Naughty girl stuffs the milk in the fridge then apply to face as much as white skin whitening spa

very good. hey, where is it? slowly. grandpa, let's play another game. which one? -hide and seek. you should find me. -okay. i'll hide very won't find me. let's try. ready?

i'm ready. can i come? -yes. where is raja? -here. really.. raja. raja. raja. hey, raja. oh.. where should i look for him? raja! raja! where did yougo leaving your grandpa?

raja! where are you hiding? raja! raja! where are you? i'm here, grandpa. you're here. -you lost. naughty.. grandpa, get up. you scared me to death. shanti. shedding tears infront of husband's.. won't bring him back. my son didn't diejust like that.. ..he was martyredfor the country. you should be proud of hisbravery not shed tears. grandpa, won't you eat breakfast. coming, son. your son is asking for breakfast.serve it. don't show your grief to him. kids and old bothdon't have teeth.

both need support to eat it. you eat it. -no, you eat it. no, you've to eat. keep fighting. now eat've to go to school. hello, uncle. chandar, come. he's a doctor,and you call him like that. he must be a big doctor. -he usedto soil my clothes as a child.

his father, the big miser.. he? -shut up. he's my college friend.can't i be informal with his son? you can call me anything.but pay the fees. or else the money spentto make a doctor.. ..won't be recovered,my father will say. first eat breakfast.-do you've to say it. his father must havetold him to.. ..come at the time of breakfast.

did he ask for parcel too? yes. if food is good,get parcel too. he said so. uncle, don't they make breakfastat your home? they do. only on diwali festival. we've to compete to eat that too. listen, raja.. must have seensmall misers. but his father is the biggestmiser. eat it. stop. i've to check your bp.

you can check anything,but you won't know his ailment. what's the ailment? he loves his grandson very much. oh god. it's virus disease. i've to give medicine accordingly.-as if she doesn't give it. she stands in frontof husband's.. for an hourevery morning. raja, eat fast. we've to go. raja, you're going to school.

drop me home. shanti, while paying his fees.. ..deduct the money for breakfastand going in car. no. i'm not hungry. i was kidding. eat it. where is dumpling?-give it to him. push it here. whoever comes to temple,first buys flower from my shop. how are you, parmesh?

come, meenakshi. everyone here knows you here.. even if they don'tknow the goddess. you're famous here. everyone bows to you. when they come in front of you.. how are you, meenakshi? why do you drool? - okay, give me flowers.- why won't i give you flowers?

my shop is running because ofyou. how much do you want? not this, give me that one. these flowers?what's so special today? he has come home. he? will he return?how much do you want? don't cut it. these aren't tied.-i want like that only. listen, use more scent.

put it in the tab.-this too. it's already too much. so what? i'll pay this month. what said? come, raja. raja, special bouquet for you. thank you. i don't know thank you,just give it here. i don't give credit. whenever my wife gives meanything, i return her.

you gave me something,it's not good to keep it with me. so i'll return it. listen, raja. you cheated me by puttingthis glass. but don't cheat me by notcoming to my shop. come everyday. okay? listen, my name is parmesh. and you're raja from the car. tell your driver todrive properly.

what is it, parmesh? that boy comes everyday in give him flowers. but you don't take money. should i take money from a kid? it's called affection. stupid fool. in the village,i've a son like him. when i give him flowers,i think of my son. bhanumati.

bhanumati. -what happened? i'm going to market. you're going without shirt. i kept shirt to iron. hold this. to iron? -yes. oh.. were you ironing this way? washerman asks fora rupee to iron. it's good to do it ourselves. by keeping the clothes underthe sofa, they get ironed.

be miser like this.shirt has four buttons less. i think four buttons are fine.we don't need eight buttons. i kept the four buttonsfor other shirt. you must've seen them. why do i tell othersto sit on sofa? because here is shirt under sofa. don't mind it.. ..vendors come togive vegetables. why are you going to market?

because he charges more. won't your car use up petrol? fool. i won't take the car. you would take takes 50 paise for fare. i won't go in bus. i'll walk. listen. -what? bring a soap from the market. fool. are you out of your mind? i bought a soap fifteen days got over.

won't it, if we bath. do you know how i bath? i put soap in a bucket ofwater and remove it. i bath with that water. my soap is still therebut your soap is over. bhanumati,if you use soap like this.. ..your skin will turn hard. so a great writer wrotein his book.. ..a beggar will turnrich one day.

he wrote something else. a miser will be abeggar for ever. it's for foreigners. come. button it fast. kedarnath. -come. sit. -never mind. what is the matter?where are you going with a bag? to market. you go to market yourself. something special willbe made today. what are you saying? we both aren't i was going to bring herb. but your son is a doctor. he can check four patientsin the meantime. so we thought of nottaking up his time. so what's the news? it's a good news.

i've seen a beautifulgirl for your son. very good. how is the girl? she's very beautiful. she's onlychild of a millionaire. millionaire? listen, how is the girl?is she decent and cultured? what will we do with virtues? ask about dowry. why did you come suddenly? you should've written to us.we would've welcomed you nicely.

so what? we'll order food. what are you saying?is food available on road? we're not well.he has lunchbox in his hand. it has betel leaf. i know you ate food. how will you go now? in taxi or auto! it carries more passengers. listen, i'll come along. -what?

