Employee shoots co-worker at Pepsi plant

know then, your braves, for you thefeeble, they fight unto their deaths. they lie hacked to pieces on thebattlefield they never deserted. is it the romance you yearn for? then come unto me holdingyour head upon your palm. know then, your braves for you thefeeble, they fight unto their deaths. long live the revolution! come on. hurry up, come on! bhagat singh..- long live!

sukhdev..- long live! rajguru..- long live! open up? what is it? - i'm kishen singh..i'm bhagat singh's father? let me talk to the superintendent.- he isn't in. the jailer sir?- not in. all evening we've heard slogansbeing shouted inside the jail. i want to know about our children..- no one in long live!

fast! open that! get the back. move faster! hurry! quick! hurry! hurry up, come on. move faster! let's move from here. come on, fast. fast! father.- long live!

the british have burnt somecorpses at the river side. will you tell me what's happening? please, please.. keep faith. get the car out! what happened father?- will you please take a look? they killed bhagat singh. lift the shroud. mahatma gandhi- long live.. gandhi, go back!

gandhi..- go back! gandhi..- down! come quickly, bapu (gandhi)- don't worry. bapu, these people are trouble..- nothing will happen. come.- gandhi.. - down! mahatma gandhi.. - shame, shame!- calm down. mahatma gandhi..- shame, shame! this is a gift from us. take it! bhagat singh, sukhdev,rajguru; you could've saved them!

but you didn't! i would've gladly given upmy own life to save them. but the truth is they themselvesdidn't want to live. - why? like the british government,you too didn't want them to live. that's why you didn't even try. i admired bhagat singh's courage.i salute his sacrifice.. ..and applaud his patriotism. but, i will never support violence. that's why i didn't favortheir death sentences too.

i tried my best to save them.- why? why should we believe you?- history will never forgive you! come.- gandhi.. - shame, shame! gandhi.. - shame, shame! bhagat singh..- lives forever! rajguru..- lives forever! sukhdev..- lives forever! bhagat.. where are you? bhagat!

bhagat! come on! run! you understand law. i said, harder! if i see more thanfour people together.. ..you will regretthe day you were born! bloody indians! friends, today isthe spring festival. we haven't gathered here tomake any trouble. - positions. load!

fire! kishen singh! greetings, jwala.- you heard? in amritsar, general dyeropened fire inside jallianwala baug! our thousands of people are dead. we haven't gatheredhere to make any trouble. this meeting isn't meantto challenge the law.. ..but to appeal to the government.. ..to reconsider the curfew orders.

and our leader..- fire! mother! mother! mother! we will fight; of course we will. not violently, by non-violent means. our weapon will be a totalnon-cooperation campaign. henceforth, no indian will.. ..co-operate withthe british government. government employees resigntheir jobs! - glory to gandhi! workers, walk out of yourfactories! - glory to gandhi.

children, stop goingto government schools! don't pay any tax! burnall your imported textiles! bring the entire machinery ofthe british government to a halt! you do this, and i promise.. ..you independence within one year. mr. mehta, have you readtoday's paper? - yes, of course. britishindustrialists are panicking. their loaded ships are going back. a national boycott isvery powerful! - of course!

the mightiest of empires get shaken. now let us see how long thiswhite government can possibly last. they'll never last, father. my son! come here. gandhi says it's amatter of months now. no one can stop our freedom now. really?- that's my tiger! hey stop. where are you going? i heard you got into a brawlwith the police. are you hurt?

our days of being beaten are gone. gandhi's movement has madelife miserable for the british. come, come have some bread.- long live gandhi! long live non co-operation movement! long live non co-operationmovement! long live gandhi! in all of lyallpur, your son ismost prominent in the movement. he belongs to gandhi now. can't hear a wordagainst him. - is it? yes.- tell me aunty,

what if uncle ajitwere to come back? why are you joking son? will such a day ever come to pass? it is coming. really, god himself hascome to us, as gandhi. get ready.independence is coming. this year. vande mataram. mr. mehta..- what? tomorrow we take the processionthrough the city square. - okay. listen..- yes.

i am scared.- scared? of what? bhagat!- bhagat? let's keep him with us please. of course. who willtake him away from us? don't you see? how obsessed he is withhis country. at this age! the motherland, independence.. but after all that wehave seen, suffered..

swaran, ajit..that's it. not bhagat now, not him, please. listen to me. mr. kishen singh, terrible news! gandhi has called-off the nonco-operation movement - what?! what are you saying? yes, i just heard on the radio. the police opened fire on a peacefulprocession at chauri chaura. some people died.

enraged, the public seta police station on fire. 22 policemen were killed. that upset gandhi and hewithdrew the movement. says that our country isn'tyet ready for independence hey, no! no!- bhagat! let him go. at his tender age, it's anunbearable blow. it'll take time. one. yes, one.

who was mangalpandey's father? - what? what are you gaping at? didn't you hear whatsukhdev brother asked? the name! i don't know. enroll this freedom fighter too. your name?- atul sachdev. report to the canteen after college.- okey. in the evening at the canteen. tomorrow i'm moving to board club.

will be meeting the dayafter tomorrow. - okay. hey mr. society, tell memadan mohan malviya's full name. tell us. fool, i just told you his full name. british babu! who took over from robert clive? warren hastings. october 20, 1774 what a patriot! it's fellows like you who'llbring in the revolution here

saw that, bhagwati? knows their history in detail.. ..answers what i didn't even ask.- not his fault, sukhdev. colleges hammer in their history,making us forget our own. that's why i'm takingthings into my own hands. from today i'm goingto teach these fellows. name?- tell me your name. markand trivedi. - report tothe canteen after college. i can't come today.- why?

is it robert clive's birthday? i'm participating in the showfor the lieutenant governor. hadn't i forbidden everyonefrom performing for those monkeys? sukhdev, despite your warnings.. ..a show is beingpresented by boys from our college. who's doing it?- i don't know. let me see how they do it. organize lots oftomatoes and eggs. - done. anyone know who this is?- yes.

that tall sikh, whohardly speaks to anyone.. ..that bookworm, what's his name? you mean the boy from lyallpur?bhagat singh. bhagat singh! "never lose your dignity." "jatt-men, treasure your turbans." "the turban is your dignity,preserve it." "that dignity, never lose it." "change your destiny,break the shackles of slavery."

"go for them, maketheir lives miserable." "you will make the skies stoop,if only you never lose courage." "if you desire, you canbring the stars to earth." "who can stop wind? whohas witnessed destiny?" "by dint of your labors,even destiny you will change." "never lose your dignity.jatt-men, treasure your turbans." "let's swear today, jatt-men." "come, make a resolve,let's throw out the oppressor." "steel your hearts,steel your arms."

"make life miserablefor these whites." grab him! lift, lift him! that's it, bhagat? drop the fellow! wonderful! - unfair! your mother plies you with butter? shut up! go get some yoghurt shake. read today's papers, bhagat?- why? lajpat rai issupporting the hindu council..

