hour 11:the assassins (aired march 1st, 1993)you're listening to the hour of the time and i'm your host, william cooper.(intro music: in the hall of the mountain king)103 [reading from a history of secret societies]:two men in the year 1092 stood on the ramparts of a medieval castle—the eagle's nest—perchedhigh upon the crags of the persian mountains: the personal representativeof the emperor and the veiled figure who claimed to be the incarnation ofgod on earth. hasan, son of sabah, sheikh of the mountains and leader of the assassins,spoke: "you see that devotee standing guard on yonder turret-top?watch!"he made a signal. instantly the white-robed

figure threw up his hands in salutation, andcast himself two thousand feet into the foaming torrent which surroundedthe fortress. "i have seventy thousand men—and women—throughoutasia, [and] each one of them ready to do my bidding. can yourmaster, malik shah, say the same? and he asks me to surrender to his sovereignty! this isyour answer. go!" [now] such a scene may be worthy of the mostexaggerated of horror films. and yet it took place in historical fact. theonly quibble made by the chronicler of the time was that hasan's devotees numbered "onlyabout forty thousand." how this man sabah came by his uncanny power, and howhis devotees struck terror into the hearts

of men from the caspian to egypt,is one of the most extraordinary of all tales of secret societies [the mysteries]. today,the sect of the hashishin ([or] druggers) still exists in the form of the ismailis ([or]ishmaelites), whose undisputed chief, endowed by them with divine attributes, isthe aga khan. like many another secret cult, the assassinorganization was based upon an earlier association. [and] in order tounderstand how they worked and what their objectives were, we must begin with theseroots. it must be remembered [dear listeners] thatthe followers of islam in the seventh century a.d. split into two divisions: theorthodox, who regard mohammed as the bringer

of divine inspiration; and the shiahs, whoconsider that ali, his successor, the fourth imam ([or] leader), was more is with the shiahs that we are concerned here.from the beginning of the split in the early days of islam, the shiahs relied for survivalupon secrecy, organization and initiation. although the minority party inislam, they believed that they could overcome the majority (and eventually thewhole world) by superior organization and power. to this end they started a number ofsocieties which practiced secret rites in which the personality of ali was worshipped,and whose rank and file were trained to struggle above all for theaccomplishment of world dominion.

one of the most successful secret societieswhich the shiahs founded was centered around the abode of learning incairo, which was the training-ground for fanatics who were conditioned by the most cunning methodsto believe in a special divine mission. in order to do this, the originaldemocratic islamic ideas had to be overcome by skilled teachers, acting underthe orders of the caliph of the fatimites, who ruled egypt at that time.members were enrolled, on the understanding that they were to receive hidden power andtimeless wisdom which would enable them to become as important in lifeas some of the teachers.[and you find that these same precepts in every branch,in every nationality, on every continent where

the mysteries prevail.]the caliph saw to itthat the instructors were no ordinary men. the supreme judge was one ofthem; another was the commander-in-chief of the army; a third the minister ofthe court. there was no lack of applicants. in any country where the highest officialsof the realm formed a body of teachers, 103 composed by edvard grieg in 1876.97one would find the same thing. classes were divided into study groups, somecomposed of men, others of women, collectively termed assemblies ofwisdom. all lessons were carefully prepared, written down and submitted to the caliph forhis seal. at the end of the lecture all present kissed the seal: for did the caliphnot claim direct descent from mohammed, through

his son-in-law ali andthence from ismail, the seventh imam? he was the embodiment of divinity, far more thanany tibetan lama ever was. the university, lavishly endowed and possessingthe best manuscripts and scientific instruments available, received agrant of a quarter of a million gold pieces annually from the caliph. its external formwas similar to the pattern of the ancient arab universities, not much different fromoxford. but its real purpose was the complete transformation of the mind of thestudent. students had to pass through nine degreesof initiation [the same number that are claimed in the york rite offreemasonry]. in the first, the teachers threw

their pupils into a state of doubt about allconventional ideas, religious and political. they used false analogy and everyother device of argument to make the aspirant believe that what he had beentaught by his previous mentors was prejudiced and capable of being challenged. the effectof this according to the arab historian, makrizi, was to cause him to leanupon the personality of the teachers, as the only possible source of the properinterpretation of facts. at the same time, the teachers hinted continually that formalknowledge was merely the cloak for hidden, inner and powerful truth, whose secretwould be imparted when the youth was ready to receive it. [none everquestioned why no secret was ever put forth.]

this 'confusion technique' was carried outuntil the student reached the stage where he was prepared to swear a vow of blindallegiance to one or other of his teachers. this oath, together with certain secret signs,was administered in due course, and the candidate awarded the first degreeof initiation. the second degree took the form of initiation into the fact that theimams ([the] successors of mohammed) were the true and only sources of secret knowledgeand power. imams inspired the teachers. therefore the student was toacknowledge every saying and act of his appointed guides as blessed and divinely inspired. inthe third degree, the esoteric names of the seven imams were revealed, andthe secret words by which they could be conjured

and by which the powersinherent in the very repetition of their names could be liberated and used for the individualespecially in the service of the the fourth degree, the succession of the seven mystical law-givers and magical personalitieswas given to the learner. these were characterized as adam, noah, abraham,moses, jesus, mohammed and ismail. there were seven mystical'helpers': seth, shem, ishmael, aaron, simon, ali, and mohammed, the son of ismail. thislast was dead, but he had a mysterious deputy, who was the lord of thetime: authorized to give his instructions to the people of truth, as the ismailiscalled themselves. this hidden figure gave

the caliph the power to pretend that he wasacting under even higher instructions. the fifth degree named twelve apostles underthe seven prophets, whose names and functions and magical powers weredescribed. in this degree the power to influence others by means of personal concentrationwas supposed to be taught. one writer claims that this was done merely bythe repetition, for a period of three years to train the mind, of the magical wordak-zabt-i. to obtain the sixth degree involved instructionin the methods of analytical and destructive argument, in which thepostulant had to pass a [very] stiff examination. the seventh degree brought [revelations] ofthe great secret: that all

humanity and all creation were one and everysingle thing was part of the whole, which included the creative and destructivepower [the androgynous god]. but, as an ismaili, the individual could make use of the powerwhich was ready to be awakened within him, and overcome those who knew nothingof the immense potential of the rest of humanity. this power camethrough the aid of the mysterious power called the lord of the qualify for the eighth degree, the aspirant had to believe that all religion, philosophyand the like were fraudulent. all that mattered was the individual, who couldattain fulfillment only through servitude to the greatest developed power—theimam. the ninth and last degree brought the

revelation of the secret that there was nosuch thing as belief: all that mattered was action. and the only possessor of the reasonsfor carrying out any action was the chief of the a secret society, the organization of the ismailis as outlined above was undoubtedlypowerful and seemed likely to produce a large number of devotees who wouldblindly obey the orders of whomever was in control of the edifice. but, as with[many] other bodies of this kind, there were severe limitations from the point of viewof effectiveness. perhaps the phase of revolt or subversionplanned by the society did not in the end get under way; perhaps it was notintended to work by any other means than training

the individual. be that as it may, its realsuccess extended abroad only to baghdad [in 1058], where a member gained temporarycontrol of baghdad and coined money in the egyptian caliph's name.[now] this sultan was slain by the turks, who now entered the picture, and thecairoheadquarters was also threatened. by 1123, the society was closed down by the vizierafdal. the rise of turkish power seemed to have discouraged theexpansionist cairo sect so strongly that they almost faded out, and [very] little is heardof them after that date. it was left to hasan, son of sabah, the oldman of the mountains, to perfect the system of the ailing secret society, andfound an organization which has endured for

nearly another thousand years.who was hasan? [well,] he was the son of a shiah (ali-worshipper) in khorasam, a mostbigoted man, who claimed that his ancestors were arabs, from kufa. [now]this assumption was probably due to the fact that such a lineage bolstered upclaims to religious importance, then as now, among moslems. [you see,] the people of theneighborhood, many of them also shiahs, stated very decisively that this aliwas a persian, and so were his forebears. [so] it is generally thought that thisis thetruer version. as the governor of the province was an orthodox moslem, ali spared no effortsto assume the same guise. [now] this is considered to be completelypermissible—the doctrine of intelligent

dissimulation. as there was some doubt asto his reliability in the religious sense, he retired into a monastic retreat, and senthis son hasan to an orthodox school. this school was no ordinary one. it was the circleof disciples presided over by the redoubtable imam muwafiq, about whom it wassaid that every individual who enrolled under him eventually rose to great was here that hasan met omar khayyã¡m, the tentmaker-poet and astronomer, later tobe the poet laureate of persia. another of hisschoolmates was nizam-ul-mulk,who rose from peasanthood to become prime minister. these three made apact, according to nizam's autobiography, whereby whichever rose to high office firstwould help the others. [and thattenet

has survived to this day. it is how theirown infiltrate all levels of society, military, and government, and then pull theirbrothers up into positions below them. it is the method of infiltrating and controllinglarge masses, populations, governments, military organizations, and societyas a whole.] nizam, the courtier, became vizier to alp-arslanthe turkish sultan of persia, in a very relatively short time. he helpedomar, in accordance with his vow, and secured him a pension, which gave him a life of easeand indulgence in his beloved nishapur, where many of his rubã¡'iyã¡t poemswere written. meanwhile hasan remained in obscurity, wandering through themiddle east, waiting for his chance to attain

the power of which he had dreamed. arslanthe lion died, and was succeeded by malik shah. suddenly, hasan presented himselfto nizam, demanding to be given a place at court. delighted to fulfill hischildhood vow, the vizier obtained for him a favored place, and relates what transpiredthus in his autobiography: "i had him made a minister by my strong andextravagant recommendations. like his father, however, he proved to be afraud, hypocrite and a self-seeking villain. he was so clever at dissimulation that heappeared to be pious when he was not, and before long he had somehow completelycaptured the mind of the shah." [now] malik shah was young, and hasan wastrained in the shiah art of winning people

over by apparent honesty [whichmeans it has the appearance, or the look, of honesty, but truly is not. just as thenotice of apparent violations sent by the fcc(laughs)]. but nizam was still the most important man in the realm, with an impressive recordof honest dealing and achievements. hasan decided to eliminate him.the king had asked in that year, 1078, for a complete accounting of the revenue and expenditureof the empire, and nizam told him that this would take over ayear. hasan, on the other hand, claimed that the whole work could be done in 99forty days, and offered to prove it [and there's that forty days again]. the task was assignedto him. and the accounts were

prepared in the specified time. somethingwent wrong at this point. the balance of historical opinion holds that nizamstruck back at the last moment, saying, "by allah, this man will destroy us all unlesshe is rendered harmless, though i cannot kill my playmate."[now] whatever the truthmay be, it seems that nizam managed to have such disparities introduced intothe final calligraphic version of the accounts that when hasan started to read them theyappeared so absurd that the shah, in fury, ordered him to be exiled. as he hadclaimed to have written the accounts in his own hand, hasan could not justify theirincredible deficiencies [and could not sluff the blame off upon his friend].hasan had friends in isfahan, where he immediately

fled. there survives a record of what he saidthere, which sheds interesting light upon what was in his of these friends, abu-al-fazal, notes that hasan, after reciting the bitter taleof his downfall, shouted these words, in a state of uncontrollable rage: "if i had two,just two, devotees who would stand by me, then i would cause the downfall of thatturk and that peasant." fazal concluded that hasan had taken leaveof his senses, and tried to get him out of this ugly mood. hasan tookumbrage, and insisted that he was working on a plan, and that he would have his revenge.he set off for egypt, there to mature his plans.fazal was himself later to become a devotee

of the assassin chief, and hasan, two decadeslater, reminded him of that day in isfahan: "here i am at alamut, master ofall i survey: and more. the sultan and the peasant vizier are dead. have i notkept my vow? was i the madman you thought me to be? i found my two devotees, who werenecessary to my plans." hasan himself takes up the story of how hisfortunes fared after the flight from persia. he had been brought up in thesecret doctrines of ismailism [the arab branch of the mysteries], and recognized the possibilitiesof power inherent in such a system. he knew that in cairo there was apowerful nucleus of the society. and, if we are to believe the words of fazal, healready had a plan whereby he could turn their

followers into disciplined, devoted fanatics,willing to die for a leader. what was this plan? [well,] he had decided thatit was not enough to promise paradise, fulfillment, eternal joy to people. he wouldactually showit to them; show it in the form of an artificial paradise, where houris playedand fountains gushed sweet-scented waters, where every sensual wish was grantedamid beautiful flowers and gilded pavilions. and this [dear listeners] is what heeventually did. hasan chose a hidden valley for the site ofhis paradise, described by marco polo, who passed this way in 1271:"in a beautiful valley, enclosed between two lofty mountains, he had formed a luxuriousgarden stored with every

delicious fruit and every fragrant shrub thatcould be procured. palaces of various sizes and forms were erected in differentparts of the grounds, ornamented with works of gold, with paintings and with furnitureof rich silks. by means of small conduits contained in these buildings,streamsof wine, milk, honey and some of pure water were seen to flow in everydirection. the inhabitants of these places were elegant and beautiful damsels, accomplishedin the arts of singing, playing upon all sorts of musical instruments, dancing,and especially those of dalliance and amorous allurement. clothed in richdresses, they were seen continually sporting and amusing themselves in the garden and pavilions,their female guardians

being confined within doors and never allowedto appear. the object which the chief had in view in forming a garden of thisfascinating kind was[simply] this: that mahomet having promised to those who should obey hiswill the enjoyments of paradise, where every species of sensual gratificationshould be found, in the society of beautiful nymphs, he was desirous ofit being understood by his followers that he also was a prophet and a compeer of mahomet,and had the power of admitting to paradise such as he should choose to favor.inorder that none without his license should find their way into this deliciousvalley, he caused a strong and inexpugnable castle to be erected at the opening to it,through which the entry was by a secret

passage."[and thus the legend of shambala, or the paradise in the mountains, a valley of lush greenery,unending fruits, fair, beautiful maidens. thus the legend began!]hasan began to attract young men from the surrounding countryside, between the agesof twelve and twenty: particularly those whom he marked out as possible material for theproduction of killers. every day he held court, a reception at which hespoke of the delights of paradise ... "and at certain times he caused droughts of soporificnature to be administered to ten or a dozen youths, and when half dead with sleep[drugged out of their minds] he had them conveyed to the several palaces andapartments of the garden. upon awakening from

this state of lethargy, their senses werestruck by all the delightful objects, and each perceiving himself surrounded bylovely damsels, singing, playing, and attracting his regards by the most fascinatingcaresses, serving him also with delicious viands and exquisite wines, until, intoxicatedwith excess and enjoyment, amidst actual [actual,real] rivers of milk and wine,he believed himself assuredly in paradise, and felt an unwillingness to relinquishits delights. when four or five days had thus been passed, they were thrown once more intoa state of somnolency [drugged], and carried out of the garden. upon beingcarried to his presence, and questioned by him as to where they had been, theiranswer was, 'in paradise, through the favor

of your highness'; and then, before the wholecourt who listened to them with eager astonishment and curiosity, they gavea circumstantial account of the scenes to which they had been witnesses. thechief thereupon addressing them said: 'we have the assurance of our prophet that hewho defends his lord shall inherit paradise, and if you show yourselves[if youshow yourselves]to be devoted to the obedience of my orders, that happy lotawaits you'." [now] suicide was at first attempted by some[to be able to return to the paradise that they had just left, not knowing thatit was an illusion]; but the survivors were early told that only death in the obedienceof hasan's orders could give the key to the eleventh century it was notonly credulous persian peasants who would have believed such things were true.even among [the] more sophisticated people the reality of the gardens and houris of paradisewere completely accepted. true, a good many sufis preached that the gardenwas allegorical—but that still left more than a few people who believed that theycould trust the evidence of their senses. the ancient art of imposture, by abdel-rahmanof damascus, gives away another trick of hasan's. [you see,] he had adeep, narrow pit sunk into the floor of his audience-chamber. one of his disciples stoodin this, in such a way that his head and neck alone were visible above the floor.[and] around the neck was placed a circular

dish in two pieces which fittedtogether, with a hole in the middle. this gave the impression that there was a severedhead on a metal plate standing on the floor. [now] in order to make the scene moreplausible (if that is the word) hasan had some fresh blood poured around thehead, on the plate. [then the] recruits were brought in [the initiates]."tell them," commanded the chief, "what thou hast seen."[then] thedisciple [appearing as a head on the plate] described the delights of paradise. "you haveseen the head of a man who died, whom you all knew. i have reanimated him tospeak with his own tongue."[and then, he would really sever, treacherously, theman's head] in real earnest, and stuck for

some time somewhere that the faithful wouldsee it. the effect of this conjuring trick plus murder increased the enthusiasmfor martyrdom to the required degree [and gave him unbelievable control over hisflock]. there are many documented instances of therecklessness of the fidayeen (devotees) of the ismailis, one witness being awesterner who was treated a century later to a similar spectacle to that which had appalledthe envoy of malik shah. [but we've got to take a break first, folks.don't go away, i'll be right back after this very short pause.](interlude music: theme from the twilight zone)104

henry, count of champagne, reports that hewas traveling in 1194 through ismaili territory."the chief sent somepersons to salute him and beg that, on his return he would stop at and partake of thehospitality of the castle. the count accepted the invitation. as he returned, thedai-el-kebir ([or] great missionary) advanced to meet him, showed him everymark of honor, and let him view his castle and fortresses. having passed through several,they came at length to one of the towers which rose to an exceeding height.on each tower stood two sentinels clad in white. 'these,'said the chief, pointing to104 composed by marius constant.101 them, 'obey me far better than the subjectsof your christians obey their lords;' and

at a given signal two of them flungthemselves down, and were dashed to pieces. 'if you wish,'said he to the astonished count,'all my white ones shall do the same.'the benevolent count shrank from theproposal, and candidly avowed that no christian prince could presume to lookfor such obedience from his subjects. when he was departing, with many valuable presents,the chief said to him meaningly, 'by means of these trusty servants i get ridof the enemies of our society.' [now] further details of the mentality ofhasan are given in what is supposed to be an autobiographical account of hisearly days: and it probably is in fact such, because the method of his conversion doesseem to follow the pattern which has

been observed in fanatics, of whatever religiousor political persuasion. he was, he says, reared in the belief of thedivine right of the imams, by his father. he early met an ismaili missionary(emir dhareb) with whom he argued strenuously against the emir's particular form of creed.then, sometime later, he went through a bout of severe illness, in whichhe feared to die, and began to think that the ismaili doctrine might really be theroad to redemption and paradise. if he died unconverted, he might be damned. thus it wasthat as soon as he recovered he sought out another ismaili propagandist, abunajam, and then others. eventually he went to egypt, to study the creed at itsheadquarters.