i'll escort you. -okay .. -whenwill the bride's family come here? i'll go and write a letter.-soap. -soap? she said soup. come on. control your tongue. are you saying to me? -no. move. good evening, sir. -good evening. how are you, raja? -fine. how is study going on?-very well. okay, very good.

sir, don't we get scholarshipif we come second in exam? no. only first ranker will get it.why do you ask? nothing, sir. just like that. okay, bye. i'll reach there in ten minutes.okay? sir,there is board meeting at 10. i've another important work.i'm going. father, we've to find a solutionto such a big problem.

as md it's your duty. i'm going for important you know? meeting will be held later. sir,our workers are going to strike. strike? -yes. problem has worsen. you should go to estate today. no. i can't go tomorrow forthis important work. it seems things will goworse by tomorrow. my work is more serious.

father.. ..where are you going? you won't leave me. everyone is going to picnicfrom raja's school. yes. -i'm going too. raja, wait. i'm coming. is this his important work,madam? for him raja is themost important. god knows what kind of a doctorhe's. he's shy of girls.

come on. -what do you think? listen. send only male patients. why? -girls bother me. are you out of your mind? what's wrong in treating girls? to make you a doctor.. ..i begged to others.. ..and make you pass mbbs.

later i send you toamerica by plane. so why won't you treat women? father, even men pay's enough. tell me.. ..why did you wear my clothes?-henceforth i'll wear them. when you were sending girls away,i was in underwear. so i wore your clothes in anger. what about your clothes?-your mother is washing them. poor mother!you wouldn't have bought soap?

thank god i wasn't bornas a daughter to you. what did he say? if he had been a girl,you would've worn sari. father. i told you not to see this album. i'll keep it in cupboard. son ganesh, you got martyred. but we got sad. your wife orders as a general.

she wipes her tearsto console me. and your son proves that he'sson of a big martyr. but this old man.. shanti. is raja home? not yet, father. well done. oh.. blind lady, give the ball. brother, can't you see whereyou hit the ball?

my toys are broken. we were watching it. return our ball. now tell your dog tocatch the ball. your grandpa hit theball so hard.. ..the toys of blind lady broke. what? - yes. sister, all your toys broke? i erred. forgive me, sister.

what did you say? forgive me. what did you call me? sister. brother, i'm name is mina. but everyone call me blind. someone has called me sisterfor the first time. sister,i'll pay for the toys i broke. the love you gave is enough.i want no money.

never mind. i'll make new toys. brother, i wanted to makeidol of kanhaiya. it's said, he's very beautiful. after seeing your face,i wish to make that idol. will you sit here forme for a while? i'll sit as long as you want. sit like this. listen. give me key. -for what? i got letter from marriagebroker that today..

..girl's family is comingto see the boy. so what? -meaning? we've to arrange for food.give me keys. if you ask for key,i'll slap you. we never gave feast to anyone. we earn for ourselves. is our house a charity inn? greetings, kedarnath. -come in. what brings you here suddenly?-suddenly?

didn't you get my letteri'm coming today? letter? yes,i had told you about the letter. one which we didn't get. letters don't reach as municipalchanged house numbers. if we had got your letter,we would've welcomed you grandly. never mind. -come in. -don't saynever mind. it's about our honor. compounder. -yes. you called me.

go to hotel.. -10 snacks.. ..potato fritters.. ..bread and sweets.. ..i'll bring everythingin 10 minutes. -listen. tell him to put prawns. -okay. if she hadn't been ill,we would've prepared at home. when she falls ill,we order from outside. a small kid in a small hut.. ..used to make tea like this.

i ordered tea from him everyday. today he owns a five star hotel. i know that.let's come to the point. manju, he's kedarnath and she's.. i know.girl's mother. where is the girl? she's the girl.she's millionaire. millionaire. sit. can i sit? -yes.

you can sit cross-leggedlike that. it's with ease. -tell her.. yes, say something. listen to me. i saw many boys but ididn't like anyone. so.. how will you agreewithout seeing my boy? he told me a lot about your son. i thought of seeing him. if you like me, call the boy. she's very frank.-she's millionaire after all.

she has the right. okay, i'll do one thing. i'll bring the boy well adorned.-hurry. bhanumati, come here. the rice is the houseis for 10 days only. and vegetables too areonly for two days. take out everything from thefridge. -don't i know? nothing. i asked which dressto make the boy wear. she said i don't know.

i'll bring the boy. when breakfast comes,serve to everyone. i'll take this. what's your son's height? he's an inch taller than me. and an inch shorter than him. father, injection.. you can do that later. he's my son. his name is chandar.

he did mbbs. he sings and dances well.. he's shy of girls. look at her. she's a millionaire. not me, you've been seeingme since childhood. he can woo a girlwith one glance. bhanumati, talk to him. chandar,if you tell us you like the.. ..girl we can fix your marriage.

you don't need to see the girl. who will you marry? the girl i love. get this thing clear. when will he fall in loveand get married? if he doesn't listen to me,i'll be very severe on him. only a millionaire willbe my daughter-in-law. explain to him. this proposalis very good. right? anjali.

keep this guitar with junks. anjali, keep it there. and go. why are you moving it? what's the use of this guitar? no,'ll play it and sing too. when my son said he wasgoing to marry you.. ..i asked him what will mydaughter-in-law bring as dowry. he said she'll bring big things. and i understood himafter seeing you.