..because thecongress has sidelined him. tomorrow we'll seepamphlets exhorting .. ..hindus to assert their identityin the independence struggle. then muslim leaders will react. what kind offreedom can we hope for.. ..if we fight overreligion and caste perpetually? you! bloody white monkeys!give me that ball! how many times have i told themnot to hit the ball over here?

hey, give me the ball. i said the ball. didn't you hear? did you not hearwhat i said yesterday? if the ball comes here again,you will not get it back. hey darkie! we canplay wherever we want. don't forget, this is our ground. and you don't forgetthis is our country. i don't know about the country, butthis field will be liberated today.

what did he say? he said that, we don'tknow about the country.. ..but this ground will befreed today from white monkeys. they're determined to get thrashed. and who're we to disappoint them?come on, let's handle them. come on, brothers. mules who believe inkicks will never heed words. would you care totalk english, you fool. with pleasure, white monkey.

"those used to kicks, donot understand words." number two on the left is mine.- mr. longface is mine. i want that effeminate one. - i'mcracking the cap-less one's head. let's go. we will getthem some other day. hey! hey, how about just a token knock? the might of our resolve andthe sight of our maces did it! that's what we are waiting for. the day the wholecountry stands up together..

..they're going toback off just like this. bhagwati! i've come!- this is the advantage of marriage. no matter where you are, yourfood will reach you in time! does she ever sendit for me alone, eh? she sends for you too. now don't you dare touch the cans! sister-in-law durga has sent food. glory to our sister-in-law durga! khairu, join us.- not today.

for the first time i'm taking mywife and my sister to the cinema. wonderful. move aside. come. come. come. here. how dare you! get out! get out! let's get him now. you bloody beggar.

leave the fool! the hra pamphlet.hindustan republican association. mr. sanyal has drafted it. allthe revolutionaries are involved. the goal is independent india.- great! first, home rule society,then the gadar party. now another one.. hra.they can't achieve anything. so who will? - bhagat,whether you accept it or not.. ..the congress hassurvived for 30 years. because survival is their sole aim.

they also want to work. forgetthe non co-operation.. - why? let's talk of that. that'll be problematic, sinceyou'll bring up chauri-chaura. and why not? didn't it happen? yes.. but, why did the mob haveto burn down the police station? i suppose they should'vesaluted and moved on, right? lapping up congress propaganda!you civil servant! sukhdev, talk decently. look sukhdev, everyonehas a right to his opinion.

i'm telling you there'ssomething about this gandhi guy. sure there is. one who can draw 12-yearolds onto the streets.. ..must have something about him. gandhi says "no white education." children throw theirbooks into the gutters.. ..burn their books and pencils.ready for action. little boys..distributing pamphlets.. ..carrying placards.

and suddenly one daythe movement's off. that's it. governmentschools are closed to them. governmentcolleges refuse admission. where do you go? what do you do? don't you remember? had lala lajpat rai notset up the national college.. ..we would've been on the streets. not me! i can still hire10 servants from here. idiot! let go, bhagwati!

you'll remember the sepoyskilled in chauri chaura, but not who they first killed? the jallianwala massacre won't hauntyou since you knew no one there! sukhdev.. professor vidyalankar. greetings. were it not for bhagwati,i would've broken his skull. khairu? what happened? at the theatre heblundered into the a class. some british mauled him up.those same cricket fellows.

what's going on here? let's get them boys. leave him alone. leave him alone! run! police! run! which way did the boys go? let's go. do you know what would'vehappened if you were caught? got beaten up, jailed?

but even so, we'd be satisfied.at least we did something. do you really believe that your.. ..thrashing willmake them mend their ways? if they won't, we'll do it again. and that'll drive them out, yes? so fine then. we won't do anything. we'll watch passively who's asking you to be passive?it is essential to rebel.

but there's a method to it. non violence?- gandhi isn't the only alternative. the masses have enough powerto uproot the mightiest regime. organize them like thebolsheviks did in russia. it can be done here too,definitely it can be. there's a party here trying that. they believe in direct action.- who, sir? you mentioned it in the canteen. hra?

hindustan republican association.would you like to join? certainly sir - think it over.the path is dangerous. for the revolutionary it's onlyhis ideal his party that matters to him. for him there's no comfort,no rest.. no joys, no love,no family, nothing. we're ready to make every sacrifice. celebration in your house?- i'm wondering too. congratulations!- what for? what's going on?

you're late, brother. who are they?- guests, from manawale. father has invited them for lunch. the alliance is to be finalized.- alliance? yes, teja singh ishere with his family. my future sister-in-law is here too. o sister-in-law? - bhagat. son, hurry up.dress up and come here. yes father.

mom..- this is my son. pay your respects, son. bless you, son.heard so much about you. we're proud to haveyou as our son-in-law. mother.- i'll just come. saw him? what are you up to? -getting you married! your father has arranged amatch for you. - without asking me? had my father asked me?

but mom..- no buts. did we ever interfere in your life?even when you became an atheist? now go and get dressed. - no. go, go. he's getting married?- forget the wedding. eat the sweets. - hey gentlemen.- yes, uncle? tuck in gentlemen, get this clear. if bhagat refuses to marry.. ..i'm going to beat thetwo of you up like mules.

okay uncle.- what will i beat you like? mules. - yes. enjoy the sweets. sat sri akal.- sat sri akal (greetings). listen.. actually, the matter is that.. i can't get married. i've some compulsions. you love someone else.- no! it's not that.

something wrong with me? no, no, please. you're beautiful,virtuous. it'll be a luckyman who marries you. then why are you refusing? i don't want to marry. i've chosen a paththat's very difficult. i'll walk behind you. it'll be a world of sorrow.- i shall bear it. but i cannot take you along.- then i shall await your return.

what if i never return? bhagat. 'dear father..' 'you will remember that atmy initiation ceremony..' '..grandfather dedicated meto the cause of our country.' 'it is my goodfortune to fulfill that.' 'nothing holds any meaning for me,except the struggle for freedom.' 'therefore i am settingmyself upon that path.' 'i hope you willforgive me.' your son.

this way. many uniforms around..- the bigger menace is the spies. this is cawnpore, brother. therevolutionary capital of india. here, revolutionaries andpolicemen play hide-and-seek. meston road. when is the meeting with mr.bismil? - 8 o'clock. we'll be on time. so it's decided. after kakori, we halt the train..

..and raid the treasury chest. forgive me, butthere'll be armed police. it's risky- for hra, everything is risky. don't we need moneyfor campaigning, arms? but, khan sir, why not raid.. ..a merchant or a landlord,as usual? - no! definitely not. we do get money bystealing from our own countrymen. such acts alienate usfrom our own countrymen.

hence we target government wealth. it's ours anyway. the british lootit from our country. well said, roshan singh. we're on time. doubts, questions? comrades.- come, bhagat. the desire forsacrifice now rules our hearts. it is time to test thepower of the enemy's blade.

hello bhagat singh. i'm ram prasad bismil. i read professorvidyalankar's letter. why do you wish to join our party? for the reason that you founded it.- state your reason. same as everyone's. freedom. how do we win it?- by fighting for it does thrashing a few boys inthe dark constitute fighting? that was a beginning.- fighting began 150 years ago.

so where's the freedom? maybe the method was flawed. history says.. ..revolution succeeds only if themasses are involved.. - now i see. you read a few books and wantto play "revolution-revolution". a rich bored lad is outfor some adventure, is it? when the police whip-lash.. ..your naked body on a slab of ice.. ..all your fire willbe quickly doused.