he was received with honor by the caliph,due to his former position at the court of malik shah. in order to increasetheir own importance, the high officials of the court made a good deal of public playof the significance of the new convert; but this fact seemed in the end to help hasanmore than it did them. he entered into political intrigue and was arrested, thenconfined in a fortress. no sooner had he entered the prison than a minaret collapsed, and insome unexplained way this was interpreted as an omen that hasan was in realitya divinely protected person. the caliph, hurriedly making hasan a numberof valuable gifts, had him put aboard a ship sailing for north-west africa. this gave himthe funds which he was to use for

setting up his 'paradise'—and also, throughsome quirk of fate, the disciples whom he sought.a tremendous storm blew up, terrifying the captain, crew and passengers alike. prayerswere held, and hasan was asked to join. he refused. "the storm is my doing;how can i pray that it abate?" he asked. [and then says this:] "i have indicated thedispleasure of the almighty. if we sink, i shall not die, for i am immortal. if you wantto be saved, believe in me, and i shall subdue the winds."[well] at first the offer was not accepted. presently, however, when the ship seemed onthe point of capsizing, the desperate passengers came to him and sworeeternal allegiance. hasan was still [very]

calm; and continued so until the stormabated. the ship was then driven on to the sea-coast of syria, where hasan disembarked,together with two of the merchant passengers, who became his first real disciples.hasan was not yet ready for the fulfillment of his destiny as he saw it. for the timebeing, he was traveling under the guise of a missionary of the caliph in cairo. fromaleppo he went to baghdad, seeking a headquarters where he should be safefrom interference and where he yet could become powerful enough to expand. into persia theroad led him, traveling through the country, making converts to his ideas,which were still apparently strongly based upon the secret doctrines of theegyptian ismailis. everywhere he created a

really devoted disciple ([or] fidayi) he badehim stay and try to enlarge the circle of his followers. these circles became hatching-groundsfor the production of 'self-sacrificers', the initiates who were drawnfrom the ranks of the most promising ordinary converts. thus it was that miniature trainingcenters, modeled upon the abode of learning, were in being within avery few months of his return to his homeland. during his travels, a trusted lieutenant—onehussein kahini—reported that the iraki district where the fortress ofalamut was situated seemed to be an ideal place for proselytism. most of the ordinarypeople of that place, in fact, had been persuaded into the ismaili way of thinking.the only obstacle was the governor, ali mahdi,

who looked upon the caliph ofbaghdad as his spiritual and temporal lord. the first converts were expelled from thecountry. [but] before many months, however, there were so many ismailis amongthe populace that the governor was compelled to allow them to return. hasan,though, he would not brook [would not allow him]. the prospective owner of alamut decidedto try a trick. he offered the governor three thousand pieces of gold for"the amount of land which could be encompassed by the hide of an ox". when 102mahdi agreed to such a sale, hasan produced a skin, cut it into the thinnest possiblethongs, and joined them together to form a string which encompassed the castle of alamut.although the governor refused to honor any

such bargain, hasan producedan order from a very highly placed official of the seljuk rulers, ordering that the fortressbe handed over to hasan for three thousand gold pieces. [well] it turned outthat this official was himself a secret follower of the sheikh of the mountain.the year was a.d. 1090. hasan was now ready for the next part of his plan. he attackedand routed the troops of the emir who had been placed in the governorship ofthe province, and welded the people of the surrounding districts into a firm bandof diligent and trustworthy workers and soldiers, answerable to him [and him] alone. withintwo years the vizier nizam-ulmulk had been stabbed to the heart by an assassin sent byhasan, and the emperor malik shah, who dared

to send troopsagainst him, died in grave suspicion of poison. hasan's revenge upon his class-fellow wasto make him the very first target of his reign of terror. [you see,] with the king'sdeath, the whole realm was split up into warring factions. for long the assassinsalone retained their cohesion. in under a decade they had made themselves masters ofall persian irak, and of many forts throughout the empire. this they did by forays,direct attack, the poisoned dagger, and in any other manner which seemedexpedient [indeed, the ends always justified the means]. the orthodox religious leaderspronounced one interdict after another against their doctrines; all to noeffect.

by now the entire loyalty of the ismailisunder him had been transferred from the caliph to the personality of the sheikhof the mountain, who became the terror of every prince in that part of asia, the crusaderchiefs included. "despite and despising fatigues, dangers and tortures,the assassins joyfully gave their lives whenever it pleased the great master, whorequired them either to protect himself or to carry out his mandates of death. the victimhaving been pointed out, the faithful, clothed in a white tunic with ared sash, the colors of innocence and blood, went on their mission without beingdeterred by distance or danger. having found the person they sought, they awaited the favorablemoment for slaying him, and

their daggers seldom missed their aim."richard the lionheart was at one time accused of having asked the 'lord of the mountain'to have conrad of montferrat killed; a plot which was carried out thus:"two assassins allowed themselves to be baptized and placing themselves besidehim, seemed intent only on praying. but the favorable opportunity presented itself; theystabbed him and one took refuge in the church. but hearing that the prince hadbeen carried off still alive, he again forced himself into montferrat's presence, andstabbed him a second time; and then expired, without a complaint, amidst refined tortures."[yousee, the method of controlling men's minds that hasan had perfectedwas extremely effective and powerful. and

not one, not even one,incidence of one of his followers failing to carry out his orders exactly can be found.]theorder of the assassins had perfected their method of securing the loyaltyof human beings to an extent and on a scale which has seldom been paralleled.the assassins carried on the battle on two fronts. [you see,] they fought whichever sidein the crusades served their purposes [they fought with the knights templarand fought againstthe knights templars]. at the same time they continuedthe struggle against the persians. the son and successor of nizam-ul-mulk was laid lowby an assassin dagger. the sultan, who had succeeded his father malik shah andgained power over most of his territories

was marching against them. onemorning, however, he awoke with an assassin weapon stuck neatly into the ground near hishead. within it was a note, warning him to call off the proposed siegeof alamut. [well,] he came to terms with the assassins [after that], powerful rulerthough he undoubtedly was. [you see, the assassins eventually] had what amounted to a free hand,in exchange for a pact by which they promised to reduce their militarypower.[it was during their pacts, their treaties, their battles with the knightstemplars that many, some say most, some few even say all, of the knights templars wereinitiated into the mysteries.] hasan lived for thirty-four years after hisacquisition of alamut. on only two occasions

since then had he even left hisroom; yet he ruled an invisible empire as great and as fearsome as any man before—orsince.[they say, but his empire may still exist today, changed and melded withother sects of the mysteries.][hasan] seemed to realize that death was almost uponhim, and calmly began to make plans for the perpetual continuance [folks] of the orderof the assassins. [and we now begin the latter days of the assassinswhich we will not finish in this hour but will finish in the next.]theruler of one the most terrifying organizations the world has ever known was without a linealsuccessor. [in fact,] he had had both of his sons killed: one for carryingout an unauthorized murder, [and] the other

for drinking wine; certainly a case of "doas i say, not as i do". he called his two most trusted lieutenants from the strongholdswhich they maintained on his behalf: kia buzurg-umid (kia of great promise) and abu-aliof qaswin. kia was to inherit the spiritual and mystical aspect, while abuali attendedto the military and administrative affairs of the order. it is said that hasan bin sabahdied almost immediately afterwards, in 1124, at ninety years of age;having given the world a new word; assassin. 'assasseen' in arabic signifies'guardians', and some commentators have considered this to be the true origin of the word: "guardiansof the secrets"[which the knight templar took to europe].the organization of the order, under hasan,

called for missionaries, friends who weredisciples, and fidavis, devotees. the last group had been added by hasan tothe ismaili original, and these were the trained killers. fidavis wore white, with agirdle, cap or boots of red. in addition to careful coaching in where and when to placethe dagger in the victim's bosom, they were trained in such things as languages,the dress and manners of monks, merchants and soldiers, any of whom they wereready to impersonate in carrying out their missions. the chief was known as sayedna ([whichmeans] our prince, [or] leader), and popularly (because of the mountainstronghold of alamut), as the sheikh of the mountain.[now, alamut, or thestronghold of the mountain, was also known

as "the eagle's nest," and this is what hitlernamed his mountain retreat, and there's also an eagle's nest near santa barbara,california, which very few people know anything about. . . yet.][now, thesheikh of the mountain] is the figure referred to in crusaders' writings as 'sydney', or'senex de monte', the first word being a literal translation of the word 'pir': persianfor ancient, or sage. there were three great missionaries, who ruled threeterritories. after the friends and fidavis came the laziks, aspirants who were beingtrained for membership of the society, but were as yet uninitiated.hasan reduced the original number of degrees of initiation from nine to the mystical numberof seven. a similar number

of regulations formed the rules of the order.this, in fact, comprised the working plan of the spreading of the faith. the firstrule was that the missionary must know human psychology in such a way as to be able toselect suitable people for admission to the cult; and was summed up in the mnemonic:'cast no seeds upon rocks'.the second rule of procedure was theapplication of flattery and gaining the confidence of the prospective member.105 third came thecasting of doubt into the mind, by superior knowledge. fourthly, theteacher must apply an oath to the student never to betray any of the 'truths' whichwere to be revealed to him. now he was told, as the fifth stage, that ismailism was a powerfulsecret organization, supported

by some of the most important figures of thetime. after this, the aspirant was questioned and studied, to discover whether hehad absorbed the opinions of the teacher and attached himself sufficiently into a positionof dependence upon his ideas. [and] at this stage he was asked to meditateupon the meaning of the reported saying of the prophet that "paradise lies in theshadow of swords."in the final degree, many difficult passages of the koran were explainedin terms of allegory. how is it that the rules of this extraordinarilysuccessful order are known in such detail? [well,] it so happened that whenthe mongols eventually overthrew alamut by force of arms, their chief halaku ([meaning]'destruction') khan, asked his chief

minister to examine their library. this mostlearned man, 'father of kings' jawani, later wrote a careful book in which hedetailed the organization of the assassins, whose name he attributed to the use of thedrug hashish, which they were said to use in stupefying candidates for the ephemeralvisit to 'paradise'. it is possible that recruits were made inanother way than by selecting gullible, fully grown youths. legend has it thathasan, once master of alamut, used to buy unwanted children from their parents, andtrain them in implicit obedience and with the sole desire to die in his service.buzurg-umid ([meaning] 'great promise'), the second grand master ['grand master' is stillused today, folks],

maintained the power of the assassins on muchthe same pattern: building new forts, gaining fresh converts, terrorizing thosewhom he did not want to have killed and using them to further his design of world conquest.sultan sanjar of persia, in spite 105 flattery: this is the first secret ofmass mind control and can be observed as the foundation stone of virtually every falsereligion, party, cult, philosophy, system and training. how can modern man free himselfwhen . . . arrogant hypnopatsies have been told by their masters they are "demi-gods"and demi-gods are never deceived or distracted. they are too smart!~michael a. hoffman ii, secret societies and psychological warfare, 1995

hour 12: the templars and the assassins (airedmarch 2nd, 1993) no matter what country you're in, or whatlanguage you speak: welcome, around the world, to the hour of the time. i'm yourhost, william cooper. (intro music: long as i can see the light)107 tonight folks, i come to you with a heavyheart. for another one, actually two, of my has come true, oneis about to come true. the one that has come true involve the loss of life and the injuryof over five hundred people. and of course, i'm talking about the bombing of theworld trade center in new york city. as far back as 1989, and ever since, i'vebeen predicting major terrorist attacks upon

the united states. the primary number onetarget: new york city. i have said it so many times, and so many people attendingmy lectures, listening to my broadcasts, and who have read my book, arefamiliar with it. i never, never enjoy being right when it involves the loss of life andhuman injury. nevertheless, it is another chalk mark onthe board, and i remain the most accurate predictor of future world events inthe history of the world. but the one that is about to come true, and has not yet, isthe prediction that i made that the united states would send troops to yugoslavia, andit appears that that is going to happen in the very near future. anyway, we willsee, won't we, as we move into the new world

order, and all of these events are plannedto take us directly into one-world totalitarian socialist government. to allthose people in new york who lost relatives, or who had friends or relatives that wereinjured, i offer you my deepest compassion, sympathy, and i wish that i could tell youthat that was the end of it, but i can tell you that it is only the beginning. unlesspeople wake up, it will escalate and there will be more.don't forget, folks, monday, march 15th, 8pm, lafayette hotel, 2223 el cajon boulevard insan diego. i'll be there, i'll be giving a three-hour presentation, entitledthe sacrificed king: on the assassination of john f. kennedy. in it, i will directlyconnect to the occult worship of mystery babylon,

the secret societies, and specifically tothe scottish rite of freemasonry, which really is just the outward form of theold knightstemplar. and i also believe, have reason to believe, that the sovereignand military order of the knights of malta was involved, which is just another branchof the old templar order. so make sure that you're there. forty dollars is the admissionfee unless you're a caji member, then the admission fee if thirty dollars. imanaged to negotiate a 25% discount with the people who are putting this on and who haveinvited me to speak. if you're not a caji member, you can purchase advance ticketsat the controversial bookstore in san diego. if you are a caji member, youmust buy your tickets at the event. that's

the only way, uh, that we can get you thediscount. if you would like information on this whole conference that lasts the wholeweekend, there's a whole lot of looney tunes stuff going on there. there are somegood speakers. uh, my workshop is, uh, monday night, the last one of the whole conference,and it's not a workshop ticket, so it's a separate event altogether. but youcan call and find out about the whole thing in case you want to spend the wholeweekend. call (619)492-8588, that's (619)492-8588, and we still donations to pay for this airtime,folks. c'mon, get out your checkbooks and money orders and help us outhere. send your donation to stan and make your checks and money orders towwcr, not to me, i don't want your money.

it goes to pay for airtime, that's it, period.send them to stan, p.o. box 889, camp verde, arizona, 86322. that's stan, 889, camp verde, arizona, 86322. tell him bill sent you (laughs), andwhile you're at it, and even if you don't send a donation, write to stan or call himand tell him you'd like to receive a packet ofinformation. he'd be glad to send it to you. if you'd like to call him, his number is (602)567-6109.that's (602)567-6109. please call him during normal waking hours. stan'sgetting up there and he likes his sleep, and i don't blame him, so please don't callhim, uh, late in the evening or late at night. let him have some, some of his own time. callhim during the day, during waking

hours or early evening, please. thank youvery much for those of you who are doing that. those of you who are not, pleasestart. well, let's continue where we left off and,uh, this is about the society in the middle east known as the assassins, and107 creedence clearwater revival, cosmo's factory (album), 1970107we've covered quite a bit of their history already:[reading from a history of secret societies]: but this secret society, [the] most successfulof secret societies showed that its strength ultimately depended upon apowerful leader. [well,] kia mohammed was no such [leader].[and]little by little itbecame obvious that his son, hasan the

hated, was the stronger personality.[now remember,kia mohammed was the old man of the mountain, and the mountainlair was called: the eagle's nest.] now hasan, through some magnetic power, was able to capturethe imagination of the assassins, soon having it believed that hehimself was none other than the power of all powers, the hidden imam, who hadbeen mentioned by the first grand master; an incarnation of all greatness. so importantwas [hasan] that he was the fountain of power, and others only held a [very small]measure of authority because he allowed them to have it [and for no otherreason]. this final absurdity was lapped up by memberswho had been conditioned to believe in things

which were not, shall wesay, exactly self-evident to the ordinary man. the doctrine of the all-powerful invisibleimam was a part of ismailism; and hasan was ready even during his early manhoodto assume the role. but, since his father was able to assert himself by havingsome two hundred and fifty of hasan' followers murdered, he thought it wiser to hold hishand. in 1163 his chance came. mohammed died, and hasan ii issued an orderto all ismailis to collect below the castle of alamut.never before had such an assembly of killers, fanatics and dedicated perverters of the truthbeen seen. hasan, probably in a state of megalomania, assured them thathe had received a message from the almighty

that as from now, all the bond ofreligion were loosed: everyone might do as he liked.[later, in the modern age, we wouldhear that again as:"the whole of the law shall be: do as thou wilt."] it was notnecessary [he said] to keep up pretences. and, furthermore, he, hasan, was noneother than the hidden imam. his word was law; and he was a form of the divinity, not merelyrelaying instructions from above [but the divinity].[now] there was one further obstacle [folks]. according to ismaili doctrine, the hiddenimam was to be of the family of hashim, the blood of mohammed the prophet.such descendants were known and revered: and it was common knowledgethat hasan ii was not one of them. he overcame

this difficulty by stating that he was notin fact the true son of kia mohammed the persian, but an adopted childof the caliphial family of egypt. this pretence was carried on for four years,during which the crazed hasan showed that he was not as mad as he might have been, byconsolidating quite efficiently the power of the cult. eventually, he was assassinatedby his brother-in-law, namwar ('the famous'). now the father-to-sonsuccession seemed to be established. mohammed ii, son of hasan ii, began the cultivationof letters and sciences which was to distinguish successive grand masters ofthe order. it was a conceit of his, in the time of the greatest flowering of persianliterature, that he [he] was supreme among

poets and philosophers. he used his assassins[also] to drive this point well home. the imam razi, one of the greatest thinkersof the time, refused to acknowledge the assassins as the most advancedtheologians: so mohammed ii sent an envoy to him, promising either a swift death bydagger or a pension of several thousand gold pieces a year. suddenly [oh yes, suddenly!]the learned imam's discourses seemed to lose their bite. one day, soonafterwards, he was asked why he did not attack the assassins as of old. "because,"said theold man, with a nervous glance around the assembly where a murderer mightlurk, "their arguments are so sharp, and pointed [and indeed, they were]."for thirty-five years mohammed ii ruled the

ismailis with a rod of iron; the only lawwas that of obedience to the assassin will. the observances of ritual islamwere abolished. a new star had arisen [remember that star?]: a power to stiffenresistance to crusader penetration; saladin, who was to become an implacable foe of theassassins. the syrian branch of the cult grew in power,while the activities of the eastern assassins were carried out much morequietly, with missionaries being sent to india, afghanistan, even the remote pamir mountainswhich straddle china and russia, where even today adherents of thesect are to be found. saladin had overcome the other ismaili branch and originalhome of assassinism—egypt—and restored

the true faith to the people of the nile.he now had enough booty for ten years' war against the crusaders in palestine, andtroops to spare. his first task was to unify the forces of islam; and this hedetermined to do by force if necessary. sinan, ancient of the assassin cult in syria, decidedto oppose this terrible enemy of 108 the fatimites. three assassins fell upon saladinand nearly killed him. this made the sect a priority target for the saracenchief. the old man of the mountain, for his part [who was now mohammed ii], now unleasheda succession of fanatics, in every kind of disguise, upon saladin. by 1176,saladin decided that an end must be put to the cult. he invaded their territoryand started to lay it waste, when the assassin

chief offered him freedom of action to fightthe crusaders, and no [no]further attempt upon his life, if the cult were spared.[now] these terms were agreed to, and henceforth no assassin ever againattempted to molest sultan saladin. this period introduces sinan as yet anotherstrange and terrible assassin leader. [for] he had decided that he was theincarnation of all power and deity, and that he would live the part. sinan was never seento eat or drink, sleep, or even to spit. [now can you imagine this? a living, humanbeing never seen to eat or drink, sleep, or even to spit.] between sunrise andsunset he stood on a pinnacle of rock, dressed in a hair-shirt, and preached his own powerand glory to delighted assassins.