he talked of yourbeauty and voice. you pray in front of yourhusband's photo..'s better to sing forthe peace of his soul. please sing. father, i used to sing. but i can't sing now. please forgive me. what is it, grandpa? you're sleeping.

its 10 pm. i've school tomorrow. you've no school. you're my grandson? -yes. will you listen to me?-what do i've to do? oh.. so you want mother to sing? okay, i'm ready. stop. -you can't catch me. hey.. -no. catch me. -i'm looking foryou with glass of milk.

you're playing with grandpa.drink milk. i'll drink if you sing lullaby. i too felt so in the start. i slapped him in rush. other child told meit was his mistake. raja lied to save him. so what? you hit him as heconfessed to his mistake. did you see your son?he has become so big. let him come.

he's here. come here. what happened, grandpa?you called me. -come here. you feign innocence. father.. -you be quiet. you're so small yetyou do such deeds. not just that, sir.. that ramu gets scholarship.. ..he got second rankthis time even.. ..though he always comes first.

is it true? i'm sorry, grandpa. i won't make mistake again. what? you won't make mistake. you'll always do such mistake.-really? after all he's my grandson. miss, whatever you said itremarkable. now you may leave. he's like his grandpa. i'll go, sir. sir, you?

he won't listen to anyone may go. okay. good morning. come, doctor. sit. you phoned that you're ill andyou need a doctor. -what happened? only you can tell mewhat happened to me. okay, tell me about the ailment. don't ask, look into my eyes. i don't need to look intoyour eyes. tell me.

my heart is beating fast. it's normal. normal? i know about my state. so treat yourself.why did you call me? doctor, is it because of a tumor? where is the tumor? here. -fine. it's because of heat. how can you say without seeing?

i studied medicine for 5 years. a snake charmer can recognizethe snake from far. what happened? lizard. you love lizard.should i catch it? no. i'm scared of it. can i say something? you don't pay my fees.but i'll tell you the treatment. you've no disease but just plump.

use less fat in food. if you forget,i'll tell your elders. no. -okay, i won't tell them. hey, raja. come. did you hurt yourself again? if you had phoned, i would'vecome. -nothing happened to me. sister.. -sister? raja, you're only son sohow come this sister? no, uncle.she's from neighbourhood.

she's from neighbourhood. there must be a problemwith her eyes. you're right. it's not new.many sisters come like this. come here. she came to flirt with me.i'll give my photo. tell her to see it and spare me. uncle, she's blind. sit, sister.

uncle, it's time for my school. check her eyes and send her back. i'll go, sister. okay, brother. bye, uncle. -bye. i'm sorry. your name? mina. are you blind from birth?

yes, from birth. wow! i think my son is in love. is the girl millionaire? father, be quiet. she's blind. oh god. didn't you find anyone besidesthis blind girl? father she's blind and i'mchecking if she can see or not. anything else? -no.

treatment only? -yes. don't forget to take fees whethershe's poor or rich. son, please give my rent. there is no water.and leaking won't stop. complain to your mother,you just give my rent. you're taking rent from your son.don't you feel shame? fool! stay away from it. does 100 rupees bill know whois father and who is son. i stay up in a small place.

he has made his clinicin such a big place. if i give this place to someoneelse so i'll get more rent. what he's saying? -he's right. he takes money for everything. he calls guests andloots them too. fine.son will solve father's problem. you want to see his angeror want to do settlement? once i get my rent i'll go. today he'll not give my rent.

but today you'll notget the lunch. what you're saying, boss? look according to myknowledge your.. ..eyes don't have thatmuch problem. i'll take you to doctorwhom i know very well. thank you very much.-i'll tell raja to inform you. okay then i'm leaving. take care. "a small girl lived ina small kingdom."

"she became princess one day." "don't be sad.your destiny can change too." "learn to live with happiness." "you will find peace here." "your fate will change too." "always be hopeful." "tears shed on seeingsorrows of others." "nobody knows what'sin others' hearts." "there is only darkness for me."

"yet i'll live with joy." it's from post office. -willit come from police station? from which villageand who wrote it? it's from ramkali. she's my wife. your wife? she wrote a letter.-yes. i'll read it. will you read what my wife wrote? take this.

now read it. dear husband! my regards. love and affection is same. who said so? when husband and wifeunite it's love. what they do togetheris affection. after the child's birth,there is maternal love. oh. read ahead.

where was it? -you would know. you start from where you stopped. you left me to go to village. i used to serve youwhen you were here. but you took all my service. now i only pray foryour well being. your son goes to schooland studies well. at least my son won't haveto close other's ears. i'm waiting for you.

i'm asking a neighbourto write this letter. i can't write much so i'll stophere. your wife ramkali. where is ramkali written? -here. here? -yes. who is there? listen. you said you'll give me. manohar, give him something. what do you want?-he said he'll give me. i neither see nor listenletters of other's wife.

i don't know whose wifewrote the letter. brother, give me. don't chew my brains. take this. why this? rose. keep it. fool! you don't put it on. you know why you don'thave a child? -why? give this flower to your wife. fool!

is anyone there? who is it? who is near my toys? what is it? it's me, mina. i was going to meet's good we met here. i've told you aboutan eye specialist. he'll return fromabroad very soon. let it be. -never mind. i'll earn money until he returns.