go home, son. this struggle demands blood. spilling blood is no big deal.sir, be it one's own or another's. but will that bloodarouse future generations? that's my dream. kartar singh, themartyr is my ideal. moreover, what i've seen around me.. ..has made me completelyimmune to ice and whips. we shall have lots totalk about when i return.

bhagat singh, our new comrade! hurry up, let's up the train. quick, quick. switch off lights. don't move! hands up! come on! close it. bandits! roshan singh! hello bismil.. - greetings.

all of them have been captured.- even i heard the same. except pundit, as usual.- which side? heard it was towards patna.but the police are after him. they might discover our hideout too. we must remove documents, arms.- that might be dangerous. the police may be watching. i'll go first. come insideafter inspecting from all around. come on, let's go. who are you?- who are you?

tell me who you are.- identify yourself now tell me or else.. he's our new comrade, bhagat singh.- this is chandrashekhar azad! you should've told me your name. i might've killed you party rules don't allow you toreveal your identity to a stranger. mr. bismil praised you highly.now i know why. pundit.. the news publishedin the newspaper, is it true? has everyone been caught?

yes, it's all over. the labor of years. a well-knit group.. ..destroyed in one stroke. now there will be life-sentences,hangings. so much was to be done. the party's finished. nothing is finished, pundit! they can imprison our bodies,not our cause.

the enemy can kill people,not their ideals. and as long as ourideals live, the party lives. we shall nourish theseideals with our blood. our goal is revolution. let us take therevolution to the masses.. ..whatever the price. "my land, my life." "my country, my pride." "indestructible."

"fearless." "for my motherlandi'm not afraid to die." "i am unconquerable." "in the fires in our eyes wecan see a thousand edens." "the road to freedom we tread,carrying our shrouds." "those who live in crosshairs.." "..aren't afraid of guns." if you fight among yourselves,how will you fight the british? embrace!

long live! -hindu-muslim brotherhood! we are one! long live our brotherhood! this naujawan sabhaseems to be everywhere. didn't seem like a problem, sir. let me be the judge ofthat officer. - sorry, sir. i heard after kakori.. ..the so calledrevolutionists were finished. who is the leader ofthis organization?

he has many aliases.. ..but his real name isbhagat singh. - bhagat singh? yes, sir. - what elsedo you know about him? he writes articles on revolutionaries,distributes pamphlets. mainly lectures onhindu-muslim unity.. ..gets them together for..- arrest him. he is a dangerous man. arrest him immediately.- right, sir. do you know thepunishment for bombing a crowd? there's still time confess and..

..your sentence could be light. you people did this to implicate me. because you arescared as you ought to be. the masses are awakening. tell these british to run away now.. ..or they will be kicked out.- what did he say? sir.. - i am sayingthe choice is yours, sir. leave my land oryou'll get thrown out. i won't stop now. i'llwhip you all your life.

your bail amount is 60,000 rupees! you will rot in these four walls. you can't raise that amount. sir.- what is it? his father has come with his bail.- what?! don't be so disheartened, officer. we shall meet again. you see,even i won't stop now. mother.. brother is back. my bhagat is back!

he's come.. he's here. he's here.. studies are going on fine.- excellent. how are you?- very well - and school? fine.- brother.. how are you?- i am fine brother. live long..- bless you, my dear one. my child! oh what have thesetormentors done to you?

didn't they feed you? they did, mom.- did they beat you? why? am i a thief? then why did they keep you? -oh grandma, just as a pastime. the way you like my words,even they do. they liked my jokes. like you do. is it so? - but unlike you theydidn't laugh with false teeth. false teeth?! this are my realteeth, don't call them false. get me sugarcane. i'llbite into it in front of you.

i was just joking. live long, son. been so long since weheard laughter in this house. please never leave us again.- of course he won't. to recover the 60,000 rupees.. ..he has to work atour dairy. yes, bhagat? i heard you, i heard you, father. it's nothing, mother, just.. i'm not letting you go anywhere.

you lied to me! was saying that he was not beaten. you can't be away from me now. i'm not, you're always in my..- i know you're great with words. don't ever leave me again. work at the dairy, okay? okay! now give me my butter milk. why can't you simply distributethe pamphlets? even yesterday? i tried twice, bhagat. butthe constable is very clever.

i'll divert their attentions. tonight we'llrelease their buffaloes. while they go on a buffalo-hunt.. ..the pamphlets will bedistributed. - okay, fine. get the magic lantern ready too. any additions to pundit's letter? tell him, the codenow is charlie chaplin. no! jaidev's down again. i warned you, right? whywere you milking the cow?

look at how much milk you've spilt.- father will think we drank it up. forget your milk. my girl thinks i'm a revolutionarywho gets beaten up by the police. if she knew i'm getting kickedby buffaloes, she'll kick me out. girls! - where? ms. manawale! who's manawale?- bhagat's bride to-be. which one? - the one.. the one that'srefusing to look here.

i say, ma'am, sat sri akal! sat sri akal - sat sri akal! come on? i am leaving. we came to the fair. felt thirsty.. that's great. bhagat'sdairy is your dairy. have some great milkcome please, ladies. come, come. listen. everyone come.

make yourselves comfortable.- she's eager to meet you. greet her at least. wait. - i'll call her. - wait!- i'll call her. come ladies.. milk? butter? "you're suave." "sweeter than sugar." "more exciting thanthe most exotic.." "..your words are to me." "my love."

"may the colors of the hennanever fade from my hands." "day and night ihave pined for you." "my love.." "in every heartbeat, you are inevery breath, i chant your name.." "..my love." "the vermilion on myforehead beckons you every moment." "my bangles chime inanticipation of your touch." "your path veers awayfrom mine never to meet." "you do not know howtortuous my journey is."

no one from bengal?- they don't concur with our views. but, this meeting's been calledfor us to understand one another. bejoy, we have to work united now. i tried my best to convince. sardar bhagat singh himself! escaped so soon from the dairy? been a long year, sukhdev. and had his lawyer'scleverness not resolved the case.. ..it would've cost alifetime to earn 60,000 rupees!

bathing buffaloes.- is the new revolution! but my mother would've been happy. and the lady from manawale? no! i was just joking! no! no, sardar! look, i willthrow this maze at you. don't be crazy, i will be hurt. you! - how can you escape from me? that's my weak arm.- deserves to be broken. let go.. someone's knocking.

yashpal, i told you toget sweets, what's this? he was spying.- says pundit sent him. didn't know the code. so wegrabbed him. - release him. sit still! oh no! who are you?- chandrashekhar azad told me.. ..to reach mozang house. i was just inquiring when..- you've reached. where?- this is mozang house, idiot.

is it, so?- what's the code? - er.. code.. i.. ..forgot..- name? who's name?- yours! my name.. sure.. hari.. shivram.. rajguru. no. it's shivram hari rajguru.. err..something like that. state your business. - name again? why are you here, idiot? - looki'm a new member of your group.

hra. azad has sent this letter.. ..for bhagat singh. who is bhagat singh?- give it here. no! it's for bhagat singh - giveme the letter, son of chaplin! yes, charlie chaplin.. that's the code! thank you! i'm bhagat singh.- wow! delighted to meet you.pundit speaks so highly of you. i hear you havecalled a big meeting..