[have you ever worn a hair shirt? have youever stood on a pinnacle of rock between sunrise and sunset? i mean, everysunrise and sunset, and wearing a hair shirt every sunrise and sunset? well, folks, thisis historic fact. this is not something that someone made up.]thus, at one and thesame time, there were two chiefs of the order, each busily telling his ownfollowers that he, and he alone, was god [was god!]. hasan in persia, sinan in syria, eachcommanded legions of devoted killers, all committed by oath to follow hispath. when mohammed ii died, he was succeeded byhis son jalaludin, who completely reversed the orders that the assassinswere to have no outward religious observances.

[you see] he felt that he could do a greatdeal by adopting the cloak of orthodox piety, and sent ambassadors far andwide to announce his maintenance of the true faith. he went so far as to cursehis predecessors publicly, in order to convince the incredulous that such a people as theassassins could turn over a new leaf. as a result of what would today be calleda long-term and comprehensive propaganda plan, he was acknowledged as areligious leader by half the orthodox monarchs of islam, and (the first assassin to be sostyled) came to be termed prince jalaludin.jalaludin died in 1203, after twelve years of leadership of the cult, handing over toalaeddin ([or] aladdin) [and you guys

thought that it was just a storybook tale,didn't you? aladdin], a child of nine years of age. weak, inefficient, stupid, alaeddinmade little mark upon history. [except in the classic tales of arabia, the 1001 arabbiannights, for aladdin in the 1001 arabbian nightsis aladdin, the leader of theassassins.] it is said that his main activity was tending sheep, to which he waspassionately attached, and he even had a small hut built in a sheepfold, where he spent mostof his time. [aladdin] was extraordinarily cruel, in spite of the contactwith the sheep, and continued to terrorize in time-honored fashion any person,great or small, who did not pay tribute or otherwise co-operate with the organization.[and even today, those in power who are in

contact with sheep most of the time (laughs)ultimately turn out to be same. and we all know who the sheeple are, don'twe?] the assassins' hands, ears and eyes were everywhere.once fully initiated, a man might be sent to a place a thousandmiles away, to take up residence and live: waiting for the moment when orders came tohim from alamut to fulfill his fatal destiny [and all the while in-between, furnishingintelligence to the central headquarters of the assassins]. a story is told ofthe court of the shah of khwarism, thus: "the ismaili ambassador spent some time with thevizier. one day, after a splendid banquet when the wine which they had beendrinking in violation of the law had mounted

into their heads, the ambassadortold the vizier by way of confidence that there were several ismailis among the pages,grooms, guards and other persons who were immediately about the sultan. the vizier,dismayed and at the same time curious to know who these dangerousattendants were, besought the ambassador to point them out to him, giving him his napkinas a pledge that nothing evil should happen to them. instantly, at a signfrom the envoy, five of the persons who were attendants in the chamber steppedforth, avowing themselves to be concealed assassins, 'on such a day and at such an hour,'saidone of them, an indian, to the vizier, 'i might have slain thee without beingseen or punished; and if i did not do so it

was only because i had no orders frommy superiors.'" the vizier [of course] begged for his life.but word got the sultan, who ordered the assassins to be apprehended andburned alive, and "the five chamberlains were cast on the flaming pyre, where they diedexulting at being found worthy to 109 suffer in the service of the great sheikhof the mountain [so powerful was their devotion to the cult]."the assassins had thelast laugh, for an order arrived immediately afterwards from alamut, that the shah mustpay ten thousand pieces of gold as compensation for each man killed—which hedid [or be killed himself]. another subsidiary activity which the assassinsdelighted in was holding captive in alamut

of useful, rare anddistinguished personages who could be of value to them in educational, military or otherspheres. [and] one was a physician, another a famous astronomer, a third the greatestpainter in persia, who worked to the order of the chief alone.the end of a chapter was near, for the mongol hordes under halaku, lieutenant of chinghiz,were steadily destroying all the civilization of islam which lay in theirinexorable path westwards. rukneddin, son of alaeddin, succeeded him and tried atfirst to turn the mongol tide. after a series of encounters, pitched battles, intriguesand counter-intrigues, rukneddin was taken. he played for time as long as he could,but was eventually murdered in his own turn

by the victorious mongol chief'smen. assassin power in persia was broken, and what remained of the members were ordered—noneknows by whom—to conceal their faith and await a signal thatthe cult was in full operation again. alamut was silenced, and the syrianheadquarters alone remained. [and if it had not been for the refusal ofthe christian kings in europe to send ambassadors to make a treaty, or a newcrusade, with the mongol horde, then all of islam would have been decimated. but it wasnot, for the christian kings, even though they would have liked to regain theirfoothold in the middle east, had problems of their own and ignored the mongolemissaries.]

it was a long time until the mamluk sultanof egypt was able to overcome the mongol thrust. in 1260, however, hecarried the banners of islam victoriously against them, and restored the fortress ofalamut and other properties to the assassins, who were strongly surviving underground.they soon found that they had exchanged one master for another, forthe egyptians were now employing them for their own purposes [and required them to undergoa new initiation, that of the ancient egyptian mysteries of babylon]. ibnbatuta, the great traveler of the fourteenth century, found them well entrenchedin their former strong places, being used as the "arrows of the sultan of egypt withwhich he reaches his enemies."

the supposed suppression of the creed whichfollowed the mongol destruction did not in fact take place. copying eachother, historians (laughs) have asserted that assassinism died six hundred years ago [nothingcould be further from the truth]. now and again, however, fresh facts of theircontinued existence still come to light. in the eighteenth century an englishman,the british consul at aleppo in syria, was at pains to make this better known: "someauthors assert," he writes, "that these people were entirely extirpated in the thirteenthcentury by the tartars. . . but i, who have lived so long in this infernal place,will venture to affirm that some of their spawn still exists in the mountains that surroundus; for nothing is so cruel, barbarous

and execrable that is not acted, and evengloried in, by these cursed [assassins]." the assassins were widely dispersed throughoutasia. the rise of the thugs, the secret society of assassination of india,followed the mongol invasion of persia. indeed, at least one of the thug recognition-signals(ali bhai salam!) indicates salutations to ali, the descendant of theprophet most greatly revered by the assassins. ismailis, not all of them recognizingthe one chief, reside in places as far apart as malaya, east africa and ceylon (sri lanka).they would not necessarily feel that they are assassins in the same sense as theextremists who followed the old sheikhs of the mountains; but at least some ofthem revere the descendants of the lords of

alamut to the extent of deification.the modern phase of ismailism dates from 1810, when the french consul at aleppo found thatthe assassins in persia recognized as their divinely-inspired chiefa reputed descendant of the fourth grand master of alamut, who then lived atkehk, a small village between isfahan and tehran. this shah khalilullah "was reveredalmost like a god and credited with the power of working miracles. . . the followersof khalilullah would, when he pared his nails, fight for the clippings; the water inwhich he washed became holy water." the sect next appear to the public gaze throughan odd happening. in 1866, a law case was decided in bombay. there isin that city a large community of commercial

men known as khojas: "a persian,"the recordtells us, "aga khan mehalati (i.e., a native of mehelat, a place situated near khek) hadsent an agent to bombay to claim from the khojas the annual tribute duefrom them to him, and amounting to about ⣠10,000. the claim was resisted, and the british courtwas appealed to by aga khan. sir joseph arnold investigated his claim.the aga proves his pedigree, showing that he descended in a direct line fromthe fourth grand master of alamut, and sir joseph declared it proved; and it was furtherdemonstrated by the trial that the khojas were members of the ancient sect ofthe assassins, to which sect they had been converted four hundred years beforeby an ishmaelite missionary, who composed

a work which has remained the sacred bookof the khojas." in the first afghan war, the then aga khancontributed a force of light cavalry to the british forces. for this he wasawarded a pension. hitti, in his history of the arabs, notes (p. 448, 1951 edition) thatthe assassin sect, known as khojas and malwas, gave over a tenth of their revenuesto the aga khan, who "spends most of his time as a sportsman between paris andlondon." the influence of the new form of organizationand training, as well as initiatory techniques, of the assassins upon latersocieties has been remarked by a number of students [and i have found in my researchthat it's absolutely true]. that the

crusaders knew a good deal about the ismailisis shown from the detailed descriptions of them which survive. s. ameer ali,an orientalist of considerable repute, goes further in his assessment: "from the ismailisthe crusaders borrowed the conception which led to the formation of allthe secret societies, religious and secular, of europe. the institutions of templarsand hospitallers; the society of jesus, founded by ignatius loyola, composed by a body ofmen whose devotion to their cause can hardly be surpassed in our time; the ferociousdominicans, the milder franciscans—may all be traced either to cairo orto alamut. the knights templar especially, with their system of grand masters, grandpriors and religious devotees, and their

degrees of initiation, bear the strongestanalogy to the eastern ismailis." [we've got to take a break, folks. i'll beright back, right after thisshort pause.] (interlude music: moonglow)108 [in the year 1110, a mysterious order calledthe prieurã© de sion appeared upon the temple mount in jerusalem. thismysterious secret order, the prieurã© de sion, was eventually to crown the first king, thefirst christian king of jerusalem. when they appeared in the temple mount in1110, they recruited nine knights to comb, to scour the temple mount, thepassages and caverns and tunnels beneath for the ancient remains of the relics of theirreligion.]

later in a.d. 1118, nine knights, [supposedly]concerned for the welfare of pilgrims to the holy land, bound themselvestogether in the creation of a knightly order.[this order, again existing of nine knights, justlike the original nine knights, were commissioned by the prieur㩠de sion.] inunder two hundred years [folks] this organization had become one of the mostpowerful single entities—if not the greatest—[power ever to exist] in europe. [they were the firstinternational bankers. the first that ever existed in the world.] a fewyears later it was utterly destroyed.[they say, however, as you're going to find out,they were not destroyed at all, but merely driven underground.] the zeal of religion,the conditioning which made men

support a dedicated cause with all of theirmight, was likewise the instrument of their destruction. nothing less than religiousfervor could have smashed the order: as nothing less could have created it.[and folks, you're going to find it difficult to believe, but the rise of this order anddestruction, at least publically, ofthis order has such a great bearing on events todaythat you could say that everything that has happened since has been broughtabout by this one series of acts.] were the knights templar devil-worshippers,secret saracens indulging in obscene orgies? did they adore a head, spit onthe cross, use the word, 'yallah' [which means literally in arabic,](o allah!)in their rituals?did they learn their ways from

the terrible sect of the assassins?108 composed by will hudson and irving mills, words by eddie de lange, made famous by bennygoodman, 1934111 [well, yes folks, they did. and they are thelink—at least, in that day, would have been considered the modern link—between the ancient mystery religion of babylon and europe. for the religion had come to europelong, long before the templars ever emerged, and made their appearancein the ancient worship of the sun by the druids and the celts, and thetribes, the germanic tribes who had made their way thousands of years ago from the middleeast up through asia, and across russia and into europe. they brought mysterybabylon with them, and practiced it as what

we now know of today asthepagan religion. and stonehenge is actually an ancient babylonian temple of the sun. andyou will find how all this connects later.][but the origin of this was lost, and the ability to control large numbers of people,by the use of the hidden knowledge of the ages, was lost. it wasn't until the knightstemplar bought[sic] and brought the mystery religion of babylon to europe,that the ancient, ancient worship of the sun again took hold. amongst the christian countries,in the guise of christianity, which was itself at that time—i'm not talkingabout the teachings of christ now, i'm talking about the perversion of theteachings of christ—the melding of the teachings

of christ with the ancient worship of thesun, the mystery religion of babylon which became the catholic church wasindeed another branch of the ancient mystery religion of babylon. and someof you out there may be confused from all of this.][if you've been listening from the beginning of this series, then you're right on target;you're not confused, you know exactly what i'm talking about. if you pickedup this series somewhere in the middle, then you need to call stan and order thestudio quality tapes. they're in stereo, they're on tdk tapes, first-quality tapes and crystalclear. you need to order this series from the first tape, the very first, and thatwas broadcast on february the 12th, i believe,

a friday. but anyway, stan will know.give him a call at (602) 567-6109. that's (602) 567-6109 or write to stan and ask himfor an information packet at p.o. box 889, camp verde, arizona, 86322. that's 889, camp verde, arizona, 86322.] [now, folks,] the original objective of theorder [of the temple—knights templar], which immediately because thesubject of applause throughout christendom, was to combine the two functions of monk andknight, to live chastely and fight the saracents with the sword and spirit. thesweet mother of god [at least outwardly they say] was chosen as their patroness;and they bound themselves to live in accordance with the rules of st. augustine, electingas the their first leader hugh de

payens.[now]king baldwin ii granted him apart of his palace to live in and gave them a grant toward its upkeep.[now thepart of the palace they lived in was an ancient mosque, which was built upon the actual locationof the old temple of solomon, on the temple mount in jerusalem.][the knights templar] vowed to consecrate their swords, arms, strength and lives tothe defense of the mysteries of the christian faith; to pay complete and utterobedience to the orders of the grand master; to fight whenever commanded,regardless of perils, for the faith of christ as they understood it. among the vows takenwhich were forbade their yielding even a foot of land to the enemy [whoeverthe enemy was] and not to retreat, even if

attacked in the proportion of three toone. they choose the name militia temple—soldiers of the temple—after the temple supposedlybuilt by solomon in jerusalem, near which they had been assignedquarters by the king.[but in reality had nothing to do with the temple ofsolomon.] some say that the templars derived their ideaof their order from that of the hospitallars, who looked after catholicpilgrims to palestine; for there was little hospitality to be had from the native orthodoxchristians of those parts. others hold that there was an even older order from whichthey received their inspiration. no reliable evidence is, at this point however,available. [according to the "establishment"

historians, although for those who really,really research the true history of the secret orders, and specifically the knightstemplars, there's a direct connection to the assassins and the roshaniya.]although the templars were so poor than two men had to share a horse [they say, but thatis not true at all] (and their seal commemorated this decades after theybecame one of the richest communities of their time), they soon attractedfavorable notice and support.[now, the two knights riding a horse was a symbol of denoted their vows of poverty. in truth, each knight now only had a horse,but he had what they called a yeoman. he had a spare horse, he had a pack horse,and he had several horses in reserve, and

a whole train of servants. but the knightstemplar were the firsttrue—as we know it in modern times, in modern times therewere others before, but they were the first true in modern times—and by modern, 112i'd say, from the time that europe escaped from the old tribal of paganism. in otherwordsin 1110, i consider that to be beginning of the modern age. although historiansmay disagree with me, it's the beginning of everything that has happenedsince, and everything that's happening today can be traced right to the door of the knightstemplar, and that's why i say that. they were the first modern order to practicewhat we now know as true communism. they were the ones who broughtinternational socialism into europe, which

has always been the tenet and the creed ofthe mystery religion of babylon.] only one year aftertheir establishment, fulk, countof anjou, who had come to jerusalem on a pilgrimage, joined as a marriedmember and gave them an annual grant of thirty pounds of silver. this example was soon followedby other devout western princes.for the first nine years of their existence, the knights continued to live a life of chastityand poverty in accordance with their vows. they adopted a striped black andwhite banner, called the beausã©ant, after their original piebald horse; and thisword also became their battle-cry. special raiment they had none, and they wore whateverclothes were given to them by the

pious. but little by little, as one writerputs it, they were to become "haughty and insolent".[and the black and white banner, the translation of the meaning of which was for the, again,exoteric, for the real meaning of the black and white banner wasthe meaning of the androgynous god, the positive and the negative, the black andthe white, the yin and the yang, the male and the female combined into one, and thatwas the real meaning of the black and white banner. and it's carried forth todayon the floor of many of the temples of freemasonry where the black and whitecheckered pattern exists, and in one famous cathedral in europe built by the knights templar.they disguised their esoteric

religion in an exoteric manner that wouldbe accepted by christianity.] baldwin of jerusalem, who had been a prisonerin the hands of the saracens and knew of their disunity, realized at aboutthis time that islam must eventually unite against the christian invasion, and the decidedthat the templars who prove ideal allies in the battles which were to 1127, therefore, he sent two templars with his strong recommendation to thepope, applying for official recognition of the order by the holy see.[and this is the first time that the templars even were considered to be close to the centerof religion, the christian religion in that day, the catholic church,the pope. for they were not commissioned as

a christian order; they were notcommissioned by the pope or by the church, and this is a big myth that the knights templarstarted out to protect the church and to protect the pilgrims on their way tojerusalem. they were established first, primarily, and foremost as a branch of theancient order of the religion of mystery babylon. and it's indicative of the strategies thatthey've used since to endear themselves to whatever the established power,or the beliefs of the majority of the people might be.][when they went to see the pope,]they had an introduction to st. bernard himself, theabbot of clairvaux, who was known to be admirer of theirs, and who wasa nephew of one of their envoys. then the

grand master himself arrived ineurope, and received the eulogistic opinion of the abbot: "they go not headlong into battle,but with care and foresight, peacefully, as true children of israel. butas soon as the fight had begun, they rush without delay upon the foe . . . and knowno fear. . . one has often put to flight a thousand;two, ten thousand . . . gentler than lambs and grimmer than lions; theirs is themildness of monks and the valor of the knight."[now folks, this was a strong recommendation, andthis testimonial was part of the campaign of the templars in their effortsatrecognition of the pope. all of you who have thought that they began as areligious order in the first place are so

way off base thatit's pathetic. and neitherwere the jesuits a religious order in the firstplace, but we'll get that together in another broadcast.][but] on the 31st [of] january[in the year] 1128, the master appeared before the council of troyes. this formidablebody consisted of the archbishops of rheims and sens, ten bishops and anumber of abbots—including st. bernard himself - presided over by the cardinal of albano,the papal legate. they were approved; and pope honorius chose for thema white mantle, completely plain. the red cross was added by order of popeeugenius iii in 1146.[and see, you thought the templars thought of this. nope not atall. this was mandated by two popes:

first, the white mantle, completely plain;and then later the red cross was added by pope eugenius iii in 1146.]hugh de payens now took his delegation through france and england, and collected a numberof recruits. gifts and grants were showered upon the order; lands,rents and arms were forthcoming from all quarters. richard i of england wasenthusiastic about them. by 1133, king alfonso of aragon and naverre, who had fought thespanish moors in twenty-nine battles, had willed his country to them; although whenthe moors finally laid him low his nobles prevented the templars fromclaiming their rights.[nevertheless, this was of great honor. in fact, to my knowledgeand to our research into history, it never

had before been done.]in 1129 the master, accompanied by three hundred knights, recruited from the noblest housesof europe, led a huge train of pilgrims to the holy land. it was at thistime that the templars formed part of the christian contingent which, allied withthe assassins, tried to take damascus.[and it wasn't the first time nor the last thatthe christian knights templar, or supposedly christian knights templar (theyreally weren't christian at all) were allied with the assassins.]were they (as theorientalist von hammer alleges)109 connected in some secret way with the assassins? [yes,our research shows that it is a historical fact. and it is also a historicalfact that the assassins were prepared to adopt

christianity if they could gain greaterpower thereby (christianity, that is, on the surface, just as the knights templar had done)].hammer points to the similarities of the two organizations. the followers ofhasan ibn sabah were in contact with the templars, and had a similar method oforganization. they were in existence before the templars were formed: "the ismailians([or] assassins) was the original, and [folks] the order of the templars, [was] thecopy." the balance of western opinion is againstthis contention; more particularly because, one feels from wide reading ofhistorians, great sympathy is felt for the cruelly treated and a arbitrarily dispossessedtemplars. thus keightley, who made a

close study of the order those who would claimthat the templars were an assassin branch [but, when you do research intothe (laughs) associations and memberships of keightley, you'll find that keightley washimself a knight templar. and he said:] "when, nearly thirty years after their institution,the pope gave them permission to wear a cross on their mantle, like therival hospitaller order, no color could present itself to well suited to those who daily andhourly exposed themselves to martyrdom as that of blood, in which therewas so much of what was symbolical. with respect to internal organization it will,we apprehend, be always found that this is for the most part of the growth of time andthe product of circumstances; and it

always nearly the same where these last aresimilar." 110[and you find this kind of rhetoric, semantics, all throughout the writings of those who wishto cover the true origin and the true meaning of mystery babylon.]the famous question of the three thousand gold pieces paid by the syrian branch of theassassins to the templars is another matter which has [of course] neverbeen settled. one opinion holds that this money was given as a tribute to thechristians; the other, that it was a secret allowance from the larger to the small organization.[which it really was as the assassins wished to expand their control andremembertheir original goal was to take over

the entire world by the systematicinfiltration and control of each individual country.]those who think that the assassinswere fanatical moslems, and therefore would not form any alliance with those whoto them were infidels, should be reminded that to the followers of the old man ofthe mountains only he was right, and the saracens who were fighting the holy war for allah againstthe crusaders were as bad as anyone else who did not accept theassassin doctrine. [and it is true today: "if you are not oneof us, you are nothing.""the ends justify the means.""the strength of our orderexists in the fact that we manifest ourselves under many different names and many differentoccupations, and sometimes even

seem to oppose ourselves. but at the highestlevel, we are of one mind." and i could go on, and on (laughs), and on, and you allknow that i could go on and on and on. for i have studied this for so many years thati eat, drink and sleep it. oh yes.] [well, eventually] grave charges against thetemplars during the crusades included the allegation that they were fightingfor themselves alone. more than one historical incident bears this out. the christians hadbesieged the town of ascalon in 1153, and were engaged upon burning down thewalls with large piles of inflammable materials. part of the wall fell after awhole night of this burning. the christian army was about to enter, when the master ofthe temple (bernard de tremelai)

109 chevalier joseph von hammer, the historyof the assassins: derived from oriental sources, 1835110 thomas keightley, secret societies of the middle ages, 1837114claimed the right to take the town himself. this was because the first contingent intoa conquered town had the whole spoils. as it happened, the garrison rallied and killedthe templars, closing the breach. there seem good grounds for believing thatthe power which they had gained caused the templars to devote their efforts as much totheir own order's welfare as to the cause of the cross, in spite of their tremendoussacrifices for that cause. having no loyalty to any territorial chief, they obeyedtheir master alone, and hence no softening

political pressure could be put upon them.[well,] this might well have led to an idea that they were an invisible super-state[and that is exactly the fact]; and this does show some similarity with the invisibleempire of the assassins. if none can deny their bravery, their high-handedness and exclusivity,in less than a hundred and fifty years after their founding gave them the reputationof considering themselves almost a law unto themselves.[no longer reading] and now, dear listeners, we get into the meat,the direct connection between the historical events and the events that arehappening today. don't miss even one episode of this series.good night, and may god bless each and every

one of you.(outro music: stardust) 111 hour 13:the end of the templars (aired march3rd, 1993) i'm william cooper, and you're listening tothe hour or the time. well, folks, we've been getting calls fromall over the nation, and even in some foreign countries. they have been worried.they've called stan; his phone has been ringing off the hook. it seems some rather spuriousand ambitious individuals have been spreading a rumor by word-of-mouth, bythe written word, and even on talk radio all across this country that i am dead.well, folks, here's my answer to that:

(intro music: still crusin')112 to all of my regular listeners and all theships at sea around the world: it's me, william cooper, speaking to you from thedead where i have, indeed, seen the light and i turned it off.[reading from a history of secret societies]: "one of the most disgraceful acts which stainthe annals of the templars,"says even one of their ardent admirers,"occurred in the year 1155, when bertrand de blancford (whom william of tyre calls a'pious and god-fearing man') was master ofthe order. in a contest for the supremepower in egypt, which the viziers, bearing the proud title of sultan,exercised under the phantom-caliphs, sultan

abbas who had put to death the caliph hismaster found himself obliged to fly from before the vengeance of the incensedpeople. with his harem and his own and a great part of the royal treasures, he tookhis way through the desert. [well,] a body of christians, chiefly templars, lay in waitfor the fugitives near ascalon. the resistance offered by the moslems was slightand very ineffectual; abbas himself was either slain or he fled, and his sonnasiredin professed his desire to become a christian. the far larger part of the bootyof course fell to the templars; but this did not satisfy their avarice. they sold nasiredinto his father's enemies for 60,000 pieces of gold. [now, if you think that's alot of money in this day and age, it was a

veritable king's ransom in that.] and [they]stood by to see him bound hand and foot, and placed in a sort of cage or iron-latticedsedan, on a camel to be conducted to egypt, where a death by protractedtorture awaited him." it was not the templars alone [folks] whowere guilty of arrogance and worse. the hospitallers had deteriorated fromtheir first fine beginnings; and the annals of both orders are not innocent of unpleasantness,though they are indeed well filled with tales of glory. the hospitallers,for instance, refused to pay tithes to the patriarch of jerusalem, even going so faras to erect immense buildings in front of thechurch of the holy sepulchre, as a practical

demonstration of their ownimportance. [now] when the patriarch entered his church, they rang their bellsso loudlythat he cannot make himself heard. there is an occasion recorded when "the congregationwas assembled in church, the hospitallers rushed into it in arms, andshot arrows among them as if they were robbers or infidels. these arrows were collected andhung up on mount calvary, where christ had been crucified, to the scandalof these recreant knights. on applying to pope adrian iv for redress, thesyrian clergy found him and his cardinals so prepossessed in favor of his enemies—(laughs)bribed by them in fact, [it] was said— that they had no chance of relief."this, then, [folks] was the background of

the rise of the templars, and the flavor oftheir environment. [now] if one adds to these elements the fact that various veryheterodox sects—gnostic, manichae and the rest—still lurked in the holy land,together with a great deal of magic and superstition of every kind, [then] there is a possibility,to say the least, that the templars were infected by it.[the facts, indeed,show that they were not only infected, but taken by it, and were initiated intonot only by the branch known as the assassins, but veritably arose from the secret sectsin syria.]the contention which has been made, that such heresies and archaicreligions and practices do not survive until the templar period, is demonstrablyfalse, although much play has been made of

it by those who defend the order; for do suchsects not endure there until this [very] day? [hmm? well,] this is not to saythat the templars were guilty of the practices which formed the substance of the112 the beach boys, still cruisin' (album), 1989116confessions later to be wrung from them by barbaric torture, which we will examine indue course. but a secret tradition and magical rites may well have played a partin their hidden lore and practices. it should also be remembered [folks] that towardsthe end there were templars who were of actual palestinian birth, who would have every opportunityof absorbing the unorthodox beliefs of the many schools ofa magico-religious nature which existed in

the area.the grand master philip ofnablus([in] 1167), for instance, was a syrian, and many crusaders were levantine lords, whatevertheir original blood, speaking arabic with was 1162 that the magna carta of the order was obtained by the templars: the bull omnedatum optimum, often described as the keystone of their power.[and] through this instrument they were able to consolidate their authority andpreserve their secrets against intrusion. they were to find, too, that it did much toexcite the envy of their opponents. pope adrian iv had died;[the] two rival popeswere elected: alexander iii by the sicilian group, and victor iii by theimperial party. at first the templars acknowledged

victor; but in 1161 they switch their allegianceto alexander. there was probably some sort of secret arrangement behindthis, for by january 7th of the following year the famous bull was issued. bythe terms of this document, the templars were released from all spiritual ties except tothe holy see [itself]; they were permitted to have special burial-grounds intheir own houses; they could have chaplains of their own; they had no tithes topay; [which in that day and age was miraculous] and were allowed to receive tithes [whichwas absolutely incredible]. nobody who had once entered the order could leaveit, except to join one with a stricter discipline. the stage [dear listeners] was setfor clerical hatred of the templars and hospitallers

(who had similar privileges) [and in factwere one and the same and still are today], although the advantages to thepope from the combined support of these two orders could hardly beoverestimated. in 1184 an incident occurred which inspireda great deal of distrust of the order, although the rarity of its occurrenceshould have underlined the fact that it was nothing of much consequence. [you see,] theenglish knight, robert of st. albans left the templars, became a moslem, and ledan army for saladin against jerusalem, then in the hands of the franks. thecharge against the templars that they were secret mussulmans or allies with the saracensdoes not seem borne out by the fact

that saladin accused them of treacherous truce-breakingand other crimes and—unlike his usual chivalrous self—took asolemn oath that he would execute such templar captives as he could obtain, as "beyond thelimits of islam and infidelity alike." nor did they make any [attempts] toinvoke any religious bond with saladin when they were captured, as we know fromthe arabic life of saladin written contemporaneously by his secretary, qadi yusuf. strong evidenceof this is given in the events which followed the terrible battleof hittin. two years before, saladin had made a pact with the assassins that theywould give him a free hand to continue his holy war against the franks [which we discussedon an earlier program]. on july

1st, 1187, he captured tiberias. he attackednearby hittin at dawn on friday, july 3rd. thirty thousand [christians; 30,000christians!] were captured, including the king of jerusalem. no templar[not one] ismentioned in the detailed arab account as asking for mercy on religious or othergrounds, although all knew that saladin had issued a war-cry: "come to death,templars!"the grand master, gerard of ridefort, and several other knights were among thosetaken. saladin offered them their lives if they would see the light ofthe true faith. [well, according to history,] none accepted, and all these knights werebeheaded except, admittedly, the templar grand master.[could it be that he did accept thetrue faith, or the "light of the true

faith," as saladin had put it?] a non-templar,reginald of chatillon, tried to invoke the sacred code of arab hospitality, andother crusaders claimed that they were moslems, and were spared: none of them were templarsor hospitallers. reginald and the templars collectively were sentencedto death for breaking the truce and the "war crime" of killing unarmed pilgrimsto mecca. arab accounts include only a few references which could be construed as indicatingany collusion with the christian army. one says that on the fridayat midday ([and] the battle lasted for two days), sultan saladin issued the attackcry to be passed along the sarasin host, "on for islam!", at which the striped banner ofthe templars was raised, "and the emir

lion-of-the-faith said, 'are those sultan(saladin) yusef's allies, of whom i have heard from the reconnaisance men?'"[well,]this cannot be regarded as anything at all conclusive. the only other reference is toa body of templars who went over to the saracen side, and whose supposed descendantssurvive to this day as the salibiyya ([which means] crusader) tribe in northarabia. this engagement[folks] spelt the end of realwestern power in palestine for over seven hundred years, although it didstimulate the unsuccessful third crusade. although the templars—and some other crusaders—werestill in the holy land, 117 they had lost almost all oftheir possessionsthere. but in the west lay the real seat of

their power. at this time their europeanpossessions numbered over seven thousand estates and foundations. although principally concentratedin france and england, they had extensive properties inportugal, castile, leon, scotland and ireland, germany, italy, and sicily. whenjerusalem was lost, their headquarters were transferred to paris. this building, likeall their branch churches, was known as the temple. it was here that the french kingphilip the fair took refuge in 1306, to escape a civil commotion.113 it is said thatthis visit gave him his first insight into the real wealth of the order:[now, remember,the wealth was not for the members, for they practiced the first true socialism—internationalsocialism, or communism.]the fabulous treasures

which his hostshowed him giving the bankrupt monarch the idea to plunder the knights on the pretextthat they were dominated by heresies.phillip the fair was not entirely without some grounds for attacking the templars. [for]in 1208 we find pope innocent iii, a great friend of the order, censuringthem publicly for "causing their churches to be thrown open for mass to be saidevery day with loud ringing of bells, bearing the cross of christ on their breasts but notcaring to follow his doctrines which forbid to giving offense to any of the littleones who believe in him. following the doctrines of demons, they affix their crossof their order upon the breast of every kind

of scoundrel, asserting that whoever by payingtwo or three pence a year became one of their fraternity could not, even ifinterdicted, be deprived of christian burial . . . and thus they themselves, beingcaptive to the devil, cease not to make captive the souls of the faithful, seeking to makealive those whom they knew to be dead . . ."the first sign of an attempt to bring some sort of physical restraint upon the templarscame from henry iii of england. [for] in 1252 he hinted that he might tryto seize some of the property of the order: "you prelates and religious," he said,"especially you templars and hospitallers, have so many liberties and charters that yourenormous possessions make you rave

with pride and haughtiness. what was imprudentlygiven must therefore be prudently revoked; and what was inconsideratelybestowed must be considerately recalled."[those were the words of the king.]the master of the templars immediately replied: "what sayest thou, o king? far be it thatthy mouth should utter so disagreeable and silly a word. so long asthou dost exercise justice thou wilt reign; but if thou infringe it, thou wilt cease tobe king!"[now remember that the knights templar at that time were the very first internationalbankers. they were the wealthiest order, wealthiest group, then known in theworld—even surpassing the kings of the different

countries that existed. and eventhough the hospitallers were created before the knights templar, eventually the two becamethe same order, though to the public and to the rulers of europe, they weredifferent orders with different names.] the haughty templars of the fourteenth centuryowned land and revenues, gained steadily in honor and importance.they might have thrones had they wanted them; for such was their power towards the end that,banded together (as one historian points out), they could have overcomemore than one of the smaller countries of europe. perhaps,though, theyaimed even higher than that. if their eventual aim was world hegemony, they could not haveorganized themselves better, or

planned their aristocratic hierarchy morethoroughly. [and you will see that that's been carried over even onto the modernday.]the pride, arrogance, and complete confidence and self-sufficiency of the order is somethingwhich shows through even the least inspired pages of the chroniclers.their power was legendary: "everywhere they had churches, chapels, tithes,farms, villages, mills, rights of pasturage, of fishing, of venery, of wood.they had also in many places the right of holding annual fairs which were managed andthe tolls received by some of the brethren of the nearest houses or by theirdonates orservants. the number of their preceptoriesis, by the most moderatecomputation, rated at nine thousand; the annual

income of the order put at about six million[pounds] sterling: an [unbelievable, unimaginable] sum forthosetimes! masters of such a revenue, descended from the noblest houses in113 just the year before, philip had fled from a bloodthirsty mob, angry at the kingfor debasing the national currency. dungeon, fire and sword, p.430 christendom,uniting in their purses the most esteemed secular and religious characters, regardedas the chosen champions of christ and the flower of christian knights,it was not possible for the templars, in such lax times as the twelfth andthirteenth centuries, to escape falling into the vices of extravagantluxury and overweeningpride."

