Fire at Gillespie Plant

(rockin' outdoor music) alrightteam! charge! (take me out on thewater...) we eat! fish eat! (way out in the woods...)(gunshot) (where the breathin' is easy,the livin' is good...) (out in the great outdoors!)and welcome to larry smithoutdoors! we're sponsored by: the badgersportsman magazine, bartleinbarrels, warrior boats, big snow resort,hard and soft fishing, lynch of muckwonago, wings overwisconsin, mike's country meats,

midwestern shooter's supply,dave's engine of princeton,vexilar, dick smith's bait and tackle,komelon measuring tools, kmieclaw firm, norm's ag, and jiffy. andremember, it's a great day tobe alive! (out in the great outdoors!)holy moly! (music end) (ice hip-hop music) (music) hey! good morning and welcome to larry smith outdoors! todaywe're up on lake winnebago, onour home turf, i'm with my

good friend and partner, lancethe lightning! and i'll tell yawhat! we're gonna have a fantasticday! the walleyes have beenbiting like crazy, it's thebest bite we've had all year. mostconsistent. and along with thecrappies! so, we should have a fantastic show! hey! andthe other interesting part is,our good friend john gillespie is about aquarter mile away from us filming, so we're gonna haveduel shows going here! itshould be an interesting daytoday up on winnebago! what we'redoing here is, these fish aretighter into the bays right now because of the shadpopulation, which is forcing these fish in becausethey're looking for these bigpods. sometimes on the

vexilar, it's amazing how allof a sudden your locator justblanks right out just solid. and what happensis, these big swarms of shad,there could be you know, 3-8 foot thick comethrough, that's what these fish are chasing, right here!that's the key to this time ofyear. and the other nice part is, wegot some fish going here, isthat, oops, i bumped him. the other nicepart is we've got a lot of warmweather coming in right now. kinda watching that vexilar asi'm doing this... i think the ice conditions aregoing to turn bad on us, so bythe time this show airs this weekend, we'llbe down to using our atvs and

the snobear here. that's thebig concern about the nextcouple of weeks. nothing but warm weather. sometemperatures in the 50s but it's definitely gonna getthe fish to bite like crazy!stay tuned! let's see what happens today onlake winnebago, fishing forcrappies and walleyes! (music ends) big snow resort. yourdestination for winter familyfun in the north! enjoy two resorts on oneticket! with over 400 skiableacres, it's the largest ski experience in themidwest! full service resortsoffering: pro-shop service, hotel,chalet, and trail-side condolodging.

6 dining facilities, 4 bars,and with weekly specail events,exceptional fun for everyone! for details,please call or visit: today! the warrior story continues,with the best tracking, driest ride inthe industry! designed with a high-degree ofdead rise and blow flare, topush water out and down for a smooth, dry,comfortable ride! the smart-trolling keel limitsbow drift for enhanced boatcontrol in the wind, and with a lifetime hullwarranty, warrior boats

are built to last! warriorboats. (whoo!) a legend reborn! (whoo ahh!) (ice shattering) the new acme rattlemaster has abuilt-in echo chamber with a brass rattle that calls fishin! the body's solid brass,too, and won't bend or dull! and reflects fish-attractinglight all over the water column! this one-two punch of sight andsound means you drill lessholes because fish come to you! jig it, rip it, or shake it forcrappie, walleye, northern,salmon, or trout! and experience multi-speciesaction with just one bait!

wings over wisconsin. a non-profit organizationdedicated to natural resourcerestoration, preservation, andeducation with youth and communityinvolvement. throughcooperation with privatelandowners, state and federal agencies,wings over wisconsin has been aleader in the preservation of ournatural wildlife habitat. withdonated dollars staying in wisconsin, for wisconsin. forinformation about how you canjoin this great organization, or how to start anew chapter, please visit: (music) here we go! hey, i'lltell ya what!

