hair color? - really? / - seriously? - that suits you. / - that's a great look. - it suits him really well. / - you look great. that's the only thing i inherited from my father.

when did your hair start turning gray? - my mid-30s? / - it's genetic if it's that early. it happens to some people earlier in life. some even bleach their hair gray. yes, some do to stand out. i would if i had any other job but as an actor... did you tell your children you bleached it gray? - to your kids? / - i had to. my youngest is five and she said i looked old.

- they took pity on me. / - as an old man. sangwoo is really handsome. we're talking about dongil right now. - in that photo. / - she kept saying, "he's my type." focus on dongil. sangwoo, aren't you a melodrama and an action star? he has a great body. "back god." - he has great back muscles. / - "back god."

(back god) (a true man) what's that? is that a man's body? that means he's always willing to show his body. is that a recent photo? - do you still look like that? / - i always do. really? (this is my usual physique) - i always wanted to say this. / - did you?

- people might hate me. / - sure. - he's blessed. / - those are all his. even now... this is... this is nothing, really. actually... he was always reluctant to show his body. - i was wondering what he was doing. / - the six-pack. - show us some more. / - but the lighting here isn't great. - the lighting? / - he has a great physique.

he's already pushing his shorts down. - why would he do that? / - to show his pubic bone. to show off as much as possible. i must say that sangwoo's physique is one that even men who workout would envy. what really put me off was, if you look at me... i'm very stocky and sturdy. you're one big chunk. - you're like a big blob. / - i'm a bit like a rock.

i said, "you must work out a lot. isn't it hard?" "i don't exercise much." "this is what my body is always like." that's not it. people who exercise a lot would hate me for this but... even i hate you. - he doesn't even exercise. / - i really eat a lot. - and? / - i never once went on a diet. do you work out a lot?

i don't understand why people exercise for hours. i work out really hard for just 50 minutes. - gym freaks would hate you. / - what do you do? i never rest for over a minute between sets. - you move fast. / - some move slowly for hours. but i exercise more efficiently. i spend a lot of time talking. - i work out alone. / - wherever we are, he finds a gym and goes every morning.

- does he? / - he's dedicated. misun's complaining that i ruined her six-pack moment. since you already pushed down your shorts... i haven't been focusing on my abs lately so... he's pushing it down some more. - it's just... / - calm down. will you calm down? (i'm kwon sangwoo) you're awesome.

we've seen a lot of photos over the years, but sangwoo's muscles always have been famous. he does his washing on his own abs. - that's nonsense. / - i'm serious. - dongil. / - that was funny. was that planned? - will you stop it? / - i suddenly want to go workout. stop it. what are you doing? (show-off)

he's such a show-off. he said people might hate him for it. that means he's willing to take the risk. - he shows off way too much. / - that was great. was this the first time you two worked together? - it was. / - was it? how did you like working with each other? neither of us is in the situation to bother the other. - why? / - sangwoo has two kids and i have three.

we have to put pride aside and make things work. i heard that you had a bromance thing going on. - really? / - we did all there was to do. like what? we did everything but giving birth. - did you kiss? / - no. i mean we opened up and tried to make it work. dongil, do you prefer working to being at home? don't we all?

(does he agree?) at home, i get glared at if i ask for something. that's true. "get it yourself." - you're right. / - "you have hands and feet." i never get my way, but on set i'm fed, i can sleep, i'm paid and taught how to act. it's heaven. you really have a point. - i love it. / - i see.

sangwoo was a family man but while shooting this film, he started to lie to his wife. - really? / - what lies did he tell? he said that we have a filming schedule when we don't. - he doesn't go home. / - that's not true. - he's wrong. / - we all know you to be a family guy. - you still feel like you're dating. / - that's right. - i really do. / - did you never lie like dongil said? - did you? / - i do feel unsure sometimes.

- when? / - i play soccer on my free weekends. - for about three hours. / - three hours of soccer? - yes. / - he plays more than a real soccer player. - i love it. / - and? it's my only hobby, so my wife lets me play. but if she's feeling down or unhappy... "should i go or not?" that's when i feel unsure. on days like that, my soccer bag... it's usually by the door, but i sneak it into my car.

- in secret. / - then i do my best before i leave. - my wife... / - they seem to have a ritual. - he does his best... / - i do my best then leave. their interaction is almost pg19 level. - is it? / - really? they show their affection when his wife visits the set. a normal couple with two kids go, "hi." - we try to stay apart. / - they hug first. who does? taeyoung?

they hug each other and it looks so natural. i envy that. they don't care who is looking. don't you stay well apart when you're at home? - if it's all for show... / - sangwoo and taeyoung is korea's version of brangelina. - they are. / - but myungsoo's couple is just insecure. they're brangelina and you and your wife are scary. in a recent interview the reporter asked taeyoung who she'd like to film a torrid love scene with.

sangwoo said they do that every day at home. - a torrid love scene? / - i was so impressed. what exactly do you do at home? slamming doors, crashing into closets... - tearing clothes off... / - it could be the opposite. - they're loving it. / - they're excited. the two single women can't take it. - crashing into closets... / - tearing clothes off... they have a fantasy about married life.

i got quite a shock on "running man" actually. you did. my wife showed up without telling me. it's always like this. she wore sunglasses and a disposable mask. - i noticed her figure. / - did you? - you didn't know? / - i didn't recognize her. i just noticed her nice figure and skin. i got curious and wanted to see her face.

so i just... i just went, "let's see her face." - it was her. / - goodness. can you just stop already? he always says, "i saw this beauty and it was my wife." (falling in love every day) - so... / - anywhere in korea, she's there. that makes me feel excited to see her again at home. seeing her like that?