the order, [folks] when fully developed, wascomposed of several classes: chiefly knights, chaplains and serving-brothers.affiliated were those who were attached to the order in worked for and received its protection,without taking its vows. [and] this affiliation was said to be derivedfrom the arab 'clientship' association, analogous to blood-brotherhood in tribalassociations. a candidate for knighthood should prove thathe was of a knightly family and entitled [yes, entitled] to the distinction.his father must have been a knight or eligible to become one. he had to prove beyond anydoubt that he was born in wedlock. the reason for this last requirement was saidto be not only religious: there was the possibility

that a political head such as aking or prince might influence the order by managing to have one of his bastard sons enterit, later perhaps to rise to high rank therein, and finally attaching it tothe service of his dominion. the candidate [for initiation] had to be unmarriedand free from all obligations. he should have made no vow, norentered any other order; and he was not to be in debt. eventually the competition foradmission was so great from eligible people that a very high fee was exacted fromthose who were to be monk-warriors of the temple.all candidates were to be knighted before entry into the order. but the period of probationwhich was originally

demanded was before very long entirely young man could be admitted until he was twenty-one years of age,because he was to be a soldier as well as a monk, and this was the minimum age at whichhe could bear arms. when a new knight was admitted to the order,the ceremony was held in secret. this fact, and persistent rumors, causedthe belief that certain ceremonies and tenets were put into practice which deviated morethan a little from the rituals of the church. the ceremony was held in one of theorder's chapels, in the presence of the assembled chapter alone.the master (or the prior, who took his place in chapels other than those at which he waspresent) opened the

proceedings: "beloved brethren, ye see thatthe majority are agreed to receive this man as a brother. if there be any among youwho knows anything of him, on account of which he cannot lawfully become a brother, let himsay it; for it is better that this should be signified beforehand than afterhe is brought before us." [and] if no objection was lodged, the aspirantwas sent to a small room with two or three experienced knights, to coachhim in what he had to know: "brother, are you desirous of being associated with theorder?"if he agreed, they would dwell upon the trials and rigors of being a templar.[they would prepare him for initiation.] he had to reply that for the sake of godhe was willing to undergo anything in remain

in the order for life; they asked him if hehad a wife or was betrothed; had he made vows to any other order; did he owe moneymore than he could pay; was he of sound mind and body; was he theservant of any person? [well,] after satisfactory answers, the resultwas passed to the master. the assembled company was then asked again ifthey knew anything that might disqualify him. [and] if none objected, they were asked: "areyou willing that he should be broughtin, in god's name?" the knights answered,"let him be brought in, in god's name." he was now again asked by his sponsors ifhe still desired to enter the order. receiving an affirmative reply they led himto the chapter, where he folded his hands

and flung himself upon his knees: "sir, iam come before god and before you for the sake of god and our dear lady, to admit meinto your society, and the good deeds of the order, as one who will be all his lifelong servant and slave of the order." "beloved brother," answered the receptor,"you are desirous of a great matter, for you see nothing but the outward shell ofour order."[now let me repeat that again in case you weren't listening, folks.] "belovedbrother," answered the receptor, "you are desirous of a great matter for you seenothing but the outward shell of our order. it is only the outward shell when you see119 that we have fine horses and rich caparisons,that we eat and drink well and are splendidly

clothed. from this you concludethat you will be well off with us. but you know not rigorous maxims which are in ourinterior. for it is a hard matter for you, who are your own master, to become the servantof another. you will hardly be able to perform, in future, what you wishyourself. for when you may wish to be on this side of the sea, you will be sent to the otherside; when you will wish to be in acre, you will be sent to the district ofantioch, to tripolis, or to armenia; or you will be sent to apulia, to sicily, or tolombardy, or to burgundy, france, england, or any other country where we have housesand possessions. [where we wish you to do our will.][further he says:] "when you will wish to

sleep, you will be ordered to watch; whenyou will wish to watch, then you will be ordered to go to bed; when you will wishto eat, then you will be ordered to do something else. and as both we and youmight suffer great inconvenience from what you have mayhap concealed from us, look hereon the holy evangelists and the word of god and answer the truth to the questionswhich we shall put to you; for if you lie you will be perjured, and may beexpelled the order, from which god keep you!" now all the former questions were asked onholy writ. if the answers proved acceptable, the receptor continued:"beloved brother, take good care that you have spoken the truth to us: for should youhave spoken false in any one point,

you might be put out of the order—from whichgod keep you! now, beloved brother, attend strictly to what we shall say untoyou. do you promise to god, and our dear lady mary to be, all your life long, obedient tothe master of the temple, and to the prior who shall be set over you?"[and initiate answers with:] "yea, sir, with the help of god!"[again, he is asked,] "do you promise to god, and our dear lady mary, to live chaste ofyour body all your life long?" [and he answers,] "yea, sir, with the helpof god!" [and he's again asked,] "do you promise togod, and our dear lady mary, to observe all your life long, the laudablemanners and customs of our order, both those

which are already in use and those which themaster and knights may add?" [and then he's asked,] "do you promise togod, and our dear lady mary, that you will, with the strength and powerswhich god has bestowed on you, help as long as you live to conquer the holy land of jerusalem;and that you will, with all your strength, aid to keep and guard thatwhich the christians possess?" [and he's asked,] "do you promise to god,and our dear lady mary, never to hold (leave) this order for stronger orweaker, for better or worse, than with permission of the master, or of the chapter which hasthe authority?" [and then he's asked,] "do you finally promiseto god, and our dear lady mary, never to be

present when a christian isunjustly and unlawfully despoiled of his heritage, and that you will never, by counsel or byact, take part therein?" [and then:] "in the name, then, of god, andour dear lady mary, and in the name of st. peter of rome, and of our fatherthe pope, and in the name of all the brethren of the temple, we receive to all the goodworks of the order which have been performed from the beginning, and shall beperformed to the end, you, your father, your mother, and all of your family whom 120you will let have share therein. in like manner do you receive us to all the good work whichyou have performed and shall perform. we assure you of bread and waterand the poor clothing of the order, and labor

and toil enow."then the candidate was admitted. [don't go away, folks. i'll be right backafter this very short pause.] (interlude music: unknown orchestral music)114 (speaking over music)[you're listening to the hour of the time. i'm william cooper—i am still alive, i amstill kicking and i'm going to be around for a long, long time, much to thedismay of the mystery schools and international socialism. don't go away, folks.we'll begin again in just a few moments.] (interlude music continues)[with a joyous celebration]the candidate was admitted.the white mantle with its red crosswas placed by the master

over the neck of the candidate, and claspedfirmly by him. the chaplain recited the 132nd psalm and the prayer of the holyghost, and each brother repeated a paternoster. then the master and the chaplain kissed thenew entrant on the mouth. as he sat down before the master, the latterdelivered him a sermon on his duties. knights were equipped more lightly than othercrusaders, and were issued with shields, sword, lance and mace. theywere allocated three horses each, [not one with two knights riding, but three horseseach] plus an esquire, who was either a serving-brother or a layman, perhaps a youthfrom a noble family anxious to become a knight in his own turn.retired knights were looked after by the order,

became counselors at meetings, and were eventuallyburied in coffins in their templar habit, with the legs crossed.many templar gravestones show the knight with his feet up on a dog.[but mostshow the crossed thighbones and the skull known as the skull and bones—the same skulland bones as the russell trust, the brotherhood of death at yale, and the sameskull and bones displayed upon the flag of the pirates.]it was philip the fair of france, bankrupt and fearful of the growing power of the warriorsof the temple, who laid the conspiracy for the suppression of the orderfor all time. it has been hinted that philip had some forewarning that a plotagainst the throne was afoot; that the templars,

frustrated in their attempts to win back theholy land, were about to turn upon pope and king alike and try to overcomeall christendom.[and, believe it or not, that's closer to the truth than anythingthat you ever heard about the templars.]in 1305, pope clement had been crowned throughthe assistance of the french king [and was actually under the control of thefrench king]; and philip was ready to bring all the power of church and stateagainst the knights of the temple. there had been continued rivalry between thetemplars and the hospitallers [on the surface, underneath, they were oneand the same]; and clement, six months after his enthronement, wrote asking them to visithim for a conference, ostensibly

for the purpose of making plans for aidingthe kings of armenia and cyprus. the pope was, however, hoping that he couldeffect a reconciliation between the two orders, which would in turn strengthen his own positionas their only ultimate head. william de villaret, master of the hospital,was fully engaged in an attack upon the saracens of rhodes when the invitationarrived, and could not obey it; but jacques de molay, grand master of the temple, decidedto accept. he handed over the defense of limassol in cyprus to the order'smarshall, collected sixty knights, packed 150,000 gold florins plus much othertreasure, and set sail for france. 114121at paris, de molay was received with honors

by the king who was plotting his poitiers, he met clement, and discussed the possibilities of a fresh molay opined that only a complete alliance of all christendom could be ofany avail against the moslems, and that the amalgamation of the two orders was not a goodidea. the grand master returned to paris; and almost at once rumors beganto circulate about certain serious charges to be preferred against the order.troubled at this campaign, the master (together with rimbaud de caron, preceptor of outremer;jeffrey de goneville, preceptor of aquitane, and hugh de peraudo,preceptor of france) returned to poitiers to justify the order before the audience took place, about april of 1307,

in which the pope mentioned the charges whichhave been made. the commission understood that their answers satisfiedclement, and returned to the capital in good heart. but this[dearlisteners] was only the beginning. the method by which the charges were originallysaid to have been made was through a former templar who had beenexpelled from the order for heresy and other offenses. this squin de flexian found himselfin prison, together with another man (a florentine named noffo dei), and theythought (or were told) that they could obtain their release and a pardon for thecrime of which they were currently accused if only they would testify against the account has it that de flexian

called for the governor of the prison, sayingthat he had a disclosure to make which he could tell the king personally; andwhich would be more to him than the conquest of [an entire] kingdom. another chroniclehas it that both men were degraded templars, and had been actively engaged inthe revolt against the king during which philip had been forced to take refugewith the templars. it is further stated that cardinal cantilupo, the chamberlain to thepope, who had been in an association with the templars since he was eleven yearsold, had confessed some of their doings to his master.ten main charges were made by de flexian against the order:1. each templar on his admission swore never

to quit the order, and to further its interestsby right or wrong. 2. the heads of the order are in secret alliancewith the saracens, and they have more of mohammedan infidelity thanchristian faith. [and] proof of the latter includes that they make every novice spitupon the cross and trample upon it, and blaspheme the faith of christ in various ways.3. the heads of the order are heretical, cruel and sacrilegious men. whenever any novice,on discovering the iniquity of the order, tries to leave it, they kill himand bury the body secretly by night. they teach women who are pregnant by themhow to procure abortion, and secretly murder such newborn children.4. they are infected with the errors of the

fratecelli; they despise the pope and theauthority of the church; they scorn the sacraments, especially those of penanceand confession. they pretend to comply with the rites of the church simply toavoid detection. 5. the superiors are addicted to the mostinfamous excesses of debauchery. if anyone expresses his repugnance to this, heis punished by perpetual captivity. 6. the temple-houses are the receptacle ofevery crime and abomination that can be committed. 7. the order works to put the holy land intothe hands of the saracens, and favors them more than the christians.8. the master is installed in secret and few of the younger brethren are present atthisceremony. it is strongly suspected

that on this occasion he repudiates the christianfaith, or does something contrary to right. 9. many statutes of the order are unlawful,profane and contrary to christianity. [in fact, some of them are stonepenises.] the members are therefore forbidden under pain of perpetual confinement to revealthem to anyone. 10. no vice or crime committed for the honoror benefit of the order is held to be a sin. [now] these charges were later augmented byothers which were collected through testimony from other enemies of theorder, and included such assertions as the use of the phrase ya allah ([which means]o, allah!) and the adoration of an idol called the head of baphomet.[in fact, thehead of baphomet was not an idolthat they

worshiped but represented thereceptacle of the intelligence, or the seat of the intelligence: the brain, the light,lucifer, the gift of intellect, primordial knowing—and that is what really the objectof veneration was.] philip and his advisers prepared a great secrecyfor the descent upon this powerful organization [the knights templar].[and] on the 12th of september, 1307, sealed letters were sent to all the governors androyal officers throughout france, instructing them to arm themselves on thetwelfth of the next month and open the sealed orders—and to act upon themforthwith. by the morning of friday, october 13, [and on that day] almost every templarin france was in the hands of the

king's men.[and thus was born the legend thatfriday the 13th is an unlucky day. and notice that it was october, friday the13th, the very first october surprise.] 115 hardly one seems to have had any warning.[butthey did because, before the king acted, the templars had moved their wealth,their treasure, and their holdings out of the country of france.] on the daybefore his arrest, the grand master had actually been chosen by the king to be a pall-bearerat a state funeral.116 the secret orders had it that all templarswere to be seized, tortured and interrogated. confessions were to be obtainedfrom them; pardon might be promised only if they confessed. and all their goods were tobe expropriated.[but the only thing

that they really got was the actual real estateproperty held by the templars in france and nowhere else. none of the gold,none of their wealth, none of their jewels, none of their treasures, none of the relicsthat have recovered from the holy land were ever found.]the king himself took possession of the temple at paris as soon as the grand master and hisknights were arrested. the next day the university of paris assembled,together with canons and other functionaries and ministers; and the chancellordeclared that the knights had been proceeded against for heresy. two days later the universitymet in the temple and some heads of the order, including the grand master,were interrogated. they are said to have confessed

to 'forty years' guilt'[whatever that means]. [now] whether de molay and others confessedon that occasion or not, the king was emboldened to publish anaccusation, in which he called the knights "polluters of the error and devouring wolves."a public meeting was called in the royal gardens and addressed by monks and representativeson this subject. edward ii was the son-in-law of the frenchphilip, and to him was sent a priest who invited the english monarch to act atonce against the order in britain. [well,] edward almost at once wrote to say that thecharges seemed to him to be incredible. but pope clement wrote on november 22nd tolondon, assuring edward that the master of

the temple had confessed of hisown free will that knights on their admission to the order had denied christ. others hadadmitted idolatry and other crimes. he therefore called upon the king of englandto arrest all templars within his domains, and to place their lands and goods incustody until their guilt or innocence should be ascertained.[he condemned them to tortureby the dominican monks under the inquisition until they confessed theirguilt or were dead.] [now notice the date folks: november the 22ndin the year 1307. that's a significant date in our history and has directbearing, as you will see, many hours down the line.]117

[william cooper does an advertisement foran upcoming lecture] 115 october surprise (american political jargon)is an unexpected, but popular, political act made just prior to a novemberelection, in an attempt to win votes 116 on october 12, 1307, the grand masterwas among the highest nobility of europe who acted as pallbearers at the funeralof princess catherine, the deceased wife of king philip's brother, charles of valois.born in blood, p.131 117 john f. kennedy was assassinated exactly666 years later.123 before [the king of england] received thismissive, [he] seems to have been sorely troubled by the allegations. he wrote,on november [the] 26th, to the seneschal of

agen, asking about the charges. on the 4thof december he wrote to the kings of portugal, castile, aragon and sicily, asking"what they had heard, and adding that he had given no credit to it". he wrote tothe pope himself on december [the] 10th, expressing disbelief of what the french king said, andbegging his holiness to institute an enquiry [well folks,] by december[the] 15th, when the papal bull arrived, edward felt that he must act upon itwithout question. on december [the] 26th he wrote to the pope that his orders would beobeyed. [but] in the interim, edward had sent word to wales, scotland andireland that the templars were all to be seized, as in england; but they were tobe treated with kindness.

on october [the] 19th, less than a week afterthey had been arrested [in france], 140 prisoners were being tortured by thedominican imbert, in the paris temple. promises and the rack produced many confessions. thirty-sixof the examinees died during these proceedings. throughout francethe racks worked overtime, and the confessions poured forth. [many good menwere crippled for the rest of their lives.] many of these were contradictory and confused;[and] perhaps there is little wonder of that.[how many of you could resist, evenfor five minutes, the tortures of the medieval inquisition?]the pope now seemed a little uneasy at the arbitrary methods which were being employed.philip wrote sharply to him

saying that he, the king, was doing god'swork, and rendered accounts to god alone. he offered to turn over all the goods ofthe templars to the service of the holy land, clement, still a weakling, merely stipulatedthat the inquisitions of each bishop should be confirmed by a provincial council,and that the examination of the heads of the order should be reserved tohimself. now we hear a constant succession of confessions and retractions, allegationsthat the heads of the order confessed completely and spontaneously to the pope himself.the pope himself, for some unexplained reason [folks], tried to escape tobordeaux, but was stopped by the king. now he was the monarch's captive as well as hiscreation.

detailed confessions of individual templarshave been kept on record, many of them undoubtedly obtained by extremeracking and other tortures. the templars who were prepared to defend the order in courtwere brought to paris, to the number of five hundred and forty-six. deprivedof their knightly habits, and the sacraments of the church, they had nomeans to acquire defense counsel. their numbers rose to nine hundred, and now they clamoredfor the presence of the grand master, who was held elsewhere. an act ofaccusation in the name of the pope was drawn up, and seventy-five templarsdrew up the defense. the accusation had it now that "at the timeof their reception they were made to deny

god, christ, the virgin, etc., and inparticular to declare that christ was not the true god, but a false prophet, who hadbeen crucified for his own crimes and not for the redemption of the world. they spatand trampled upon the cross, especially on good friday. they worshiped a cat,which sometimes appeared in their chapters. their priests, when celebrating mass, didnot pronounce the words of consecration. they believed that their mastercould absolve them from their sins. they were told at their reception that theymight abandon themselves to all kinds of licentiousness. they have idols in all their provinces, somewith three faces, some with one. they worshiped these idols in theirchapters, believed that they could save them,

regarded them as the givers ofwealth to the order and of the fertility to the earth; they touched them with cords whichthey afterwards tied around their own bodies [underneath their robes—and thatis still practiced today by freemasons and by the mormon church]. thosewho at the time of their reception would not comply with these practices were put to deathor imprisoned." the reply of the templars denied every chargeand stated that they had been subjected to every kind of illegality sincetheir arrest. fifty-four of the knights who had volunteered to defend the order were committedto the flames, having been declared relapsed heretics, before the trialshad even started.[and you'll see this number

fifty-four crop up later, and even inthe modern-day, and sometimes it's fifty-four plus one—the grand master, who later wasburned at the stake.] four years to the day after the first arrests,the pope led a convocation of one hundred and fourteen bishops to come to afinal decision about the templar order. [well, folks,] the prelates of spain, england, germany,denmark, ireland and scotland called for the templars to be allowedto defend themselves. the pope reported by closing the session almost at once.[he would not hear of it.] out of fifteen hundred to two thousand templars who werein hiding in the vicinity, nine knights 124 came forward to testify for the order. thepope doubled his guard and sent a message

to the king to do the same, as therewas still danger from the hidden knights. they were not heard. only one italian prelateand three french ones voted to prevent the order from putting in its philip, deciding that something should be done to hasten affairs, sent off for veniceand the conference. his arrival had an electric effect. on his sole authoritythe pope almost immediately abolished the order of a secret consistory. [and]this was on march 22nd, [in the year] 1313.118 [and 1313 plays a significant number lateron as that was a famous address in new orleans, as some of you may remember.]on may 2nd, when the bull was published, the order ceased officially to exist.the grand master, assumed but not proved to

be guilty, was sentenced to perpetual imprisonment.most of the other knights were released and many of these past theirremaining days in poverty. de molay and one of his chiefs, guy of auvergne,[pronounced or] proclaimed their innocence on the public stage to which they had beentaken to have sentence announced. the king, upon hearing [them recant theirconfession], immediately had them committed to the flames.[no longer reading] and some say that, while he was being burnedat the stake, that de molay cursed both the pope and the king of france,stating that within a certain short period of time, he would meet them . . . he wouldmeet them in another life, in front of god,

who would judge them for their crimes. and,believe it or not, folks, well within the period of time, which was not very long,both the pope and the king of france were dead, and i'm sure joined jacques de molayin front of god for their final judgment.we are in no way finished with the story of the knights templar. but until tomorrow night,good night, and god bless each and every one of you.(outro music: unknown orchestral music) 119118 vox in excelso was actually issued in 1312. the king of france made for vienne on20 march (1312), and after two days clement v delivered to the commission of cardinalsfor approval the bull by which the order of

templars was suppressed (thebull vox in excelso). in the second session of the council, which took place on 3 april1312, this bull was approved and the pope announced a future crusade (that neverstarted). norman p. tanner, decrees of the ecumenical councils, 1990 hour 14: skull andbones (aired march 8th, 1993) get comfortable, ladies and gentlemen, openyour ears, sit back and relax. and get set for an unbelievable revelation're going to want copies of this tape . . .this tape of the hour of the time. i'm williamcooper. (intro music: the rose)120 ah, yes, the seed that lies beneath the snow,in the springtime becomes the rose. i'm going

to begin tonight's broadcast,ladies and gentlemen, by reading a portion of the introduction of a book, entitled bornin blood, by john j. robinson, the lost secrets of freemasonry. now, you should seekout this book, purchase it and read it. it is a wonderful edition to your ownlibrary, and i begin now: [reading from born in blood: the lost secretsof freemasonry]:121 the research behind this book is not originallyintended to reveal anything about freemasonry or the knights templar.its objective had been to satisfy my own curiosity about certain unexplained aspects of the peasants'revolt in england in 1381, a savage uprising that saw upwards ofa hundred thousand englishmen march on london.

they moved in uncontrolledrage, burning down manor houses, breaking open prisons, and cutting down any who stoodin their way. "one unsolved mystery of that revolt was theorganization behind it. for several years, a group of disgruntled priests ofthe lower clergy had traveled the towns, preaching against the riches and corruption of the church.during the months before the uprising, secret meetings had been heldthroughout central england by men weaving a network of communication. afterthe revolt was put down, rebel leaders confessed to being agents of a 'great society,' saidto be based in london. so very little is known of that alleged organization thatseveral scholars have solved the mystery simply

by deciding that no such secretsociety ever existed. "another mystery was the concentrated andespecially vicious attacks on the religious order of the knights hospitaller ofst. john, now known as the knights of malta. not only did the rebels seek out their propertiesfor vandalism and fire, but their prior was dragged from the tower oflondon to have his head struck off and placed on london bridge, to the delight ofthe cheering mob. "there was no question that the ferocity thatwas unleashed on the crusading hospitallers had a purpose behind it. onecaptured rebel leader, when asked for the reasons for the revolt, said, 'first, andabove all...the destruction of the hospitallers.'

what kind of secret society could have thatspecial hatred as one of its primary purposes? "a desire for vengeance against the hospitallerswas easy to identify in the rival crusading order of the knights of thetemple of solomon in jerusalem. the problem was that those knights templar have been completelysuppressed almost seventy years before the peasants' revolt,following several years during which the templars had been imprisoned, torturedand burned at the stake. after issuing the decree that put an end to the templar order,pope clement v had directed that all of the extensive properties of the templarsshould be given to the hospitallers. could a templar desire for revenge actuallysurvive underground for three generations?