that fish, ooh, there you go!nice crappie! i'll tell ya! now that's what i'm talkingabout! it's an interestingthing on the winnebago system, typically on the lake itself,it's never been a huge crappie lake. but about 5-6years ago, we had an explosion of weeds whichallowed the crappies to have areally good hatch. and i'll tell ya what, we'vegot a really strong populationof crappies and then the young-of-the-yearfrom last year, the same thing. it was amazing the numbers thatthe dnr found when they didtheir netting. a lot of young crappies. so thefuture for crappie fishing onthis system should

be absolutely awesome! that's anice fish, right there! whoo ho ho ho! i knew that one was gonna bite!aw! another white bass! i don't want white bass today! here we go! whoo ho! i'll tellya! white bass again? no! nicecrappie! whoo ho! i got him on that... come onguy... got him right on thatkastmaster, i'll tell ya what!that's a nice fish, right there! i'll tell ya what, this newrattlemaster by

uncle josh, acme tackleactually, hard and soft fishing, they'vegot this, you know, that rattle chamber builtinside of that new kastmaster,there, the rattlemaster, and i'll tell ya something,this water's clear here, but itstill makes a difference because of thatrattle. that just drives themfish crazy! and when they come flying up toit, i just stop it and barelymove it. and if you listen to thesebaits, you can hear that littlebit of rattle in there. and i'll tell ya, that's whatit takes to get them fishgoing, right there! nice job! lovin' that! (lance) got onegoing there, derrick?

(derrick) yep! (lance) gooddeal! (lance) come up and smack it?(derrick) oh yeah! (lance) there we are! nicecrappie! we've been catchingquite a few out here! we're not used to seeingcrappies this size on winnebago, are we?(derrick) no, no, not at all!(lance) and this is actuallyone of the smaller ones. last couple days we've beengetting some 10-14 inchers. wegot a nice 10-11 incher here,but beautiful day! see you steppedoutside there, derrick?(derrick) yep. got some freshair gotta outta the shack for alittle bit. (lance) sitting inthere with mark i can't blame you for that! (laughing)i'd get out a little soonertoo! alright!

let's get this in the bucketand see if we can pop a fewmore! 'bout time you come back!(cameraman) well, they werecatchin' 'em down there!(larry) i know! well so was i! look at that!gotta a nice sauger!(cameraman) oh man! geez! got a couple more crappies,bunch of white bass. that'swhat i'm saying about this bite, it's been a pretty good bite,you know! a lot of it has to dowith this time of year. these fish startcongregating together, andthey're starting to come intothe bays and feeding on the shadand the grounders. and theother thing is, it's getting closer to spawningtime, so again, that's whythey're getting together here. and they're gonna start headingtowards the mouth of the this whole system shouldstart

lighting up. i'm really lookingforward to this warm streak,except, it's probably gonna cut our ice fishing inhalf. i don't think we're gonnahave a lot of ice fishing into march this year. the wayway the weather looks, with allthat warmth, it won't last long. here's one!whoo ho! (cameraman) perfect timing!(larry) yeah! white bass, ithink. oh no! nice walleye! look at that! that's a nicewalleye! look at that! again, on thatrattlemaster. it absolutely crushed that!open up!

i got my toothpick, here, bycold snap. get that outta there. now look at the belly on thatfish, right there! you'd think that's a female,but i'm tellin' ya, thats oops! that is all fat on these fish!they all look like femalesbecause that's how much they've beeneating! it's amazing! this is a male. that's howthick the fat is, and that'show much forage is on the system now. absolutelygreat! that's about a 16 inchfish, right there. wash him off a little bit.about a 16 inch fish. nicefish, right there! the system is not looking toobad. i was a little worried

after last year, because weweren't catching a lot ofreally nice walleyes, but we had a couple really greathatches. i think we're gonna begood for about the next 4 or 5 years. if theyput that 3-fish limit, go to 15 inches, i think that'sreally gonna change things onthe system, here! absolutely awesome! you know,that's the key with thesewalleyes, too, when you'refishing 'em out here. i'm veryaggressive with them when theycome in. they usually come in singles or doubles, and theycome in a little bit faster.the white bass come in big groups most of the time, andthe crappies are almost alwayssuspended off the bottom. usually 3-5 foot, and they'rereal slow movers.

man, i'll tell ya something! when you get days like this outon this system, you gotta lovethat! (music) now here's some morefish! they're coming up! there we go! see, on a walleye, you just keep raising it! yep!i knew it was gonna be awalleye! why do i got my finger in hismouth?? that's about a 14 incher, rightthere. that's about as small as i would keepthem, right there. still a nicefish! perfect build on 'em. you know, 13 and a half to 14inches.