- that day... / - the surprise from that day? - that's perfect. / - those situations help keep me interested and wanting to hug her. okay, let's move on to our other two friends. how did you two become friends? we met on kbs's "mamma mia" two years ago. - it's the mom and daughter show. / - that's right. they're here because they're friends, but they only hang out for a few hours at a time.

do you get sick of each other? both i and eunyeong are couch potatoes. we love to stay at home. even if we dress up to go far, we want to go home soon. - what do you do at home? / - i stare at the wallpaper. - i start work early, so i sleep at 10. / - i see. even if we meet for dinner, i have to go straight home. if i call at 8 or 9 to ask what she's doing, she says, "i'm getting ready for bed."

it's a newborn baby's schedule. - it's way too early. / - you get ready at 8, 9 p.m.? - so i can sleep at 10. / - when do you wake up? - at 5:30 for my radio show. / - so you sleep well. if you have to start your day early... what else can you do if you don't have a boyfriend? you need a boyfriend to... if you date someone like eunyeong who sleeps early, then as a boyfriend, you'll end up...

- end up what? / - doing what? - it's great to go clubbing. / - it is. - after putting her to bed? / - you have free time. isn't it good if your wife sleeps early? only if she does her duties first, like the dishes. are we in the joseon era? - the joseon era... / - do what duties? misun has kids and so do we but they don't get it. you can't sleep early if your kids are young.

- i see... / - sangwoo had, what did you have? - it was otolithiasis. / - he had otolithiasis. - how come? / - otolithiasis? - in the ear. / - stones form in the ear? i was fine the first time but with my second kid... they wake up in the middle of the night. - so often. / - my wife and i took turns getting up. my wife slept and woke when the baby did, but i, being foolish,

stayed up all night a few nights in a row. one morning i was sitting on the bed with the baby and the ceiling spun. - you feel very dizzy. / - i just collapsed. ever since then, my wife does the night shift. did you collapse on purpose? - not on purpose. / - to avoid babysitting? don't you end up giving in when you don't have to? you could bear it, but you didn't.

- this is a bit... / - i have doubts now. - are you okay now? / - i'm fine now. things have settled down. how about we see some photos of your children? - he's adorable. / - he looks just like his dad. doesn't he look like his dad? this is riho and he's rukhui. - he's so handsome. / - he's so charming for a kid. he is.

- is rukhui seven now? / - yes. does he know he's handsome? - he must. / - that he's popular. i tell him, "rukhui, you look so cool." "do you know that?" he says, "yeah." - he's just like his dad. / - he is. - a show-off? / - a show-off. (like father, like son) he looks so smart.

i really want to thank my wife for something. how smart can a kid be at his age and how many letters of the alphabet could he know? instead he's full of love and i'm grateful for that. my wife raised him well. - does he act charmingly? / - he does. he's sweet for a boy his age. taeyoung acts way cuter than rukhui does. - really? / - he got it from his mom.

that's why the mom's role is important. what does rukhui want to be when he grows up? he has two serious goals. one is to be a soccer player. he's like his dad. - also, he wants to be a ninja. / - a ninja? i recommend becoming a ninja. all boys want to grow up - and control robots and things. / - animation stuff. - that's his dream. / - i see.

he's always on the couch doing this, hanging off things, and taking a sword to bed. - a sword? / - yes. that's so cute. do you change your daughter's diapers? - that's... / - we're amazing at changing diapers. - roll them up, stick them up and toss. / - okay. - all fathers will know. / - of course. - the pleasure of a well-rolled dirty diaper. / - yes.

- when it's well... / - nice and tight. it's like a perfect roll of gimbap tossed in the trash. it's so unsatisfying if it's twisted or wonky. - you're a sweet dad. / - he is. i've only seen my father in photos. he died six months after i was born. now that i'm a dad, i have no basic or objective data about dads. i have no standard or baseline about parenting.

that was a big concern for me. my father said this to me a while ago. "i didn't have a dad and so" "i didn't know how a father should love." "i'm sorry i raised you the way i did." i totally identify with that. that background is something we have in common. sangwoo's family is based in daejeon and he visits his father's grave sometimes.

he goes whenever he's having a rough time. - to talk to his father? / - when he feels like it. (the immature, rebellious actor kwon sangwoo) (he's now a father) (a father full of love) (who knows how to show that to his children) let's go from sangwoo to dongil, father of three. - you have a lovely family. / - you do. - our goal was to have four kids. / - oh.

- my wife and i... / - why not go for it? four kids mean they fight or play two against two. i felt sorry for my wife raising kids all her life, so i said we should stop at three. i believe dongil suggested to his wife that they try for a fourth child. the timing was rotten. because my wife had had three children, i thought four would be easy.

she gave a natural birth to all three and i mentioned a fourth child the day she gave birth. "we could have four." and she said "i'll tear open your mouth." - the timing... / - dongil's wife is very... - she's scary. / - she is. all moms are like that after having multiple kids. i should have waited until she had recovered. you should have.