..where revolutionaries from allover india will come together. i'm from maratha land, bravelike the great warrior, shivaji! an expert shooter too. fearless. ah today, i slipped up a bit. but you'll see. i'll livewith you and die with you. for the party's aim. do you know the aim of our party?- freedom! freedom isn't our aim! what are you saying, bhagat?

only freedom is not our aim. what is this freedom? a transfer of powerfrom the british.. ..to a handful of richand powerful indians? is this freedom? will that make any differenceto the life of a common man? to the laborer.. to the poor man? will this freedom givethem their rights? no! comrades! freedom is just the firststep. the aim is to build a nation.

a nation which guaranteesequal rights to all in society. a society that doesn'tdiscriminate on grounds of religion. a nation that does not toleratethe exploitation of man by man. too idealistic,bhagat. very difficult. difficult, fani. not impossible. it isn't easy to keep acountry that has so many.. ..religions, castes,cultures, languages united. unless we understand this task now.. ..unless we struggle for it now..

..india will still get freedom. but, it willdegenerate into a corrupt.. ..exploitative andcommunalized society comrades; our aim isa socialist society. our party's name mustclearly reflect that. i'm proposing that thehindustan republican association.. ..be renamed as hindustansocialist republican association! azad has sent news that.. ..he will abide by whateverdecision is taken over here.

are you with me?- yes. then comrades, from today, letus declare a war on british rule! our first target: driveback the simon commission. we shall fightbeside lala lajpat rai. to the hindustan socialistrepublican association. - victory! simon, go back! lala! the old man. he isthe leader, catch him! simon, go back!go back!

go! lala's murder is a slapon the face of the nation! two 22-year old policemen.. ..batter him to death in public. no one even protests?- who says? they are.. congress condemns it. the hindu council denounces..- nonsense! nonsense! the ugly fact is thatall have become eunuchs.

this helplessness is everywhere. we will have to answer this. scott has to be killed. absolutely! it's the only way toteach the government a lesson. we must striketerror in their hearts. our action will do so. they will think ten timesbefore repeating such an act. murder.. will we become murderers?

see, jaigopal.. ..we cherish human life. we'd sooner die thankill an innocent man. but this policeman is not innocent. his actionsreflect the cruelty and.. ..inhumanity ofthe power behind him. by hitting him, weattack that power. great! i'll barge into the policestation and blast him right now. rajguru.

for the hottest of actions,you need a cool head. who wants to join this action? think it over. beingcaught means the noose. that's why i'll participate.sukhdev will plan. the map. policeheadquarters and adjoining areas. bhagat singh and rajguru will fire. bhagat first. pundit, you will cover them. jaigopal, keep an eye on scott.

your job is toidentify him on that day. day of action: 17 december. not scott, he's saunders. get them!- yes sir! stop! turn back! i don'twant to kill an indian. an officer of the crownis murdered in daylight.. ..and we really don'thave a clue, who killed him!

we have three witnesses, sir. then get me the suspects,you morons! block all exists! highway checkpoints, bus stands,and railway stations! raid hostels and boarding houses! and if anybody runs, shoot the fool! any news of bhagat? is it true was one attacker a sikh? o god!

the police havecordoned off the town. how will he get out? watch each face carefully. watch every face.you've seen the assassins. they mustn't escape. no one can evade your eyes. your fortunes are about to turn. hail the lord! you have a good fortune.hail the lord!

pull him out! nab anyone even slightlysuspicious. - take him in! if you even suspect anybody,pull him out! oh my baby! watch them carefully.they may be in disguise. watch out for disguises. they might have false beards,shaved moustaches. let's go back. - get going. but.. - come on.

sorry? i fell. - i knowthat you are a lowly man. get up, scum!- forgive him, he's poor. i never wanted to returnfrom london. - excuse me. shut up! - but youinsisted on seeing your relatives. look at the kind of peopleliving here. - shut up, will you? oh, sorry. you need officers like him. for 150 years they caned you.but you never improved. this one did. became a policeman!smart indian.

thank you, sir. -let's go. - come, sir. come on, will you. get back, make wayfor the gentleman! move back. come sir. what are you staring at?look over there. watch carefully. let's see how thosekillers get out of lahore.## you're right, bhagat. i am here since so many days. hardlyany one here knows of our party.

and no one knows of itsprinciples or aims, at all. if it's like this in calcutta,what about the rest of the country? but why? didn't we risk ourlives to avenge lala's murder.. ..because it was thewish of the people. sister-in-law, who knows that? four posters in lahore, a fewarticles in lucknow and cawnpore.. ..don't cover the country. people do not know ourideology; that we speak for them. in their eyes, we're what thebritish have labeled us. terrorists.

even congress leaders call us that. and what's published aboutus forms public opinion. face it. we'reisolated from the people. the truth is that we have stillnot been able to be their part. the revolution we dream.. ..of can never be fulfilleduntil the common people are with us. we may die or kill for the country.but no one will know. and they? even if they sneeze,the nation hears.

but, we too will something.. ..which will echothroughout the country. we'll explode bombs. there's a professor herewho knows how to make bombs. jatin das. a guru! i know. great fellow.he can teach us. he'll never teach us bomb-making.he's hates any violence. he will not come. he did refuse.

but, if bhagat speaks, he may agree. no way. i'm not with you people. do you know where you will end up? life imprisonment or gallows! that is if we get caught. as long as i have this,no one can catch me alive. i'm azad, free. andwill always be free. those who worry about consequencescan never fight for the country! okay, okay. but, whybombs and guns at all?

even the congress is fighting. why can't we jointhe congress in this struggle? yes, the congress is strugglingalright. we just heard gandhi.. ..ask for dominion status- dominion status! half-rule! we get the throne,they keep the reins. begin every assembly session with,"god save the king!" is that what you want? - for every policy decision,seek british approval! that'll be freedom. you know this.

that may be so, but thepeople are with the congress. the congress only wants power,by hook or by crook. they aren't even thinking aboutwhat this country really needs. if the freedom is attainedaccording to the congress.. ..then even when the british go,we will continue to be slaves. with their way, nothing will change. the rich will get richer,the poor will become poorer. and a time will come when.. ..this country will getdevoured by communal passions.

that is thenightmare of the future.. ..even then i cannotfavor violence! no violence. what?- what is justice? tell us! violence is when you use force toexploit people, to oppress them. the fight for one's life,for dignity, for rights.. ..is not violence.it is self-defense! bhagat, you are trying tojustify violence. - what violence! i will not call your act violence.it is self defense. that's what i've been saying.- go to hell.

okay. take me to my death! say that sweetly, brother..- indeed! this man pulls a gun on me.you try to strangle me! okay, okay. order somesweets now? - yes, sure. for 45 days, we've been on strike!we ask for basic things.. ..food, education for our children. but, our employer givesus a lecture on freedom? what freedom? willit improve our lot? no!- you are right.

even today he hascome with the police.. ..to take his goodsfrom the warehouse. we will give up our livesbut won't let them do this. we won't, we won't?- we are leaving. officers, i want all of themout of here immediately! we shall fight forthe revolution! we shall fight for the revolution! workers stop work only whentheir suffering becomes unbearable. in the last year itself, therewere 200 strikes, in this country.