and again, when a walleye comesin, they come in fast! it's totally differentthan the other thing! andthat's the great part about the vexilars. when you'refishing with a vexilar, you canread what type of fish they are justby how they react; how manycome in, how fast they come in, where they'resuspended in the water column,it's probably one of the most important tools when it comesto ice fishing. the vexilar. for sure. especially whenyou're on a system like this, ican't see fishing without it! you know what, i'm gonna have afish fry tonight! my wife said,"bring home some fish today if you catch any." i said, "ifi catch any??!" she knows mepretty good!

i'll tell ya that! i'm mark greene, i'm patricklynch. welcome to our all new lynch muckwonagodealership! the brand new lynchmuckwonago dealerships have over 500 new chevys,chrylers, dodges, jeeps, rams, and pre-owned vehicles instock, and all priced to sell!stop by and check out their massiveselection of trucks and suvs,perfect for all your fall outdoor sports! you do thedriving, we'll do thelistening, cause i want you to love how you feel in yournew ride! nobody sells for lessthan lynch! from the equipment we use, tothe clothing we wear,

the developments of modern icefishing technology only serveto make the time we spend on the ice with ourfriends and family moreenjoyable. and there's oneproduct that has stood the test of time forover 30 year, and that'svexilar! the most trusted name in sonar! threegenerations of ice anglers havebeen using vexilar technology! and vexilarcontinues to earn the respectof anglers all across the ice belt! timeto create your own memories! visit: badger sportsman magazine.wisconsin's premiere outdoormagazine! fishing and hunting inwisconsin, written by outdoorenthusiasts

from wisconsin. each issuefeatures timely fishing andhunting articles from experts across the state.badger sportsman magazine will help you make the most out ofyour time, in the woods or onthe water. subscribe to badger sportsmanmagazine today! at jiffy, we pride ourselves atbeing number one in developing the best propane drills on theice. it's why our engineers haveworked side by side withanglers for 65 years running. (auger motor) all built andtested right here in the us ofa! (fire sound) patented, provenperformance is jiffy's

vision for the future. and fromwhere we stand, the futurelooks (lazer), pretty darn sweet! jiffy. we put the world on ice. (rock music) (cameraman) see dave! all it took was larry to leave!(dave) yep! thank god he's gone! (laughing) (cameraman) nice!(dave) nice crappie! (cameraman) hold that one upfor me! (lance) another one on, tyler?i see you got quite the pilegoing here!

(lance) nice crappie! there yougo! (tyler) sweet! (lance) nice fish there, tyler!got that one on the rapala, huh? (lance) quite the pile goinghere! midday has been a littlebit slow, but you're putting a little pile together here!nice to see! (larry) hey jer! i'm walkingaround checking on clients and what you got there? white bass?no! nice crappie! wanna holdhim up? that's a nice crappie again onthat kastmaster! hold him up! (larry) on the rattlemaster!was that fish suspended or off the bottom?(jerry) he was about 3 feet up,he followed it up.

(larry) now with that sun up,i'll tell ya, the bite's gonna slow down. i told youguys, this won't be a hot bite. once that sun goes down, we'll fish into the dark,that's when things will reallystart happening. (jerry) the crappies reallyseem to be slamming it! thewhite bass are just hanging onit. (larry) you think it would bethe opposite! alright! nicejob, nice job! hey, this week's tip is, we'regonna show you the proper wayto tie a jigging rapala. you want the nose alwayspointed down. i got some hi-visline because my eyesight is not that good,and the other part is it's alot easier to show you

on camera how we're doing thiswith a hi-vis line. normally iwould not tie hi-vis line, especially on asystem like winnebago that isso clear. so basically, i'm gonna tie itinto a palamor knot. so what idid is i went through the eye ofthe jigging rapala, i'm through there twice, i'm gonna go and tie into aknot. just like you would tie apalomar. but i'm gonna hold theloop this time. and so, what i'mdoing is, i'm grabbing myfingers ok. clinching it down. nowhere's the loop of the palomar, i'm gonna put it to the frontof the hook keeper on thebottom,

clinch it down, and there you go. tighten it upa little bit more. cut the tag end off. and there you go, jiggingrapala pointed down. hey after all that, it's timefor some of my favorite! mike's country meat's honeybarbeque flavor! (snap jerky off) mmm! lifedoesn't get much better! i can tell ya that, danny! (oh boy!) hey! i'll tell yawhat guys! you guys are reallygonna

enjoy this! i've got a newsponsor for the show. burgers'smokehouse! and i'll tell ya, they've gotsome great products! we'regonna throw some of this bacon in here. we've got theapplewood smoked bacon, andthen we've got the original steak bacon. we're gonna throwit in the potatoes, there, togive them a nice special flavor. i'll tell ya! ilove bacon and potatoes cookedtogether! let's give this a try. lance isgonna throw it in. (cameraman) what's with thathairnet? what do you mean? last weekwhen we were down at the plant,i had to wear a hairnet! i thought when you were cookingyou always had to have ahairnet on?