- goodness. / - that's jun. - jun... / - he's so cute. then there's bin and yul. yul is adorable. - jun looks like a scholar. / - he's always reading. - this photo is too... / - was it staged? a photo of him reading as he's walking? it's not just any book, but a math book. he studies math as he's walking? - his dad... / - is jun that smart?

is this a show for the paparazzi? - he actually does read all the time. / - really? either dongil gave him the book or he's a genius. does he read math books? - he'll read anything. / - reading as he's walking? this is product placement. - it's a math book. / - he's a boy. nothing my kids wear was given to us for free. - we paid for everything. / - they're so cute.

what's this telephone incident between you and jun? sangwoo always brags about changing his profile photo. a photo of the baby flipping over, crawling and others. - he's a proud dad. / - i know. i'm a dad of three and i don't want to lose, so i attempted to a video call to show him. - it was just to show me. / - he wanted to brag. - "jun, it's your dad." / - "i'm busy, talk later." (so sad...)

jun... how old is he now? he's in third grade. - he's ten and busy? / - kids that age have friends. children in third grade do have their own schedule. what terrible timing. i think my son is becoming a little like that now. - how old is he? / - he's seven. already?

if i upset him and say "i love you" to appease him, he'll sometimes say, "whatever." (whatever) "whatever." - that's so cute. / - "whatever"? if i'm upset and say "don't do that," - he says, "this is how i live my life." / - gosh. - and he's just seven? / - it's how he lives his life? when i asked him, he said he heard it on a cartoon.

"this is how i live my life." i'm a son myself and i think sons are useless. my wife mentions sangwoo sometimes. "he's a busy guy and even he plays with his kids." "why can't you play with your only daughter?" - how do you play with him? / - boxing? i bought real gloves to box with him. - he actually punches him. / - his own kid? he sometimes punches me very hard i get angry,

so i get some payback. - you're strict. / - sometimes we play soccer. dongil, what do you do with jun? i'm surprisingly good at playing with my children. - i travel with them a lot. / - all over korea. - all the time. jun... / - he's smart. ever since he was seven, he'd offer to cook for us, and fry up some eggs and serve them on pretty plates. - he's all grown-up. / - that's amazing.

when you're in public, people recognize jun, greet you, - then call you... / - "hello, seon dongryeol." they recognize jun, but call him seon dongryeol. it doesn't bother me now. i let it slide. why won't you let your daughters marry? - i can't. / - why not? - they're too precious? / - daughters aren't like sons. look at those two and think you're their dad. when i was young, my dad also said he'd keep me close.

i had my children later on in life. by the time they're old enough to marry, i'll be dead. - so until then... / - don't say that. you have to walk them down the aisle. - marry them off. / - i'd love to but... - quit drinking. / - if jun goes straight to college, serves in the army without any breaks, and finds a job straight away, by the time he gets his first paycheck i'm 70.

i'm 70. people live to be 100 now. - oh dear. / - jun has no time to waste. - that's scary. / - i see what you mean. did you hear what eunyeong said? "people live to be 100 now." - they do. / - be quiet and don't make things worse. dongil really is a magician with words. - for example? / - is he?

he never says something the same way twice. i think he has a huge book hidden somewhere. sangwoo was really concerned about our movie. it opens around chuseok and he wants it to do well, so i said, "don't worry about it opening chuseok week." - why not? / - "even rotten fruit sells on chuseok." - "our movie is great so don't worry." / - don't worry. most korean movies hit 10 million at the box office. do you have any expectations?

since it's opening even when rotten fruit sells? - people are giving us great reviews. / - are they? if it doesn't do well, dongil will dye his hair gray. - why his hair and... / - why not yours? - why use him? / - his hair isn't yours. - i want to make a serious pledge. / - okay. my biggest movie was "my tutor friend". for ten years, i haven't broken my 5.2 million ticket sale record.

- 5.2 million. / - it's been standing for ten years. dongil's movies get at least 8 million in sales. - i get really envious about that. / - and so? - when my movie breaks the 5.2 million mark... / - yes? - i'll go to a cinema... / - and? - pick some people. / - and? do ten squats carrying them in every single cinema. if you break your record, come on our show topless and wear suspenders.

i will. call me when i break 5 million. (we have video evidence) topless in suspenders saying "hello". i'll work on my abs for you. according to lady jane, it seems that eunyeong is adamant that she'll get married this year. - it'll be in late december. / - i heard. she isn't even dating anyone and she says she'll get married in late december.

- she said so? / - as soon as we met earlier today, she said, "i'm going to get married in december." aren't there men lining up to date you, eunyeong? - she likes weird guys. / - what kind of guys? they're studious men in glasses, like slightly nerdy. that's her type? she only goes for such men. - slightly nerdy guys. / - "slightly nerdy"? - scholarly men? / - scholarly men.

but she says her ideal type is sangwoo, jongkook and lee hoon. - fit men. / - i'm included because i'm here. no, sangwoo was always... (it can't be) i liked him in "my tutor friend" and "once upon a time in high school" and when he said "wuv weturns". love returns! - that was just... / - whoa...

he's right here and you say "wuv weturns"? you know, i... - it wasn't that bad. / - he didn't say it like that. sangwoo, can you say that line for us? he's blushing for once. (fury) you're getting disrespected here. i don't like anchors with impeccable pronunciation. it's surreal.

this is the first time i saw someone say it like that. it was the worst imitation i've ever seen. - and he's sitting right here. / - "wuv weturns." she's still alive only because i'm between them. - people imitate me all the time. / - yes. i don't really mind. - don't you? / - i think that's how they remember me. you're so positive. when i was working abroad and not in the korean media,

i used to get upset when no one talked about me. - it can be upsetting. / - we all look ourselves up. - most celebrities do. / - but? there's no mention of you? but if i see fan videos of me dubbed over on youtube, it's actually fun to watch. - is it? / - it means they think of me. - the worst is to be forgotten. / - that's true. (my fans' love returns!)