and yet, no one is doing anything.. instead, thegovernment has drafted.. ..the trade disputes billand public safety bill.. ..to declare all strikes illegal. any protestor can be locked upwithout evidence, without trial. what're you proposing, bhagat?- on april 8.. ..the viceroy will force boththe bills through the assembly. we will oppose that. by exploding a bomb there. - bomb?- what is he saying?

silence! but bhagat, there'll beindians in that session too the purpose of the bomb will notbe to cause any injury or death. then why throw a bomb? because the whites are deaf. and it takes a loudsound to make the deaf hear. it'll be a warning forthem: enough is enough! we aren't going to be silent now. brilliant bhagat! brilliant!

this explosionwill shake up england. and, in the pandemonium ourbomb-throwers will escape easily. no, punditji. this time there'llbe no running away. they will court arrest. a revolutionary never surrenders. he fights all the way. we too will fight till the end. so shall we. we have beencalled irresponsible terrorists.

by not running away,we will show that.. ..our actions are deliberate thatwe take responsibility for them. this act will put us in the publiceye the masses will get to know us. and, during the court case ourstatements will be recorded. newspapers will be forced topublish our reasons, our arguments. the means we've beenlooking for to reach the people.. ..will be gifted to usby the government itself. we will use their platform, theirchannel to reach out to people. wonderful. - marvelous.

we need two men. one of them..- will not be you, bhagat! pundit. - not you. i've worked out whatto say, how to. - sure. instruct the comrades.they will do it. why not i? the saunders murdercase can be re-opened.. i don't want to risk your.. pundit, no one can do this betterthan me! - i will decide that.

i will choose theboys for this mission. please pundit..- that's my order, bhagat. i am the commander-in-chief of hsra! sukhdev, you don't understand. you weren't present there. itried my best, but he wouldn't.. and you gave up? to fight in a britishcourt requires language.. ..bhagat! an impeccableunderstanding of history, politics. the power of arguing,conviction, wit..

..presence of mind and the nerveto take on the best of them! and the man who can doit all will not be there! he'll write articles,draft proposals.. ..while others go totheir death. - sukhdev! suddenly discovered a desirefor life, sardar bhagat singh? i discarded that desire as soon as.. ..i became conscious, sukhdev. and you're accusing meof cowardice? - i am not. as your friend, iremind you of your duty.

you know that no cando this better than you. then why? why is someone else going? fine. if you are determinedto disobey me, then why ask? it's not that. if anyone here can saythat he can do this better. i'll withdraw voluntarily.it's the hsra principle.. ..choose the best man for the job. but the saunders murder case..- pundit. all of us risk our lives.

we can't let the missionsuffer for that. - very well. who accompanies you? i shall.- no, sukhdev. after me, sukhdevwill take my place here. it'll be a two-pronged battle. we'll do our propaganda from insideoutside you'll organizes the masses. i will accompany bhagat. do you know english? sit down. i'll learneverything written by bhagat.

why is he so eager to die? just once.. let medie for my country. then i'll live in peace forever- wonderful! you've all gone crazy! yes, bhagat? batukeshwar dutt will be with me.- me? thank you, bhagat.. "respected father, i don't knowwhether i will see you again." "i have reached that stageof my journey, where i am.."

"..no longer a son, abrother or a friend." "i am only arevolutionary whose only aim is.." "..freedom for his country. iam sure i have your blessings." "yours, bhagat." special envoy ofthe viceroy his excellency.. ..lord irvin, mr. george suster. by the special powers.. ..vested in the hands of hisexcellency of the viceroy of india.. ..i proclaim the publicsafety bill passed as law.

likewise, with the sameof quality and power.. ..i proclaim the tradedispute bill passed. long live revolution!down with imperialism! long live revolution! down withimperialism! long live revolution! down with imperialism! arrest him! with the explosion ofthe bomb, both lord irwin.. ..and emerson were badly shaken.- dirty indian. fool! but they were moreperplexed by the fact..

..that the revolutionariesdid not want to kill anyone. they deliberately threw thebombs at the empty benches. but you said they also had a gun. they handed it over to the policesergeant when they surrendered. handed it over? the word would be dangerous, sir. the prime minister himself. irresponsible young men! they have maligned the freedomstruggle! regrettable!

this is a very dastardly act.freedom is even more difficult now. this cannot be condemned enough. the youth of this countrywill have to choose their path. mahatma gandhi's?or this bhagat singh's? if the prisoners havefinished entertaining the court.. ..perhaps they would like to saysomething pertaining to the case.. ..before i pass my sentence. your honor, my clientswant to tell the court.. ..their reason and themotive for throwing the bomb.

they have committedsuch a dastardly act.. ..but this court is not interestedin their reasons or motives. your honor, have you eversentenced anyone to death? what kind ofridiculous question is that? of course i have. several times. if your motive is ignored.. ..you become just a common murderer. great going, bhagat! well spoken. justicecan never be done..

..without knowing the motivebehind the crime. may i? - you may. we know how to make bombs,so we understand their power. we didn't includechemicals or shrapnel in them. we threw them in a safe area. because we value andrespect human life. our motive was not to kill. it was to make ourselves heard. it takes a loud soundto make the deaf hear. hence the bombs were thrown.

they were a warning to the british. your time here is over. to our assembly members: stop betraying your people.stop it. so, we threw the bomb. our country's real strength comesfrom our farmers, our laborers. but, not only are they cruellyexploited, their right to protest.. ..was being quashed bythe trade disputes.. ..and public safety bills. it was our duty tohighlight their conditions.

we want our youth.. ..to determine their own future.learn to ask questions. following someoneblindly is also slavery. and finally, let our great leadersstop preaching to the people.. ..instead listen to them. criticizing gandhihas become fashionable. the accused says thatthe holds human life dear.. ..but it has been proven that the.. ..bombs were thrown with aclear intention of causing death.

therefore, i will givethe severest punishment.. ..transportation forlife for both the accused. long live revolution! my child.. ..forget him. can you? mine is different.. i am his mother. and i?

do only ties of bloodmatter not ties of the heart? kishori, what are you up to? all the explosives arelying here? hide them. sukhdev-bhai, azad-ji's letter. police! run! don't hit me.. ushering in a revolution? - yes making bombs?- yes. making bombs?

who are your accomplices? tell me! name your accomplices! you must be tired; askanother slave to help you sorry, pal. we werekeeping the movement going. it happened so suddenlywe never had a chance. the police raided us so suddenly?- sorry brother. don't lose heart. we're still together, aren't we?

we are united. we'llcontinue the struggle but why have they called us here? i hear the saunderscase has been reopened. saunder's murder case? on what basis?- what evidence can they have? stand in a line! identify them. i am sorry bhagat. you come forward and identify them.

yes, sir. kishorilal ajoy ghosh. shiv kumar. gaya prasad. jaidev kapoor. batukeshwar dutt. bhagat singh? - loudly! bhagat singh.

and me? i am sukhdev! identify me! meet my eyes, you fool! remember how i fed you? you fool! how couldyou do this to us? leave me him!- i will kill you. i will kill you. i will kill him. let go of me, bhagat. it's all over, bhagat..