i wanted to treat youwith my money. but my father asks for myaccount. he's miser. you don't take the already did enough. careful. i don't stumble. god knows why it happened today. god is merciful. so i heard. but after seeing your eyesi think he's cruel. not say that.

if god had given me eyes, youwouldn't have felt pity for me. god made me blind so thati get your help. how is work, mina? fine. very good. take this. won't you keep money for dinner? never mind.i won't eat dinner now. i want to save money. doctor chandar said operationcan get my sight back.

doctor chandar. do you know him? yes.he's very sympathetic towards me. he's trying to cure my blindness. if he really feels pity for you.. ..he could pay foryour treatment. he wants to do that. but his father won't agree. i don't want his help,his love is enough. i'll save the money.

you don't need.if the doctor does what i say.. ..i'll pay for your treatment. what do i've to do? nothing much. i want doctor should see me. only this. come with me.he'll surely see you. okay. i'm ready to listen to you. but i told my father,i'll marry the girl i treat. i've seen such a girl anddecided to marry her.

is it so? -yes. you can't see that girl now. but the one who brought youhere can see that girl. doctor, i'll be happy if youmarry the girl you like. i won't come in the middle. congratulations. thanks for your help. i'll go. doctor, which girl wereyou talking about?

i can tell you. but once you get your eyesightand see your face in the mirror..'ll know that girl. yes, mina. this is my decision. sister, all the toys are broken. come home.make another idol there. no. what if they say something?-they won't say. raja is heard there.nobody will say anything to you. i'll go now.

uncle, you gave injection tomy friend yesterday. -so? this is the fees. raja,i too want to treat people free. but my father asks for account. bye. whose photo is it, father? raja's. is it new? no. it's old. photographer made a new print.

why? i'm thinking of puttinghis photo in.. ..the album whose photosmake us cry. you can't stay even fora minute without raja. you get restless whenhe goes to school. yes. i told him to makea big photo of.. ..this so i can seehim all the time. why photo? i brought a girlwho can make my statue. really? -yes.

she's sister mina.she makes beautiful statues. she makes statues?she's so small. fine. look. i like thisphoto very much. what's the price for makingsuch a statue? grandpa, she's blind. -blind? she's blind. -are you kidding me? without eyes she'll make statue? grandpa, you don't know. she makes statues by touchingface with her hands.

is it true, mina? give me a chance. no matter what statue shouldbe very beautiful. how much do you want? i didn't come to makeit for money. but for satisfaction. he's the first who talkedto me with love. i won't take money tomake his statue. you're really very good.where are your parents?

i'm orphan. don't say that. now we're your family. come. raja, why did you thinkof making a statue? seeing your speed,i think you'll be a big minister. i don't want to be that. eat after prayer. i already finished prayer. sweets are eaten after makingoffering on diwali festival.

i'm only checking. don't eat it. give me back. grandpa, you're cheating. -what? you're eating. -i'm not. look. grandpa and grandson! both! don't eat it. you've diabetes and i'myour family doctor. doctor chandar. i'll give you morefees this time.

don't stop me from eatingsweets for two days. okay, you can eat. mother, bribery in our house! don't shout. it's in the family! come, can increase your fees. but stop him from eatingsweets on festival days. okay, don't eat sweets. hey, she'll give more than me. meaning? -he said i can eatsweets if i pay him more.

now he's refusing because of you. he's fooling us. raja.-i think it's parmesh. i'll see. what happened, parmesh? you're selling fire crackersinstead of flowers. no.i came to give them as present. then you should've cometo clinic. why here? what are you saying?this is for raja. listen. there should be fireworkin this house tonight.

won't i light it?-he won't let you burst crackers. who? -your father. he'll sell them. parmesh, you didn't go tovillage for festival. how can i go now?i've to make some money. once i sit in shop,i forget everything. i see my son in raja's form. raja, these crackers burst loud. i'll light them as you're a kid.

no. he'll do it. raja,be careful when you fire rocket. point it towards here not north. why? -my shop is that way. raja, hold this. you're teaching himto waste money. stay away. or you'll get burnt.-i'm not scared. mr. chandar. she can seeif we do eye transplant. so why not start the operation?

we should find eyes.there is no stock in eye bank. if someone is donating eyes,we can do the operation. i'll phone you when we find eyes. you should see whereyou're going. i fell on purpose. i wanted to see howsister mina walks. i couldn't walk and fell down. poor sister mina!she must've fallen so many times. father, child often cry seeingother's luxuries.

but our raja tries onother's sorrows. come, doctor.everything is ready. greetings, doctor. greetings. now sit. mina, doctor is here.start your work. mina,you make statues of strangers. now the face is in front of you.what do you want? rani,she'll make doctor's statues.. making his mould with mud. it's old method. our mina can make statues just bytouching doctor's face. -what? just by touching my face onceshe can make the statue? do you remember? i got it. if we stay here,work won't be done. this statue shouldn'tbe made in solitude. okay, we're going. did you hear what theysaid while leaving?

mina, start. -hmm! face like apple. doe eyes. eyelids like lotus. teeth like pearls. doctor, you're praising yourself. oh.. i was praising you.have you seen.. never mind. what if i'm blind,i can see with your eyes.