(it's back) - all eunyeong's blind dates... / - total fiascos. i don't understand. she's so pretty. - isn't that impossible? / - it is. - an anchor with a pretty face. / - a kbs anchor, too. lj, how about you give her some blind date tips? - i learned something. / - what? despite lady jane's very public past relationship... did you have to mention that?

despite that, men seem to adore her. when i asked what her secret was, she said - she smiles all the time. / - that's right. - i laugh a lot as well. / - do you? i smile so often my stylist says i look too easy. you do smile a lot but in different ways. if the guy says something, i respond sincerely. - yes, that's perfect. / - i smile like this. - look at those eyes. / - and eunyeong?

eunyeong goes... - she does. / - it's just so loud. i think i saw her do this a lot. so i asked about the difference. if the guy is genuinely funny, i can do this. but some guys can be boring. - what then? / - i say this. "was that supposed to be a joke?" - that's chilly. / - it's so cold.

- it was way too cold. / - not good. that was bad. - what about you, lj? / - i would... she taught me how to laugh when someone is boring. - how? / - if he's funny, laugh like this. if he's really boring, do this. that's really annoying. (dolphin squeals) sangwoo, you told us that when you don't have to work,

you're mostly at home with your family. do you do almost anything taeyoung asks you to? do you buy groceries? - do you? / - i go with her. - holding hands? / - i want to do that. who's in charge of the finances? my wife doesn't care much about that. she told me to take charge because she's helpless. - you're in charge? / - good for you.

(he's saving up) you have to hug and kiss actresses in movies or dramas. i need to talk a bit about that. i do have to kiss other women in tv dramas or movies. (when he does it, he really does it!) when i come home that night, rukhui says, "dad, don't kiss other women." "you should only kiss mom." - really? / - then he teases me in public.

"dad, you kissed another woman. don't do that." i'll tell you what happened very recently. i filmed a chinese movie and toured the theaters with other actors and actresses. i was the joint lead with two actresses. one of those actresses was a fan of mine and she asked me to take a photo with her. i posed like this, so i couldn't see her pose or face. apparently, she'd gone like this and this beside me.

you're good. then she uploaded it onto a social networking site. my wife saw it and i think it upset her. - did it? / - yes. she'd sent me a text. it was a parody of the photo. my wife was doing this and our son doing this. (rukhui's assist) that's just so...

that's how she gets her revenge. - your son has her back. / - he totally does. that's a good way to get payback. it's not too serious. - that's pretty cute. / - it's even worse. - if taeyoung does that... / - it's just one photo. so she doesn't confront you directly. she doesn't get upset, right? before and after that photo were some messages about this long.

(some long messages) (honey, let's talk...) - i thought she was cool. / - you left that out. i have to make her look good on tv. that's some good self-editing. that happens to me sometimes. my wife asks me, "so did you like posing with her?" - no, but i can't be bothered to explain. / - exactly. we don't like it if our man poses for photos like that.

but i can't tell the actress, "don't smile." (be grim) - of course, you can't. / - then you shouldn't do this. doesn't lj pose like that in her photos? - selfie faces. / - the lj cut. (take this!) will you look at that? that was the face. lj, do the pikakyu.

pikakyu. - she's kind of cute. / - i wish i could hit her. i really don't want to do this. sorry. jeong junha used to post a lot of selfies with sangwoo. are you really as close as junha loves to claim? tell us the truth. we were close. (past tense friendship) - it's past tense. / - it's like this.

when "infinite challenge" was in the planning stage, jaeseok called junha to suggest he join the team. - i was there when he called. / - so i heard. - you were close. / - but... we went everywhere together then. i was going through a tough time and junha... - he offered moral support. / - he was a great friend. when he got the call from jaeseok, i don't think he was doing any real work at the time.

- but he didn't give a clear answer. / - he didn't. - really? / - after he hung up i said, "are you mad?" "you should've said yes." i actually think he was reluctant to join the show. junha was struggling around that time. i'd say it's thanks to me that he joined... yes, junha told us that later. - sangwoo persuaded him. / - why was he reluctant? we didn't really get along at the time.

oh, right, he's shy. we stopped calling each other for about two years and this was toward the end of those two years. what about him and myungsoo? we didn't really get along either. i think he's a bit like that. he's always surrounded by people. he has a good social network, but i don't befriend many people at any one time.

i see. junha was a really close friend at the time. but after he joined "infinite challenge" and started working more, we slowly drifted apart. we think about each other a lot but can't meet up. now that sangwoo is married. - it's always like that. / - what about song seungheon? (we all drift apart) if i leave my home and run uphill really fast,

then i can reach his home in just 30 seconds. - that's really close. / - but since i got married, the number of times we met up i can count on just one hand. - my lifestyle is totally... / - it changes completely. when i was a newlywed, seungheon would call me around the time i'm about to go to bed. "let's get a drink." i can't because my priorities have changed.

that's how we drifted apart. i think your point is this. marriage changes your whole schedule and routine. i sleep and wake early because my son does. even if we can't meet up, i think of them both often. what a lovely ending. how about a video message? (let's meet up soon, friends) dongil, did you do a lot of stunts in this movie?

if you think about it, sangwoo should do the stunts. he did none of them. - really? / - he got massages... you did all the work? sangwoo, did you have no dangerous scenes? i did everything so well and safely. i thought he'd do all the hard work. we assumed the same. our original script had a scene where

i chase a criminal off a bridge into the han river. then one day i got a revised script without that scene. instead dongil is in a sinking car and the criminal... (dongil, sink with car) it was in a reservoir five meters deep. - in person? / - i was extremely shocked. it's the first attempt in korean movie history. in films like "the titanic," actors do this underwater. - they're all lies. / - why?