it's all over. when our own friends havebetrayed us who will believe in us? who will believe in us? viceroy and emerson were relieved?- it lasted very long. what can bhagat singh do now? i don't think that petdogs are going to stop me. if you will the superior,they just crumble. very certainly. their engine seems to be spurted anddie before even the race could begin.

well, i guess you'll have no moretrouble from this bhagat singh now. and some sleep, sir. come on move! come on. you join us. move ahead! is everything over?- move! hey freedom fighter!take your lunch. i'm not eating this.- why? look at the way food is..- this is how it is.

yes. and this is what everyone eats.- i won't. why won't you eat? because this foodisn't fit for humans. what is the problem, bahadur? the gentleman there..wants good food, sir. please remind himwhere he is. this is jail. and the jail is governed by law. the law is same for everybody, sir.

what are you trying to say? those white prisonersare given every facility.. ..but we're treatedworse than animals. dirty filthy clothes ratsand cockroaches on the food.. feed us simple stuff, butkeep it clean at least.. law is equal for everyone,jailor sir. jail rule says therewill be no discrimination. to hell with the rule! - thisis what you will get. that's it! then i won't eat.- ask him how long.

until we're treatedlike human beings. decent food, clean clothes,books to read, newspapers. tell him he won't get anything.- you'll get nothing! then i won't eat. for how long?- until you agree to my demands. we'll see- sure. really? bhagat, eat. you haven't eaten for so many days.

for god's sake, don't refuse.. thank you, sir, but i can't. i got it made at home. you wanted good food, didn't you? it isn't justabout food and clothes. nor is it about me alone. the government must agree to.. -the government won't give anything then i'll die of starvation,i guess. they won't let you die either.

batukeshwar dutt toois on hunger strike. news of your hunger-strikeis already in the papers. you've no idea what theycan do to break your spirit i'll know soon, i suppose won't eat, will you? let's see.. open his mouth! open his mouth!- open your mouth! put it in the nose! in the nose! shove it in!

open. hold him! it's just been 15 days.know this well.. i will do whatever it takesto break your hunger strike. get me? give me an answer! what about our demands?- nothing! your demands willnever be met. never! it will go on theway it was that's all. understand this, bhagat.

your hunger strikemakes no difference. why are you doing this? because i can't tolerate injustice- and i can't tolerate disobedience. very well, jailer you be loyal to your job. i'll be loyal to my country. hey bhagat. - bhagat. bhagat. - bhagat. what is this madness?

you.. b. k.. didn't youstop him? you've joined him too? why aren't you eating?what will we achieve? bhagat singh, keep going!we are with you! long live bhagat singh! long live!- revolution! "the desire for sacrificenow burns inside our hearts" "the time has come to test thestrength of the enemy's blade" "do you see thewriting in the skies?" "our resolve weakens the enemy"

"the spirit of sacrifice" "i n our blood wewill etch our history" "from the tyrants we shallredeem our land, our skies" "imbued with the spirit ofsacrifice, fear not even death" "you are young and yourmotherland is threatened" "should you stand mute witness?" "witness, every heart craves toperform the ultimate sacrifice" "the desire forsacrifice now rules our hearts" "it is time to test thestrength of the enemy's blade"

long live revolution! downwith imperialism! - order! order! lahore conspiracy case continues. mr. gaurdener, please proceed. thank you. your honor.- long live revolution! your honor..- long live revolution! your honor. bhagat singh, i won'tleave you fellows alone. sir.. - lahoreconspiracy case suspect.. shivram hari rajguru from pune.

brave like thegreat warrior, shivaji! put him in the dock with the others. i thank you, o government lap-dog! thank you. come dear. how did you come? sukhdev.. i missed you boys?- even we missed you. your honor, is this amurder trial or celebration? it's a celebration! thecelebration of the revolution! inquilaab? what thehell is your inquilaab?

you shout slogans of inquilaab. do you even knowthe meaning of revolution? revolution is a waragainst tyranny and injustice! it is a weapon tofight exploitation! a call to the youth to unite! a warning to thisbarbaric government! a wake-up call forthe passive masses! a cry to arouse yourburied conscience! thank you for the explanation.

so come join the celebration! order, order please. your honor, the prosecution wishes.. ..to present a government witness.- yes, sure. call him. order, order. permission granted. thank you, your honor. mr. phonindranathghosh to be presented. did the accused set upan illegal bomb-factory?

yes hey, look me in the eye, coward! blushing like a bride, are you? are they sending youto britain, traitor? dog! - order, order please. were you part of the bomb-making? your honor, we have alreadysubmitted his written testimony.. sorry, your honor,his testimony is false! he isn't one of us. he knowsnothing about making bombs.

what? don't i know how to make bombs? brother jatin is standing there.he is my teacher. jatin-da. tell them that i do know.- no, you don't. you honor. he doesn't, your honour.- what are you saying? if you do, tell us whatingredients are used to make bombs. yes, this is no big deal.i'll tell you.. you need mainly nine itemsto make bomb.. - tell us

yes, go on? - yes, go on. gun cotton.- gun cotton. gauze wire.- gauze wire. ammonium carbonate.- ammonium carbonate. sulphur.- sulphur. red phosphorus.- red phosphorus. red sulphide.- red sulphide. carbolic acid, nitric acid. sulphuric acid, that's all.

nothing left now. are you sure? yes.. no, wait two more. yes, red paper.. for capping the bomb, andiron pieces for the clip that's it. well jatin,what do you say? yes, you are absolutely correct. i am proud of you.- what're you laughing at? want to test him further?

enough.- we have nothing more to ask. it took us years to learn.. ..now every child will readit in the newspapers. thank you, mr. khan. long live revolution!- order, order. the kids were wonderful!- now every kid can make bombs we hear that all comrades are nowbeing kept together in the same jail bad times for the british! run! we are ruined.

boys, what's going on?come on, eat your lunch. come to eat, man. bhagat, you tell them. brother, who will understood him. go on, eat. no bhagat, no one will eat.- i'm not eating. i'm not eating nor i.- not me. we're in this together!

look, this isn't easy. once you begin a strike.. ..you go all the way. breaking it is our defeat. if even one of you..- no one's going give up. we're with you, all the way. we will not back off, bhagat. not one of us will weaken.- we're going to fight all the way you will die one inch at a time,every single day..

long live revolution!long live revolution! long live revolution! this is the third time therigorists reported it, sir. it is right there.26 days without food. it is just a publicity stunt. he knew that bhagat singh'sstrike can put them into trouble. he ignored the caution. i don't think. he is not gandhi.no one cares if he eats or not. get me the jailor of lahore.

hey, don't move. open your mouth. careful. good. today the bengaltiger really struck firm. jatin-da thrashed them. aguard is still clutching his groin. wonderful! didn't let one drop go in! i had told you.. all the way. get me water. water! water!

water!- fools! all night theykept us without water. can someone hear? water! at least bring our water, you fool! water! water! this crazy kishori, swallowedchilli-powder to inflame his throat. to stop them from inserting tubes. his throat's been onfire since? - water! give me water, please..

water has come! fool! bastuds! were you born of beasts? look at these idiots! they'vegiven us milk instead of water. "it is time to test thepower of the enemy's blade" "come the time, we'll leavefor all the world to see.." "what joy there is in obsession.." "in pursuit of the goal"

"it's the flame of sacrifice" "as we hang to thelast threads of hope.." "trying to hold on to adream we dreamt together" "what resolve can torture break?" "the flame of sacrificeburns inside our hearts" "now put to test thestrength of the enemy blade" "like the fragrance of the grain.." "we will live in every crop.. ..our farmers raise likethe humming of life.."

