Trump Robocall Floods Georgia With Stupid

trump began his pressconference today, his first solo press conference in some time,by responding to the perceived inconsistency he's demonstratedby attacking the leaks regarding his administration's cozyrelationship with russian operatives while also calling itfake news, an interesting thing. how does he explain it? >>all the leaks, is it fake newsor are these real leaks? >>the leaks are real, you knowwhat they said, you saw it. they

are absolutely real, the news isfake because so much news is fake. i watch cnn, it's so muchanger and hatred and just the hatred, don't watch it anymorebecause it's very good, he's saying -- it's okay, jim, you'llhave your chance -- but i watch others too, you're not the onlyone. >>just a casual insulting, like,you'll have a chance. reported on the new york timesreport, they cover it, it's just anger and hatred?

maybe he feelsthat watching the coverage -- >>sure, that's interesting, butlet me be clear about what i criticize trump on and not. himattacking the press, i think that is par for the course. ithink that's pretty good politics, if i was in hisposition i would do it too. the question is, how do you do it?

iwould point out, listen, you guys work for giant,multinational corporations, there are certain pressures thatcome along with that, and hopefully i would have asomewhat intelligent explanation of why their perspective isdifferent from an objective one. okay. the way trump does it is, no,the leaks are real, because you reported on it, but the newsis fake. >>because so much of it is fake.

>>wait a minute, you just saidthey report on it, and it's real. so how could the report,which you just acknowledged was real, be fake? no, no. if youare a trump supporter and you just want to support him becauseyou hate the establishment, okay, i guess i understand, oryou are a right-winger and you like crony capitalism, whatever.

but don't pretend he's smart, because he's not. he's a moron,because that doesn't make sense at all. the leaks are real andthe way you reported on it is real, that's why you're fake. no, he's stupid. >>but he will get away with it,he can apply fake news to anything he wants.

most of histweets now are about fake news, because fake news was a realissue, it had an effect, it exists on both sides, there isfake news that is meant to appeal to liberals andconservatives, it changes from time to time, the ratio, but onthe right they immediately attacked, claiming that anythingyou don't like is fake news. some on the left felt like fakenews was being used as an excuse for hillary clinton, or theydislike attacking the media so much that they started using itto apply to everything, now the

water has been so muddied thatfake news is whatever you want it to be, despite the fact thatit has an actual definition. we can't apply the definitionanymore because people gleefully use it for whatever they want. >>that is not by accident, trumpis not doing it, he is a low-level troll -- it's guyslike steve bannon who said go muddy the waters, calleverything fake news so they won't be able to tell when we doreal fake news.

real fake news, how do you like that? that'swhat they used to help trump on facebook, they had a strategy tomanipulate people, gave them fake news, so when you saythat's a bad phenomenon, they just muddy the waters untilnobody can tell the difference anymore. because if the truthand lies are competing, lies want a playing field where youcan't tell which is which.

so that's exactly what they have. you think that proves that trump is smart because that's aninteresting political strategy -- no, it's like a guy on twitterwho is like, you're fake. did i get him, stevie? you are realbut fake. no, you didn't get

them. you have no nuancewhatsoever, you lack the ability to form logical, rationalthoughts, so you are like a fucking child they send outthere, and steve bannon tells him to call everything fake newsand attack the media, that will play well with our base andindependents, which is kind of true. and he goes out there andis like, ha, you are real and fake -- fucking child.