- you feel the weight of the water. / - that's scary. it's worse without goggles because you can't see. the worst part was when my stand-in fainted underwater. - during filming? / - you lose control. i couldn't see why a dad of three should do this. that should be sangwoo's scene. i wanted to take his place deep down inside. he was having fun diving right beside me. he didn't even have to be there.

then just before i started filming, he said, "see you." diving is an exhausting activity. (the truth comes out) your wife and family would cry if they saw that. dongil said he wants his wife to watch the movie. i'm away from home for weeks at a time and she thinks i'm having fun. he doesn't own a tv. i haven't owned one for 12 years.

do you not watch your own tv dramas? i can't and neither can my wife. she won't know what you do, then. i brought jun to a movie set about two years ago. if i'm filming somewhere nice, i bring him along to have some fun, so jun knows what dad does. he has an idea. my kids and i were on a traveling show for two years.

- we never watched an episode. / - none at all? - i don't think it was always like this. / - why not? i decided to get rid of the tv when i got married. we wasted way too much time watching it. i canceled our tv subscription when she got pregnant. even now, my children don't care about... that's why they read so much. that's why they read. jun is always... he's always reading.

what about you? the living room tv remote belongs to my wife. the tv in the master bedroom is rukhui's. my wife actually bought me something. it's sold on highway rest stops everywhere. it's a stand for the bed that you can put your phone. yes, yes, a cell phone stand. my wife watches tv and i watch on my phone. - the stand? / - that's how i watch soccer matches.

on your phone... - i think i need to watch some tv. / - you do. i don't know any of the young idol singers. the last singer i saw on tv was "green zone". that's ancient. (when was that...?) when i'm in a drama... - many singers act now. / - hyeri played my daughter. - did you not know her? / - "who are you?"

"i'm a singer." what group is she in? - girl's day. / - are you popular? she said yes. i had no idea. after wrapping up on "it's okay, this is love," my family, the cast and crew went on a trip together and the hotel aired the last episode for us. the scriptwriter asked my wife if she liked the drama and my wife said, "sorry, i didn't watch it." all they know is that if i'm away, it's for filming.

they don't know the details. - they don't know. / - not at all. they should watch the movie and see what we do because there are times we men want to be comforted. before i got married, after filming a stunt or a fight, i'd keep the bloody makeup on and go straight home. - you kept it on? / - to shock my mom. i wanted to show her how hard i worked.

now that i'm married, i take photos of me in makeup and send them to my wife. - do you get a reply? / - she's nicer the next day. - is she? / - "my dear hard-working husband." - it's cute if your husband does that. / - it would be. "you silly thing." - it works since they're so in love. / - that's right. (guess and get fei) we welcomed so many chefs into our midst,

but can you guess who will visit us today? - fei! / - guess and get fei! (a singer who can cook) (miss a's fei) wow, looking good. look at her. - fei is... / - fei. hello. (today's special chef)

fei isn't a qualified chef but... - she's an amazing cook. / - she is. - she's fantastic. / - she's the best. i thought you said "get paid". - "fei" and... / - he heard "paid". - dongil doesn't own a tv. / - do you not know her? - miss a. / - miss a. sing a little of one of your hits. i don't know you.

i'll work harder, then. she's in the group suzy is in. we loved fei's dumplings, didn't we? - she came first in that episode. / - the sauce. you'll be greatly impressed. has your cooking improved? i cook a lot of chinese at home. - i'm sure. / - she's chinese. - but... / - she's chinese?

she's advancing her career in china. i work in both countries now, filming tv dramas. - she's busy. / - filming a tv drama in china. she's extremely busy. isn't sangwoo popular in china? - he is. / - do they know him? yes, if you say "quan xiangyou"... - quan xiangyou. / - you quan xiangyou. your mandarin name is "quan xiangyou".

"hello, i'm kwon sangwoo." "i hope we get along." baituo, baituo. what does "baituo" mean? - "please." / - baituo, baituo. fei, can you tell us what you'll cook first? - it's chinese-style eggplant in soy sauce. / - wow. (fresh eggplant) (stir-fried with minced pork)

your first prize is an eggplant dish. "alcohol-lover dongil once paid the bill with this." - me. / - yes? - he says this often. / - really? the deed to his house. is this your first time on tv? can we try another take? if you know the answer, take the long way round. correct!

he got it right away. they grab drinks often, but we had no clue. how much do you drink to have to pay with that? after doing some stage acting, i ran a street stall with my mother for ten years. it was more like our lease, not the actual deed. we didn't have deeds then. a few friends came to see me and i had no cash, but i had to play the host and i saw the contract.

the down payment was about 2,000 dollars, so i took it. did you use it like security? until you settled the bill? how much did you drink on that lease? about 70, 80 dollars at most? - 70, 80 dollars? / - it's a lot in those days. were you that poor? life is great now so if someone asks me if i want to go back, i repeat what my wife said.

"i'll tear your mouth open." i love my life now. - were you married then? / - not yet. you save up more when you're married. that's why i regret getting married so late. i had jun when i was well in my 40s. - if i'd gotten married sooner... / - that's right. but then i wouldn't have met my current wife. - i guess it worked out for me. / - it really did.

he's such a romantic. what's this about jun making boilermakers? - boilermakers? / - he's ten. - the smart boy... / - so many people visit us at home. most actors or stage actors have come by at least once. do you invite them over? i do when there's nowhere else to go to drink. we drink until 4, 5 in the morning. does your wife cook for you?