"we will live on the breathsof every generation to come" "we will live in every crop.. "for generations to come" while on one hand the wholeof country was supporting.. ..the hunger strike ofthe revolutionaries.. ..on the other handdelicious feasts were spread. but.. what is it? whatis going on outside? there seems to be some sort ofstrike today. - i saw that too. who is this bhagat singh thateveryone is suddenly talking about?

i don't bother too much, madam.he is one of the.. revolutioner. he hasgone on a hunger strike. but why all this fuss about that? mr. gandhi goes on a hungerstrike every couple of days. i just love mr. gandhi. nonviolence. he is my kind of enemy. but will somebody.. everyone is soagitated about this bhagat singh. bhagat singh and his friends havenot eaten for the past 55 days madam. 55 days? - my god.

that is impossible. the man islooking out for some sympathy. how come not eaten for 55 days?- he has not, madam. even my family members have beenfasting for him from past few days. can i give you some fish? oh no, goodness. excuse me. and fire fuelled by bhagatsingh reached the viceroy's palace. herbert, didn't you like the music? i had warned you, sirthat man is dangerous. now they've beentalking here for god sake.

i am sorry, sir.. butyou see he is everywhere. poison guys. - he? you mean, yourbhagat singh, new fellow. mr. gandhi is soberpresented to the people. he has been willing to talk to us. but if this bhagatsingh wave continues.. ..gandhi may not be left withany people to represent. what do you mean? at this point, sir. bhagat singh'spopularity is as much as gandhi.

who said this? - my sources. no other sources. -within the congress party. now, bhagat singh'spopularity was as much as gandhi's. it was very important tobreak this hunger strike. what are their demands. eat a sweet! thewhites are defeated! they broke beforeour children's resolve! the british have relented! jatin das.

no food for 63 days..refuses to take medicine.. if he won't listen, i can't help it. someone please tell him. jatin.. brother.. brother. we won? we won, my brother. they agreed to our demands.

take the medicine, please..- bhagat, i promised you.. not a drop.. today too.. ..with you all the way..all the way.. "swear o' countrymen.." "never to grieve" "celebrate this freedom,do not weep for me" "we were unafraid.." "of even looking death in the eye" "to my motherland.."

"my life" "my country.." "my country.. my pride" jatin-da..- lives forever even i mourn the death of this boy. but, i regret to say thatif we followed their path, we can't create a society. it'll cause destruction.- destruction is hardly our aim. our aim is to free indiafrom these alien plunderers.

we're prepared toshed our blood for it. non-violence and love are theonly two ways to attain freedom. because with them we can winthe hearts hearts of our enemy in all these years oflove and non-violence.. the hearts of how many generaldyers and lord irwins have we won? we are ready for adialogue with the british. there can be no dialogue, nopact between a slave and a master the british must quit india first;then we'll negotiate with them. we have demanded dominion status,and we shall have it

total independence! it's our right and we shallseize it - long live revolution! bapu, i.. you actually endorsed his views? and, in the congress bulletin? i wanted a debate on it..- debate? congress principles arefundamentally opposed to his i'm.. sorry. but i must point out that..

the youth of our party nowspeak bhagat singh's language. here we wait for theviceroy's reply.. ..to our appeal fordominion status.. ..and there, our youthechoes bhagat singh's slogan.. total independence! total independence? let the britishgovernment get this loud and clear congress will not makeany compromise on its demand.. ..for total independence!

total independence!- total independence! total independence? what's gotinto congress all of a sudden? bhagat singh, sir. bhagat singh's popularity is forcingcongress to behave more militantly. just we know. - theyare in the jail, herbert. and i thought i hadenough witnesses in this case. the case has become a comedy, sir. bhagat singh and his friendswrote down revolution from jail. treat the court likethe propaganda office.

you are not making sense herbert. damet! sir.. the british regime was nowclear about what was happening. the advertisement of bhagat singh.. ..via the court wasawakening people of the country. you have to stop him. herbert, for god sake. i have tofollow the law. - you are the law. if you declare an emergency,you can change the law.

with the ordinance. so, as per the viceroy'snew ordinance the case.. can proceed even in theabsence of the accused. the verdict is pre-determined. and no appeal is permitted either. there is no doubtabout the audience. so, now the british governmentwill commit murder in broad daylight. but, that was exactly bhagat's aim. to provoke the government intorevealing its true barbaric nature.

it's done that. they stand exposed? hence, they want to finish him off! we can't lose bhagat. we won't. bhagwati, we will surely get himout. - nirwhad. - yes, pundit. send word to bhagat to be ready. we'll spring himon the way to court. he has accomplished his mission. no sinha, i haven't accomplishedeven a thousandth of what i want to. tell pundit-ji, the war continues.

and i can't flee now. do you realise where thisis headed? to the gallows! what will you achieve by dying? do you know what i really dream of?i dream of a smiling death. i dream of my deathinspiring the youth of.. ..this country to plungeinto the battle for freedom. they also jumped into thefight for freedom without fear. you know, if that happens..then our dream.. ..of a great nation,will surely come true.

of an equal society free fromexploitation.. a secular country. blood won't be shedbetween communities. where hindus and muslims don't killeach other over temples and mosques.. where every religion andsect happily co-exist.. that dream of agenuinely secular society.. will come true! then india will be great! long live revolution!down with imperialism! long live revolution! downwith imperialism! - order. order.

mr. singh, some hard decisions haveto be taken to rule this poor and.. ..illiterate country.- i strongly object, your honor. neither my country ispoor nor it is illiterate. before yourancestors had a language, our children werereading scriptures. hear, hear! the fame of our golden landdragged you all the way from england under the guise of trade, the? english came here to plunder us

you! and you call us poor?have you no shame? bloody hell, even your queen wearsthe kohinoor diamond stolen from us. thieves.- well done, rajguru. order, order.- what's with this order-order? do you think 3 judgesinstead of one scare us? bring on another 300 if you will. we speak the truthand you will hear us. what are you peopleso proud of anyway? because you use spoons andforks instead of your hands?

or because you usepaper instead of water? get out while youstill can, fellows! if our 300 million indianswere to just shout in unison.. you hundred thousand britisherswill be running away deaf. your honor, they always wastethe precious time of the court. please allow me to call thegovernment witness ram saran das. please, proceed. the traitor.- forget him. where're our sweets?- must've blocked them at the door.

those policemen will gobble them up. mr ram saran das, in yourdeposition.. - it's a lie! i did not give any statement?- your honor. he signed testimony with us.- all lies! the police beat me up.forced me to sign the testimony he is lying. - you are lying.- he is lying. your honor, i want you tocall mr. jai gopal to the court. no! we won't allowthat now! he's a liar! your honor, it is clearthat how witnesses..