>>but he's enjoying it, which wewill make clear soon. in this next clip he continues on theattack on cnn, and as always regardless of what the policy ornews being discussed is, he will make it about ratings. >>if i may follow up on some ofthe questions so far, sir, i don't know which microphone tohold, i've got three. >>your ratings aren't as good assome of the other people. >>they are pretty good rightnow, actually.

you said the leaks are real but the news isfake, i guess i don't understand. it seems there is adisconnect there, if the information coming from theleaks israel, how can the stories be fake? >>the reporting is fake. jim,here's the thing -- the public reads newspapers, they seetelevision, they watch -- they

don't know if it's true or falsebecause they are not involved. i'm involved, i've been involvedwith this stuff all my life, but i'm involved. so i know when youare telling the truth and when you are not. i just see many,many untruthful things. and i'll tell you what else i see, tone. you know the word, tone.

the tone is hatred. i'm not a bad person, i do get goodratings, you have to admit, and i have to say fox and friends inthe morning, they are very honorable people. not becausethey are good, they hit me also when i do something wrong -- butthey have the most honest morning show. you look at yourshow that goes on at 10 o'clock

in the evening, take a look atthat show. that in the constant hit. the panel is a most alwaysexclusive anti-trump, the good news is he doesn't have goodratings. now i will say this, i watch it, i see it, i'm amazedby it, and i just think you'd be a lot better off, i honestly do-- the public gets it, you know. why go to rallies they turnaround and start screaming at

cnn, they want to throw theirplacards at cnn. the public doesn't believe you peopleanymore. now maybe i had some things to do with that, i don'tknow. as an example, cnn, it's story after story is bad. i won.and the other thing, chaos -- there is zero chaos.

this is afine-tuned machine. i would be your biggest fan in the world ifyou treated me right. i sort of understand there is a certainbias maybe by jeff or somebody, whatever reason. >>again, i want to be fair herebecause that's our whole job -- him attacking the press andsaying your tone is wrong -- >>i won.

>>that's not a fair point. >>you can't say bad news, i won. >>but him trying to get thepress to be quote unquote more balanced and hence put more ofhis henchmen on tv is an old republican trick. it's not liketrump invented that, that part is not new, he just does it withsuch little deft that he's just mumbling around as he does it. but it works enough because it

gets through. that part i'mdefending him on, but when he says i'm not a bad person --what a weird thing to say in the middle of that answer. and i getgood ratings. you're the president, stop worrying aboutthe goddamn ratings. north korea launched ballistic missiles,russians have spy ships 30 miles

off the coast, stop worryingabout the goddamn ratings. that's because he's a child --shiny object! look at me, daddy! >>people don't trust youanymore. maybe i had something to do with it, i don't know,i've never thought about it or had meetings with steve bannonabout it. i know some people on the right love this, they lovethat his strategy is to take

down the media and destroy anyfaith in the media or the ability to report on facts asfacts. and a lot on the right wing love this, i understandwhy, i think it's shortsighted because he has shown it even aright-wing outlet turns on him on a particular issue he willthrow you under the bus, you fools. he's attacking us, hewill attack you, and some even on the lift to get a lot ofviews attacking the media, we

critique the media, there are alot of reasons to, but to go along with the destruction ofthe public's faith in a media at all harms you too. that evenjust in the future, i'm talking about right now. if people don'tfeel like there's anything objective to the news, that it'sjust how do i feel about what they are reporting on, thatdestroys your credibility too and you need to wise up to thatbecause the war is being waged

in front of our eyes on a dailybasis. >>the difference between theleft-wing critique and the right-wing critique of the mediais the right wing wants to tell the media down and replace itwith propaganda, the left-wing is critiquing the media so itcan get better. we want to make you better, not worse. but idon't think all do, i think some just like critiquing it becausethey know people enjoy that.

there is no goal, it's settingfire, it's about sending a message. not about construction,destruction. >>but at the same time, john,let's not do both sides do it. some on the left do it, but forthe right it's an organized attack on the media that hasgone on for decades to destroy anyone who brings you facts. onthe left there is a legitimate critique of the media and theirperspective and how it is

colored in a way that they donot acknowledge. some people take that too far, i understand,but there is a reason why a lot of people on the left and rightare distrustful of the media but it's not because everything theywrite is fake and you shouldn't trust anything that's news. wehave to rebuild the media in a way where it is honest, servesthe audience first rather than other interests, so people cango back to trusting the media,

because we need the news, weneed facts, otherwise how do we make decisions in a democracy?

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