- she does. / - that's incredible. jun is little and very curious about everything. he has to know some day so i might as well... did you teach him? i taught him the golden ratio of 7:3. half a shot of soju and if you're drinking h beer, then pour the beer until it reaches the h on the glass. - he's an expert, then. / - he's good. (early learning)

(best taught at home) sangwoo, what's your alcohol-related nickname? - yiruma named me this. / - okay. we meet up around december to chat over some wine. i'm such a lightweight that after a while i just don't drink at all. if i feel tipsy and someone offers me a drink, i say, "that's my limit. i'll stop here." ever since then i became "limited".

- limited kwon. / - limited. - limited edition. / - limited edition. he really can't hold his liquor. his older brother is a high school teacher in daejeon and one day sangwoo called him. "how about a drink?" this coming from a lightweight. with his wife... his brother got worried, thinking something was wrong. he said yes and sangwoo brought the alcohol.

three small cans of beer, one for each person. he drank just one can and said he wanted to sleep. - he's a real lightweight. / - he really can't... i think it's time to let fei cook her first dish. it's an eggplant dish. - fei, do you have a chef's license? / - i don't. - isn't that illegal, then? / - what? - is it illegal? / - it's not illegal to cook. if you're cooking in public for others...

i entered many reality cooking shows. she entered a few of them. i don't think dongil knows about her. she's a great cook. (fei shows off her skills) (cut up the eggplant) - look at that. / - she's quick. that's amazing. (done in no time)

- she's fast. / - i've never seen her like this. she's good. - she's done this a lot. / - she has. it's obvious she cooks a lot. look at her use that knife. who taught you how to cook, fei? my mom did. this is why upbringing is important. - both my mom and dad can cook. / - really?

- eunyeong, you can do this. / - she can't. all she does is laze around. - her pancakes... / - i'm great at eating. - what's that? / - this is pig fat. what? pig fat? it may be a piece of the actual fat. using a bit of this adds a porky flavor. is that minced pork? she's really fast.

- minced meat... / - wow, this is... - this is chicken stock. / - it's chicken stock powder. - i'll add some cheongyang peppers. / - cheongyang. she likes her food spicy. now the eggplants go in. - eggplants absorb a lot of oil. / - what a smell. she's adding diced garlic. i added the peppers first to extract the spiciness. - can i help? / - sure.

- she speaks fluent korean. / - i like you even more. fei, do you prefer korean men or chinese men? i prefer a man who is good to me. - what if... / - aren't chinese men sweeter? - they are. / - aren't they? i heard that most chinese men are good cooks. - women rarely cook over there. / - really? - the men do the dishes. / - i was told that you should do a lot married with a shanghai woman.

- she won't do many chores? / - yes. sangwoo, there are rumors that you can cook. i think taking cooking lessons helps a little bit, but it's mostly about instinct. - the touch. / - are you saying you have it? - i'm not too bad. / - he can cook. what's your best dish? when i was dating my wife, i cooked tteokbokki a lot. - tteokbokki? / - it's my own recipe.

i add a lot of garlic. garlic tteokbokki is amazing. (red chili, bell pepper) (soy sauce, chicken stock powder, salt, water) (adding more oil) - fei... / - that's a lot of oil. eggplants soak a lot of it up. - that's why they're rude. / - they might burn. (bad joke alert)

wasn't that amazing? it suits you so well. - that's what you should do. / - she froze a bit first. to this... (add the cooked pork) look at this. i see you a whole new light now. - do you? / - she's so good. i actually met her before.

- when? / - in hong kong. - really? / - we did a tv drama together. - in a tv drama... / - we worked together. we even took a photo together. i didn't show my mom, but it appeared on my fan site. my mom saw that and complained. "why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" about meeting him? what about dongil, then?

- oh, he's famous. / - is he? i'm perfect for china. two years ago, i was invited to an event in shanghai and then i met up with jackie chan whom he also knows. the two of us drank together until 4 in the morning. we got a bit drunk and were speaking in korean and i said, "we have the same surname." - you're right. / - "it's the same chinese character." that's when jackie said, "i'm a fang, not a chan."

"i'm a fang." - his son is fang zuming. / - that's right. - jackie chan the actor. / - everyone. seong chunhyang, a famous korean beauty. now it's just chunhyang and me that's left. a lovely spicy smell... it's done! (eggplants soaked in soy sauce) (eggplants and minced pork)

(chinese-style eggplants in soy sauce) - what's that? / - it's rice. - rice. / - you need rice. with rice? eat it together. it's great. i was shocked. eat the meat with the eggplant. (just being nosy) he's greedy. i'm trembling.

- it's good. / - well? well? well? - how is it? / - no need for words. the smell... (eating in silence) - how is it? / - he won't stop. (shh!) - describe the taste. / - does it taste like eggplants? how is it? the eggplant kept its shape but is so juicy.

- that's it. / - then the spices... - it's hot and spicy and... / - it's great. - and fei cooked it. / - that's right. when would i ever get to cook for sangwoo? son taeyoung or fei? my wife has the instinct of a great cook. hand that plate back. (give it back) (i want more...)

while sangwoo is eating, make an acrostic poem. - try it with "eggplant". / - me. - go. / - "i want some eggplants." - and? / - "right now." (how adorable) sorry. - it has to be funny. / - okay. - ready? go. / - "are these pecs?" - and? / - "it's just fat."