"there was no incontrovertible truth, yetthe only evidence suggest the existence of just one secret society in fourteenthcenturyengland [just one], the society that was, or would become, the order of free and acceptedmasons. there appeared to be no connection, however, between therevolt and freemasonry, except for the name or title of its leader. he occupied thecenter stage of english history for just eight days and nothing is known of him except thathe was the supreme commander of the rebellion. he was called walter the tyler,and it seemed at first to be mere coincidence that he bore the title of theenforcement officer of the masonic lodge. in freemasonry the tyler, who must be a mastermason, is the sentry, the sergeant-

120 bette midler, the rose, performed by unknownartist 121 john j. robinson, born in blood: the lostsecrets of freemasonry, 1991 at-arms, and the officer who screens the credentials ofvisitors who seek entrance to the lodge. in remembrance of an earlier,more dangerous time, his post is just outside the door of the lodge room, where he standswith a drawn sword in his hand [william cooper: even to this day]."i was aware that there had been many attempts in the past to link the freemasons with theknights templar, but never with success. the fragile evidence advancedby proponents of that connection had never held up, sometimes because it wasbased on wild speculation, and at least once

because it had been based on a deliberateforgery. but despite the failures to establish that link, it just will not go away,and the time-shrouded belief in some relationship between in two orders remainsas one of the more durable legends of freemasonry. that is entirely appropriate, because allof the various theories of the origin of freemasonry are legendary. not oneof them is supported by any universally accepted evidence."[william cooper]: ah, here i break from reading from the introduction of the book and interjecta comment here. there was never any universally accepted evidenceuntil you hear what you're going to hear tonight, produced by john galt, an agentof the citizens agency for joint intelligence

[caji]. the connection, dear listeners, isin the genealogy of the families of the elite. you are going to be amazed, and nowi continue from the introduction to born in blood:"i was not about to travel down that time-worn trail, and decided to concentrate my effortson digging deeper into the history of the knights templar to see if therewas any link between the suppressed knights and the secret society behind thepeasants' revolt. in doing so, i thought that i would be leaving freemasonry far behind.[and] i couldn't have been more mistaken."like anyone curious about medieval history, i had developed an interest in the crusades,and perhaps more than just an

interest. those holy wars hold an appeal thatis frequently as romantic as it is historical, and in my travels i had tried to drinkin the atmosphere of the narrow defiles in the mountains of lebanon through which crusaderarmies had passed, and had sat staring into the castle ruins sidon and tyre,trying to hear the clashing sounds of attack and defense. i had marveled at thewalls of constantinople and had strolled the arsenal of venice, where crusader fleets wereassembled. i had sat in the round church of the knights templarin london, tryingto imagine the ceremony of its consecration [by] the patriarch of jerusalemin 1185, more than three hundred years before columbus set sail west to the indies."the templar order was founded in jerusalem

in 1118, in the aftermath of the first crusade.its name came from the location of its first headquarters on thesite of the ancient temple of solomon, helping to fulfill a desperate need for astanding army in the holy land, the knights of the temple soon grew in numbers, in wealth,and in political power. they also grew in arrogance, and their grand masterde ridfort was a key figure in the mistakes that led to the fall of jerusalem in 1187.the latin christians managed to hold on to a narrow strip of territory along the coast,where the templars were among the largest owners of the land and [the] fortifications."finally, the enthusiasm for sending men and money to the holy land waned among the europeankingdoms, which were

preoccupied with their wars against each 1296 the egyptian sultan was able to push the resident crusaders, alongwith the military orders, into the sea. the holy land was lost, and the defeated knightstemplar moved their base to the island of cyprus, dreaming of yet one morecrusade to restore their past glory. "as the templars planned to go on a new crusadeagainst the infidel, king philip iv of france was planning his ownprivate crusade against the templars. he longed to be rid of his massive debts to the templarorder, which had used its wealth to establish a major [international] bankingoperation. philip wanted the templar treasure to finance his continental warsagainst edward i of england.

"after two decades of fighting england onone side and the holy roman church on the other, two unrelated events gavephilip of france the opportunity he needed. edward i died, and his deplorably weak sontook the throne of england as edward ii. on the other front, philip was able toget his own man on the throne of peter as pope clement v."when word arrived oncyprus that the new pope would mount a crusade, the knights templarthought that their time 127 of restoration to glory was at hand. summonedto france, their aging grand master, jacques de molay, went armed withelaborate plans for the rescue of jerusalem. in paris, he was humored and honored untilthe fatal day. at dawn on friday, the

thirteenth of october, in the year 1307, everytemplar in france was arrested and put in chains on philip's orders. theirhideous tortures for confessions of heresy began immediately."when the pope's order to arrest the templars arrived at the english court, young edwardii had took no action at all. he protested to the pontiff that the templarswere innocent. only after the pope issued a formal bull [william cooper: onnovember the twenty-second in the year 1307] was the english king forced to act. in january[william cooper: in the year], 1308, edward finally issued orders for thearrest of the knights templar in england, but the three months of warning hadbeen put to good use. many of the templars

had gone underground, while some of thosearrested managed to escape. their treasure, their jeweled reliquaries, eventhe bulk of their records, had [totally] disappeared. in scotland, the papal order wasnot even published. under those conditions england, and especially scotland, became targetedhavens for fugitive templars from continental europe, and the efficiencyof their concealment spoke to some assistance from outside, or from each other."the english throne passed from edward ii to edward iii, who bequeathed the crown tohis ten-year-old grandson who, as richard ii, watched from the tower as thepeasants' revolt exploded throughout the city of london."much had happened to the english people along

the way. incessant wars had drained the king'streasury and corruption had taken the rest. a third of the populationhad perished in the black death, and famine exacted further tolls. the reducedlabor force of farmers and craftsmen found that they could earn more for their labor,but their increased income came at the expense of land-owning barons and bishops,who were not prepared to tolerate such a state of affairs. laws were passed toreduce wages, and prices to preplague levels in genealogies were search to reimpose thebondage of serfdom and villeinage on men who thought themselves free. the king'sneed for money to fight the french wars inspired new and ingenious taxes. theoppression was coming from all sides, and

the pot of rebellion was brought to the boil."religion didn't help, either. the landowning church was as merciless a master as the landowningnobility. religion would have been a source of confusion for the fugitivetemplars as well. they were a religious body of warrior monks who owedallegiance to no man on earth except the holy father [william cooper: according to the holyfather. but according to the templars, in secret, their allegiance wasonly to themselves]. when their pope turned on them, chained them, beat them, hebroke their link with god. in fourteenth-century europe there was no pathway to god exceptthrough the vicar of christ on earth. if the pope rejected the templars andthe templars rejected the pope, they had to

find a new way to worship their god,at a time when any variation from the teachings of the established church was blasted as heresy."that dilemma called to mind a central tenet of freemasonry, which requires only that aman believe in a supreme being, with no requirements as to how he worshipsthe deity of his choice. in catholic britain such a belief would have been a crime,but it would have accommodated the fugitive templars who had been cut off from the universalchurch. in consideration of the extreme punishment for heresy, such anindependent belief also...made sense of one of the more mysterious...offreemasonry's old charges." [william cooper]: the ancient rules that stillgovern the conduct of the fraternity. the

charge says that no mason shouldreveal the secrets of a brother that may deprive him of his life and property. that connectioncaused me to take a different look at the masonic old charges."they took on new direction and meaning when viewed as a set of instructions for a secretsociety created to assist and protect fraternal brothers on the run andin hiding from the church. that characterization made no sense in the context of amedieval guild of stonemasons, the usual claim for the roots of freemasonry. it did makea great deal of sense, however, for men such as the fugitive templars, whose verylives depended upon their concealment. nor would there have been anyproblem finding new recruits over the years

ahead: there were to be plenty of protestersand dissidents against the church among future generations. the rebels of thepeasants' revolt proved that when they attacked abbeys and monasteries, andwhen they cut off the head off of archbishop of canterbury, the leading catholic prelatein england. 128 "the fugitive templars would have needed acode such as the old charges of masonry, but the working stonemasonsclearly did not. it had become obvious that i needed to know about the ancient order offree and accepted masons. the extent of the masonic material available atlarge in public libraries surprised me, as did the fact that it was housed in thedepartment of education and religion. not

content with just what was readily availableto the public, i asked to use the library in the masonic temple in cincinnati, ohio."[william cooper]: by the way, folks, cincinnati, ohio is an extremely important location inthis country, the united states."i told the gentlemen there that i was not a freemason, but wanted to use the libraryas part of my research for a book that would probably include a new examinationof the masonic order. his only question to me was, 'will it be fair?' i assuredhim that i had no desire or intention to be anything other than fair, to which he replied,'good enough.' i was left alone with the catalog and the hundreds of masonic booksthat lined the walls. i also took advantage

of the publications of the masonicservice association in silver springs, maryland. "later, as my growing knowledge of masonryenabled me to sustain a conversation of the subject, i began to talk tofreemasons. at first, i wondered how i would go about meeting fifteen or twenty masonsand, if i could meet them, would they be willing to talk with me? the firstproblem was solved as soon as i started asking friends and associates if they weremasons. there were four in one group i had known for about five years, and many moreamong men i had known for twenty years and more, without ever realized thatthey had any connection with freemasonry. as for the second part of my concern,i found them quite willing to talk, not about

the secret passwords and hand grips (by then,i had already knew them), but about what they have been taught concerningthe origins of freemasonry and its ancient old charges."they were as intrigued as i about the possibilities of discovering the lost meanings of words,symbols, and ritual for which no logical explanation was available,such as why a master mason is told in his initiation rights that 'this degree willmake you a brother to pirates and corsairs.'" [william cooper]: and folks, i'll explainthat to you (laughs) a little later. "we agreed that unlocking the secrets of thosemasonic mysteries would contribute most to unearthing the past, becausethe loss of their true meanings had caused

the ancient terms and symbols to be preservedintact, lest subject to change over the centuries, or by adaptations to new conditions."among those lost secrets were the meanings of words used in the masonic rituals, wordslike tyler, cowan, due-guard, and juwes. masonic writers have struggledfor centuries, without success, to make those words fit with their preconceivedconvictions that masonry was born in the english-speaking guilds of medieval stonemasons."now i would test the possibility that there was indeed a connection between freemasonryand the french-speaking templar order. by looking for the lost meaningsof those terms, not in english, but in medieval french. the answers began toflow, and soon a sensible meaning for every

one of the mysterious masonic terms was establishedin the french language. it even provided the first credible meaning forthe name of hiram abiff, the murdered architect of the temple of solomon, whois the central figure of masonic ritual. the examination established something else aswell. it is well known that in 1362 the english courts officially changed the languageused for court proceedings from french to english. so the french roots of all[of] the mysterious terms of freemasonry confirmed the existence of that secret society in thefourteenth century, the century of the templar suppression and the peasants'revolt. "with that encouragement i addressed otherlost secrets of masonry: the circle and mosaic

pavement on the lodge roomfloor, gloves and lambskin aprons, the symbol of the compass and the square, even the mysteriouslegend of the murder of hiram abiff. the rule, customs and traditionsof the templars provided answers to all of those mysteries. next, came adeeper analysis of the old charges of ancient masonry that define a secret society of mutualprotection. what the 'lodge' was doing was assistance brothers in hiding fromthe wrath of church and state, providing them with money, vouching for them with the authorities,even providing the 'lodging' that gave freemasonry the unique term for its chapters and its meetingrooms. there remained no reasonable doubt in my mind that the original concept of thesecret society that came to call itself

freemasonry had been born as a society ofmutual protection among fugitive templars and their associates in britain, menwho had gone underground to escape the imprisonment and torture that had been ordered for themby pope clement v. their antagonism toward the church was renderedmore powerful by its total secrecy. the suppression of the templar orderappeared to be one of the biggest mistakes the holy see [has] ever made."in return, freemasonry has been the target of more angry papal bulls and encyclicalsthan any other secular organization in christian history. those condemnationsbegan just a few years after masonry revealed itself in 1717 and grew in intensity,culminating in the bull humanum genus, promulgated

by pope leo xiii in 1884. in it, the masonsare accused of espousing religious freedom, the separation of churchand state, the education of children by laymen, and the extraordinary crime ofbelieving that people have the right to make their own laws and to elect their own government,'according to the new principles of liberty.'"[william cooper]: you see, folks, and this is an aside, all of our forefathers who haveestablished this country were freemasons, and their intent is spelled outin latin on the reverse of the great seal of the united states of america, where itplainly says, novus ordo seclorum: the new world order. and i will interpret all of themeaning of the symbols on that great

seal according to their true meaning, andnot the meaning the you read in certain disinformation books written byfreemasons to steer you down the wrong road. "such concepts are identified, along withthe masons, as part of the kingdom of satan. the document not only defines theconcerns of the catholic church about freemasonry at that time, but, in the negative, so clearlydefines what freemasons believe that i have included the completetext of that papal bull as an appendix to this book."[william cooper]: ...and i urge you all to get this book and read it."finally, it should be added that the events described here were part of a great watershedof western history. the feudal

age was coming to a close. land, and the peasantlabor on it, had lost its role as the sole source of wealth. merchant familiesbanded into guilds, and took over whole towns with charters as municipal corporations. commerceled to banking and investment, and towns became power centersto rival the nobility in wealth and influence. "the universal church, which had fought fora position of supremacy in a feudal context, was slow to accept changes thatmight affect that supremacy. any material disagreement with the church was called heresy,the most heinous crime under heaven. the heretic not only deserved death,but the most painful death imaginable. "some dissidents run for the woods and hide,while others organize. in the case of the

fugitive knights templar, theorganization already existed. they possessed a rich tradition of secret operations thathad been raised to the highest level through their association with the intricaciesof byzantine politics, the secret ritual of the assassins [and the roshaniya], andthe intrigues of the moslem courts which they met alternately on the battlefield or at theconference table. the church, in its bloody rejection of protest and change, providedthem with a river of recruits that flowed for centuries."more than six hundred years have passed since the suppression of the knights templar, buttheir heritage lives on in the largest fraternal organization ever known.and so the story of those tortured crusading

knights, of the savagery of thepeasants' revolt, and of the lost secrets of freemasonry becomes the story of the mostsuccessful secret society in the history of the world.[william cooper]: i've got to take a break, folks. don't go away. i'll be right back afterthis very short pause.130 (interlude music: when you wish upon a star)122 [no longer reading]spurned by god in the form of the vicar of christ on earth, the pope, and spurning godin their turn, the knights templars banded together in secret and formedwhat was to become known as freemasonry. now, the legend goes thatfreemasonry sprang up from ancient stonecutters,

guilds, and the men who built the stone buildingsof the age. but "freemason" actually comes from the french:frã¨re-maã§on, which literally means, "the sons of light." which light willcertainly, in researching the problem, that it is not the light of christ. it is the lightof the fallen angel of light, for when they were forsaken by the church, by christ vicaron earth, the pope, they spurned god and turned to lucifer. they held to theluciferian philosophy that the gift of intellect by lucifer, through his agent satan, wouldin its turn make man god. these men were always on the run. they took the hiddentemplar wealth and built a financial empire that stands to this day is the mostpowerful on the earth [sic]. jews, who had

traditionally been persecuted throughout europe,flocked to the hidden temple, for there they could believe as they wishedand worshiped whatever god they wished, for all were welcome. many of thetemplars running [to ground] flocked to england and to scotland, where they fought for robertthe bruce, who was engaged in an intense battle with the king of, let me regress just a little bit. king william the lion, who was born in 1165 anddied in 1214, had a daughter, isabel of scotland. well, isabel married a certainrobert rose [roos]. robert rose [roos] was a knights templar who was heavilyinvolved in the first efforts -- and was very successful -- at international banking. plus,he established the first overt and

covert international intelligence gatheringorganization which all, all subsequent intelligence organizations had been basedupon since. his son, sir william roos, and his daughter, lucy roos, figure prominentlyin the story to follow. lucy married sir robert plumpton. they sired two children:sir william plumpton and alice plumpton. during this period of time, thisfamily, this family, as the knights templar were going to ground, in the male progenyof this family always followed in their father's footsteps and entered into the order.they established, in secret, the scottish rite of freemasonry, and may have had asignificant role in the establishment, for intelligence reasons, of the order known asthe ancient order of the rose and cross.