(cameraman) i guess that'spretty good. (larry) these guysdon't want any hair in theirfood! are you saying i don't have towear this? (cameraman) yeah, iwas thinking you didn't have toworry about that... actually, it was kind of asouviner. hey, i'll tell ya what! i'vebeen guiding full-time for about 29 years, and whenyou're fishing a system likewinnebago, especially on a bright,high-pressure day, i've got away to keep guy's interest betweenthe early bite and the latebite. check this out. (larry) see! then they don'tget bored!

somethings i do get down prettygood, (larry) hey i'll tell ya what,mark! you know what, it was alittle tougher day so far today. we'rejust getting into the besttimeframe. that last hour and a half, thesun's just starting to comedown a little bit. this is really the difference.i've fished with you before. you're really an extraordinaryfisherman. this is thedifference because you have the patienceand the knowledge to catch these fish. youprobably have more crappies sitting right here,plus you let some really bigones go.

that's what i like about you,you don't believe in keepingthe big female, you're betteroff letting them go. tell us, whydo you think you did so welltoday? what's your secret? i know whatit is, but just tell ouraudience. today was a little tough. thehigh pressure and the sunshinealways makes it a little tough. today what we did is wehole-hopped a little bit, but we switched it up quite a give them one presentationand you get the fish to come in, if they didn't bite, you didn'tstick with it. you moved tosomething a little bit slower. then all of a sudden they'dcome in and hit it. you'd catch2-3 fish that way, and then you'd go back tobringing them in with somethingelse.

you keep switching yourpresentation all the time.(larry) i think that's theproblem a lot of times with us fisherman. we get toorepetitious with what we'redoing. we get stuck in our ways. a guylike you that constantly is thinking out of the box,this is what happens. hey!guess what? there's a little prize todayfor catching so many fish! we still got a couple hours offishing, but here you go! i hope you like hot stuff!(mark) fantastic! (larry) wegot the ghost pepper! (mark) wisconsin's best!(larry) oh you do have a littleheater in here! (larry) of course it's beenpretty warm! but the sun isstarting to go

down so if you start gettingcold, a couple pieces of that,you'll be good! thanks mark! a pleasure! hey!now we're getting into walleye time! let's seesome walleyes to add to this! for over 25 years, midwesternshooter's supply has been yourpremiere dealer for huntingsupplies! our staff is friendly,experienced, and certified withover 15 years in gunsmithing experience!we're your one stop shop foryour hunting needs! our inventory is at the lowestpossible price, and we willmatch any other dealer advertised price! do you domore than hunt? check out oursupply of fishing products as well! visit midwesternshooter's supply today, or shopour web store at midwesternshooter's supply. we want to beoutdoor supplier! the new beaver dam titaniumtipstick is the first ice rod with a built-in, extendable,titanium spring bobber, makingit the most versatile ice rodever! extend the bobber forultra-light panfish jigging, or retract itfor gamefish or when it's timefor travel. it even has a built-in rattlinghandle to attract fish! it took a while to come up withan ice rod worthy of the beaverdam name, but when we did, boy we nailedit! (ice shattering)

it's the wisconsin fishing expoat the alliant energy center!february 24-26 now with a new second floor!giving angler over 110,000 sqft of rods, lures, reels, boats, andmotors all under one roof! newbig-name speakers new ice-carving contest onsaturday, new free concert frompat mccurdy saturday from 6-7:30 with paid expoadmission! meet green baypacker bill schroeder sunday! youth seminars withfree gear! free face painting,casting competitions, and more! go to formore info! kids 12 and under,free! (drum beats) (guitar music)

hey i'll tell ya what! welcomeback to day number two!yesterday we had a fantastic day out here on lakewinnebago! we caught a pile ofcrappies, a ton of white bass, but weonly had a few walleyesyesterday. you know, this time of year,our clients are looking forwalleyes, so lance and i are onthe hunt with our snowmobiles trying toget back on the big pods of walleyes. you know, thistime of year lance, it'sdefinitely the time where these walleyesschool together. (lance) right.warmer temperatures, water starting to come down theriver system, they're startingto school up, getting ready togo upriver. it's time to get on them,larry! it is time to get on'em! we're on a