"it's just fat." (his pride goes out the window) that was funny. (saeho succeeds) that was awesome. a woman can't say that. - have some. / - thanks. together. try to taste the food as you eat.

the eggplant is so soft you can't chew too long. - it's delicious. / - also, it's so well-seasoned. it would be perfect with plain rice. - it's perfect with rice. / - it's that kind of food. what's the second dish? it's spicy chicken thigh meat with ziran. what's a spicy chicken thigh meat with ziran? ziran is cumin, the powder you eat with lamb skewers. (the unique flavor of cumin)

(chicken thigh meat) this question is about eunyeong. "eunyeong passed the kbs anchor interview due to what?" no hyeonjeong? no. - her looks? / - no. her mom? - her dad? / - her dad? - yell "me" first. / - me.

- her mom. / - correct. - i was right? / - you didn't say "me" first. how did your mom help you pass the interview? we have to pass five tests or stages to get a job. in the 3rd and 5th stage which were both interviews, the interviewers asked me about my mom. in the final interview the president asked me, "what would your mother be doing right now?" i suddenly burst into tears.

i knew that my mother was right outside praying for me to pass and i ended up crying. the president said, "aren't you too softhearted?" and offered me some water. i think he liked that i showed some emotion. maybe you cry pretty. some people look ugly when they cry. like this. their dimples show.

don't people ask you that when you're in trouble? "who is your mom?" - was it like that for you? / - yes, when i grew up. - "what does your mom do?" / - yes. dongil was one of the first actors sbs hired. we have a photo of young dongil. (young dongil) is that him? i see jun in that photo.

- it's totally jun / - you looked like him. - jun's... / - you're right. - i was in my mid-20s. / - you were handsome. - you were very... / - you looked so chiseled. - what happened to you? / - what happened? your looks change if you work to support three kids. - not this much, though. / - you had fair skin. when he comes to work on a set or a variety show, he doesn't see a stylist.

he doesn't. he almost came on this show with messy hair. i had to sort it out for him. a bad actor wouldn't dare do what he does. - he's that confident. / - he is. makeup and hairdos require i shower afterwards. i can't be bothered. that's what he says but i envy his level of confidence. i prefer to appear as i am on screen.

i want to be me and no one else. i'll serve you as best as i can, sir. i wear even less makeup for tv dramas. it's not because i have great skin or good looks. it's because i just want to look my age. do you not get facials or anything? no, i just wash my face. you have great skin, then. i very rarely use lotions.

(a plain and natural actor) - we'll let fei cook, then. / - this should be good. it's boneless chicken thigh meat. - you can get it like this now. / - you can. it's all done for you. - cut them into small pieces. / - bite-sized. - add ginger. / - ginger. - it's for the smell. / - to get rid of the smell. (cook the meat)

i love that sound. it's like rain. she does it so quickly. (he can't sit still) - and then... / - add chicken stock powder. - add soy sauce. / - you mostly use soy sauce. (cheongyang peppers) cheongyang peppers. these are all peppers. they are spicy and non-spicy ones. too many cheongyang peppers make it too spicy.

make it extra spicy so no one else can eat it. - fei is really... / - is that it? he loves spicy food. - ziran. / - ziran. then add some white pepper. there's white pepper? - white pepper? / - yes, white pepper. (season with salt) the food is ready.

that was so quick. (tender chicken thigh meat and spicy peppers) (with the unique flavor of cumin) (spicy chicken thigh meat with ziran) - fei's food goes well with rice. / - i see that. it's a full meal. you should smell the cumin. - how is it? / - wow. he looks like a very picky father-in-law.

he just sat down at the breakfast table and he doesn't look impressed. - with the peppers. / - it looks so good. it looks good. (satisfied?) it's hot. it's not good, then? he's a picky father-in-law. any other father-in-law...

the chicken is so tender. it's so soft. also, the smell of cheongyang peppers that i love just looking at it makes my mouth water. - make an acrostic poem with "ziran". / - "ziran"? - that's hard. / - that's too hard. make up something with "ziran". - "ziran"? / - "ziran." dongil is slowly eating everything up. there's always one old man like that at any diner.

- eating alone. / - a lonely old man that eats alone. (old man in a diner) sir, can you afford the meal? no dining and dashing. if you can't think of anything... - i'll try. / - will you? - go. / - i'm in china. - go. / - "zzzzzzzzz." and then?

(pretends to speak chinese) (burst out laughing) - you did it. / - did i? that was so funny. wow. (mr. wang tries the food) - isn't it tender? / - it's good. - eunyeong, can you do anything? / - me? - pigsy. / - we like things like that.

show us your version of pigsy. "what's wrong with you?" (what's wrong with you?) (poor imitation alert) sangwoo, can you do anything? - can i ruin my image? / - please do. eunyeong said she can fit a coin up her nose. - can you? / - i think i can fit a few. show us, then. do you have some coins?

give me some 100-won coins. are you serious? can't we all do this? not always. (a spoon?) - the funnier the better. / - of course. would you like to try? i can't fit a 100-won coin. - no? / - you can't?