now, alice plumpton married sir john boteler.they gave birth to a daughter, alice boteler, who then married johngerard, who had a child, constance, who married sir alex standish. the following childrenissued from that marriage: ralph standish, sir alex standish, roger standish,and alice standish, who then married james prescott. the children of thismarriage were roger prescott, ralph prescott, john prescott, and captain jonathan prescott.jonathan prescott married rebecca buckley. they had two children, abelprescott and lucy prescott, and lucy married jonathan fay. they sired threechildren: samuel prescott phillips fay, samuel howard fay, and harriet eleanor fay. harrietmarried reverend james smith

bush, son of merchant obidiah [newcomb] bush.their son, samuel prescott bush, became the president of buckeye steelcastings company of ohio. a pioneer family of franklin, ohio between dayton and cincinnati,and was one of the members of the golden circle and order of the quest,also known as the jason society, which gave issue to most of the political eliteof the united states of america, who are, by the way, all (and i mean all without exception)related to each other. now, samuel prescott bush married, and hisson prescott bush became a u.s. senator from connecticut, the director ofprudential insurance, the director of cbs, a partner in brown brothers harriman, chairman,national republican finance

committee, funds placed in merrill lynch accountsin switzerland under the guidance of donald reagan. when he married,that marriage gave issue to the following: prescott bush ii: an investment banker indictedfor fraudulent banking practices. george bush: chairman of zapata oil from 1963-64;chairman of republican party, harris county, texas, when j.f.kennedy was killed; delegate to the gop national convention (1964); 1968 member of the 90thand 91st congress from texas; from 1965-66, nixon appointed bushas ambassador to the united nations to deal with china; he was the director for122 performed by unknown artist131 the central intelligence agency; chairmanof the gop party; vice president of the united

states of america; and president ofthe united states of america. four other children were william h. bush,james bush, jonathan bush, and nancy, who married alex ellis.the issue of george and barbara bush was: dorothy, who married william leblond; johnellis bush; neil bush, son of the director of cia, becomes director of silveradosavings and loan and launders cia drug money. silverado loses over $100million dollars and neil goes unpunished. and the two other children? marvin piercebush and george bush ii. folks, this intelligence was gathered by oneof our agents, code named "john galt," who spent literally years in dustylibraries and books of genealogy. and i'm

not going to tell you which libraries or howhe arrived at this information. but it has been checked, it is absolutely accurate andthis is just one portion of the pedigree of george bush, who's literally related tomost of the royal families of europe. now, you can have a copy of this chart ifyou want it. i'll tell you how to get it later, so have your pencils and paper ready.i'm going to tell you exactly where the money goes. one half of the money goes to help payfor the airtime here; the other half goes to our agent, john galt, to pay for theyears of toil and dusty library books that nobody ever looks in, tracing genealogy.and folks, this is only one of the charts that he has furnished to us, along with others,other agents of the citizens agency for

joint intelligence [caji], who are engagedin the exact same research. and we have found that our most productiveconnections of the secret societies, the royal families, and what's happening in the worldtoday, is through genealogy. we have found a direct connection betweenthe peasants' rebellion [revolt] in england, the french revolution, theronald reagan and george bush political campaign, and the george bush political campaign. asfar as the peasants' rebellion goes, the encyclopedia britannicacalls it a "curiously spontaneous rebellion." barbara tuchman, in her fourteenthcentury history, a distant mirror, said the rebellions spread "with some evidence of planning."winston churchill went even further. in his

work, the birth of britain, he wrote: "throughoutthe summer of 1381, there was a general ferment. beneath it all layorganization. agents moved round the villages of central england, in touch with a'great society' which was said to meet in london...the spark of rebellion was beingfanned vigorously, and finally the signal was given. even though he had been arrested,excommunicated, and even now was a prisoner in the ecclesiastic prison atmaidstone in kent, letters went out from priests john ball and from other priests who followedhim. clerics were then the only literate class, so letters must havebeen received by local priests who were obviously intended to be shared with or readaloud to others. they all contained a signal

to act now, which could put to rest the conceptthat the rebellion was simply a spontaneous convulsion of frustration thatjust happened to affect the hundred thousand englishmen all at the same time."this, from a letter from john ball. in it he says, "john ball greeteth you well all,and doth you to understand that he hath rongen your bell. now right and might, willand skill. now god speed [haste you in] every dele [william cooper: whichmeans 'ideal'], [now is time]." from priest jake carter: "you have great needto take god with you in all of your deeds, for now is time to be war."from priest jake trewman: "jake trewman doth you to understand that falseness and gilereigned too long and truth hath

been set under a lock, and falseness reignthin evervil flock. god do bote, for now is time."now, you'll notice that in every one of those quotes, there was one phrase that stands outand that phrase is "now is time." one letter from john ball, "saint mary priest,"is worth quoting in its entirety. even with the medieval english spelling, themeaning will be clear. lechery and gluttony were frequent points in his accusations ofhigh church leaders: "john ball, saint mary's priest, greets wellall manner [of] men [and] bids 'em in the name of the trinity, father, son, and 132holy ghost, stand manly together in truth, and helpeth truth, and truth shall help reigneth pride in price, and

covetousness is held wise, and lechery withoutshame, and gluttony without blame. envy reigneth with treason, and sloth istaken in great season. god do bote, for now is time. amen."now, folks, if you research the history of the french revolution, you will hear thatthe spark, the word that spread through the country like wildfire that ignitedthe rebellion in france was "now is the time." literally, the same phrase. somesay that in the american revolution the same phrase was heard and we find mention of itin several texts, but not like it was heard in the peasants' revolt in england,and notlike it was heard in the french revolution. but it was heard again in moderntimes. it was the campaign slogan of the bush/reagan

campaign, and was used again in the bush campaign:"now is the time." now isthe famous photograph staged by george bush [sr.] and selected by george bush for publicationin life magazine shows him lying in bed, holding the pyramid withthe capstone in place, signaling to masons, freemasons, and members, the priestsof the mystery schools around the world, that he is the one who will bring into fruitiontheir ages-, centuries-, millennia-old dream of the new world order. in our searchfor the templars, we have followed them right to their gravestones, and onsome of their gravestones it shows the knight, leaning back, reclining with his feet restingup on a dog, denoting that he is the

master. on most of the tombstones, however,we have found something unexpected: the skull and crossbones. now, when theknights templars were persecuted, the fleet --they have vast fleets, an entire navy -- disappeared.and no one, at least no one in the establishment historian group, claimsto know where they went. but we have found them folks. they became thepirates and hoisted their symbol of the skull and bones to the yardarm. they became thevast fleet of pirates who roamed the seas of the world and terrorized nations,navies and merchantmen. and thus arose, from the initiation rights of the templars,the initiatory rights of crossing the equator, the international date line and others; andaccounts for the brotherhood

amongst the pirates of the world. even toestablishing seaports that they owned and operated, and where they could alwaysfind safety. those on the land established what they called the "brotherhood of death."chapters were formed throughout the bush was initiated in the crypt, or what is known as the tomb at yale into thebrotherhood of death, also known as the russell trust, also known as the skulland bones. the research of many people have revealed what the interior of thecrypt, or what is known as the tomb at yale, the fraternity house of the bonesmen, contains.and anthony c. sutton, in his monumental work, america's secret establishment,all about the skull and bones, and one other

who wrote a magazine articleand published it, revealed the initiation ceremony, revealed that swastikas were foundinside the tomb, revealed that the altar is a pile of bones and that the secret ceremonythat george bush underwent during his initiation was thus:[reading from a history of secret societies]: "on the day of his initiation, [george bush]was conducted through a long dark passage into an immense hall draped withblack. he was able to see, by the faint light of sepulchral lamps, corpses [william cooperrepeats: corpses] in their shrouds. the altar, built of human skeletons, stoodin the center. ghostly forms moved through the hall, leaving behind them a foulodor. at length two men, dressed as spectres,

appeared and tied a pink band or ribbon smearedwith blood around his forehead. upon this was an image of the ladyof loretto. a crucifix was placed in his hand, and an amulet hung around hisneck. his clothes were removed and laid upon a funeral pyre [william cooper: in a fireplace],while upon his body crosses were smeared in blood. then his pudenda weretied with string [william cooper: that's his genitals]."now five horrid and frightening figures, bloodstained and mumbling, approached himand threw themselves down in prayer. after an hour, sounds of weeping wereheard, the funeral pyre started to burn, and his clothes were consumed. fromthe flames of this fire a huge and almost

transparent form arose, while the five prostratefigures went into terrible convulsions. now came the voice of an invisible hierophant,booming from somewhere below [as george bush lay in a coffin naked]. thewords were those of these oaths, which the candidate had to repeat:"'in the name of the crucified one, i swear to sever all bonds which unite me with mother,brothers, sisters, wife, relatives, friends, mistress, kings, superiors, benefactors,or any other man to whom i have promised faith, service, or obedience;133"'i name the place in which i was born. henceforth i live in another dimension, which i willnot reach until i have renounced the evil globe which has been cursedby heaven;

"'for now onwards i shall reveal to my newchief all that i have heard or found out; and i shall also seek out and observethings which might have otherwise have escaped me;"'i honor the aqua toffana; it is a quick and essential medium of removing from theearth, through death or robbing them of their wits, of those who oppose truth,and those who try to take it from our hands; "'i shall avoid spain, naples, and all otheraccursed lands, and i shall avoid the temptation to betray what i have now ofheard; "'lightning will not strike as rapidly asthe dagger, which will reach me, wherever i may be, should i betray my initiation.'"now a candelabrum, bearing seven black candles,

is placed before the candidate, and also abowl containing [what is supposed to be] human blood. he washes himselfin the blood, and drinks a quantity of it. the string around his [genitalia] isremoved, he is placed in a bath to undergo complete ablution. after this, he eats a mealcomposed of root vegetables." [william cooper]: at this time, he is givenhis new name by which he will be known to all of the others in the order, thebrotherhood of death. and with the completion of his initiation, george bush joined allof the male members of his family in a long line of ancestry, traced from robertroos to the modern day. he took his place in the order, the knights templar,freemasonry, and has worked diligently to

fulfill his role in the completion of theplan, the great work isthe formation of the new world order, the one-world totalitariansocialist state, the destruction of all existing nation states, all existingreligions, and enslavement of the mob. "the very highest degrees of the order showthat the rationalism and materialism of the thinkers who developed it weredetermined to stamp out belief in religion. god and any faith in a deity, the initiatewere told, were human inventions, and no real meaning. subsequently this was developedfurther, and the member who arrived at the highest position (that of rex, orking) learned that he is now equal to a king, and that all men were capable of equal advancement:hence, the need for kings

over ordinary mortals was an illusion."[william cooper]: and that at the highest rank, the title of rex mundi, or king of theworld, is assumed. if you would like to get this genealogy folks,if you're a caji member, it's five dollars, send it in to the address that you'llhear at the end of this broadcast. for everybody else, it's ten dollars. good night, and godbless each and every single one of you.(closing music: amazing grace) 123 hour 15:the roshaniya (aired march 9th, 1993)you're listening to the hour of the time. i'm william cooper.(intro music: main theme from raiders of the

lost ark)124 [reading from a history of secret societies]:"the sixteenth century saw the rise of a very powerful society based upon a secret cult,in the mountains of afghanistan - -the roshaniya, [or the] illuminated ones.references to the existence of this mystical fraternity exist from the time of thehouse of wisdom at cairo, several hundred years before."[william cooper]: in fact, the roshaniya are just a later emergence of the old cult ofthe assassins. "it seems likely the small branches were foundedin various parts of the near and middle east; which would account forthe special usage of the names of the eight

degrees of initiation among them."the earliest figure named in the history of the cult is one bayezid ansari, of afghanistan,whose family claimed descent from the ansar --the 'helpers', who assistedmohammed after his flight from mecca nearly fourteen hundred years ago. as areward for this service, he stated, his ancestors had been granted initiation into the mysteriesof the ishmaelite religion: the secret, inner training [which] dated fromabraham's rebuilding of the temple at mecca, the mystical harem."[william cooper]: to the assassins, through the roshaniya and into europe via the knightstemplar. "bayezid's own father, however, was knownto be as narrowly conventional as anyone in

the country, and one account ofthe rapid rise of the sect has it that bayezid, after a period of preparation for the normalpriesthood, was converted to his strange doctrine by a missionary from theismailis, the sectarians holding a secret doctrine supposedly handed down in thefamily of the prophet, who maintained hidden lodges throughout the world of islam and alsoclaimed (after the crusades) to have penetrated with their ideas even spain,germany, france and parts of britain. "however this may be, the illuminated onessoon became more than a headache for the governors of afghanistan, themogul rulers of india, and their persian neighbors. not far from peshawar, which is now in thenorth-west of pakistan,

bayezid set up a small school, where he carefullycoached those who had been initiated by him in the knowledge of thesupernatural that he claimed. a period of probation was expected from each candidate,during which [he] would go into periods of concealment or meditation, knownas khilwat--[or] silence. during this time he was to receive the illuminationwhich was emanated from the supreme being, who desired a class of perfect men -- andwomen --to carry out the organization and direction of the world."bayezid collected in this way, over a period of three years, about fifty staunch disciples,whom he had trained in obedience and to whom --so we are told -- hehad shown a way whereby they could liberate

their 'inner powers'. [well,] thismeant that they were ready to follow his further instructions. these orders, according to whathis opponents say, were that the whole sect would now become bandits, toprey upon the rest of the world." [william cooper]: and all those who couldnot identify themselves by their secret signs were their legal and lawful prey."little information is available from the other side, but three letters said to havebeen written from one branch to another contain in outline a plan to reshape the [entire]social system of the world: first, taking control of individual countries, one byone." 124 john williams, main theme from raidersof the lost ark135

[william cooper]: and where have we heardthat before? we've heard it from every one of the histories of all of thesedifferent sects of mystery babylon, which on the outward appearance seem to be differentfrom each other. on the esoteric level are one and the same religion with oneand the same same plan, with one and the same same goal, all working towardthat end. and the end always, always, justifies the means."[now,] something does survive the degrees of initiation. the first was salik (seeker);followed by murid (disciple); fakir (humble devotee); arif(enlightened one); khwaja(master); emir(commander); imam (priest), and malik (chief or king). thissuccession does not follow the usual pattern

of promotion in the moslem mystical secretsocieties, the tarikas; and seems to have been especially devised for this the first three degrees, the candidate perfected himself by repetitions of certainphrases which were believed to carry power. examples are these: rabba; aferinaa; hayya;hafida; quwwaya. "of these words (all arabic or persian) thefirst stands for the concept of lordship, the second for creation, the third forlife, the fourth for protection, and the last for absolute power. if they were repeated,with deep meditation upon various forms of their manifestations in human life,it was believed, the appropriate power would come into the devotee. [now,] nospecial deity was worshiped; but it was believed

that there was a supreme overall power, whichwas known by the sum of its individual powers (lordship, protection, andso on)..." [william cooper]: a type of pantheism whichworks its way into the modern mystical societies of today."...and that when one had meditated upon them all, and they had become the 'property' ofthe invocant, he would thenceforward be a man of complete power.[now, folks,] this kind of idea underlies a good deal of religious and magicalthinking in many faiths; though it is seldom put in this as concise a manner. the enlightenedone of the fourth degree was he who could attain, during the rituals, completeidentification with this overall power, and

was guided by it in all that he did."[william cooper]: it was said that he could communicate directly with the unknown or hiddensupervisors. "[now,] this meant that, apart from the guidanceof the chief, he was free to seek his own pleasure in life. no theologicalor social bonds limited him. "it is at this stage, said the illuminated,that the arif could perform acts of wonder and magic; influence the physicalworld, and know the secrets of others. he attained this degree through the acceptanceof him by the master, to whom he had confided his dreams and mystical ecstasies.the master alone really knew whether these were true or false experiences, andpromoted him accordingly. some people proceeded

to the higher degrees without going throughall the lower ones; because they were helped by the spirits of formerilluminates who had died. "the master, emir, imam and malik degreeswere reserved for the very highest men and women initiates. after the fifthdegree the segregation of the sexes in rituals was no longer practiced. anyone of the degreeof imam and higher could start his own lodge and make his own disciples."bayezid decided to move his headquarters into the most inaccessible mountains of afghanistan,where he set up a large and luxurious castle; and from which he directedhis military and bandit operations, designed to overcome the rest of theeast. his missionaries were sent far and wide,

but received little official support. thecult did, however, spread among merchants and soldiers who thought that thisgave way to mystical experiences was something to enter. they contributedlavishly to the chief's upkeep and his most expensive military, political and espionagesystem. "the heady wine of this success seems to haveaffected the prudence of the head illuminate more strongly than it should;for his claims became more and more extreme and public [william cooper: as most usuallydo]. there was, he now preached, no after-life of the kind currently believedin: no reward or punishment, only a spirit's stake which was completely differentfrom earthly life. the spirits, if they belonged

to the order, could continue to enjoy themselvesin the earthly powers, acting through living members. but that was all.the preaching of this spiritual vampirism seemed to delight his followers as muchas it infuriated his enemies, because bayezid now gave out more and more of the new doctrinebased upon his no after-life 136 creed. eat, drink, be merry. gain power, lookafter yourself. you have no allegiance except to the order, he told them: and allhumanity which cannot identify by our secret sign is our lawful prey. the secret signalwas to pass a hand over the forehead, palm inwards; the countersign, to hold theear with the fingers and support the elbow in the cup of their hand."[william cooper]: and you can see that sign

being exchanged even today in the courts oflaw all over the united states of america between lawyers and judges, defendantsand judges, prosecutors and judges, prosecutors and defending lawyers, etc,etc, etc. "bayezid took to himself the style of pir-i-roshan(sage of illumination), and founded a city at hashtnagar, which was tobe the center from which illuminism was to spread all over the world."[now,] each member of his following was given a new name upon entry [william cooper: doesthat sound familiar?]; and this name depended upon the guild to whichhe in theory belonged. according to bayezid, all of humanity was dividedinto professions; his were lamp-makers. some

members were the makers, others sold lamps.some were known as this kind of lamp, some another. 'lamp of the darkness'was the typical example. among the other guilds noted was those of the builders[william cooper: does that sound familiar?]...soldiers, merchants of various kinds and scribes."[william cooper]: they can be found today in organizations such as the american medicalassociation or the american bar association, etc., etc."writing in the nineteenth century, an afghan scholar who was by no means fond of the societyof the roshaniya, claimed that they were in fact an organization devotedto fighting against the tyranny of the moguls, and that the banditry and strangedoctrines attributed to them were untrue allegations

by interested parties. he bases this upontwo manuscript copies of the objectives of the order, which seem to havestated that it was dedicated to influencing people of importance throughout theeast and west towards greater justice and self-training into the immense capacitiesof the human mind, whereby wonders can be caused, and through which the harmony ofthe world will be established. '[now,] these ideas taken from those enshrined inour ancient literature and practices, as well as those of those of the persians, many ofwhom have followed the true illuminated path before the new message wasrevealed[, they stated].' "in the end, the imperial mogul decided thatsomething must be done about the widespread

power of the the militantmystics of the hindu kush mountains. the governor of kabul arrested bayezid, clapped him inirons, and paraded him in the streets, to show that here was no supernaturalbeing. to give further point to the proceedings, his hair and beard were halfshaved. but thisgovernor, moshin khan, was under the ascendancy of his religious guide, one sheik hatari -- whomay even have been a secret adherent of the illuminatedone. for the cult was spreading with rapidity. in any case, he told the governorthat bayezid was undoubtedly a man of great and holy attainments, and that considerablesuffering would inevitably attend anyone who treated this man harshly. bayezidwas allowed to escape.