is the forehead right? -yes. oh. your face has mud. enough mud to makeone more statue. i was waiting for this statue. doctor, is it you? how did you know? because of your footstepthat is in my heart. yes. good. nice.

but it would look betterin different color. color. i don't know colors. i used the color igot in my hands. people have pity on me andbuy them. -not that.. ..shirt would look betterin white color. white? doctor, how is it? do you know milk? yes, i've drank it.-it's like that.

but how is milk's color? it's white. just like swan. swan? how is swan? swan? it flies and catches fish. it's beak is like that. how? so this is how white color is.

it means everything bentis white in color. oh.. no.. mina, it's enough to get answer. but my answer is questionfor you. you need to know a lot. ask something else.i'll try to answer. "is it day or night?" "if you're with me,everything is the same." "is this a forest or palace?-you're my palace?"

"tell me about cloudsand lightening." "let me adorn your tresseswith flowers." "is this a fruit or a bud?" "let me whisper in your ears." "is this dew or rain?" "let me take you in my arms." "why does the breeze makethe trees sway?" "forgetting everythingthey dance with love." "is this cuckoo or a flute?-it's your music."

"is this peacock or doe?-you're beautiful than them." "i am blessed to get you." "your sweet wordswooed my heart." "how do i look?-the most beautiful one." "how is the world?" "you are my world." let me read the newspaper fast. people died of heatwave in delhi. news of deat early morning.

drink coffee. -give me. what's this black thing? oh.. maybe it's a fly. silly! if not a fly,what else will fall in a coffee? let me throw it and bringanother one for you. it will be such a loss. milk, sugar and's too much. you'll fall sick ifyou drink this. many pests fall in liquor.

but people who drink liquorare still alive. i'll drink this too. uncle. -come, rani. good morning, uncle.-very, very good morning. you're drinking coffee. -a flyfell in it. you won't like it. sit. what can i say? once we two.. don't stop me fromtelling the truth. we used to be in oppositewindows. she was wooed by me.

she's still enticed. you too laugh. did my son choose a girl? really? let's ask about marriage.-he did that too. he did that too. so much happened buthe didn't tell me. did he talk to you? no. or else i would've told you.

it's of my advantage. it's better if you tellthe entire village. we're organizing a meetingof women's group. we'll announce your son'swedding there. my son's engagement issome other gathering. it's a pride for us.but there is a problem. one more thing. -what? a millionaire's statue will beinaugurate in that gathering. you'll inaugurate it.

who better than him to inauguratea millionaire's statue? is this how you praiseyour husband? it won't be nice if you spendmuch money in gathering. i like if it's in limit. send someone to pick me up.give conveyance to my driver. keep four garlands andsoda on the desk. soda should be local or imported? forget it. keep one of each. spend a little. never mind.

we'll do that. the statue is of a millionaire'sson.. ..who is going to marrywithout dowry. and the poor girl is blind. no dowry.and the girl is blind too. i think it's a spoiltbrat of a rich man. will you say this on mike? mike is different from life. i'll start congratulatingwhen i get the mike.

rani, call some schoolkids to clap for me. he'll get encouraged. that's more like it. stop. we'll clap whenever you pause. don't forget about myson's engagement. that's the main attractionof the gathering. child, drink coffee. fly fell in it. let them go. go!

go on. now i'll prepare my speech. i'll stand like this and say.. my dear brothers andsisters and guests. listen.i'll go to pick grains. -why? i'll clean the rice. oh.. i thought for hittingme with stones. so brothers and sisters,the men.. oh no! the women.. i'll be thrashed..

brothers and sisters. in this gathering, mr. kedarnathcame to oppose dowry ritual. we're thankful to him. for that mr. prabhunathwill share his views. this gathering is proudto honor mr. kedarnath. i'm telling the truth. mr. kedarnath's views are greatto abolish dowry system. he'll speak from his heart. he won't boast.

did you see? he'll tell the truth here. we'll even record his speechso that he won't forget.. that our aim is fulfilled. i request mr. kedarnathto say a few words. if i return the garland,will you pay me half? you're still a miser. fine. go home and sleep. fine, but whatever yousay will be recorded.

so think before you speak. if you say something wrong,your honor will snatched. what is it, mr. kedarnath? nothing. he said he had flowershop so he gave flower garland.. ..if he had jewelry shop, hewould've given golden necklace. i was going to say somethingabout it, but he stopped. it's not so. -it's. so now.. everyone present here.. ..ladies and gentlemen.. guests..

you'll get current. -i left it. actually i'm not usedto public speaking.. ..i'm invited suddenlyso i'm stammering. but why are we inaugurating thestatue of a millionaire's son? because it's closed. it's not so. you can go. will you come to shop?-yes, go now. he just gave a garland.. the boy from statue isfrom a rich house.

he wants to marry apoor girl without.. ..thinking of caste or dowry. i'm inaugurating sucha great man's statue. because i too won'task for dowry. i too will marry myson to a poor girl. i won't ask for dowry. this is my good fortune. do you know who made this statue?a poor girl. she's blind. mina.

mina, please stand.people want to see you. so shall we inaugurate? what should i pull? -that string. i know. -but you asked. i would've cut a ribbon. i'll pull the string. clap.. want to click snaps! let him click photo.don't come in middle. come.