- 100-won coins are big. / - sangwoo, you try it. (let's see) (it went in) (there's room to spare) (success) - 100 won. / - he does it with this forlorn look. 200 won. - he does it with this forlorn look. / - 200 won. - 300 won. / - you're an actor.

it's all going up one nostril. it's just one side. that's a lot. (a perfect actor) (a perfect sideshow) (i hate myself for being so perfect...) (sad-looking eyes) it won't come out. - they're stuck. / - it hurts.

i'll give you some. - give him 300-won worth. / - 300-won worth of food. my nose is contaminated with heavy metals. - you should blow your nose. / - i smell money. i want to see you imitate yourself. - can you, please? / - just once, for us. are you that good a fighter? (everyone imitated him) come to the rooftop.

i want to do that only when i'm really unpopular. - you're imitating yourself. / - please do it. - i'll try and imitate him, then. / - go on. are you that good a fighter? come to the rooftop. it sounded too good. it sounded much better than the original. i'll do the love returns line. do it again. (that's more like it)

sangwoo, show us what you can do. i just said, "come to the rooftop." - how? / - "come to the rooftop." that sounded too perfect. not like that. imitate yourself. (the real deal) (totally satisfied) (happy now?) that was it.

- that was exhilarating. / - it was perfect. han jeongseo! fei, what's the last dish? it's spicy stir-fried smoked meat. (chewy smoked meats) (in a lovely stir-fry) the last question is about sangwoo. "hallyu star sangwoo does this a lot at fan meets." at fan meets?

give autographs. no? - kissing. / - no kissing. - he... exercises. / - he says "come to the rooftop." - hugs. / - hugs? push-ups. - all of the above. / - all-inclusive? for example, it's shaking hands and hugs. - me, intimate physical contact. / - correct! - intimate physical contact? / - at fan meets?

i had fan meets a few times a year over ten-plus years. they come to see me just a few times a year and i want to do something worthwhile, so i go overboard and do some silly things on purpose. - like what? / - you act up? - back hugs? / - i get off the stage to hug old fans. i was his fan since i saw "my tutor friend". are you asking for a hug? i just want to do more for them and with them,

so we play games and act a bit goofy. are most of them older? you'd think so but no. "temptation" was my most recent tv drama. - it's popular in japan. / - choi jiwoo was in it. - so... / - he said that about it himself. - it's popular. / - he's not shy to say those things. i see that. it's popular and it's the number one drama over there.

so i have many younger fans and new fans. i asked them to raise their hand if it was their first fan meet and over 50 percent did. i'm so grateful. how big is the crowd? these days it's about 5,000 to 10,000. - then... / - do you sing and dance? yes, i sing my own song and my favorite songs. what's "coffeeboy"?

a singer? it's the name of my favorite singer. - "coffeeboy"? / - "coffeeboy"... i love the lyrics and when i work out or am at home... - the songs are very calm. / - he sings ballads. my wife loves his songs, too. we both like him, so we went to his concert. - did you? / - i loved it. it was the best and most fun concert i'd ever been to.

- coffeeboy's concert? / - "coffeegirl"? - "coffeeboy." / - "coffeeboy." - he performs in hongdae. / - solo artist. he's great. is it a cafe chain? (it's not) - i saw something similar. / - did you? it's called that? does his younger sister own it? - there might be a "coffee uncle". / - "coffee bro."

- daughter-in-law. / - he had one during our shoot and he told me about it later. he never thought of it before, but he burst into tears out of gratitude. - at the fan meet? / - i practiced a song to sing and i meant to sing it live, but my voice was shot. i'd been feeling under the weather and i lost my voice that day. i sing with my throat.

you're just like me. i sing completely with my throat. i sing with my throat and i lost my voice. i saw a doctor and it didn't help. i felt pathetic since my fans are here to see me. i sang the song and i really messed it up. i think that bothered me throughout the event and i felt grateful and worse that they still cheered. i think i really just bawled towards the end.

i felt grateful and guilty for not being at my best. (they're always at his side) (sangwoo cherishes his fans) we'll let fei cook the last dish now, spicy stir-fried smoked meat. - what's that? / - what meat is it? it's chinese smoked meat called "larou". this is beef and this is pork belly. beef and pork?

jia's grandmother got this beef. - jia? / - my mom's friend brought me this. - so it's all from home? / - yes. it's home-cooking. - pork belly? / - yes. (slice the meat) the meat is a bit salty so boil it in water to extract the salt. she got every single slice. she doesn't waste a bit.

- fei... / - she deserves her pay. (what was that?) it was not bad, but not that funny either. say something to make us laugh. we may think nothing of it but his jokes, however bad, are well-received by the rest of us. that joke got more laughs than you will in 100 years. 100 years. 365 days a year. - if you cracked jokes all day... / - for 24 hours?

i want to go out with a bang. - use garlic stems. / - oh, they're garlic stems. (soy sauce and salt) - did your family send you that? / - yes. i'm amazed. - that's spicy peppers. / - that looks spicy. i can't imagine how this would taste. i can't wait to find out. (i'm curious)

(chicken stock powder) you need this gochujang. it's important to this dish. - important? / - it looks really spicy. - i bet that's good. / - there it is. (salted chinese cured meats) (garlic stems and spicy gochujang) (spicy stir-fried smoked meat) eat with the garlic stem. is this something you'd eat often?

it's eaten in yunnan, sichuan, and hunan provinces. it's chewy and salty. - spicy but in a delicious way. / - tasty and spicy? so it all comes together. have some, everyone. eunyeong and sangwoo. the smoky smell of the meat... - i can smell the fire. / - it smells of fire. it really does.

- it's perfect with rice. / - it is. - you're a great cook. / - thank you. you can't be pretty and cook so well. let's give a round of applause to fei for being here. (thanks for the food) - thank you. / - thank you. sangwoo, send a message for the viewers at home. watch our movie. come to de theater. (he's a hit from start to finish)

that was great. that's all we have time for today. - see you next week. thank you. / - thank you.

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