"the indignities to which he had been subjectedcandled his illuminism still higher. calling his numerous companions, heretired to tribal tirah, where he set up a military and court atmosphere which is stillremembered for its glamor, fervor, and mystery."india and persia were to be overcome by force of arms, he announced. to that end, many morewere to be enrolled into the ranks of the illuminated. enthusiasticscenes throughout afghanistan resulted from the proclamation, which was carriedfar and wide, to the accompaniment of kettle-drums, wild sword-dances. [and] when he was readybayezid attended by his halka, or circle of dervishes, led the campaigninto the lush land of india. intercepted by

the moshin khan whom he hadearlier escaped, he was wounded, put to flight, and [he] eventually died as a result of thisencounter. "his son, omar ansari, proclaimed himselfleader, and immediately ordered an attack upon the pathan tribe of theyusufzai who had allied themselves with the moghul. he was killed by the hillmen, andhis own son, 'the servant of the one', took over the leadership. [and] by the middleof the seventeenth century this youth had been killed defending his castleagainst a moghul expeditionary force. his infant son escaped with some of his followers,into afghanistan proper, where the cult was restarted. the descendants of this abdul-qadir(servant of the powerful) continued to rule

the fanatics, and to sendtheir teachers far and wide. the creed eventually split into two divisions: the military andthe religious, and nowadays it is only the followers of the latter [way] whosurvived, still a secret cult, which might, given the right conditions, have touchedoff a movement as important as that of the assassins."[now,] forty years after the last religio-military leader of the afghan illuminated ones died,a society of the same name (the illuminati) came into being in germany,formed, it is said, by adam weishaupt, the [young jesuit priest, a] professor ofcanon law at [the jesuit] ingolstadt university. coincidences of date and beliefs connect thesebavarian illuminati with the

afghan ones, and also with the other cultswhich called themselves 'illuminated'. [william cooper: in actual fact, they are allthe same.] [in] the beginning of the seventeenth century saw the foundation of the illuminatedones of spain --the alumbrados, condemned in an edict of the grandinquisition of 1623." [william cooper]: out of which the condemnedignatius loyola emerged as a man, as a man immune to prosecution,arrest, or accusation from any king, prince, or prelate, as the head of one of the mostpowerful secret societies ever organized, the society of jesus, now known as the jesuits.ignatius loyola had been the leader of the alumbrados in spain. and it was hissect, the illuminated ones, or the alumbrados,

which became the society of jesus."in 1654, the 'illuminated' guerinets came into public notice in france."[now,] documents still extant show several points of resemblance between the german andcentral asian illuminists: points which are hard to account for on thegrounds of pure coincidence, and yet which still might, one supposes, be nothingmore than that. the prophet mohammed, for example, is claimed as an initiate by thewestern illuminati. their calendar is the very same which survived in current usagein the former iranian territories among the afghans of the time. new year'sday with them was the same day as the persian (and afghan) nev roz festival. further thedegrees of initiation, although

seemingly artificial ones coupled with someof the degrees of freemasonry, were also eight, and there are parallels in thenaming of the individual degrees. like the roshaniya, the illuminati stated that theyhad the objective of gaining important converts for the purpose of improving thestate of the world. a comparison of the degrees shows the similarity:"[in the roshaniya, the seeker; and in the illuminati, the apprentice.]"[in the roshaniya, the disciple and in the illuminati, the fellow-craft.]"[in the roshaniya, the devotee and in the illuminati, the master.]"[in the roshaniya, the enlightened one and in the illuminati, the illuminatus major.]"[in the roshaniya, the master and in the

illuminati, the illuminatus dirigens.]"[in the roshaniya, the commander or emir and in the [illuminati, prince.]"[in the roshaniya, priest and in the illuminati, priest.]"[in the roshaniya, king or chief and in the illuminati, king.]"[now,] the early stages of initiation were designed to admit people into the brotherhoodto test them for reliability, and possibly to train them for responsible tasksconnected with the greater diffusion of knowledge. even in higher degrees itseems that tests are also applied. those who were to become priests, for example, weretaken to a secret place, where a throne stood, with before it the choice of priestlyor royal regalia. the aspirant had to make

his choice. those who opted for thesymbols of worldly power were dismissed [promptly]; but candidates taking up the sacred vestmentswere saluted with the phrase: 'hail, o holy one!' the members ofthis degree were considered teachers, in whose hands was the training ofdisciples. "priests identified themselves with a secretsign: both hands, crossed, were placed flat upon the head. in shaking hands,the priest extended his palm, with the thumb held vertically upwards. the countersign wasthe fist, with the thumb enclosed within it."princes were those who can influence events at a very high level, either in academic orpolitical affairs. the room in

which the initiation to this high and secretdegree was celebrated was hung with red; the garments which the prince was to 138wear were red and white. [now,] these are, of course,the colors of the ishmailis as the ritual the candidate is presented as a slave, and states that he wantsto liberate society from tyranny. the sign of the degree was the extending ofboth arms. as the countersign, before taking the hand of another, the prince gripped bothhis elbows. "in 1786 a raid upon the house of an influentiallawyer, zwack, reveals secret papers connected with the order, and it isthrough these that many of the inner workings of the organization became known. men wereto be influenced through their

women folk and a large-scale plan for initiatingwomen members was at an advanced stage of development..." has been widely claimed and touted that many of the charges which were made againstthe german illuminati were false; and that the possession of instructions,for instance, on forging seals was due to the fact that the lawyer zwack had acollection devoted to that subject, as a matter of legal interest to him. it is also saidthat the project of enrolling women and young girls had in actual fact been takenfrom the aims of a very different society, the mopses. while this matter still remainsopen, however, one may as well examine some of the documents which are stated to havebelonged to the society.

"zwack had written, in his own hand, a documentdescribing the manufacture of a strong-box which would blow up if itwere tampered with. he also had a collection of impressions of the seals of several hundredimportant persons; and the already mentioned data on how to forge orsubstitute them. these, he stated in a letter of protest, were a part of the [exhibits]of his criminological collection. (laughs) "the famous memorandum detailing the planto win over women for the cause comes from papers seized at the home ofbaron bassus, one of the members. the document states that women are the best means of influencingmen. they should be enrolled, and into their minds put a hopethat they might themselves in time be released

from the 'tyranny of public opinion'.another letter asked how young women can be influenced, since their mothers would notconsent to their being placed under the illuminati for instruction. five womenwere suggested by one member, as a start. they were four step-daughters of one ofthe illuminati, who were to be placed in the care of the wife of yet another illuminatedone. they, in their turn would, enlarge the society through their friends. it wasfurther mentioned that women are not considered to be really suitable for such anundertaking, because they are 'fickle and impatient'. but the order was most sorelyhit by the fact that something quite discreditable to the character of the founderwas discovered; and it was thought that he

might be trying to use theorganization for personal reasons. "[now, the establishment version goes somethinglike this:] weishaupt, upon the suppression of the order, refused apension which he was offered after he had been dismissed from his professorial chair.he attributed his downfall to the machinations of the jesuits, whom be hatedand who had opposed him that as he was not of their number, whereas theyconsidered the university post which he held a long-standing prerogative of their own."[william cooper]: and nothing could be farther from the truth, for adam weishaupt was himselfa jesuit priest, holding a professorial chair at a jesuit university."[now,] he and zwack were both banished, and

little is heard of them thereafter, althoughthere are rumors that they carried on the society respectably in saxe-coburgand the netherlands." [william cooper]: another incident that youwill not hear in establishment accounts is the story of the messenger writingfrom one bavarian illuminati lodge to another, who was literally struck by lightning -- divineintervention, if you will. struck dead from his horse, in his pouch carryingthe papers of a secret plan to take over individual nations, and ultimately theworld, were put into the hands of the bavarian government and many of the portions of thesepapers are almost word for word what later became known as the protocolsof the wise men of zion.

[william cooper]: we've got to take a shortbreak, folks. don't go away. we'll be right back after this short pause.139(interlude music: unknown harpsichord music, then unknown pipe organ music)125"illuminism had spread to france, however, some years before its suppression in germany.influential personages were members, many drawn from the ranks of theimportant masons of paris. as in the case of the german branch, it was soonalleged that they pursued terrible aims and practiced frightful orgies. an extract froma french book (almost certainly grossly exaggerated) of the seventeen-nineties -- lasecte des illuminã©s-- will give a fair idea of this:"'the huge chã¢teau of ermenonville near paris

was one of the chief lodges of the belonged to the marquis of gerardin, who protected rousseau and latergave him a tomb on his estate. st. germain, the notable impostor, presidedover it. he claims to be a thousand years old, and to be able to make gold. he was saidto be immortal, but [(laughs) strangely] died in 1784."[william cooper]: and even today, some looney tunes wackos claim that they converse withst. germaine, who still alive walking around in a modern-day suitand tie. "[well,] on the day of his initiation [atthe chã¢teau of ermenonville], the candidate was conducted through a long, darkpassage into an immense hall draped with black.

[there were]...faint...lamps [sat around theroom]...[there were men dressed as] corpses in...shrouds. [there was an] altar...ofhuman skeletons, [which] stood in the center [of the large hall. and, in theflickering, low lamplight, the priest conducting the initiation resembled] ghostly forms [moving]through the hall[. and everywhere there was the stench of some terrible]odor. [two men], dressed as specters, [always] appeared and tied a pinkband or ribbon [which was] smeared with blood around [the] forehead [of the candidate].upon this was an image of the lady of loretto. [william cooper: does this soundfamiliar, ladies and gentlemen?] a crucifix was placed in his hand, and anamulet hung around his neck."

[william cooper]: he was asked to remove hisclothes; and if he showed any hesitancy, his clothes were removed for him."...and laid upon a funeral pyre[. crosses of blood] were smeared [upon his body andhis genitalia] were tied in [a ribbon] or [with] string."[then,]...frightening figures, [covered with blood] and mumbling [strange incantations],approached and threw themselves down in prayer. after [a long periodof time,]...weeping[, crying, wailing broke out as if a herd, a plethora ofmourners were bereaved upon the death of their closest and deepest love]...the funeral pyre[burned brighter and brighter. all the] clothes [of the initiate] were consumed.[and] from[, behind or near this] fire, [one

of the priests emerged almost as if hehad taken form from the smoke of the pyre itself. and] the five...figures went into...convulsions[and loud wailing and screaming took place. and then] came the voiceof [someone concealed behind a curtain]...these oaths, which the candidatehad to repeat: "'in the name of the crucified one, i swearto sever all bonds which unite me with mother, brothers, sisters, wife, relatives,friends, mistress, kings, superiors, benefactors or any other man to whom i have promised faith,service, or obedience; "'i name the place in which i was born. henceforthi live in another dimension, which i will not reach until i haverenounced the evil globe which has been cursed

by heaven;"'from now onwards i shall reveal to my new chief all that i have heard or found out;and i shall also seek out and observe things which might otherwise have escapedme; "'i honor the aqua toffana; it is a quickand essential medium of removing from the earth, through death or robbing themof their wits, of those who oppose truth, and those who try to take it from our hands;"'i shall avoid spain, naples, and all other accursed lands, and i shall avoid the temptationto betray what i have now heard;"'lightning will not strike as rapidly as the dagger, which will reach me, whereveri may be, should i betray my initiation."

"[then, a seven-branched ]candelabrum, bearingseven black candles, [was] placed before the candidate, and [a large]bowl containing human blood. [the candidate washed] himself in the blood, and [drank]a quantity of it. the string around his [genitalia was] removed, [and then hewas carried to] a bath to undergo complete ablution. after this, he [was given] ameal composed of root vegetables.' "[now, folks, (laughs)] while it is possiblethat such ceremonies as this have actually taken place..."[william cooper]: and we know that they have, because it is exact...the exact ceremony thatgeorge bush underwent in the crypt, or what is known as the tomb, orthe skull and bones at yale university...

"...[that] it will be recalled that such itemsas 'human blood' are generally not of the genuine variety in any society otherthan those reputed to be dedicated to criminal or perverted ends."[william cooper]: well, i have this to say: no one knows but those who actually take partin the ceremony, whether it's chicken blood or human blood or pig bloodor cow's blood. "[and, as it is] with the initiations of othersocieties, there is no doubt that the candidate may have been made to believethat he was actually going through an initiation which involved horrible things of this nature[such as human blood]. initiation into the ancient mysteries wasoften accompanied by the exposure of the candidate

to fear [another] emotions, inorder to make [him] receptive to the oath or message which was to be made manifest."it has been said[, folks] that the european version of the order of the illuminati contributedin no small measure to the development of revolutionary doctrines whicheventually culminated in the russian and other communist machines."[william cooper]: and in fact, those of serious study, who have perused the depths of theavailable material as i and others have, have no doubt, have no doubtwhatsoever that communism --international socialism --is the direct product ofthe mystery schools of the illuminati, as was the formation of this nation which wasguaranteed to lead us in to what is

known as the new world order -- novus ordoseclorum: the formation of a one world totalitarian state ruled by benevolent"despotism," is the way that they put it. "[and] there is little doubt that the orderwas dedicated to the overcoming of princely power as it was then known, andto the diffusion of anti-religious ideas. [and] this can best be seen by examining thedevelopment of the teaching of the member, as he progressed from one degree ofinitiation into the next. "[now, folks,] many young enthusiasts witha taste for mystery and a desire to fight oppression in any form were drawn,through a deliberate plan, from the ranks of [all of the colleges and universities andfrom all of the other supposedly

benevolent fraternital organizations]. afteran oath of obedience and silence [had] been extracted from the candidate, he wasthen handed over to a director [or teacher, or, if you will, hierophant], to be taughtthat the order was one of the discipline and effort, and that the final objectiveswere to do good through leaving aside all preconceived notions and upon the basis offree thought to lead mankind to salvation." [william cooper]: but salvation granted bywho, and salvation from what?that is the question that intelligent menshould be asking. however, it's been my experience that most men and most women don't ask anyquestions whatsoever -- or very few, anyway.141"those who managed to show that they were

likely to accept the next stage in teaching,were advanced to the rank in which he was made to swear that he would workunder the orders of his masters without doubt or question. he would not usehis critical faculties in any way in any matter connected with such instructions."[now,] in the lower ranks --[or] (laughs) the 'nursery'..."[william cooper]: for all of you blue lodge master masons out there who think you knowso much, that are nothing more than the greatest group of followersthat ever conceived and let loose upon humanity. "[yes, in the 'nursery'] --the member wasvery much in the dark as to the way in which the order was run, and how itshould accomplish its design of freeing the

world. as he progressed, however, he foundthat part of his service to the society was to gain financial and social power, andto place them at the disposal of the group. [indeed,] he was expected to be adiligent mason, and to try to gain control over [freemason] funds. it was not until thetenth rite of promotion had been completed that the member [was] given -- withthe grade of priest -- certain definite knowledge." [william cooper]: and now, today, in the orderknown as the scottish rite, this information is not given until thecandidate actually reaches the 30th degree, according to the actual writings of the manwho was the grand commander of all of freemasonry ofthe world and of the scottishrite of freemasonry in the united states,

mr. pike. general pike."[well, this knowledge] included the fact that the illuminati were proposing to destroyprinces and prelates throughout the world, and were to remove forever thefeeling of local nationality from the minds of men. [william cooper: another goalwas to destroy all existing religions.] the ways in which this was to be done involvedinfiltrating high positions in education, administration[, of government, the militaryand, of course,] the press. "the very highest degrees showed that therationalism and materialism of the thinkers who developed it were determinedto stamp out all belief in religion. god and any faith in a deity, the initiate was told,were human inventions, and [they] had no

real meaning [whatsoever]. [now,] this wasdeveloped further, and the member who arrived at the highest position [in theorder, or (that [designated as] rex [or] king) learned that he was now the same as any king,[on the same level, with the same rights and the same divine right of rule,]and that all men were capable of equal advancement [but all men were not equal]:hence the need for kings over [man] was an illusion [perpetrated by those in power, andthis perpetration was to be broken at all costs].[no longer reading] and the highest, for the men who sat at thehead of the council, the council of hidden supervisors made up of ninemembers was designated as rex mundi, or literally

translated, "kings of the world."in theirmachinations to overthrow, topple the kings and queens of all the countriesof the world from their thrones, they established the united states ofamerica and the english colonies in the new world. and its ultimate goal --its secretdestiny -- was to be the catalyst to bring into the world what they called thegreat society or the new world order. and it certainly worked, dear listeners. asyou can look back through history, the granting of the common man of liberty, fraternity,equality, freedom that he had never tasted or known before in history, lit thespark that then ignited the french revolution -- of course, with the leadership andthe manipulation of the people of the illuminati,

the lodges of freemasonry, the ancient orderof the rose and cross and others --the highest level were all the samewith the same goals. and this spark of revolution spread throughout the world.and, until we all grow up and learn how to stop this, it will the secret societies propel us, manipulate us, deceive us, lie, operating in secret,infiltrating everything decent and good that man has ever built, destroying itfrom within, bringing closer and closer their goal of what they believe will be autopia on earth: a one-world, totalitarian, socialist order. they hope to create the worldwhere they will rule as being the ones who possess the only truly mature minds;they will establish a council of advisors

to a world, charismatic, political andreligious leader who will be the outward rule, but he will really take his orders from this"benevolent despotism," this council of learned elders; and everyone on the faceof this earth will be in total control for every 24-hour period of their lives. there142 will be one-world religion catering to theneeds of man -- not men obeying the laws of any god. the general rule will be, ashas been touted many, many times by these people: "do as thou wilt shall be the wholeof the law." and even murder will be considered to be a learning experience providedthat the perpetrator actually learns something. people who exhibit violenttendencies as a matter of normal behavior

on their part will simply be eliminated.ladies and gentlemen, i hope this is beginning to come together and make sense to you, ifit doesn't as yet. we have a long, long, way to go as you have probablyalready begun to understand. [william cooper asks for air-time donations]good night, and god bless each and every one of you.(closing music: i still haven't found what i'm looking for)126 126 u2, i still haven't found what i'm lookingfor, , performed live

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