make a big photo and give to me. take money from them. the statue is very beautiful. it's really great. my son's statue. without dowry!with girl of other caste. blind girl will be mydaughter-in-law. brothers and sisters!please don't leave. mr. kedarnath got emotionalafter the inauguration.

he has proved thathe's big hearted. they fooled me.-tape recorder is on. this engagement tookplace with his wish. now we need your blessings. this gathering was organizedso that you can be witness. hail kedarnath! -no! one more thing. our millionaire kedarnathdoesn't splurge money. so if anyone isn't invitedto wedding..'re requestedto attend doctor.. ..chandar's wedding with family.. ..and enjoy feat andbless the married.. ..couple to lead a happy life. tell me something, rani. how long have youbeen fooling me? i didn't fool you. but your sondeceived you and wooed mina. my son did it. my son can't do that.

you don't trust me. look there. is that your son? it seems so. your father was surprised tohear about our wedding. yet you're saying this. mina, even if the world isagainst me, i'll marry you. your father wants a richgirl to marry you. your father isn't a god toaccept this poor girl. he's a common man. -yes.

i'm lowly. i'm an ordinary manwith low values. for my doctor son.. ..people are willing togive millions in dowry. but you're blind.yet you trapped my son. -father. don't say anything to her.i proposed to her. when a kid cries for chocolate,it's not the kid's fault.. ..but the one who showschocolate. -meaning? -stop. mina, if you want to marry walkwith a garland on the road.

whoever puts his head in thegarland will be your husband. go. did you hear? i had told you butyou didn't listen. i'm insulted now. you're respected that'swhy you're crying. and you're standing. -father. it's not your fault. i feel likekilling rani who incited you. father, you're speaking rashly.apologize to her. is she a vip for me toapologize to her?

i'll thrash you.-first apologize. i won't.. come home. -father. sister. sister, rani. what happened, mina. i came where with a decision.-what? i'll tell you only ifyou don't mind it. i won't mind. tell me. i'm leaving the village. you said you won't sayanything to me.

if i stay here, neither i norothers will be benefited. till today you helped me a lot. i'll never forget it. stop, mina. what? take the money you saved. i saved money for eye treatment. now i'm going wherei don't need eyes. donate it to a temple.

mina, stop. leave me. don't come in my path. let me go. no, mina. i've to face this punishment. i beg of you. leave me. you won't go anywhere.come to my house. stay as my daughter. sir, don't lose respect bymaking me your daughter.

if i come to your house,you'll lose your peace. sister, you're leaving me. how can i leave you? come, daughter. come to our house, sister. kedarnath,don't talk about useless things. your son loves that girl. he won't leave herno matter what. how dare he!i'll make the girl flee!

why?i like her and my son likes her. first i should like her. prabhunath, she's blind. she'll garland someone elseinstead of her husband. i won't make her mydaughter-in-law. oh.. you're refusingbecause she's blind. there are no eyes in the eyebank for her eye transplant. one we get eyes,she'll see again. even your son says this.

but she has no money. oh.. so this is your problem. much is my property worth? around 150 millions. she'll be the heirof this property. i adopt her. mina is now my daughter. she'll have share in my what? she's a millionaire now.-she'll be my daughter-in-law.

our daughter-in-law willbe a millionaire. now i agree to this alliance. compounder. -you called me. go to hotel.-10 plates of snacks.. ..potato fritters and sweets. i'll return in ten minutes. don't go to sleep. really bring all those things. bring it before hisheart changes.

prabhunath,what are you looking at? i'm serving a guest for the firsttime. so please eat it. oh god. -what happened? we're three,but we ordered for ten. never mind. first sit.-what about the rest of the food? he'll come soon. he'll bring ten platesof everything. sir..'re ill so you shouldcontrol your diet.

an illiterate needsto be explained. you too.. listen, chandar. regarding food.. read carefully. then practice it. he's teaching his grandpa.-did he teach that? no. my teacher told me. i'll practice whati learnt today. if you do that youwon't progress. oh..why don't you ask what i learnt?

i think nobody has brains. he's talking as if he memorizedall the scriptures. forget it. -listen. i'll listen to you.-if we've two.. ..we should give one to someonewho doesn't have it. if we've two loaves of breadgive one to those who don't. you won't change. stop, uncle. i've two, i'll give one to theperson who doesn't have it.

tell me what will i give. is it a chocolate? maybe snacks. yes,i know students keep cigarette. give me one. -no. do you smoke cigar? -uncle. fine, i'll tell's a bread. it must be money. -no. you tell us.

eyes. i've two eyes.i'll give one to sister mina. raja, don't say that. please don't say that again. we can see with one eyes. if i give the other eye to you,we both can see. we can't take it. we don't take eyes of livingperson. only after death. don't say that again.never practice what you learn.

come. i'll teach you what to do. learn from him notfrom his father. happy birthday to you! "keep smiling all the time." "these are days tofly like birds." "you are like're generous." "you will protect the country." "you have to study and makethe country proud." "walk on the path of truth."