little search mission. it'svery rare that you and i don'thave clients, but it just happens today we don't,which is perfect. we'll get onthese fish again, and get back at it. i got afunny feeling, lance, with theway mother nature's treating us,that we're not gonna be icefishing into march too far. no. we'll be in the warriorboats before long! right! whichis fine too! hey! stay tuned! let's see whathappens today on our searchmission here for walleyes on lake winnebago again. here's one larry! (larry) gotone lance? you know what? i think we'reback on 'em! yep! that's whatwe're looking for!

nice fish! i'll tell ya what!you know, it's amazing that yesterday, wehad such a great time with ourclients, how many crappies we caught! we caught afew walleyes and we definitelycaught a pile of white bass, but the big part about ourguiding, especially this timeof year, we got clients that want walleyes.they don't complain about thecrappies, but they want walleyes in theretoo. so what we're doing today,we're out here actually on a search mission, we bothgot our snowmobiles out here, and we can cover a lot ofground with these machines, andwe're definitely after schools of walleyes. you know,lance, we're probably only get

another 3 weeks of ice fishingout of this, and it's probablygonna be not much truck travel anymorebecause of the warm, snowmobiles, i'll have thesnobear out here, but we'redefinitely gonna be more onwalleyes. let's keep working to see whatwe can get. hey, what'd youcatch that on? what do you think, larry?(larry) i don't even ask! guysgot one bait in his whole tackle box! marking quite a few again. this one's coming! whoo hoa! iknew he was coming right up! that's a nicefish! i'll tell ya that!

you know! that's a nice fish! look howfat these fish are! i know,yesterday, i had a couple that were real nice like thistoo! i was talking about theamount of forage in this system. absolutelyawesome! and, hey, i'll tell yasomething awesome, wisconsin fishing expo is coming up! it's the 24-26and i'll be there on sunday for a seminar! so ifanybody wants to come down andenjoy the madison show, it's at thealliant energy center. they've got110,000 sq ft

upstairs now! wow! they'vereally added on to that show, i think there'sover 300 booths! it should bean absolutely great event! you want to come out andcheck it out! i know there's alot of things there involving kids, and lots ofthings for them to do there tokeep them occupied. so check out the wisconsinfishing expo at madison at the alliant center on the24-26. i will be there on sunday. nicefish! lovin' it! (larry) another one! are youkidding me! (lance) anotherone, larry! (lance) i got a nice schooldown there! (larry) i'm markinga bunch!

(lance) there we go! (larry)i'm glad i drilled two holesright here, i'll tell ya! (larry) you know, that's a bigthing, too, about what we do,we cover a lot of miles. and these are nice fish, lance.i guess i'm gonna say, i really didn't think that wehad many nice walleyes left inthis system, but boy, i'll tell ya, the last coupleweeks the walleye fishing hasbeen pretty impressive. and along with them crappies!yesterday, them crappies! we had a couple that were...(lance) 14-15 inchers! (larry)right! that's incredible! and now we're getting themschooled up like we wereanticipating! i didn't even see my bait onthat one!

he just came in and swatted it?hey lance, what color did youhave on? (laughing) you know larry! youknow! lance! i'm catching up to you!whoo ho ho ho! another decent walleye! nowthat one's not quite as big asthe last one. got him on the kastmaster withno bait! no bait on there! i'll tell yawhat! the winnebago system is anawesome system, and i got afeeling we're gonna have a really good summer out here!that's maybe about a 15 incher. perfect eating size fish rightthere. you know what?

we're starting to get a patternput together here. you knowwhat? it's a great day to be alive! (snowmobile motor) where are you going, larry? heylance! if i don't take dan, dan the caveman cameraman back in,we're not gonna have a showthis weekend! i'll take him in, come back outand we'll fish. he'll edit theshow. c'mon, dan! let's get outtahere! i gotta get you back in! (dan) i kinda wanna stay andfish! (lance) somebody's gottababysit him, dan. you got work to do! (musicends)

smith! are you kidding me??! you cut me for hashbrowns??!i'm calling gordon ramsey!ramsey? gordon, gordon? it's shotgun.yep. i'm coming out!

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