..are being coercedby police beatings. the testimonies of all governmentwitnesses should be dismissed. that is impossible. i want mr.jai gopal here, your honor. call mr. jai gopal. - this isnot right! - we won't allow it! order. order. my statement is absolutely true. the plan to kill scott was madeby.. - snake in the grass! - liar! bhagat singh, sukhdev and rajguru- dog! fool! i was part of the conspiracy..- traitor fool! take this!

prem, are you out ofyour mind? - your honor. this is contempt of court. they all should be handcuffed. handcuff them all!call the police. - no. this is a court, your honour.you can't handcuff us here. i apologise for myfriend's behaviour. go on, say it. - i'm sorryi'll accept any punishment. but please don't penalize them all. mr. hilton. - i want allof them to be handcuffed.

we refuse to be handcuffed!- this is a court! not a jail! - handcuff them! - no. no one submit to this! it'sagainst their own law! - quick. mr. hilton, please stop them. this! is this your law?is this your justice? you are cowards, killersin the guise of judges! never again shall we set foot inthis dishonest and corrupt place! order, order. - to hell with yourorder and to hell with your law. you may pronounceyour pre-determined..

..sentence whenever you wish. let the court room be empty. just finish the case. finish it. do you realise what you have done? you have gone andabjectly appealed.. ..for mercy to that very court,the very government that we reject?! i know you don'tagree with my methods. but, you have no rightto interfere with my fight forgive me, babu-ji..

but you have stabbed mein the back. - bhagat, no son! i'm your father! you tell me what could i do? what could a father do? you can be aninspiration for other fathers.. ..so that they do not hesitate tosend their sons to die for freedom.. this is a test forall of us, father. we will have to be strong?

we will have to be strong.. after taking into account theentire evidence and arguments.. ..the tribunal pronouncesthe following sentences.. ..in lahore conspiracy case. bejoy kumar sinha, kishorilal.. ..mahaveer singh, verma.. ..gaya prasad, jaidev,and kamalnath tiwari. transportation for life. rajguru.. undersections 121 and 302..

death by hanging!- great! sukhdev.. under sections 121 and 302.death by hanging! delighted! bhagat singh.. under sections 121 and 302.. death by hanging! all three to be hanged bythe neck till they are dead. thank you very much.

long live..- bhagat singh! long live..- sukhdev! long live..- rajguru! no matter what bhagat says. heis very precious for the country. we must free them. pundit, i have to receivemy sister.. i shall go now.. virbhadra.. be alert, son. times are bad. go. pundit, the police are gettingincreasingly desperate for you..

we've arranged the money. why don't you escape to russia?- no, it's a war for this land..i shall fight it here. give this money torajguru's mother. she needs it. sukhdev. pundit.- sukhdev-raj! run! chandrashekhar azad! revolutionary dog! forgive me, mother.i could not serve you longer.

glory to the motherland.. no dear. you're my brave brother, aren't you? my sister. have courage. live long, my dear one.. you have made us proud, son. may the lord be with you, always. no, no. my bhagat.. towers above all..

it is you who taught me to walkon the path of freedom, father. tell me, bhagat.. youthink about everything.. your ideals, your country,your struggle. didn't you everthink about your mother? whenever i thought of my country, you were the one i saw.. you were my inspiration,mother you are my strength.. at such a young age you willleave everyone and go away? no ma, don't cry..

see if you cry, so will i.. then what will the world say? that bhagat singh criedbecause he feared death? no one will say that..your ma will not weep.. and nor will bhagat singh go son.. remember tosay inquilab zindabad. in one voice the wholecountry demands only one thing.. commute the hangings ofbhagat singh and his friends! bhagat singh is not just a person.

he is a wave of revolutionthat is sweeping over the country. some may notconcur with his methods. but no one can deny his spiritof sacrifice and patriotism. bhagat singh must be saved. - yes,yes.. long live.. - bhagat singh! long live..- long live.. - rajguru! - sukhdev! the cry of save bhagat singhwas echoing all over the world. even british mps.. ..all of them is asking you tostop bhagat singh's hanging. must you insist onbringing this here, herbert?

we've already receiveda million appeals, sir. some of them are signed in blood. right now my only concern isto get gandhi to sign that pact. meeting schedule is 8 pm. pundit.. we haveto save bhagat singh. - we have to save bhagat singh. silence, please.. the entire country wantsbhagat singh and his friends saved and everyone knows thatonly gandhi-ji can do this.

yes, only gandhi-ji can- i do understand. see, bapu understands. he is meeting the viceroy today.- he shouldn't sign the irwin pact. not until theirsentences are commuted. if he signs unconditionally,the congress will be disgraced. doesn't i and bapucare for the congress. you ought to be ashamed.. see, bapu will do whatever he can. trust me.

would you like some tea? there was another thing..not connected with the pact. three young men are to be hanged.. do you mean bhagat singh? if he is martyred, the atmosphere inthe country could get prejudiced.. can something be done about this? i quite appreciateyour view, mr. gandhi. but i cannot conceiveof any one who is more.. ..probably deserting thecapital punishment for bhagat singh.

hello.. sir. but the time forhanging is tomorrow morning.. sir.. yes sir. singh! - sir. bhagat singh.. sukhdev, rajguru.. prepare them for the hangings.- now? but they're supposed tohang tomorrow. - fresh orders. the hangings will takeplace at seven this evening it's time, bhagat..- two minutes, jailer sir

am reading about lenin.a meeting of two revolutionaries! let's go no handcuffs.- you have to. today, we shall walk free. put them on, sukhdev. no pointupsetting someone just before going? okay, if you insist.- let it be. it's all right thanks jailer sir.- grateful. "give me the colour saffron"

"mother, paint my shroudin colours of the saffron" "her braves venture forth,holding lives in their hands.." "..they bare their breasts.." "laughingdefiantly courting death.." "to usher in a free dawn" "to show the worldthere's life even in death.. "our sons set out to protectthe honour of their mothers" "the spark of freedomthrills the blood in my veins" "o'give me the colour.."

"mother, paint my shroudbloody in colours of the saffron" "on a glorious day.." "like golden spring.." "we venture wearing ourshrouds for the ultimate sacrifice" "in restless hearts,ecstasy abounds.." "for time is near when webid our motherland farewell" "but unto her seasons to come,we will leave like a waft.. "a whiff of fragrance. lucky are ones givena chance to die such deaths"

"like a wedding march..- we walk to wed revolution" today you will get to see.. how true revolutionaries embracedeath with a smile for their ideals. you're lucky. lucky.. - very lucky. bhagat, remember god..now at least.. forgive me, sir. neither do i feardeath.. nor do i believe in him. farewell. any last wishes?

for the last time,we wish to embrace. untie their hands. long live! revolution! tie their hands. "from our hearts cannever be purged.." "love for the motherland" "from dust to dust.." "i carry thefragrance of my motherland" know then, your braves for you thefeeble, they fight unto their deaths,

they lie hacked to pieces on thebattlefield they never deserted. then come unto me.. comeholding your head upon your palm. know then, your braves for you thefeeble, they fight unto their deaths; they lie hacked to pieces on thebattlefield they never deserted

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