"don't do bad deeds." "don't do something todefame the country." "wipe evil with pure heart." "progress in life." "you are like budding flowers." what happened to him? don't worry.he's fine. take him home. it hurts a lot. i can't bear it.

mother. mother. -raja. raja. what happened to you? does it pain a lot? -yes. it pains a lot. -raja. everything will be fine. chandar, what happened to raja? he fainted suddenly. he might have stomach ulcer.

we need blood test and x ray. i came to see raja. how is he? doctor warned him notto talk too much. i.. good morning, uncle. what is the matter?you came so early today. why don't you speak. talk to him and..

never mind, raja. i was thinkingof you whole night. i couldn't sleep. but i had a dream. wait. when you didn't sleep,how did you dream? i dreamt of it while i was awake. i saw that my sonhad stomach pain. i thought of telling youand going to my village. poor fellow! we should say it when you seeit in reality not in dream.

when i was small like you,i too.. please wait. mother,give uncle some of my gifts. why, raja? it's not for you,but for your son. i mean for my brother. raja, god gave you a big heart.. ..that you think ofgiving to others. i've no words to praise you.

i don't hesitate totake this gift. but my son will ask afterseeing this gift.. ..father,where did you get it from? how is the boy who gave it?very cute? he'll ask me. so can i get a photo of yours? please give me raja's photo.. come soon. as soon as possible.

i'll bring all theflowers for you. okay, uncle. you know me. i return whatever i take. oh.. that.. -yes. fine, and. i'll go, madam. yes. bring the x ray.i'll tell you later. sit, uncle. how is raja?

he's fine. uncle, you don't look happy? how can i be, chandar? you say why i actlike a young boy? when raja got ill,i felt very old. you know everything,yet you're so nervous. kids often fall ill. i'm here. have courage.

did you get the blood report? ah.. yes. did you find anything? nothing much. i've a small doubt. so i've sent the bloodto cancer hospital. no.. it doesn't mean he has cancer. i think report will be negative. it's possible.

i've seen many such cases. uncle.. i'll go.. what happened, father? you're returning so late fromthe doctor's clinic? i left from doctor's clinicearly for some work. what did the doctor say? shanti, did the manager leave? he left in the morningwith the accounts.

okay.. -what did the doctor say? i'll tell you. yes.. mina said she needsnew color for toys. did you buy them for her? i couldn't go out. buy them for her. father, what did the doctor say? where is the gardener?-he has watered the plants. carpenter fixed the door.

painter colored the wall. everything is done. now tell me,what did the doctor say? actually.. -mother. go.. raja is calling. drink this medicine, son. why, mother? so that you sleep well. i don't need medicine to sleep.

sing lullaby, i'll sleep. "flower blossoms once in a year." "which flower spreadsaroma all around?" rose. "green parrot fliesand cuckoo sings." "what does my darlingsays to me?" "you don't know the pain i'm in." "the world will bow to you." "now go to sleep, my son."

chandar. did you get the reportfrom the hospital? tell me what's in the report. ah.. first take these medicines. first tell me. you've blood pressure. take this. tell me. so.. that.. in the reports.. reports are here.. ah..

uncle, i'm sorry.raja has blood cancer. raja was fated to liveonly this much life. i can't say that i cantreat this disease. no doctor can save raja now. now.. we just need to take careto fulfil his every wish. we should keep him happy. only this.. uncle. grandpa. grandpa.

grandpa. play cricket with us. i can't play at this age, son. he wants that. -please. ball. grandpa is out. you got out so soon, grandpa. i'm out long before. fine. let's play. i'll bat now. throw the ball.

ready. throw the ball. uncle,you told me not to go to school. mother too said notto study at home. i get bored. don't worry. once you recover,you can go to school. i too forgot my studies. i'll take admission in yourclass. we'll go together. raja. -come, teacher. how are you, raja? -fine. -sit.

raja, how are you now? i feel better. raja, we're going for excursion. we're sad as we'regoing without you. yes, raja. entire class isgoing. but we'll miss you. ramu, you came first. -yes, raja. raja, we'll go now. take care. next year you'll come toexcursion. can i go now? bye, raja. -bye.

uncle,they're going out to enjoy. don't worry. you want to have fun!i'll show you. - did you like it?- you're very funny. what happened?you didn't sleep at night. i couldn't sleep. i felt strange. you didn't sleep even a little. when i slept for a while,i dreamt of diwali festival.. ..and mother made lots of sweets.

i busted crackers.guests were at home. grandpa,will diwali come after many days? no, it'll come soon. why? will i recover by that time? tell me, grandpa. yes, son. you'll be fine. we'll celebrate diwali grandly. now go to sleep. raja should fell that we'rereally going to celebrate diwali.

we need to act. did you post everything? -yes.-you should look like postman! what happened to raja?why this acting? actually raja won't just leaveyour school and house.. ..but even this world. we all love him. so we've to fulfil his last wish. come, chandar. uncle, what is it?

we've decided to celebratediwali before 20th. raja dreamt of diwali festival. he wants to celebrate it. you said we've to fulfilhis every wish. so for his happiness we'repreparing to celebrate fake diwali. did you understand me? now go. -okay. uncle, you caught them acting. but how will you face the sorrow?

when you told me raja's ailment,nothing happened to me. this heart turned to stone. i'm living only for raja. that's fine. how will you tellyour daughter-in-law? i've to tell her. yes. because it's notright to hide it. you've to console her. i'll tell her wheni get a chance. shanti.

on 20th we'll celebrate diwali. diwali is after 3 months. he won't he here so we'llcelebrate diwali soon. who won't be here? your parents would want you and.. ..raja to celebrate diwali there. if you go,you won't be here on diwali. so.. whom are you trying to deceive,father?

leaving my parents,when i came here with your son.. father said ihad no daughter. and you said,you've a daughter now. so my father won't call meand you won't send me. tell me the truth.who won't be here for diwali? i tried to hide from you,but i couldn't. i'll tell the truth. the one who won't livethis diwali is me. i know better than you aboutyour health. you're fine.

even if you're ill, the loveyou've for me and my son.. ..won't let you die. tell me the truth. you want to know the truth.. take this medicine. daughter,truth is bitter in this world. it brings disaster. it's so that you can endure it. what are you saying, father?

first take the medicine. tell me the truth first. before diwali,one who will leave us.. raja. -raja! yes, daughter. our darling son..has blood cancer. shanti! eat it, son. sister, you too eat it.

i'll give her. mother,sweets are very delicious. for grandpa? grandpa.. let me eat to my heart'scontent today. grandpa, don't eat too muchbecause you've.. -diabetes. i'll eat today. i'm too old. if i don't eat sweets on diwali.. diwali? when?

tomorrow. but it was only a few days ago. it's written in the calendar.didn't you see? how can i see the date? years pass in a blink. sir, post. raja, your friends must've sentdiwali greetings. take it. take, wishes for diwali. don't appease the child.i'll pay you tip.

who are you? from which area?-i'm post man too. i can see but from which area. don't fight. i'll pay you both.-i didn't see you. where did you come from? don't shout. i'll pay you. uncle dharmesh has sent a letter. what's written in it? he said he'll come aweek before diwali. but he didn't come yet.

he must've stopped somewhere. he should come if he wrote it. raja, he'll come. what we think never happen. come. let's eat sweets. uncle, i'll come too. no. i'll burst crackers for you.tell me which one. -that one. that one.. okay. look. i'll burst it.

bring it here. -ramu, come here. why are you crying? nothing. your grandpa told menot to tell you. never mind. tell me. this is a fake diwalito fulfil your wish. you'll die before diwali comes. grandpa. yes, raja?

grandpa. -tell me, son. if i die.. ..give my eyes to sister mina. okay, son. you called me immediately. raja wanted to see you. raja. -doctor is here to see you. come, uncle. sit. uncle,i want to tell you something.

sister mina can't see.don't leave her. don't talk about should rest. if i don't say now,i won't get to say later. don't talk too much. go to sleep. i can't sleep, pains a lot. mother, sing the lullaby.. ..i'll hear it and close my eyes. mother, please sing. "you don't know, my son..about my pain."

"the world will bow to you.." "..and shower flower on you." "green parrot flies.." "..and cuckoo sings." "what does my son wantto say to me?" ah.. -raja. eye bank! i'm prabhunath. yes, sir.

my grandson has left us. please come and take his eyes..-no! i won't permit. i won't letanyone take my son's eyes. shanti, i'm not saying this. i won't let it happen. my son will go to heavenwithout eyes! never. refuse them. forgive me, daughter.i can't do this. i'm more sad about it.

so why did you let it happen? before his death,doctor asked raja.. ..raja, what's your last wish? raja said,give my eyes to sister mina. we couldn't save him.. ..but it's our duty tofulfil his last wish. who are you to do this?i gave him birth. nobody can touch raja withoutmy permission. forgetting your son,you lived for your grandson.

is this your love? did your heart change to stone? yes, daughter.i've love for raja. i'm grandpa of the generous son. if you really love him,give me poison and kill me. after that do whatever you want. you consider raja your sonbut i consider him a god. he has qualities of god. -father! yes, daughter.when karan was wounded..

..lord asked him whatboon the you want. he said in my everybirth i should be.. to give whatpeople ask from me. god gave boon to karan! but your son gave your eyes tomina even without her asking. at least for the peace ofyour son's soul, say yes. say yes. yes.. yes, like this.

don't hang garland too lowor cow will eat it. these flower have no scent. spray perfume to sell them. brother parmesh. doctor, you?why did you come here suddenly? i need garland. i'm very lucky. you're getting married tomina and i came back. why do you look so sad?

it happens after marriage. you should be happyon the wedding day. parmesh,the flowers are for funeral. i won't give for funerals. go from that shop. garland for big manis for 15 rupees.. ..for young is 10 rupees.. ..and 2 rupees for orphan. that's his rate. -parmesh.

i said,i won't give flowers for funeral. you give flowers toraja all the time. ..raja comes to myshop for flowers. he told me when i wasgoing to village.. ..uncle,i'll wait for your flowers. i came for him. if he wants, he'll come.why did you come? because he won't come now. why? -he..

he died, parmesh. raja.. ah.. raja.. you're a doctor,yet you couldn't save him! parmesh.. i couldn't save him. i couldn't. you.. look there. don't touch your eyes.

i can see, doctor. i can see everything. i can see now. thank you very much, doctor. don't thank me. do you know who returnedyour sight? thank him. he's raja's grandpa. where is raja and madam?

she's at home. i can see now. i want to see you. where are you? where is he hiding? she's raja's mother. madam, you had helped me.. you're the way i imagined you. where is raja? i can see the world..

..but you left without seeing me. you're seeing with raja's eyes. you had said jokingly you'llgive me one eye.. ..but you gave me twoeyes in reality.

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